Water pipes      04/12/2019

Arched roof. How to make a round roof - dome and conical roof options

The design and advantages of arched roofs
Types of support frames
Roof coverings for arched roofs
How to install an arched polycarbonate roof

In private housing construction today, a variety of technical solutions are used, from traditional to very non-standard. The ability to create almost any design and use the entire range of modern building materials on the market has led to the spread of atypical and bold solutions.

All of the above fully applies to arched roofs - rather unusual and original designs, which, for all the seeming complexity, are equipped without any problems. How to make an arched roof will be discussed in this article.

The arched roof is bent structure having the shape of an arc. These roofs are used in residential buildings, at industrial facilities and administrative buildings to protect against external factors. Until recently, the use of arched roofs was limited to specialized buildings - swimming pools, greenhouses, etc.

Now, arched structures are successfully used in a variety of situations, which is largely due to a number of their inherent advantages, including:

  1. Original visual characteristics.

    Arched roof - design features and installation technology

    Arched roofs are rare, so a residential building with such a design automatically becomes original and stands out from more traditional ones. pitched roofs.

  2. Good wind resistance. The curved shape provides arched roofs with good aerodynamics, thanks to which the structure is ultimately protected from roof failures.
  3. Small snow load. Snow simply does not linger on a curved arched roof, so all supporting elements experience significantly less load than in other types of structures.
  4. Expansion of free space under the roof. The arched design of the roof makes the interior volume of the premises more spacious from a visual point of view.

In addition, it is worth noting the versatility of arched structures - if necessary, they can be used in any architectural styles ranging from fairly archaic to quite modern.

Types of support frames

The most important element of any roof structure is its frame. Arched roofs are no exception - properly assembled support system holds on itself all other elements of a design and provides its reliability.

There are the following types of support frames used for arranging arched roofs:

  1. Wooden.

    An arched wooden roof is one of the cheapest and simplest structures. The only disadvantage of wooden supporting frames is the weak bearing capacity, so they are not suitable for roofs with a large area.

  2. Steel. From square steel pipes you can make a very strong and reliable frame for an arched roof. Unlike the previous version, the metal support has a high mechanical strength, but at the same time it has a large dead weight, so a powerful foundation and walls are required.
  3. Aluminum. The aluminum frame combines all the advantages of wood and steel structures It is strong, lightweight, easy to install and has excellent corrosion resistance. The disadvantage in this case is the very high cost.
  4. Reinforced concrete. The supporting reinforced concrete frame is good in everything, but it is advisable to use it only when installing large industrial or commercial buildings.
  5. Frameless. The arched roof can be mounted on a special self-supporting frame that does not require additional supports.

In order for the arched roof to be reliable, you need to approach the choice of the frame and its arrangement with all responsibility. When designing a structure, it is imperative to calculate the power of the support system.

Roof coverings for arched roofs

There are several specific requirements for the materials used for roofing arched roofs - in particular, the material must bend well and retain the shape given to it.

Most often, arched structures are equipped using the following roofing:

  1. Sheet steel. In order to simply cover the arched roof, they are quite suitable metal sheets- it is inexpensive and mounted without any difficulty.
  2. Decking. Unlike steel sheets, corrugated board, with its low weight, has a good bearing capacity. To equip an arched roof, a special corrugated board is required, which has a fixed bending radius - that is, it will not work to make a roof with an arbitrary bending value.
  3. Cellular polycarbonate. Quite suitable material for the arched roof is cellular polycarbonate - it is strong enough and has a minimum weight. An important advantage polycarbonate in comparison with analogues is the ability to transmit light, which allows the use of natural light in the building.

The possibility of arranging and parameters of the arched roof is closely related to roofing. Polycarbonate is best for creating a structure with a large bend - it has the best flexibility and is easy to mount.

How to install an arched polycarbonate roof

Considering that cellular polycarbonate is the most popular and most suitable material for an arched roof, it is on its example that its installation should be considered.

The algorithm for assembling an arched roof is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the frame and the installation step of the structural elements;
  • In accordance with the calculations and drawings, a frame is mounted, during the assembly of which it is necessary to pay Special attention the same degree of bending of each arc;
  • Frame elements are fixed on the upper trim of the building every meter and a half;
  • You need to start installation from the first and last arc, so that you can align the remaining elements with respect to those already installed;
  • Further, polycarbonate is attached to the arcs with the help of special strips;
  • To protect cellular polycarbonate from moisture and dirt, it is imperative to install an end profile.

It is necessary to mount polycarbonate sheets in such a way that their profile is parallel to the bends of the frame - this is necessary to protect the material from moisture accumulation.


An arched roof is a rather original and interesting design that can be successfully used as a functional or decorative element of a building. If the work on the arrangement of the roof was carried out correctly, then the finished structure in terms of reliability will not be inferior to more traditional pitched counterparts.

Decking is an excellent building material for various purposes. Its use as various carriers, enclosing and decorative elements in many cases is the most rational in terms of operational and economic characteristics.

Durable, attractive appearance, durability, ease of installation and affordable price - each of the factors attracts. Difficulties arise only in those cases when the corrugated board needs to be fixed not on flat surface, but on the basis, which has an arched (arched) shape or pronounced reliefs (one or more corners). In this case, a logical question is asked: is it possible to bend corrugated board.

Features of corrugated board and types of bending

In order to understand whether the process of bending finished corrugated board is real and how best to choose the technology of this process, you need to understand what corrugated board is and how it is produced. The basis for the popular building material is thin sheet (supplied in rolls) steel - a fraction of a millimeter thick with a pre-applied continuous layer of polymer coating. When processing on special equipment, the workpiece is given a certain surface shape (wave).

The resulting profile may differ both in configuration and in size (width and height). Its features (in combination with the thickness of the sheet) divide all profiled sheets into three large groups: wall, universal and load-bearing. The main difference between the sheets is in the strength characteristics, which are the greater, the more solid the "relief" of the wave.

Depending on the goals, there are several types of corrugated board bending according to geometric orientation:

  • longitudinal - parallel to the direction of the main "lines" of the corrugated board;
  • transverse - parallel to the contour of the wave;
  • oblique - at a certain angle to the main zones (difficult to implement and in practice it is used extremely rarely and only in small areas).

