Shower      06/26/2020

DIY wardrobe for clothes. How to make a dressing room with your own hands: master class. Optimal dressing room sizes

The most convenient device allowing you to store things is a dressing room. Each wardrobe detail can be placed in one place without going into different rooms. Even a small area is suitable for a dressing room, this is another advantage. A do-it-yourself dressing room is quite easy, especially if you have drawings and diagrams in stock, which contain photos and tips on arranging the future room.

Before you plan self-construction dressing room, you need to prepare for work. For this purpose, drawings and diagrams are drawn up to facilitate the work, and some necessary work is also carried out.

Before implementing the idea it is worth:

  1. Choose a place for the dressing room. A small room or storage room will do; if they are not available, you will need to build another room. A voluminous niche or attic is suitable for this.
  2. Develop a project. You will need to select the size of the room and calculate the required quantity building materials. At the same stage, the location of shelves, hangers and other internal contents is being considered.
  3. Buy necessary materials and tools. For this purpose they purchase light metal profile, plasterboard sheets, fastening elements, insulation, bandage tapes, primer, putty and screwdriver.

After measuring the rooms, they begin to draw up a plan. When compiling it, you need to pay attention to drawers and opening door leaves - they need room to move.

When drawing up a plan, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the plans of professional dressing rooms. You can get an interesting idea there, and by looking at the interior contents of the cabinets, you can take it into service.

You need to decide on the compartments in the dressing room. To do this, select the required number of boxes and baskets. By making a plan yourself, you can take into account the preferences of the whole family, this is an advantage individual work. Next, the depth of each drawer and niche is determined.

A clear diagram of a dressing room with dimensions

A convenient dressing room is a guarantee of order and comfort. Setting it up at home is not a matter of five minutes. To build drawings, make plans, select materials and create niches, you need to have a lot of time.

There are several planning principles:

  1. Angular. With this option, the room is installed in the corner of the room. This is suitable for small room, for example, bedrooms. In the bedroom measuring 21 sq. m. you can arrange a quite voluminous wardrobe of 3.81 sq. m. m, in the diagram it is located to the left of the door. Bedroom, with an area of ​​13.68 sq. m, can accommodate a dressing room of about 2 sq. m., and the furniture will be located parallel and perpendicular to the sloping wall.
  2. U-shaped. Such a room has a rectangular or square shape, where a number of shelves and rods are located on three walls. Such a dressing room, if it is separated from the bedroom using an additional partition, is the most convenient option for planning.
  3. Linear. It has the shape of a long cabinet located along the wall (usually living room or corridor), if there is no other place for a dressing room.

Rods for dresses and raincoats should be fixed at a distance of 140-180 cm, and the gaps between shelves should be 35-40 cm.

When thinking through the design, you should pay attention to the size of the room and the chosen storage system. The metal-frame type of structure will be more expensive, but thanks to it the height of the shelves and baskets can change. Such a system would look extremely technical.

Drawers with shelves should be located on one wall, the rod on the other, this will save space.

Dressing room drawing with dimensions: layout options

Having a separate room or niche for a dressing room, you can tidy up your home, ridding it of cluttered closets. All you need is proper planning and avoiding mistakes.

There are several layout options:

  1. Small dressing room in the bedroom. If the dressing room does not exceed 3.5 square meters. m., you should not separate it from the main room: it will be impossible to change clothes, and getting to things will be problematic.
  2. Installing a closet instead of a dressing room. This is a rational solution, since the closet has the same dimensions, but there will be more free space for the room itself.
  3. Narrow wardrobe option. Having a large area of ​​5-6 sq. m., such a dressing room should use two walls: a wardrobe is installed on one, and shelves on the second.
  4. Wide wardrobe option. It is a more convenient solution: any furniture can be easily placed, and there is a place where you can change clothes.
  5. Pass option. If you place a dressing room between two rooms in an apartment, you will need to reduce the number of cabinets that may interfere with the passage.
  6. The same option, but with amenities. When the rooms are located on the same axis, the cabinets will not interfere with the passage.
  7. Low angle in the attic. Shelves for shoes are placed in low places; they should be deep, so access to things will be more convenient. In a place where the ceilings are high, there is a deep closet for clothes.
  8. At a high angle in the attic. The same area is used, but this option is more convenient.

