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How to decorate the school yard. Decoration of the country yard - ideas

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D for owners country houses spring period- this is a favorite time when you can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn adjoining territory in a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers are the most important element in creating landscape design, therefore, before planting trees and a variety of vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free form flower garden

Front gardens and a variety of flower beds bring revitalization of the territory. Do not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

First time can choose suitable option and do everything step by step. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, as well as in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in a variety of forms:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They are composed beautiful compositions, starting from the contour of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden of a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to perform beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or a star look spectacular.

  • Decoration of landscape design can be structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into uncomfortable areas.

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Varieties of flower beds

You can consider and pick up flower beds in the courtyard of a private house from the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. Basically, they differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:

  • The front garden is a space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to fans of non-standard solutions. In this case, low-growing crops are used, which are planted in the form geometric shapes. In addition, stones are used lawn grass and fine gravel.

  • The rock garden is a hill of stones, on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

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Alpine slide with your own hands. Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent planning of your own unique composition at their summer cottage. Recommendations of designers and some tricks in a special material.

  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common feature.

Stylish solution - tapeworm

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Overview of conifers and deciduous plants for self-creation beautiful hedge, examples beautiful solutions and care tips in a special publication.
  • Rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by a strict sequence. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and pick up and plant flowers.

Choosing the right place

Before proceeding with the implementation of flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is chosen so that the plants receive at least five hours of light per day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Expert point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various crops with an evergreen cover.

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be broken into areas with any type of soil. If the soil is clay, then you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It improves soil fertility and improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. Under any soil, you can choose suitable plants.

Soil preparation methods

Before proceeding with the arrangement of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, the photos of which are given in the article, it is required to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up with a garden fork or a shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • Marking is applied using pegs and a cord.
  • Sod is being removed.
  • Drainage is made of pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer falls asleep.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleaned of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked with a tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time for all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, photos suggest the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good adaptability after transplantation.

Some simple plants look great in the form of a border strip or in small groups. This is begonia, sea alissum or ageratum. To design a flower garden, cultures of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used. These are coleus, geyhera, silver cineraria and irezine.

by the most the best option for flower designs are long-flowering and low plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvia and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is taken out of the pot along with the soil.
  • Roots with a clod of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and rammed.

Helpful advice! For flower arrangement plants that grow quickly are not suitable. They remain decorative for several weeks, and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentres. They can be planted in groups, and not in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

In order for the design to retain its decorative effect for a long time, it must be constantly looked after. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. For mulching bark or sawdust is used.
  2. The flower garden should be regularly weeded from weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden must be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed gives unlimited scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The design of slate in several layers looks stylish.

Related article:

Step-by-step instruction on manufacturing, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication of our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. With the help of an electric saw, a niche is cut out, where drainage is laid and the earth is filled up. The surface of the log can be varnished.

Thanks to a creative teacher of labor from Senno (Vitebsk region), kindergartens and courtyards were decorated with original and cute handicrafts from plastic bottles and tires.

It took quite a bit to decorate - old tires, plastic bottles, planks and metal wire, paint. And the children, students in the neighboring building, were taught not only to respect this beauty, but also to create - they arrange flower beds, water the trees and dig in these flower crafts themselves from plastic bottles.

Wicker flowerbed-basket decorated with flowers from bottles

traditional stork

And fly agaric mushrooms from painted bowls with a pretty frilled skirt

Tire swan in the "lake". reeds grow nearby and a water lily "floats"

Near the "lake" and the black swan from the tire "reed" grows

Daisies from plastic bottles - petals are cut out of plastic bottles, on top - a cap

Bindweed bell and lilies of the valley from plastic bottles

Hyacinths from plastic bottles

Wonderful, simply honey composition "Sunflowers, bees, honeycombs and barrels"

Decorates and funny scarecrow-girl from a bag and ponytails-hairs from the top of plastic bottles

And a wonderful "engine from Romashkovo" made of logs

One can only be glad for the children who are surrounded by such creative teachers and slowly learn from them

Photos: Tatka

House and plastic flower beds

At this wonderful house, flowers "grow" not only in summer, but also in winter. The owners decorated the territory of the house with flower beds made from plastic bottles, and now different corners of the site are decorated with a funny little man, a Christmas tree made from plastic bottles, tulips from plastic bottles and other flowers.