Features of bending processes

Naturally, what thinner metal, the easier it is to bend it. Longitudinal bending is mainly carried out in those places where a "local" bend of a small part of the sheet is necessary - for example, when turning the fence 90 degrees or at a different angle. In such cases, it is recommended to choose a bend zone along the bottom of the wave (in the place of tight contact with the base).

Transverse bending is more difficult in that it will be necessary to deform (“break”) the strength “framework” of the wave during carrying out.

Building an arched roof with your own hands

In this case, the process of bending along metal layers is accompanied by expansion in one zone and narrowing in the opposite part. This inevitably leads to uneven deformations, collapse or other damage to the wave. In other words, when transverse bend corrugated board is often lost "marketable" appearance and the integrity of the protective coating is violated.

A variety of transverse bending can be called giving an "arched" shape. Due to lack sharp corners such an operation is less “traumatic” and, with the correct calculation of the bending radius, allows you to get a smooth and durable bent structure. However, experts advise abandoning home-made "arches" in favor of industrially manufactured "bent" profiled sheets.

Sheet bending tool

The simplest tool for bending a profiled sheet is an ordinary hammer. Having outlined the fold line, and having laid the “base” under it, with light (minimal traumatic) efforts - preferably through a wooden nozzle, the sheet is gradually bent to the desired angle. This procedure is quite simple for longitudinal bending and in most cases leads to marriage in the transverse view.

In the latter case, it is recommended to use special (home-made or factory) various types drive and action - from manual, with a simple mechanical principle to advanced hydraulic. Regardless of the design, the essence of the method is to fix one part with a gradual smooth bending of the other under right angle or with the desired radius.

How to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands

If your home needs a roof that has an attractive and sophisticated look at a relatively low cost, corrugated roofing - cold rolled galvanized steel sheet coated with colored polymer materials - is what you need.

Advantages of profiled steel sheet:

  • excellent operational qualities: resistance to atmospheric factors, solar radiation, mechanical strength, resistance to corrosion,
  • short specific gravity(from 5.5 to 9.5 kg / m 2), therefore, low load on the truss systems and the crate,
  • roofing material can be selected according to the texture and color for the design of the building,
  • relatively low price with high aesthetic qualities.

What kind of corrugated board is suitable for the roof

Any of the brands of corrugated board (universal, load-bearing or wall) is suitable for roofing, but laying thin wall material will require an almost continuous crate. For a regular crate with a step of 65–100 cm, it is preferable to use a more durable and rigid profiled sheet. The most commonly used material with such indicators:

  • brand H or HC (carrying and universal),
  • profiled sheet thickness from 0.5 to 0.7 mm (strong and light at the same time),
  • corrugation height 20–75 mm (provides the possibility of elastic deformation of the roof),
  • the presence of a capillary drainage groove,
  • coating color that matches the existing or planned exterior of the house.

The price of corrugated board depends on several indicators of the material.

What you need to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands

Single pitched or double pitched roof country house, summer kitchen or the garage itself will not be covered great work with one or two assistants and some skills in working with a screwdriver and a jigsaw.

A broken gable roof of a house with an attic will also be able to work independently. Will help with this.

If the roof frame is of a more complex configuration, experienced specialists should be invited to cover the roof with corrugated board. The price of work will depend on the complexity of the roof and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes.

How much material will be needed?

Calculate the amount of material for a single or double pitched roof, knowing the size of the slopes, it will not be difficult. If the length of the slope is 12 m or less, you need to divide the width of the slope by the width of the material, the resulting number of sheets should be increased by 15%.

For more complex roofs, you can calculate the corrugated roofing online using special programs. Programs allow not only to determine the amount of material as accurately as possible, but also calculate the roof slope, overlap dimensions, determine the best option location and fastening of the profiled sheet.

Tools and fasteners for work

To work, you will need measuring and cutting tools, fixing materials:

Features of laying a roof from a profiled sheet

It is best to do the work with four people, it will turn out much faster. Two people can also cope, but it is very difficult to work with long sheets of corrugated board alone.

  • The minimum angle of the roof slope is 10 o. With a smaller slope angle, water can get under the material.
  • The standard length of the profiled sheet is 12 m. If the length of the slope is less or more, the sheets will have to be cut.
  • To protect the corrugated board from corrosion, waterproofing and vapor barrier should be made along the crate.

Installation of the crate under the profiled sheets

An important stage in the installation of corrugated roofing is the organization of hydro and vapor barrier to protect the metal from corrosion when water vapor enters.

They do this in two ways:

  • laying a vapor barrier on the rafters under the crate and waterproofing (roofing material) on top of the crate under the corrugated board;
  • organization of a ventilated roof, creating a ventilated space between the waterproofing layer and the roofing material. To do this, false rafters from bars are installed along the rafter legs along the waterproofing, a crate is made along them, a puff cake will turn out: rafters, waterproofing, false rafters, crate, profiled sheet.

Important! All elements of the crate must be impregnated on all sides with an antiseptic composition for wood. This will extend the life of the roof.

Lathing boards are laid in increments of 0.5–1.0 m, attaching them with nails or self-tapping screws to the rafters. The thicker and more durable corrugated board is used, the greater the distance between the boards of the crate. So, for example, for a profiled sheet of brand CH35, the step of the crate is 0.5–0.6 m, for CH44 - 0.65–0.75 m. The distance between the boards should not be more than 1 m.

Having made the crate, you need to check the diagonals of the slope and align the slope along the verticals, horizontals, diagonals. This will greatly facilitate the work of laying corrugated board on the crate.

The procedure for laying corrugated board with your own hands

  • Profiled sheets are laid from the bottom up, starting along the slope from the end of the building, from left to right or right to left - it all depends on which side of the sheet the manufacturer made the capillary groove. When laying the material, the groove must be closed by the wave of the next sheet.
  • The size of the overlap of profiled sheets horizontally and vertically depends on the angle of the roof slope. At small values ​​of the angle of inclination of the slope, the sheets are laid with an overlap in two waves vertically, at high values ​​- in one or half a wave.
  • The horizontal overlap of the slope is at least 10 cm. The first row is laid with an overhang of 30–50 cm above the overhang (the distance depends on the design drainage system). The joints between the profiled sheets are sealed special tape. The sheet of the second row is laid with an offset along the end by half the width.