It must be remembered that a narrow dressing room cannot be rationally equipped. A rod or cabinet should be placed along one wall. It is also necessary to leave a place for changing clothes.

To store shoes in the dressing room you will need shelves different sizes, their depth will depend on the size of the shoe.

After installing storage systems in a small dressing room, it should have at least 1.5 square meters. m of empty space, otherwise there is no point in installing a dressing room in such a room.

Plasterboard small dressing room: dimensions and diagrams

Drywall is the most convenient and economical material for creating a dressing room with your own hands, so if you want to express yourself in a creative endeavor and see a beautiful result, it is better to stop with it.

Having allocated space for a future dressing room, you need to find a diagram, make markings on each wall, ceiling and floor, so that you can then most accurately install the structure.

Having chosen a place, you need to mount the profiles using dowels with nails, and then install vertical racks designs.

  • Cover the frame with plasterboard;
  • Install special slabs for sound insulation;
  • Secure shelves and cabinets in the dressing room;
  • The partitions are puttied, primed, and external finishing occurs;
  • Doors for the structure are selected;
  • Interior design.

When building a dressing room from plasterboard, you need to correctly calculate the materials. Before purchasing, all calculations must already be carried out to avoid problems.

DIY dressing room(video)

Even the smallest dressing room is better than its complete absence, therefore, having at your disposal a niche, an attic or a storage room, you can design a place that will help to correctly distribute the belongings of your household and save the nerves of the whole family. With the support of drawings and diagrams, this will be easy to do even for those who are just learning the basics of repair and construction.

For storing things, an ordinary closet in the bedroom or living room is not enough. If the area and layout of the home allows, it is most rational to equip a dressing room.

One of the most popular American TV series suggests that a small wardrobe is a good reason for divorce.

For owners of apartments located in multi-storey buildings built during the Soviet era, allocating a special room for storing clothes seems like a huge luxury.

A few years ago, people were pleased with a separate corner, fenced off with a screen in a small apartment, because in small-sized dwellings space is of particular value. But over time, the situation with limited housing square footage has improved somewhat - often due to useful ideas that came to us from the West.

One of the European traditions favorably received by our compatriots was the arrangement of space for placing and equipping a full-fledged wardrobe.

Dressing room: photo in the apartment

A dressing room is a space designed for hanging clothes and storing other wardrobe items.

Arranging a dressing room in an apartment or in a private house provides the following advantages:

  • allows you to ensure orderly storage of things;
  • masks defects on the surface of walls (lumps, cracks);
  • hides things from prying eyes.
DIY dressing room, photo

On a note! To arrange a dressing room, it is not necessary to allocate a separate room - you can use free space, for example, the space under the stairs. Such a dressing room will save space.

Not only the fair sex, but also men dream of having their own dressing room. But women, of course, feel the greatest need for a separate space to place wardrobe items, because for women the wardrobe is of particular importance.

How to arrange a dressing room, photo

Types of dressing rooms

Dressing rooms are divided into two types: they can be open or closed. The first type takes up less space.
Let's take a closer look at each of them.

An open-type wardrobe system means that the space intended for placing wardrobe items is not separated by partitions or doors, but is part of the interior.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

Advantages of a dressing room that continues the interior:

  • all things are in sight and within reach;
  • convenient to create in small-sized dwellings;
  • The area of ​​the room is not visually reduced.
  • things are open to the eyes of strangers - the most significant drawback;
  • Clothes should always be hung in an orderly manner so that the appearance of the room looks aesthetically pleasing.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

Dressing rooms closed type placed in separate rooms or in a niche fenced off with a screen; Sliding compartment doors are also used for this purpose. The latter option has gained particular popularity.