Fairy tale characters for garden decoration

To make your site beautiful and original, you need to invest in it not only a lot of effort, but also have a rich imagination. After all, the place needs to be filled with unusual details and fairy-tale characters. Tatyana Dronova also knows about this, in her garden there is a "merry company" - Lucy with Alexander Sergeevich - two funny scarecrows.

Lucy appeared at Tatyana's after her neighbor dressed up a garden scarecrow in a soldier's uniform. She was so interested in this idea that Tatyana sewed an outfit for her, made her hands out of wire and put it on the "lady"

Ideas to do something inside or outside the house with my own hands V Lately changed drastically. Creativity and online video tutorials give homeowners the opportunity to renovate or transform their modest interiors into luxurious ones, even on a tight budget. We offer you some examples of affordable and low-budget backyard design options that all the neighbors will envy.

Even if someone is not familiar with the principles of using solar energy, this technology makes it possible to organize ecological lighting in the exterior of your home. First you need to change all the light bulbs to those that accumulate solar energy. To protect from moisture, you need to place them in shades or in a special case if you want to hang them on a tree or on the wall of the house. In case of use wooden frames, you need to make sure that they are safe to use.

Mirrors can visually enlarge the space. You can use the mirrors themselves or products with reflective elements. You can, for example, install old frames with inserted mirrors instead of glass on the wall of the house, all this can create the illusion of expanded space.

All with the same goal of expanding the space, you can place a number of objects with a mirror surface of different sizes or shapes on the lawn near the house.

Another one simple idea. Take some ropes, knock down the base of the boards and create a functional swing. The base can be made from old doors. It must be remembered that the swing must be strong and safe.

Even if you are not an avid gardener, you can install several flowerpots in the yard different sizes. In order for them to acquire the ability to glow in the dark, you need to paint them with a special paint.

A hammock is a good idea for decorating a recreation area in the summer. It can be easily made with your own hands using wooden pegs and base material. 4 pegs are driven into the ground. For the base of the hammock, an old bedspread (or other strong material), which is attached to the pegs.

If the garden has a children's slide, then you need to ensure the safety of landing during the descent. To do this, you can simply organize a water path to slide from a tarp and a water sprinkler. If there is no sprinkler, the same effect can be obtained by using running water and hose.

Long summer evenings can be entertained by playing funny, interactive and creative games in the courtyard. To do this, a high wooden or metal pole is installed in the yard, on which fluorescent rings must be thrown.

It's nice to walk barefoot around the yard, but it's not worth going into the house with dirty feet. After playing or gardening, they can not be washed right in the yard. goes astray wooden frame, covered with a moisture-resistant sealant, filled with smooth stones and installed next to the front door. Now you can wash your feet and hands and at the same time have a relaxing massage.

Today, landscape design is not complete without massive stones of different sizes, but they smooth surface perfect for painting it. This will make it possible to decorate the garden with interesting and unusual items, colors and shades. You can use one color or a combination of them and cute ornaments.

Many people in the yard have one or more garden chairs that suffer from natural phenomena or just from time to time. They can be brought back to life, painted.

Growing colorful plants and flowers remains the most successful way to decorate your yard and garden, but it can be labor intensive. For planting small seeds, it is worth using toilet paper.

If you had to cut down a tree, then from the trunk you can make original decoration for the yard. For example, you can make a table or flowerpot for summer flowers by decorating it with moss.

Cement patio tiles often look dull and ugly. This can be fixed using latex paint for floors. This way you can add bright colors and protect the surface of the tiles. It is better to take matte paint.

15. Light border of the yard

To light define the boundaries of the garden, you can use LED garland, it is better to install automatic timer turn on this backlight. In the same way, you can highlight the border of the reservoir in the yard.

If you are interested in functional solutions, then it is worth considering the idea of ​​organizing a place for cooling beer right in the middle of the garden table. This is easy to do if it is made of such a massive material as oak. You can simply use tools to cut rectangular sections into the table surface and place the cooler there. Then add ice and store the beer here for the duration of the picnic.