How to lift sheets to the roof

If 2 or more people are working, lifting the sheets is easy. They are laid on a frame of 5–6 bars in packs of 5–10 pieces and pulled up with a rope along inclined boards attached to the crate.

On the crate so that the sheets do not roll, one or two bars are nailed from below and a pack of coating sheets is placed. It is much more convenient to work this way than to serve one at a time, although this method is also used.

How to fix corrugated board on the roof correctly

Sheets are attached to the crate with self-tapping screws with washers and sealing gaskets.

Arched roof: a spectacular and practical solution for a modern home

Their number is no more than 6–10 pieces per 1 sq.m. flooring. On the slope, the screws are screwed into the lower, and on the ridge - into the upper waves of the sheet.

If the material is thin, the screws are simply screwed in with a screwdriver, they easily pass through without damaging the coating. On thick steel sheets in the places where they are attached to the crate, it is advisable to pre-mark and drill holes for self-tapping screws with a drill.

Important! It is necessary to precisely align and correctly install the very first sheet, the quality of all work will depend on it.

The first sheet is first fixed in the middle with one screw and the overhang from the cornice and the vertical position of the crate are carefully aligned. After that, it is fixed with a second screw.

The material is attached to the upper and lower boards of the crate by screwing self-tapping screws into each deflection of the wave, into the central boards through the deflection.

The second highest row is placed with the sheets shifted to the right or left by half the width. They cut the profiled sheet with an electric saw, a hacksaw for metal or an electric jigsaw with a metal file. They do it on the ground.

Attention! It is impossible to cut a profiled sheet with a grinder. This will destroy the polymer coating. For cutting, use scissors for metal, and paint over the cuts with paint.

Horizontal joints are also sealed with tape. Self-tapping screws on the overlap are screwed into each recess of the wave. The rubber sealing washer should protrude 1–2 mm around the perimeter of the screw head, indicating that it is not pinched or loose.

Installation of the skate on the corrugated board

Ridge additional elements for corrugated roofing are produced

  • simple in the form of a sheet bent at an angle with a shelf width of up to 30 cm,
  • with a semi-circular edge
  • with a U-shaped rib and shelves of the same dimensions.

To install a ridge on a corrugated roof, the last row of sheets should be aligned in the upper part along the end and laid in the same horizontal plane. The installation order is as follows:

  • on the edge of the last row of sheets, a tape or a strip of ridge seal is laid,
  • bars are fixed parallel to the axis of the ridge,
  • ridge elements are screwed to the bars with screws into the upper corrugation after 20-30 cm, starting from the side where the wind most often blows,
  • the ends of the semicircular ridge are closed with special plugs,
  • The U-shaped ridge is mounted on a bar, which is specially installed under it on the roof ridge.

A roof made of corrugated board will delight you with its beauty and make you feel proud of the excellent work done by your own hands. The money saved on this can be spent on making an original weather vane that will decorate the house.

The domed roof is becoming more and more common on modern houses. Round roofs are not uncommon in private suburban construction. At the same time, conditionally, all round roofs are divided into geodesic, arched and cone type. Each of these types has its own advantages and differs from the other type in mounting technology.

General advantages of a domed roof:

  • The maximum space of the attic or attic room is provided;
  • The ability to produce any number of windows on the roof plane, which allows maximum use of natural light;
  • The round shape prevents the accumulation of snow on the roof surface in winter;
  • The sphere of the dome, in contrast to the pitched roof, has greater strength, with its relatively lower weight;
  • Opportunity to get an overall unique outdoor design country house.

Geodesic dome roof

For the first time, the project of a geodesic domed roof was developed by the American architect R. B. Fuller in 1951. Making a roof according to his project allows you to get a dome with the most correct spherical shape.

Geodesic type dome roof construction technology

In the design of the roof, there are absolutely no rafters and vertical stops for them familiar to pitched roofs. The roof frame consists of interconnected triangular elements assembled from timber with a section of 100x50 mm and a length of 100-120 cm. As a rule, after the manufacture of the floor of the first floor, along the entire perimeter of the walls round house a Mauerlat is mounted - a bar with a section of 100x100 or 50x100 mm, fixed horizontally with anchors or 12 mm threaded studs previously released from a monolithic slab. In the construction of a conventional gable roof, the mauerlat is a single solid beam on which the lower sections of the rafters rest. In the construction of a geodesic domed roof, the mauerlat is made from small pieces of timber, equal to the side of the future triangles in the structure.

After mounting the Mauerlat along its entire circumferential length, in increments of 100-120 cm, L-shaped metal plates are fixed with self-tapping screws, in which holes are made in advance for attaching the edges of a conditional triangle. Having fixed the edges of the triangle to the plates, at the vertex point of the conditional triangle, the connection of its edges is carried out using connectors.

Thus, having fixed the first row of triangles along the entire length of the Mauerlat, a bundle is made between their upper bases with a bar, forming already inverted triangles. At the next stage, the ribs of the second row of triangles are mounted to the remaining two empty blades of the connectors. IN technical design the roof has no ridge or any particular top. The docking of the last upper triangles is carried out similarly with the previous connection method, that is, with connectors. When the assembly of the dome frame is completed, to reinforce the spans of the triangles, an additional crate is mounted on their plane, on top of which triangular OSB sheets are mounted, followed by the installation of bituminous tiles.

Construction according to the technology described above is used not only in the construction of roofs. In some European countries, entirely geodesic domed houses are erected in this way. A distinctive feature of these buildings is that they completely lack facade walls. That is, after making the foundation, they immediately proceed to the installation of the domed roof.

Geodesic Dome Roof Design

Unlike a gable roof, it is impossible to design a domed roof on a regular sheet of drawing paper in 2d. For the design of the entire structure, it will be required computer programs, allowing you to model in 3d - three-dimensional modeling. Or special calculators. You can use our site's calculator provided on the page: .

Supplies unlike a pitched roof, a domed roof will require significantly less. On average, the consumption of materials is one third lower compared to a gable roof. When designing, it will be necessary to calculate the exact number of timber blanks for the edges and bases of triangles, the number of mounting connectors and the total footage of the sheathing material.