Bedroom with dressing room, photo

Pros of a closed wardrobe:

  • the main space of the home is not cluttered with things;
  • in the absence of the ability to restore order, guests will not notice this due to the presence of doors;
  • if the size of the wardrobe allows, you can prepare space to place the clothes of each member of the household - this is very convenient.

Dressing room 4 sq. m: design, photo

Closed-type wardrobes provide the opportunity for the most ergonomic arrangement of space. In such dressing rooms you can do fittings, put things in order and not disturb family members (this is of particular importance if you have small children - you won’t have to disturb them while sleeping).

On a note! A closed wardrobe can be used not only to place things, but also as a fitting room; To do this, you just need to hang a mirror or put a dressing table.

Let's list the main disadvantages of a closed wardrobe:

  • the need for sufficient space to arrange it (installing a closed dressing room in a narrow closet will be problematic);
  • need for lighting;
  • visual and functional reduction of living space.

The photo shows an example of a dressing room in a room of 18 square meters. m:

Dressing room in a room of 18 sq. m, photo

Layout features

Despite the fact that the dressing room is a personal space, the options for organizing it can be different - the choice is yours. How to properly plan a dressing room?

Wardrobe rooms can have a corner layout, linear, shaped like the letter P, or parallel. Let's consider each option separately.

Dressing room with corner layout is suitable for any room and is usually shaped open. In order to conveniently equip and complete such a system, it is convenient to use racks, individual modules, as well as wall shelves.

For this purpose, “cellular” baskets presented in Ikea catalogs are also used: you can store T-shirts and other clothes in them.

Samples of small-sized wardrobe rooms, photos

A dressing room with a corner configuration is especially convenient if it is intended for several people. This layout allows you to divide the space into two parts, while the dressing room remains compact. Even if two people dress at the same time, they will not interfere with each other.

Linear layout- This is the simplest option for arranging a wardrobe. A dressing room with a linear configuration can be either open or closed. In the second case, the system will look like a large wardrobe occupying the entire wall. To organize a linear dressing room, you only need a free wall.

If it is necessary to save space, the following way of organizing a linear system for placing things is proposed: the bottom of the wall is allocated for the location of chests of drawers with pull-out drawers and open shelves for placing shoes, the top can be equipped for hangers.

U-shaped configuration suitable for forming open system for placing things in a niche or a closed wardrobe in a separate room.

U-shaped dressing rooms

In the U-shaped system, you can use various items for more convenient storage of wardrobe items, for example, a tie.

Important! In a U-shaped system, regardless of its location, it is necessary to place additional lighting sources, otherwise it will be too dark. Finding things in the dark is difficult.

How to make a dressing room in a room, photo

To create a parallel layout, place two systems on opposite sides. For example, you can duplicate the linear system - this way you will create a place to place the clothes of two household members. As an option: one system is for adults, the second is for children.

Attention! To create the most comfortable conditions cabinets with swinging doors should be located at a distance equal to the width of the door with a margin of a few centimeters, otherwise the operation of the dressing room will be inconvenient.

By dividing a spacious room in the middle of the dressing room, the entrance to which is from different sides, you will get three small rooms with a cozy atmosphere, and one of them will be intended for storing things.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

Area, dimensions and preferred layout

For a wardrobe of 2 square meters. meters, linear and angular layouts are suitable.

For a complex of 3 sq. m - corner type and U-shaped.

For a system with an area of ​​4 sq. m - shaped like the letter P and parallel.

The minimum width of the dressing room is 1-1.2 m.

In private households when preparing the initial design project You can provide space specifically for a dressing room. It is advisable that it be located at a minimum distance from the bedroom.

Dressing room in the house, photo

If there are many people living in the house, then it should be positioned so that it is convenient for each member of the household, and no one embarrasses each other.