If you want to equip an active play area in your yard, then you need to start by installing a shower, using a hose attached to a tree and a ladder as a hanger for things.

No need to buy expensive quality material to build a tent in the yard in summer. Its function is to protect from wind and rain, but these are completely useless functions for a tent in the yard next to the house. Therefore, you can limit yourself to colored plain fabrics, such as sheets.

Using the former locker, you can build a mini bar with drinks and a set of glasses. It is better to install a lowering door, which is fixed with two ropes. So you can get an impromptu table.

20. Board for drawing with crayons in the yard

Birdhouses will look pretty in the garden, especially if they are built using different materials and colors.

You need to take a clean empty bottle of wine, insert the wick, as in kerosene lamp, add kerosene and using special attachment install on the fence throughout the garden. You can mask the mounts with flowers or moss.

Everyone has moved or changed locks at some time, so there are definitely a few keys in the house that you don't need. They can be used to create garden bells. All keys are painted in the desired colors, hung on ropes nearby on a tree branch and bells are obtained.

Everyone knows that the sound of running and murmuring water has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Such a stream can be organized in the yard using ingenuity and imagination.
And what kind of garden can be without a seating area with soft sofas, armchairs and even a fireplace? It is very simple to equip it, you just need to follow and then an amazing corner will appear in the yard, from where you will not want to leave until the winter.

A beautiful, well-groomed area near the house catches the eye at any time of the year, delivering special pleasure in the summer, when everything is blooming and fragrant. Let's figure it out: how to decorate the yard so that the neighbors will envy, and you will admire.

First, decide what the concept means to you beautiful courtyard"? A set of decorations for a private area largely depends on your lifestyle and habits.

First, prepare a schematic plan of your territory with dimensions. This will help to accurately plan the location of flower beds, ornamental ponds, lawn and other decorations, all the more there is an opportunity to experiment with different variations.

Site improvement project

Landscape design of the yard should please you and your guests

Define your preferences: you want a minimalistic design with a neat lawn, or an abundance of flower beds, arches, bushes that bloom throughout the warm season. Flowers require special attention, caring for them always requires certain labor costs. Before planting flowers, it is necessary to dig allotted areas and remove weeds. If possible, the bed of the flower bed is covered with a drainage layer of sand 10-15 centimeters high, soil with fertilizer is laid on top. Next, we moisten well so that the earth settles. The soil for planting is ready.

Flowerbeds and flower beds

IN landscape design free flower beds represent the mass planting of a variety of plants to your taste, without any boards. However, they are necessary for accuracy. appearance. Fence with sides made of plastic, wood, stones, or pour fine gravel along the edge.

It is important to properly organize the placement of flower beds and planting perennials.

You can decorate the yard with your own hands using the following types of flower beds.

  • The flower garden-border is placed along the paths, walls, fence. Usually, undersized flowers are used, one or two species that do not stand out very much (lavender, violets, navel, lupine).
  • Mixed border (mixborder) - differs from the border in the landing pattern. Flowers are planted singly, in groups of different heights, colored spots. Moreover, plants are chosen with different periods of flowering, providing variety from spring to autumn.
  • Rabatka - a rectangular ridge along paths, arbors, fences. The planting is lined up with flowers of different heights: the near part is made of low plants, and the far ones are higher and higher. In a symmetrical version, tall plants in the middle, low along the edge.
  • Front garden - a strip of land separating the house from the road. Choose bushes and perennials for this place, the main thing is that it looks equally good, both from the road and from the window. Fragrant lilac, jasmine, tea rose will fill the house with aromas, protecting from dust or heat.

The design of the equipped territory should be in harmony with the house itself.

Also, flower beds can be made in the form of various geometric shapes. Create waves of multi-colored tulips in the spring in the courtyard of a private house, or a fluttering colorful butterfly made of marigolds, nasturtiums, asters.

The flower beds are shaped and framed. Their appearance is limited only by your imagination. For a flower bed that will decorate the yard, any container is suitable. It remains only to paint and fill with earth. Old tires painted in different colors, a leaky watering can lying around for many years, baskets, furniture, plastic products, even dishes are used.