Arched domed roof

The design of an arched roof is more similar to the design of a pitched roof. The design already contains full-fledged cuts, however, their shape initially resembles an arc.

Rafters for arched roofs use three types:

  • Factory production from glued laminated timber;
  • Prefabricated from timber, made independently;
  • Metal farms of factory production.

The most expensive are rafters made of glued beams. During their production, thin edged board saturate with moisture and lay in special spacers that set the bending of the board. Next, the board is artificially dried using a steam extractor. After that from dry curved board they collect glued laminated timber, the shape of which will be deliberately bent under a certain radius. During the installation process, the lower ends of the arched rafters are fixed to the base of the Mauerlat, and the upper ends of the arched rafters are connected together by means of a small round wooden ring, using clamps or studs.

It is cheaper to manufacture arcuate rafters on their own or with the participation of specialists immediately at the construction site. For their assembly, blanks of a wooden beam 60-100 cm long with a section of 40x100 or 50x100 mm are used. Initially, a drawing is made on paper and the first rafter is assembled, which is later used as a sample. To fasten together the blanks of a wooden beam, perforated metal plates are used and, in some cases, metal knitting needles additionally reinforcing the fastening.

If the area of ​​​​the overlapped span exceeds 5 m, then instead of wooden arcuate rafters, metal trusses. Depending on the choice of external roofing material and the presence of a heat insulator, the weight of a domed roof can vary significantly. For this reason, various metal products are used for the manufacture of semicircular metal trusses. For example, they are used as round or square pipe, and structures assembled from a channel.

You can read more about the different types of rafters for such a roof in a special article:.

Conical dome roof

A conical domed roof can be made both over the entire area of ​​​​a country house, provided that its perimeter is round, and be part of a gable roof. In the construction of a conical roof, only flat rafters are used. They are mainly used as wooden beam with a section of 50x100 or 40x150 mm.

The work begins with the drafting of the project and there is such a nuance. Despite the fact that the roof is conical, it, first of all, has a domed shape, that is, it does not have a beginning, a ridge, a pediment and other elements inherent gable roofs. This all allows you to practically not accumulate snow in the winter. This is where the catch lies for ignorant people. Deciding that the load on the roof will be insignificant, its height is made small. The thing is that the design of stops and spacers for rafters directly depends on the height of the peak - the highest under-roofing point. Let's consider two options.

The case when the attic space will not be used

If the attic is not planned to be used, then there is no point in a high roof cone. The minimum allowable slope of the rafters should not be less than 15 cm per 1 running meter. The lower ends of the rafters are mounted to the Mauerlat with a release for further sheathing of the overhang. The upper ends of the rafters are interconnected using knitting needles or self-tapping screws. However, given that the slope of the roof is insignificant, in order for the rafters not to sag over time under the weight of the entire structure, vertical stops are mounted approximately in the middle of their length. The bottom of the vertical stop is mounted to the ceiling beam or simply rests on a metal foot, in the case of a monolithic ceiling.

The case when it is planned to use the attic space

In this case, the lower ends of the rafters are fixed similarly to the Mauerlat with an external outlet. However, the angle of the slope of the rafters in relation to the Mauerlat can be 70-75 °. In the upper part of the rafters, they are tied together with long self-tapping screws, and after that, a sheathing board is stuffed around the entire roof along the rafters, followed by roofing.

As can be seen from the second example, if the slope of the rafters is set too high, then the main load will no longer fall on the middle of the rafters, but on their highest connection point. That is, the installation of supports is no longer required here. However, so that the upper connection point of all the rafters does not “walk”, their pairs are connected to each other by a spacer jumper from a 50x100 mm beam. For example, only 12 rafters are used in the construction, therefore, only 6 pairs are obtained - this is every two opposite rafters.

On what houses and foundations is it possible to build domed roofs

The main condition for a domed roof is the correct geometry of the building. That is, Vacation home either initially around the perimeter has a round shape, or its perimeter has a regular square shape.

If the perimeter of a country house has the shape of a parallelepiped, then it is difficult to build a domed roof, and for example, it is quite possible to build a slightly inferior semicircular roof.

In cases where the perimeter of the load-bearing walls of a country house has irregular shape or during construction, changes were made to the project, for example, additional premises were added, then the only way out is a combined roof, which may include both pitched and domed roof elements.

As for the base, the domed roof can be made on almost any wall. The fact is that it is necessary to take into account the load produced by the roof on bearing walls. For example, if a house is built frame technology, then it will not be possible to make a domed roof in which metal rafters or reinforced concrete beams. The walls will not withstand such a load. On frame walls it is optimal to make a roof based on wooden rafters. If the walls of a country house are made of brick, shell rock or monolithic concrete, then no special restrictions are imposed here.

Although a round roof shape is somewhat unusual in building construction, many examples of rounded structures can be found in modern architecture. In this article we will tell you how to make a round roof various kinds and what are the main differences between them.

Unusual at first glance, the round roof attracts attention primarily with the perfection of forms, without sharp corners and asymmetry. Often such structures can be found on religious buildings. When constructing private residential buildings, a round roof is made quite rarely. In some cases, it is a constituent element of the design and gives individuality to the architectural structure. As a rule, such roofs are erected over decorative verandas, gazebos or turrets.

It is worth noting that the rounded shape allows the roof not to be afraid of gusty winds and heavy snowfalls. In addition, the roof space can be used as rationally as possible. There are conical, domed and "bulbous" types of roofs.

The structure of the roof of a conical type

As a rule, a conical roof is installed on polyhedral or round buildings. At the same time, a layered truss system is being built. The ring run, on which the rafter legs will subsequently rest, is fixed on the central support beam. Its installation is carried out so that the highest point of the cone is not loaded.

The second supporting element for truss system the Mauerlat installed along the ring will act. Mount it on the walls of the building. When placing floor beams, it must be taken into account that at the installation site of the central support, they will bear the maximum load.

The ring ridge is fixed on the central support with special braces. Before you build a round roof, you must perform an accurate calculation of all nodes. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it is better to entrust such work to specialists.