If the design project of a private house does not provide for a separate room, a place for clothes can be equipped under a flight of stairs, in the hallway (if it is spacious enough) and even in the attic.

Wardrobe room in the attic

Dressing rooms in specially equipped rooms in apartments are even less common than in households located in the private sector.

The photo below shows an example of creating a dressing room with your own hands from the pantry:

DIY dressing room from the pantry, photo

Thus, if the apartment area is small and the need for a dressing room is great, it can be made from a closet, in a corner separated by a screen, or placed in a niche.

To separate the wardrobe from the living space, screens, curtains or compartment doors are used.

How to correctly design with examples and ideas for the most current bedroom interiors, new design trends - from fashionable colors to selection stylish accessories and textiles.

What painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed? Read the answer in . Details about choosing subject images depending on the style of room decoration

Dressing room decoration

The main requirement for arranging a wardrobe is functionality. Typically, the main blocks of wardrobe structures are made of wood. Cheaper systems include cabinets designed from chipboard or MDF.

Dressing a dressing room

Swing doors are made from tempered glass. Glass doors allow you to see the things in the drawers.

It is preferable to choose plastic pull-out baskets: products made from this material are lightweight and do not require special care and look aesthetically pleasing.

Furniture for a dressing room, photo

It is advisable to purchase brackets for hangers from metal: they benefit in terms of reliability and do not lose their presentability for a long time.
If the dressing room is small, according to the rules for decorating small rooms, it is better to furnish it with pieces of furniture in light colors.

Dressing room: layout, photo


IN dressing rooms Without windows, electric lighting is necessary: ​​the lack of natural light makes them dark.

In the dressing room, you can hang a chandelier on the ceiling, but it is preferable to use local light sources above each wardrobe block.

Dressing room design, photo

An original solution is to design a large lighting panel behind the hangers to create interior lighting.

Recommendation! When creating lighting in a room intended for storing clothes, use LED lamps. LED light sources are safer; they will protect your home from fire due to ignition of clothing located in close proximity to the lighting fixtures.

Dressing room interior, photo

Style selection

If your home has an open wardrobe system that continues the interior of one of the rooms, then the choice of style for its decoration and design is obvious - it should be decorated in the same style as the room.

When separating the dressing room from the living spaces with doors or a screen, you can use your imagination in its design. Wide range of possibilities Separate dressing rooms are opened for decoration.

Ideas for a dressing room, photo

One of the advantages of a separate dressing room is that, unlike living quarters, it does not need to be shown to anyone. This means that the room can be decorated based on practical considerations, focusing on functionality rather than fashion trends and extravagance.

For this reason, designers advise deforming the rooms reserved for storing clothes in minimalist or classic styles; the loft style direction is also suitable.

But if you like a different style, feel free to implement it in the decor of your dressing room.

Small Walk-in closet, photo


To conveniently place things in the dressing room, you should think about its contents. Hangers are used to store shirts, dresses, sundresses and jackets. To design them, horizontal rods are required, on which clothes will be hung.

As for trousers, they are also placed on hangers or on trouser racks.

It is convenient to place underwear and socks in retractable drawers.

Filling the dressing room, photo

Shoes and accessories are placed on the lower shelves.

Winter wardrobe items are placed in the upper compartment of the wardrobe system, on shelves with swinging doors or in special baskets.

Pull-out drawers with stands are also used to store accessories. It is more convenient to place accessories in one line.

Options for dressing rooms, photos


How to properly arrange a dressing room? A dressing room, regardless of its type, must have a massive mirror. The presence of a mirror will speed up the selection of an outfit and accessories, eliminating the need for fittings in other rooms.

To ensure comfortable conditions, designers advise placing a couple of poufs or a small bench in the dressing room.

The wardrobe must have a small table or chest of drawers so that there is somewhere to put things.