Plan the planting of flowers so that the flowering of some is replaced by the flowering of other varieties

In the depths of the courtyard of a private house, you can set up a small rock garden. This trend came to us from Japan. Choose stones in shape and color that are most in harmony with the overall composition. They create a durable environment for your plants. Arrange them on the site as they would look in nature, or lay them out according to the selected pattern-drawing.

If the size of the plot allows, a small oriental-style rock garden can be placed in a secluded corner.

Shrub trimming

Another decoration of the yard is curly trimmed bushes. You will have to give shape with the help of garden shears, secateurs or loppers. Most simple shapes(ball, rectangle) can be done by everyone. It is worth remembering that processing will have to be done constantly. A missed cutting season will take 2-3 years to restore the result, and coniferous shrubs, pleasing all year round, are non-refundable.

The results of cutting shrubs can be a variety of shapes - abstract, geometric or depicting animals and people.

Shearing shrubs are great for creating a "living" fence suburban area

If you have the haircut skill, you will get neat bushes in the shape of some animal or, for example, a heart.

Reservoirs on the site

A swimming pool, fountain or waterfall creates the desired freshness and coolness in the courtyard of a private house on hot summer days. The sound of falling water, the shadow of the garden, have a relaxing effect.

Even a small pond or fountain will add an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility to the courtyard design.

A wonderful decoration of the courtyard will be a Chinese-style pond with concrete tiles in the form of islets

Creating a reservoir is not difficult. You can buy ready-made pallets, pumps and systems. For decoration, use river stones, broken tiles, tiles. Place a bench or deck chair nearby, you will get your own park on the site. A small waterfall will organically complement the rock garden.


The main place where the family gathers for cozy evening gatherings is the gazebo. They are of the following types.

  • Open. This is a system of pillars along the perimeter, holding a light roof. Most often, the frame is made up of metal rods or wooden poles.
  • Closed. small houses with windows and doors, which allows them to be used all year round in any weather.

modern gazebo open type in the courtyard of a private house

IN closed gazebo you can organize a full-fledged summer kitchen

Choose a gazebo depending on the size of your site. The closed design is more suitable for large areas, as it looks quite massive. Open - fine decoration of the yard of any sizes. Due to its lightness and airiness, it does not clutter up the space.

Semi-open gazebos with several walls and a roof are popular.

frame, decorated climbing plants, will create shade and coolness inside. Picking up a variety climbing roses, You'll get lush bloom throughout the summer.

Light metal gazebo with climbing plants

The title of the most romantic pavilions rightfully belongs to the tents. Fabric flowing in the wind wicker furniture will give a unique image to your site.

Walkways and steps

For ease of movement, strong tracks are needed. You can make them from many materials (tiles, stones, rubber), or make them yourself using bulk forms of various patterns.

For tracks you can use natural stone or fine gravel

Playground from concrete slabs in front of the front entrance

Rest area with gravel backfill

If your site is located on a slope or in decorative purposes, the path is combined with steps, decorated with flowerpots with flowers, figured shrubs.


At night, proper lighting is required, which, in addition to a practical purpose, will perform a decorative function. Multi-colored illumination of reservoirs at night looks very impressive. Hanging old glass bottles can be used to illuminate the gazebo, decorate the flower beds with decorative lanterns. Soft light guides you safely through the area, creating a magical atmosphere.

Beautiful lighting can transform a site beyond recognition.

Illumination of the yard area has two functions - decorative and lighting.

winter decorations

And how to decorate the yard with your own hands in the winter? Very simple. There are several ways to create a festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve.

Gift boxes with bows

Flower box decoration under the window spruce branches and bright berries

  • Festive illumination. It will take a lot of street garlands, we wrap them around the branches of trees, shrubs, the facade of the house. You can also purchase ready-made luminous designs of deer, a snowman or Santa Claus' New Year's sleigh.
  • Wreaths and garlands. From coniferous branches, cones, rowan berries, white paint, you can independently make a Christmas wreath on the front door. Spruce branches tied with red bows and Christmas balls, you can decorate the railing of the stairs.
  • Gift boxes. You will need old boxes from household appliances, beautiful wrapping paper, large bows.
  • Lollipops. Using pruning water pipe, red and white duct tape, create giant lollipops in the area. Freeze water (with berries, cones, or just colorful dye) various forms, you get beautiful "sweets" to decorate the tracks.
  • Foam figures. Make a snowman, reindeer or a bucket of snowballs.
  • Snow fort and snowman. Build a snow fortress with your children, make colored ice glasses, put some lanterns, tie a scarf to the snowman - Christmas story ready.