During construction roof frame the best choice there will be glued laminated timber, which is designed for significant external loads. In particular, ceramic tiles, if used to cover the roof, have a large mass - at least 40 kg per 1 m 2. Therefore, a reliable rafter system is required for laying. Therefore, supporting elements made of wood must be of good strength.

When arranging a conical roof, the rafter legs act as stiffeners. Their number is calculated based on the type of roofing material and its characteristics.

Often, not only ceramic tiles are used to cover a house with a round roof, but also soft bituminous materials, wooden shingles, and sheet metal. Please note that profile materials in this case are impractical to use, since too much waste is generated, and the seams between the sheets need to be very carefully sealed. Nevertheless, all the same, the docking points can cause inconvenience in the future, and the appearance of the roof will not be the most attractive.

The device of a round domed roof

When organizing a domed roof, its round truss system is made from rafters hanging type, and not layered, as in the previous version. Standardly, such a roof is a three-hinged arch of hanging rafter legs. The lower edge of the arch joins with a mauerlat beam mounted on the walls. In this case, the upper edge of the arch rests on an annular run installed in the upper part of the support beam located in the center of the building.

Of course, if you do not know how to make a dome on the roof, and you cannot independently complete the project of the truss frame, it is better to entrust the calculation to special construction organizations, since such work requires theoretical and practical knowledge of mechanics and strength of materials. At the same time, according to ready-made calculations, you can build a roof in the form of a dome quite independently.

The semicircular domed roof takes shape due to the presence of an annular batten. It is fixed on auxiliary supports, which are joined with puffs of hanging truss arches.

The American architect R. B. Fuller once proposed another method for erecting a domed roof. His project was called the Geodesic Dome. The main feature of the design is that it consists of many triangles. Due to the very complex calculations and the unusual way of execution, the project was not widely used.

The rafter system for a geodesic dome can be constructed in one of the following ways:

  • connector - at the same time, the triangles are assembled together directly above the walls of the building with the help of short bars and connector locks;
  • connectorless - panels in the form of triangles are made in advance, and they are assembled into one whole directly at the construction site.

Advantages of the geodesic dome project

  1. Although rectangular and round structures are equal in area, the internal volume of the latter is much larger. Thanks to this, much more air and light enters the room. In addition, the round design saves up to 30% of material.
  2. The round shape of the roof reduces heat loss in winter and minimizes heat absorption in summer. Consequently, the cost of heating or cooling a space is reduced by up to 30%.
  3. The small mass of the frame of the geodesic dome makes it possible to do without a reinforced foundation under the house.
  4. In a building with a round roof in the form of a dome, any number of windows can be arranged, up to the full glazing of the dome structure. At the same time, you don’t need to worry about the strength of the roof - it will retain all its characteristics.
  5. The roof in the form of a ball allows you to distribute the load as evenly as possible, so it is not afraid of even very heavy winter snowfalls.
  6. Due to the aerodynamic properties, the dome will not suffer from a strong gust of wind.
  7. The rounded roof lets in much less external noise inside the building, that is, it provides sound insulation.
  8. To accommodate solar panels and modules, a symmetrical spherical roof is the best fit.
  9. This roof design is simply very beautiful in appearance and looks very original.

How to make a roof in the shape of an "onion"

Another variant of the round roof, which can be found in the construction of buildings, is the “bulbous” roof. As a rule, such structures are planted on Christian churches and temples. In private construction, this form is not used - it is too specific. However, for those involved in the reconstruction of religious buildings, for example, in remote villages where residents do not have the opportunity to hire specialists from construction companies, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with the technique of creating a frame for such a roof.

Provided that the onion-shaped dome does not exceed 3 m in diameter, the frame for it can be made of wood. Specific rafter legs for a bulbous roof are called cranes. Usually, an inclined type of rafters is used. To give the structure strength and rigidity, braces and struts are used. Such elements are mounted in places that account for the maximum load. Thus, they protect the frame from destruction.

To create "cranes", special patterns are used, which are superimposed on a board 40 mm thick. Alternatively, sometimes two boards with a smaller thickness are used. In the center of the dome structure, there is always a central support, against which all the rafters abut.

Before covering the round roof in the shape of an onion sheet metal, over the "cranes" it is necessary to fill the crate in increments of 30 cm. If the overlapping of the onion dome is carried out using scales, an additional circle will be required for each such element. Therefore, the latter method requires maximum labor and time costs.

The domes of Orthodox churches during restoration are often covered with aspen plowshares. In addition, each element is bent in such a way as to exactly repeat the shape of the bulb. Laying the material should be done in such a way that water does not leak between the seams.

For those cases when the dome structure exceeds 3 m in diameter, the frame for it is made of metal. In this case, the fastening of the "cranes" to the central support is carried out using metal spacers. The crate is also made of metal, and it is fixed with an indent within 40-50 cm. As finish coat a folded roof is usually used. If a scaly roof is organized, then the seams between the plates after they are laid must be soldered to prevent water from entering.

We can adapt any of the above projects to your home, as well as add or remove any design.

Roof loads

First of all, these are wind and snow loads during periods of maximum impact on the roof. It is important to make the right calculations, because the rafter system has the most load. Its average value is 1 m2 = 180 kg. We understand that the margin of safety of the coefficient should be more than 1.7. In this case, it turns out that, on average, about 300 kg fall on 1 m2 with a margin of safety. In this case, the average size of the roof will be from 200 m2. If you allow errors in the calculations, this will lead to subsidence of the roof or the appearance of waves and holes on it. To prevent this, we need accurate calculations of the loads in the strength of the material, after which the step of the rafters, the dimensions of the boards themselves, the types of legs, etc. are determined.

Calculation of attachment points for arched roofs

The attachment points are places where rafters, mauerlat, overlaps, etc. are eaten. There must be bursting loads on the roof, so it is important to calculate each node. The correct material must be used for this. All aspects must be taken into account. The knot should not be loaded more than 600 kg. If you make a mistake in the calculations, this can lead to serious consequences: separation of the rafters from the maurlat, their separation, cracks, destruction of the roofing cake, etc.