Corner dressing room, photo

If desired, the wardrobe system can be planned and optimally designed with your own hands; there is nothing complicated about it. There are wardrobes in all houses. To create a dressing room, combine them in one area, using a partition to divide the space, and you will get a small, but cozy room for placing clothes.

All the elements and equipment necessary for arranging a dressing room can be purchased in online stores or furniture supermarkets.

Popular and new modern - all the secrets and subtleties of decorating small rooms, techniques for visually expanding space.

Photos of beautiful bedrooms in classic style you can see .

DIY dressing room (video)

Thanks to modern materials and with their abundance, you can always decorate your dressing room with your own hands. Each house has wardrobes for storing clothes. Combine them in one place, separate them with a partition - and enjoy a full-fledged dressing room!

Photo gallery

Lots of photos with ideas, beautiful samples and new products for creating impeccable dressing rooms in an apartment or in a private house, including photos of samples of small dressing rooms, in the photo gallery:

Classic dressing rooms, or dressing rooms, occupy about 15-20 m2 of space and are designed not only for storing wardrobe items, but also for putting them on. Such spacious dressing rooms are a privilege for owners of large apartments or houses, but with the right approach and 2-3 m2, you can organize a spacious storage area that will allow you to place all your existing clothes and shoes. Of course, it is more difficult to act in a small space, but if you take advantage of the accumulated experience of professional designers, then in the most ordinary and even very miniature apartment you can find a place for a dressing room and place everything you need there. We reveal the main secrets of the design of a small dressing room in an apartment.

A wide selection of custom-made wardrobe rooms is presented on the page The factory produces furniture using its own equipment according to GOST standards.

No. 1. Is there a need for a dressing room?

Surely, almost every girl dreams of a separate room where numerous pairs of shoes would be neatly arranged and beautiful outfits hung. Going to such a room to choose clothes suitable for a particular occasion would turn into a whole ritual with mandatory fitting. Often such a dream remains a dream, because it encounters criticism. Why do you need a separate dressing room in a small apartment when all your things can be hidden in? It would seem that everything is correct, but part of the family wardrobe will still be stored in small cabinets throughout the apartment, and all outerwear and most of shoes - in . The usual arrangement of things, in which space is not saved at all.

A dressing room, albeit small, gives its owners a lot of advantages:

  • the opportunity to get rid of bulky cabinets, shelves, bedside tables and hooks dispersed throughout the apartment. This will make the home more neat and free, and visually it will be perceived even more;
  • Finding the necessary item in a dressing room with open shelving and rods is much easier than rummaging through an often dark closet with narrow shelves;
  • the ability to make the most of the dressing room space by building shelves up to the ceiling and combining different zones storage at your discretion. Even a small dressing room can accommodate more things than a wardrobe;
  • wardrobe items that are neatly folded on shelves or hang freely on a rod retain their original appearance much longer appearance. Of course, this advantage is also typical for a large wardrobe with thoughtful filling, but often in wardrobes clothes are folded too tightly.

The main difficulty that you will have to face on the way to creating a dressing room is finding a suitable place and separating it. Of course, on construction of a partition Some of the usable space will be lost, but upon detailed comparison it turns out that having a separate dressing room, especially if family members have a lot of things, is still more profitable. Modern systems storage allow you to create a convenient dressing room even for 2-3 m2. The minimum possible area of ​​a dressing room is 1.2-1.5 m2.