You can take old flowerpots and decorate them with twigs, cones, ribbons and balls.

A simple and effective option for decorating a holiday - hanging planters with fir branches and Christmas toys

A real winter fairy tale

Video: use old things for decoration

Hello dear readers! Traditionally, about a week before the New Year, people begin to decorate the interior of the house, while completely forgetting about the decor of the yard. In fact, in Russia, decorating a site for a celebration is not yet a very common phenomenon, so why not each of us become trendsetters in the New Year's "yard" fashion. Just imagine, returning home, and a festive mood meets you in the courtyard of your own site. In this connection, the topic of today's review is "How to decorate the yard for the New Year."

Snowmen from tree cuts - simple and beautiful!

1. Decoration of the site with bows.

If you want to give the site a really festive and presentable look, decorate it with bows. Bows can be made by yourself from packing tapes or purchased ready-made in gift wrapping departments. Bows can be fixed on the fence, stair railing, outdoor wall lamps, front door, lampposts or stands for flower pots.

2. Decor of street flowerpots.

Flowerpots can be decorated with spruce branches, cones, walnuts, acorns or chestnuts, Christmas balls, bows or garlands. In addition, the flowerpot can be made independently in the style of "Santa Claus", for this you need to take a large tin can, paint it red, and "tighten" the black belt with a large plaque, you can put pine branches with rowan branches in the flowerpot.

3. Illumination of trees.

Garlands will help create a magical world on the site, but simple garlands will not work, you need to purchase special street garlands. Got it? Okay, take the garlands and wrap them around the trunks garden trees, we also distribute the "lights" symmetrically along the crown of winter beauties. In addition, you can purchase luminous icicles, which should be symmetrically distributed over the branches of trees.

4. Children's sleigh.

Old sleds can become a spectacular decoration of the site, you just need to correctly “submit” the idea. In fact, it’s not at all difficult to compose a composition, for example, we install a sled near the thresholds leading to the house, put a portable lantern on the sled, with a lit street candle, and here we lay a bunch of spruce twigs. Other examples can be seen in the photo below.

5. Spruce branches.

The symbol of the New Year holiday is a beautiful Christmas tree, so the whole yard can be decorated with spruce branches. It is better to buy artificial branches, firstly, save nature, secondly, they are more flexible, thirdly, they retain their original appearance (do not fade). You can weave whole garlands from the branches, tightly tightening the branches with ordinary sewing threads, you can make a festive wreath or decorate flowerpots, windows, doors, lampposts with them.

6. Snow castles, fortresses, igloos.

If time allows, the whole family can go outside and make whole snow castles, build fortresses or igloos. Such snow castles will become a real decoration of their summer cottage.

7. Huge Christmas decorations.

I didn’t see such toys on sale, but such balls can be made independently from dense balls-balls (sold in stationery stores), pour small pebbles into the ball for weighting, inflate it, cut out snowflakes from napkins and stick them with PVA glue on the sides of the ball, then the product can be varnished. The top can be cut out of thick cardboard, cut out a wide strip, glue it into a ring, glue a lid (also cut out of cardboard) on top of this ring, make punctures in the lid, thread a suspension wire, and glue the finished top to the ball. In addition, the ball can be decorated with rain, tinsel or a lush bow.

8. Street decorations made of ice.

A great solution for the decor of the site. How to make colored ice balls? We take balloon, pour food coloring, pour water, tie a ball, put in freezer if the volume of the refrigerator allows, if not, we take it out into the frosty street. After the water in the ball hardens, we cut the shell of the ball, take out our ice products and set off to decorate the backyard. In the case of ice cups, we perform the entire operation described above, plus add various elements to the glass - viburnum berries, mountain ash, bright leaves, etc., leave it in the cold until it freezes completely, bring it into the house, pour boiling water into a deep basin, dip the frozen glass, the ice will melt instantly and the ice glass will easily “come out” of the real glass. We decorate the yard for the new year with ready-made ice elements, they can be dispersed everywhere, even hung on trees.