Why do you need a roof vent

With a ventilation gap, you need to decide in advance.
They are of two types:

  1. Single-layer under-roof space ventilation system. In this case, hydro-wind protection is purchased of a membrane type with an sd value of less than 0.1. In this case, the roof air is made on top of the membrane. From below, she simply lies down on the heater.
  2. Double layer system. With this method, hydrowind protection is acquired with an sd index of more than 1. The air of the roofing cake is made from two sides at once - internal and external.

In both cases, the design of the skate will be different. In any case, the size of the vent should not be less than 40 mm and more than 100 mm.

Advantage and disadvantages


  • original look
  • Wind loads minimum


  • Difficulty in installation
  • Many complex knots and connections

These are the main parameters and, based on them, you can draw your own conclusions.

The angle of the arched roof

The angle of inclination is one of the most important aspects when mounting the roof, because many of the nuances of the project depend on it, such as the totality of forces applied to the structure, the type of coating.

  1. Metal tile from 6°
  2. Ondulin and slate from 6°
  3. Decking from 6°
  4. Seam from 7°
  5. Cement-sand and ceramic tiles from 10°
  6. Flexible tiles from 12°

Common Arched Roof Design Mistakes

Over the years of activity in the construction industry, we managed to identify typical mistakes made during the installation process:

  1. The roof consists of 3-15 sheets instead of 100.
  2. There are no attachment points.
  3. Loads not calculated.
  4. The absence of such important little things, as constructs of ventilation gaps, skates and so on.
  5. Incorrect airflow calculation can cause rotting, fungus and frostbite.

By protecting yourself from these and other mistakes, you are guaranteed to get a quality roof that will last you a long time. Our video instructions will help you with this.


Question: Tell me how to make an arch on which the rafters will lie?

Answer: They can be made from metal or plywood. We recommend using plywood, but first calculate the load directed to this arch. Only after that it will be possible to start its manufacture. You can see an example of an arched structure in the video instructions.

Question: How can I make ventilation on an arched roof?

Answer: It is not so easy to do this. To do this, you need to use aerators.

In essence, there can be no completely round roof. The roof structure can be conical or domed. Such a roof can be called round only conditionally, as it frames a round building, for example. As roofing material for such roofs, natural tiles or metal are usually used, but in Lately the so-called soft tiles bitumen based.

It should also be especially noted that in order to build a truss system for such a roof, you need to carry out a lot of calculations and drawings. So, you need to have considerable knowledge in the field of higher mathematics and drawing. If there is no such knowledge, then the most optimal way out of the situation would be to turn to the services of specialists.

If we describe the truss system that equips a house with a round roof, then it should be said that it is mounted according to the layered principle. The stiffening ribs or rafters rest with one end on the annular mauerlat, which is laid along the perimeter of the walls of the building, and with the other end on the annular run, which is attached to the central bearing pillar. Several such runs can be equipped, depending on the height of the roof.

Note! The installation of a central pole will entail an increased load on the ceilings, which must be taken into account when designing and choosing roofing material.

If it is assumed that the future roof will have a domed shape, then the rafters should be in the form of arches, which are also attached with one edge to the base on the wall, and with the other to the ring support mounted at the top of the central pillar.


In order to better understand the essence of the manufacturing process of a cone-shaped roof, it is necessary to consider in more detail the technology of its production.

· First of all, waterproofing is laid under the Mauerlat. To do this, you can use the familiar and well-known roofing material.

· After its laying, the Mauerlat itself is mounted, which can be used as a wooden beam with a cross section of 150 × 150 mm, depending on the length of the rafters. The Mauerlat is attached to the wall with anchor bolts.

· After installing the Mauerlat, it is necessary to install a central pillar, which will serve as a support for the entire truss system. It is attached to the base with the help of supporting slopes made of timber or boards with a thickness of 40 mm or more. It is worth considering that before installing the supporting column in its upper part, you need to fix the second support ring for the rafters, made of timber.

When the pole is installed, you can proceed to the assembly of the truss system itself. For its manufacture, it is most advisable to use glued wooden beams. This material is able to withstand fairly large mechanical loads, despite the fact that it is affordable and versatile. The assembly of the rafters consists in their laying and fixing to the supporting elements. This is done using building corners. The distance between the supporting elements depends on the diameter of the roof, but should not be more than 50 - 70 cm, otherwise the truss system will not be able to perform its supporting functions.

· If the roof height is more than two meters, then an additional support ring is mounted, which will support the roof. This ring is fixed to the rafters with self-tapping screws or otherwise, and is attached to the pole with spacers.

After the truss system is ready, you can proceed to the next stages of installation. Further fit waterproofing material. You can attach it to the rafters and the crate using a stapler.

After waterproofing, you can proceed to the installation of roofing.

As mentioned above, since the truss system of a round roof is geometrically complex design, its design is best entrusted to specialists.

Note! It is better to pay and get quality and accurate calculations than to save money and make a mistake, due to which, after a while, the roof will leak or even collapse. This type of roofing is usually used for round or multi-faceted houses with a layered truss system. For support, there is an annular run fixed on the central column. The run is mounted so that the top point of the cone is not loaded. The second support is an annular Mauerlat, which is mounted along the wall of the turret. Ceiling beams must be designed so that the maximum load is in the area of ​​​​the central column, to which, in turn, the ridge annular run is attached with braces. To calculate the nodes of the rafter system of houses with such a roof, it is better to involve specialists


This type of roof is built using a hanging truss system. Usually this is a 3-hinged arch, consisting of hanging rafters. One end of the arch rests on the mauerlat (laid along the wall), the other end on the support ring.

Domed roof, construction, photo of how the final version should look like - all this is on the website of our construction company, which has the necessary specialists.

In addition to the standard type of roof, there is another way to arrange it. Creating a dome formed by triangles. This is also a domed roof - a geodesic dome: a structure with rather complex calculations of an unusual appearance. For fastening the rafters, connector and non-connector methods can be used. The connector method involves assembling triangles with pieces of timber and special locks. The connectorless method involves prefabrication of triangular panels and their collection at the construction site.

A geodesic dome has several advantages:

· More usable space.

· Less cost on Construction Materials.

· Savings on space heating costs.

· Possibility of glazing the entire dome.

· High levels of snow load and wind protection.

Sound insulation is higher than other types of roofs.

· Original appearance.