No. 2. Choosing a place for a dressing room

To find a place for a small dressing room, we analyze all areas and corners of the apartment. The potential and most successful places for a dressing room are:

  • pantry. There are no comments at all. In many apartments the project includes a small utility room. If you didn’t get rid of it at the time, then converting it into a dressing room is not difficult. and a dressing room are largely similar in functionality, but their purpose should not be confused. A pantry is a place for storing things of a completely different nature, which are this moment not needed or rarely used. Only clothes, shoes and accessories are stored in the dressing room, and a dressing room ideally implies the opportunity to change clothes there, however, this is not always easy to do in a small dressing room. Let us note that in modern small-sized apartments the pantry and dressing room are often combined - this is acceptable, but the main thing is not to make a mess and not to store items with a strong smell next to clothes;
  • part of a bedroom or other living room. You can get a small dressing room if you fence off a corner or end of the room, and you can use both stationary partitions and sliding doors. This option will be ideal if it is very elongated in length, then you can not only highlight the dressing room, but also give the room the correct geometry. A corner of a room is often separated in cases where there are doors or windows in adjacent walls, and it is still impossible to arrange the corner in any way;

  • you can get some extra space and use it to create a dressing room, but this is not the most popular option;
  • if there is one in the apartment dead ends or so-called "appendices" which have not been properly used for many years, then there is a place for a small dressing room;
  • don't forget about niches, which are provided for in the layout of a number of apartments, are located in the bedrooms and have sufficient depth for arranging a dressing room;
  • the most extravagant and unusual option– location of the dressing room on loggias. To do this, it must be more or less spacious, and...

No. 3. Wardrobe borders and doors

To separate a new room, you can use one of the following materials:

Doors to the dressing room can be . Swing require space to open, so in conditions of acute space saving they are rarely used, but they have one big advantage - on inside You can place several hooks or envelopes to store accessories. It is better if the swing door does not open into the dressing room, but if there is very little space in the adjacent room, then the opposite option is also allowed.

Accordion doors and sliding doors save space to the maximum and are often used in wide and shallow dressing rooms. The decor of such doors can be done in such a way that an outsider is unlikely to guess that another room is hidden behind them. Lightweight alternative– fabric curtains and louvered doors.

Doorway width must be at least 60 cm. Door material can be anything: wood and its imitation, plastic, glass, mirror, etc. The main thing is that the door fits into the interior of the room adjacent to the dressing room.

No. 4. Choosing a dressing room layout

The layout of a dressing room refers to how the storage areas will be located in it. This largely depends on the area of ​​the room, its geometry and the personal preferences of the owner.

There are different types of wardrobe layouts::

  • one-sided, or linear assume the location of the entire storage system along one wall. Depending on the characteristics of the allocated room here there are a couple of options possible. The first one is reminiscent of a wardrobe - when you open the doors to the dressing room, all the shelves with clothes “look at you” at once and it can be problematic to go inside the room. The second option is to place the door at the narrow end of the dressing room. The minimum width of the room in this case is 1.2 m, which will be enough to provide space for moving around the dressing room and trying on things, as well as storage space 55-60 cm wide. This great option for small apartments, which allows you to conveniently arrange things, have normal access to them, and even change clothes in the dressing room;
  • corner, when a corner of the room is separated by a partition or doors, and storage systems are placed along two adjacent walls forming the corner. Not a bad option, but to get a dressing room in which you can turn around, you will have to take away a decent part of the corner from the room;
  • L-shaped- these are dressing rooms where the racks are located along one long and one short wall. The layout resembles a linear one, only more storage space is added at the far end. An excellent option for arranging a small dressing room;
  • double-sided layout involves a parallel arrangement of two rows of things. This way you can arrange a dressing room minimum width 1.5 m: 60 cm is the door and passage, 60 cm is the main storage area and 30 cm is allocated to cellular shelves in which shoes, accessories and some things can be stored. Placing two wide full-fledged shelving 60 cm wide will require a minimum width of the dressing room 1.75 m;
  • U-shaped layout- not an option for small dressing rooms, since for normal use a width of at least 2 m will be required, otherwise access to the space in the corners will be limited, or they will not be able to be used normally at all. Like the U-shaped layout, it is not used when arranging small dressing rooms. 4-sided layout when some of the shelving is placed near the wall with the front door.