9. Illumination of the house.

The house, illuminated by the dancing lights of street garlands, looks very impressive. Garlands can be dispersed along the edge of the roof, decorate windows, doors, stair railings. Now on sale you can find ready-made luminous wire structures, these can be fairy-tale figures, Santa Claus's sleigh, reindeer in harness, etc. Such figures can be fixed on the roof of the house or near the windows.

10. Decoration of the front door to the house.

The holiday must be met fully armed, so take Special attention the front entrance of the house, it can be decorated with festive wreaths, compositions of spruce branches, inflatable figures of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, portable lanterns, bows or artificial flowers of Poinsettia. Here you can give free rein to creativity, install identical, beautifully decorated flowerpots or a miniature Christmas tree on the sides of the door, which will greet invited guests. Craftsmen can carve and paint soldiers from plywood, faithfully guarding the path leading to the house, and don't forget about the garlands, here they will look the best!

11. Gift boxes.

In the yard you can arrange large carton boxes in beautiful packaging and spectacular bows. You can see sample songs below.

12. Hanging planters.

A very effective type of decor for the site is hanging planters. These pots are sold in the garden departments, but they can be made by yourself, in the presence of elastic willow vines, or thick wire in a sheath. You can decorate flower pots with paper stars (how to make such stars and not only, we considered in the article), large beads, artificial snowflakes, fir branches or wicker balls.

13. Festive wreaths.

We have a similar decoration is not yet in demand, but still slowly gaining momentum in popularity. Festive wreaths can be hung on the front door, railing or fence. How and from what to make a wreath yourself, you can find out in the article.

14. Garden cars.

A magnificent composition can be created with the participation of a garden wheelbarrow, which should be decorated with spruce branches, Christmas balls, rowan branches, and colored cones. You can install such a wheelbarrow right next to the thresholds, you definitely cannot hide such beauty!

15. Sleigh of Santa Claus.

A real thematic decoration, such a sleigh can be ordered from carpenters or, with the ability and desire, you can create it yourself. In such a sleigh, the figure of Santa Claus or a “bag of gifts” would be appropriate. In principle, if the sleigh will stand under the roof, on the veranda, they can be cut out of thick cardboard, which is then spray-painted and decorated with rhinestones (by analogy with paper sleighs for Christmas trees, read the article).

16. Snowmen.

The snowman is a classic of backyard decor, without it the image will seem incomplete, so we gather the whole family and set off to sculpt a snowman. In Russia, it is customary to decorate the head of this character with a bucket, try replacing the bucket with a knitted hat with the same scarf or pick up a top hat with a bow tie, any innovations are welcome!

17. Snowflakes.

Artificial snowflakes are sold everywhere, buy an unlimited number of plastic snowflakes, tie a line or thread to them, and hang them on trees, windows, fences, bushes, front doors, etc.

18. Snowballs in a bucket.

We take a foam ball (everything for creativity is sold in the departments), pierce it with a toothpick (we will hold the ball for it), cover it with a uniform layer of glue, and sprinkle liberally artificial snow. We make the required number of snowballs, and put them in a galvanized bucket.

19. Textile decorations.

Everything is simple here, we find old unnecessary things - mittens, knitted hats, scarves, socks, Santa Claus hats, and hang them around the site.

20. Luminous figures.

An excellent solution for decorating the site is luminous figures, such figures can be purchased or created independently, for this you need to prepare a wire frame for the figure, which at the end is wrapped with a street garland.

More decor ideas.

To enlarge the pictures, click on them.

Tree on a pallet.

Composition of Christmas balls and street lamps.

Christmas trees from boards.

Gate decor.

Decorative nest.

Ice candlesticks.

Funny woodsmen.

Triple wreath on the door.

Beautiful Christmas composition.

Imitation of the presence of Santa Claus.

A lot of examples of ice decorations for the yard:

Ideas for street Christmas decor:

Dear readers, now you know how to decorate the yard for the New Year, I hope you enjoyed today's review! In the article "" you can find a few more interesting ideas. Friends, do not forget to subscribe to receive news from the "Comfort in the House" website, only the most interesting awaits you ahead! See you soon!