Another option for how to make a roof with a round base is to build it according to a domed pattern. As in the previous case, on preparatory stage it will be necessary to carry out calculations and draw up detailed drawings, which are best entrusted to specialists. This approach will avoid design errors. But the construction work itself is quite possible to perform independently.

It is worth saying that in general terms, the process of manufacturing a domed roof truss system is not much different from that described above, but it has some features.

· First, waterproofing is laid on the walls.

After the Mauerlat is installed and fixed.

Then put vertical support post, on which the second support ring is mounted at the top.

Next, you can proceed to the installation of rafters. For their manufacture, wooden arched elements are used, consisting of several sections. At one end, the arch is attached to the Mauerlat, and at the other to the second support ring at the top of the carrier pole. A similar design of the truss system is called hanging.

Rafter arches should be installed around the post at a distance of approximately 70-90 cm from each other.

· After their installation, a circular crate of unedged boards or timber is installed along their outer area.

· On top of the lathing, waterproofing is laid and, finally, roofing.


Another way to make a "round" roof is to install the so-called geodesic dome. This technology is most common in Western countries, in particular the United States, but for a general outlook, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the technology.

So, in general terms, the process of manufacturing a truss system using this technology consists in the fact that triangular elements of the truss system are made from timber trimmings, which, when connected to each other, form a rounded base of the roof.

It should be noted that the connection individual elements produced using special elements called connectors. In case of their application, assembly general design occurs directly on top of the walls of the building. There is also the so-called connectorless mounting method, in which individual triangles of the structure are assembled in advance, and their assembly into a single structure occurs later.

It should be noted that the use of such technology allows you to quickly build necessary design, which will meet all the necessary operational requirements, as well as have a rather interesting and original appearance. It is also impossible not to note the following advantages:

In addition, a fairly large free space is formed inside such a dome, which can be used, including as a living space.

This design requires fewer materials than if other technologies were used.

· The geodesic dome system is not very heavy, which means that it will not greatly increase the load on the walls and, therefore, the foundation, which in turn will have a positive effect on savings.

· It is also necessary to highlight the excellent strength characteristics of the structure, allowing to cope with significant snow loads, which is important for residents of the northern regions.

· Among other things, such a roof will have good performance in terms of aerodynamics, which allows the roof to successfully withstand large wind loads.


Another option for making a roof on a building that has a round shape is the device of the so-called onion roof. It should be noted that this form of roof is usually used during the construction of churches and its use in private construction is hardly appropriate. However, it should be said that cases in life are different and no information will be superfluous.

In general terms, the construction of such a roof takes place according to layered technology, that is, the truss elements are installed and fixed, as if leaning against the bearing supports, that is, the central pillar and the Mauerlat along the perimeter of the walls. The main difference from other options for the manufacture of truss systems is the very specific shape of the rafters themselves, which provides the roof with a recognizable appearance.

To achieve the required strength indicators, the rafters are additionally reinforced with complex system braces and struts, which are installed in places of greatest load.

Concluding the above, we can add that, in principle, it is possible to build a roof, even if it is round, on your own, but it is better to entrust the calculations necessary for the correct design of the truss system to specialists. Perhaps this is the main thing. The construction work itself can be carried out independently, of course, subject to the availability of certain knowledge and practice in carpentry.

By itself, a round roof is not such a rarity. Most architectural monuments of cult purpose are round roofs: bulbs of Russian churches, domes of Muslim temples. The exception is Catholic Gothic. In Western Europe, domes usually crown secular buildings.

The dome is a common variant of the roofs of urban buildings in individual projects, scientific buildings - observatories, etc. Only in suburban villages, houses with a round roof are rare. The reason is the complex installation of the truss system. How to make a round roof?

What is a round roof?

Calling the roof round is wrong. It's not completely round.

This group includes any roofs, the shape of which is a figure of rotation or one of its segments:

§ Dome (half or upper third of the ball);

§ Conical roofs;

§ Bulbous roofs;

§ Curvilinear roofs with complex geometry that do not have their own name.

The truss system for all these types of roofs is manufactured in different ways.

The design of the truss system of a round roof

Rafter systems for round roofs are usually layered. This implies the presence of additional supports for the rafters inside the structure.

Support points:

§ Ring Mauerlat;

§ Ring run in the upper part of the roof. If the roof is high (above two meters), there may be more than one run;

§ Central pillar. For small structures, one is enough;

§ Additional reinforcing elements (struts, couplers).

The rafters themselves:

§ For bulbs - rounded (often metal trusses are used instead of wood).

§ For domes - rounded arched, made up of several parts. The exception is the so-called. geodesic dome, popular in Western countries: it is assembled from many small triangular wooden sections.

§ Cone - rafter legs are straight, based on round annular runs and a round Mauerlat. The ridge knot at the top is mounted similarly to hipped roofs.

The order of installation of the system as a whole is similar to the installation of conventional roofs:

1. Laying an insulating layer of roofing felt on the wall.

2. Installing the Mauerlat. For example, a bar 15 by 15 (the section must be indicated in the roof project). The Mauerlat is fixed to the wall with anchor bolts.

3. If the entire building is wooden, do not put a Mauerlat. The rafters rest on the upper crown and are fixed with galvanized nails.

4. Mount the upper annular run on the beam for the support post.

5. Place a support post in the center of the floor. Reinforced with struts about 4 cm thick.

6. Install the rafters in increments of 50-90 centimeters, depending on the project. They are fixed to the Mauerlat and the run with building corners.


The general requirement for the installation of the truss system of any roof: pre-treat all elements with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Round roof installation

After the installation of the rafters, a roofing pie is installed - just like for other pitched roofs:

§ Vapor barrier;

§ Insulation;

§ Waterproofing;

§ Counter-lattice + crate.

You can limit yourself to one waterproofing (without vapor barrier and insulation) if the roof is cold. But it is quite possible to arrange a warm attic in the dome, there is enough space there. Or your own observatory

Roofing of round roofs can be made of different materials:

§ flexible tiles;

§ composite tiles;

§ thin sheet steel (including seam roofs);

§ with some restrictions - ceramic tiles;

§ wooden piece coatings - shingles, shingles, etc.;

§ polycarbonate.