No. 5. Creating a dressing room design project

Since we are talking about actually tiny rooms, it is very important to plan the entire space in such a way as to use literally every centimeter with maximum benefit. It is necessary to carefully consider in advance the location of each element in the future dressing room, and even better - all your thoughts and ideas draw on paper or use a special application.

First, you need to measure the parameters of the existing room and imagine the future dressing room on paper on a scale. Now let's decide which elements must be placed in the dressing room, which depends on the type and quantity of clothing. Some are moving towards them requirements:

Very important properly evaluate your wardrobe, understand how many and what things you have, choose for them the right conditions storage, and only then start designing the dressing room. Please note that the passage between the racks must be at least 60 cm.

No. 6. Equipment and furniture for a small dressing room

From all that has been said, the question may arise: so where to get furniture? There are several options:

In a professional environment, everything storage systems are divided into two main types:

The dressing room space can be divided into three zones:

  • lower(up to 60-80 cm) is often used for storing shoes. In this case, the depth of the shelves should not be more than 20-30 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to search for the required pair. Part of the lower tier can be equipped with drawers;
  • average(from 60-80 cm to 180-200 cm) – a place to store frequently worn clothing, so this area is the easiest to access;
  • top(180-200 cm and above) is used for storing out-of-season or rarely used clothing. You can place boxes of shoes there, and sometimes suitcases are stored on the upper shelves.

Try to make the most of the entire height of the dressing room. If there is space left on the shelves, you can put baskets there. It would be nice to provide a place to store umbrellas and ironing board.
, a musty smell will quickly appear in the dressing room, and the accumulation of excess moisture will lead to the appearance. Ventilation in the dressing room can be ensured in the following ways:

  • regular ventilation is the simplest option, but often insufficient;
  • installation exhaust fan which will connect to common system home ventilation. Some craftsmen build a separate channel leading to the street or roof of the house;
  • installation of an air conditioner with an antibacterial filter;
  • arrangement of a full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation system, but this is difficult and expensive.

When using curtains as doors, it is not necessary to provide additional ventilation.

No. 9. Some design tricks for a small dressing room

Designers have accumulated a lot useful tips And effective ways organize the space of a small dressing room with maximum convenience and comfort:

The final touch when decorating your dressing room is the selection of aromatic sachets that will fill the room with a pleasant smell.

On French The word "wardrobe" is divided into two halves: "dress" and "storage". Nowadays it is becoming fashionable to optimize small things, so many people want to create even a small dressing room. Dressing room 3x2 is the most the best option for any standard apartment, in addition, many new buildings already have a separate room of this size.

The apartment with a storage room is about 5 sq. m. you can arrange everything so that a bedroom or living room is freed up, and you get a small and cozy dressing room.

She can:

  • Be a place to store rarely and frequently used items;
  • Help you find everything you need;
  • Provide proper storage and airing things;
  • Replace bulky furniture;
  • Increase the amount of free space in the room.

If you make a dressing room part of any room, it is necessary that it matches it, taking into account the style and color scheme. You can make a mirrored partition door or a transparent glass, wooden, or even fabric one. It can open like an accordion, be sliding or rotating.

A full-fledged dressing room has a minimum of 1.5 square meters of free space inside.

The interior decoration will be more pleasant if you paint the walls pink, lavender or yellow colors. You can balance the space with the help of decor: the presence of flowers, photographs, cozy rugs and magazines will create the right atmosphere.

Tiny dressing room 1.3x1.3 m

A dressing room is the same as a closet, especially since it has a very small area. By selecting correct design, even the most small room can be equipped as a dressing room. The resulting result is usually closed using glass or solid doors, or is not completely covered by a screen, curtained or left open.

A very small dressing room can be easily accommodated even in small apartments. For example, in the bedroom you can install a high partition, place several metal racks on rollers there (they are extremely mobile), and hang a rod for hanging clothes. Thanks to this solution, there is no need to install a large cabinet.