Laying of any of these materials is carried out in accordance with the instructions.


Installation shingles it will not be difficult, but for iron, a bending machine and / or folding equipment may be required.

If you are planning to make a roof from typesetting wooden tiles, do not forget to process them with all necessary protective compounds and waterproof varnish.

Features of a round polycarbonate roof

Polycarbonate stands apart in a number of roofing materials. Roofs of it are often made near greenhouses, greenhouses, gazebos, winter gardens. In any case, these are transparent or translucent roofs; they do not have a roofing pie.

But polycarbonate itself has low thermal conductivity. The building is not completely cold, even in the absence of insulation.

When installing, you need to take into account the features of the material:

1. Drill holes for fasteners in advance. When drilling and cutting, be careful, avoid vibration of the sheets, because. the material is prone to cracking.

2. Suitable for cutting sheets electric jigsaw or circular with a small tooth. The speed is medium: at a low speed, chips appear, a high one can lead to melting of the material.

3. If moisture accumulates inside the sheets, they are blown with compressed air (for example, using a vacuum cleaner).

4. Polycarbonate is subject to thermal expansion. Mounting holes should be made a couple of millimeters larger diameter self-tapping rod.

5. The ends of the blanks of polycarbonate sheets must be glued with waterproof aluminum tape before laying.

6. For the installation of a polycarbonate roof, metal arcuate profiles are used. Installation is carried out along the radius. The frame is built up gradually, as the sheets themselves are attached.

7. protective film from the sheets are removed only at the end of the installation.

8. Sheets can be curvilinearly formed using thermal, vacuum and cold forming.

9. It is impossible to move along the coating; roof ladders and ladders are used during installation.

The installation of a round roof is a complex and energy-intensive process. A small mistake can turn beautiful design into something formless.

The arched or domed roof is mainly used in the construction of buildings such as winter gardens, swimming pools, galleries and stadiums. But more and more often arched roofs can be found in cottage construction, where the building design allows you to mount this type of roof. The domed roof looks very impressive above the hall or above the attic, which is equipped for relaxation.

Design Description

Domed roofs have a peculiar truss structure; wood, concrete or metal are used for their manufacture, and sometimes all together. As a rule, the coating of arched domes is made of translucent materials: special glass, polycarbonate, transparent slate. But sometimes they may not apply transparent materials: copper, galvanized, titanium coated sheets or wood.

Domed roofs have many advantages over known standard designs. Aesthetic appeal, such a roof is really original and incredibly beautiful. The shape of the arch or dome makes such roofs very resistant to wind and snow loads, since snow does not linger on such a roof. Using a transparent roofing material, the premises receive full-fledged, natural lighting, which is very valuable for winter gardens. In technical terms, the domed roof removes a lot of problems, you can cover several rooms at the same time and make a single smooth transition.

Arch or dome structure

truss load-bearing elements of these structures have a curved appearance such as a truss or arch, they are made of metal, concrete and wood. For example, for a private low-rise building, heavy concrete structures are not used, so metal and wooden floors are used. If the building is large, then the load of reinforced concrete trusses is immediately taken into account during construction, so the walls and foundation are made especially strong.

It is worth saying that there are domed roofs small area, in the design of which supports are not used at all, the coating of such roofs is made of durable and at the same time lightweight polycarbonate. Its properties allow you to make a wide variety of roof shapes.

Metal support structures are also very heavy and must be treated regularly to prevent corrosion. Plus, big metal structure creates a strong load on the walls and foundation. Therefore, recently, aluminum profiles have been increasingly used in the construction of domed and arched roofs. Aluminum is very light and at the same time strong, does not corrode, and thin beams are in harmony with the translucent material. Installation of truss supports is greatly simplified and becomes easier.


With an aluminum frame, the same aluminum crate is installed, its pitch is calculated taking into account the thickness and weight of the polycarbonate sheets. The bending of the sheet is also taken into account, it also creates a load. However, the crate is not done here with frequent steps, as a rule, one jumper is placed on the floor of the sheet. Here are the main parameters of the lathing that need to be taken into account when constructing the lathing of domed roofs:

It is necessary to take into account the size of the polycarbonate and its type. If cellular polycarbonate is used, then its length is from 6 to 12 meters, the width is basically standard 2.10 meters;
- sheet-type polycarbonate has smaller dimensions, length 3 m, width 2 m, but here the sheet thickness of 10-32 mm can significantly change the weight;
- it is also necessary to clarify all the characteristics of polycarbonate, since sheets and honeycombs are often made to order and this must be taken into account;
- for the installation of an aluminum frame and lathing, it is necessary to create the most complete and precise drawing taking into account all the little things, only then you can proceed with the installation;
- polycarbonate and aluminum do not need additional finishing, they blend well and create an original style.

Worth a close look at right choice polycarbonate, a variety of types and thicknesses allows you to optimally select desired material, the main thing is to correctly calculate the weight for the structure. in the rooftops small size, it is possible to create a domed structure without the use of a frame, which makes the roof especially beautiful and airy.

But it is worth remembering that polycarbonate, when exposed to the sun, creates a greenhouse effect, especially with a large coverage area. For rooms covered with a polycarbonate dome, it is necessary to install air conditioning or ventilation.
Fastening sheet and cellular polycarbonate

Proper mount plays important role in the strength of the polycarbonate dome structure, there are different methods mounts for cell phone or sheet material. It is necessary to take into account the bending capabilities of the polycarbonate and its thickness, as well as take into account the full internal channels that must go in the longitudinal direction. You should also remember about the necessary thermal expansion for sheets when heated.

Often, for sheets of medium size, no more than 3 m, a point type of fastening is used. Do not use ordinary bolts or nails for fastening, otherwise the polycarbonate will crack when expanded. If the coating sheets are up to 6 m in size, then it is necessary to additionally use thermal washers. But with sheets up to 12 m this will no longer help, so it is recommended to use special polycarbonate that has been hot-formed and has stiffeners. Sheets are pressed from the outside, polycarbonate rails or other materials are used as clamps.

It is advisable to put a gasket between the polycarbonate and the joints with the surface of the truss structure so that oxidative stains do not appear. However, if you use aluminum profile, then it is already covered with a special rubber or silicone sealant at the production stage.