A mini-wardrobe can be located:

  • Under the bed;
  • Under the stairs;
  • In the pantry;
  • Be part of the room.

Mini-wardrobes have sliding doors: they require more complex installation, but they do not take up much space.

When equipping a dressing room, it is necessary to take into account the fact that closed and open surfaces should have a 50x50 ratio, this will help it look neat and welcoming.

Mini-wardrobes are very mobile: they can be easily assembled and disassembled, moved and equipped, taking into account all the needs of the owners.

DIY simple dressing room 3x1.5 m

For independent work above the dressing room you will need a project and a place where such a the right room. In the dressing room 3x1.5 sq. m. free space will be 4 m², this is enough for the whole family’s things, while there will still be some space to change clothes.

To work with your own hands you will need:

  • Furniture board;
  • Several wall panels;
  • Metal frame;
  • Required number of tools and fastening materials.

At first side surface space is sheathed wall panels to prevent moisture from entering the room. Then the shelf holders are screwed on, and shelves made of furniture panels are placed on them.

It's worth remembering that furniture panels are capricious material. To prevent them from becoming distorted after drying, before use you should long time dry them (at least a week). Wood must adapt to the apartment microclimate.

All shelves and rods are arranged arbitrarily: it all depends on convenience and aesthetics for future owners. A sufficient amount of light is very important: it is worth placing pendant LED lamps on the ceiling, they will diffuse the light well.

We organize the space: dressing room 1x1.5 sq. m

Most appropriate place for the dressing room - small closets and pantries, as well as closets and other small rooms. For maximum comfort, functionality and practicality, it is necessary to take into account some important points future dressing room.

These points include:

  1. Accounting for sizes. There should be enough space in the room to accommodate all things. Minimum sizes standard dressing rooms are considered 1x1.5 square meters. m.
  2. Having a place to change clothes and look in the mirror. A dressing room is not a closet, so a fitting space is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
  3. Availability ventilation duct. To avoid the appearance of odors, it is worth installing a ventilation channel, this will help things stay fresh for a long time.
  4. Careful consideration of the location of internal contents (shelves, drawers, hangers, etc.). This will help you quickly find the item you need without spending a lot of time searching.

When organizing the space inside your dressing room, you shouldn’t stop at just hanging rods—they may not be enough for everything. The tie and trouser rack can be placed on the side walls, in front of them you can allocate a place where bags and shoes will be stored.

When arranging a dressing room in a small space, you should abandon cabinet furniture, as it will “eat up” a certain amount of the required area.

If you have extra space under the rods, you can purchase a roll-out shelf for different important little things– belts, clothing care products, brushes and other things.

Useful content: dressing room 3 sq. m

The minimum area for a dressing room is 3 square meters. m, if it is located near the bedroom. If the whole family uses it, the area increases to 4 square meters. m. In the absence of storage rooms and balconies, the minimum dressing room should be 5 square meters in size. m.

In the dressing room you should place:

  • A bar for a hanger;
  • Various boxes;
  • Trouser hanger;
  • Several baskets and boxes;
  • Several shelves;
  • Several hangers for useful little things(umbrella, belts, etc.);
  • Several modules for shoes;
  • Closed section for bulky items (vacuum cleaner, ironing board);
  • Mirror.

The layout of the future dressing room should include the “more-less” principle, that is, first a place should be determined for each high section, and the remaining space should be allocated to shelves, modules and drawers.

The built-in shelf for hats is very convenient. It should be placed at the top of the room above the clothes.

If you have free space, it would be a good idea to place a dressing table, console or comfortable chair. This will add coziness to the dressing room.

An irreplaceable dressing room 1.5 by 1.5 sq. m: zoning and finishing

Any dressing room requires finishing and internal filling. This is especially important given its small size, because what smaller room, the more comfort it requires.

A good dressing room must have three zones:

  • Clothes area;
  • Shoe area;
  • Hats area.

When thinking about interior decoration, you should not take into account dark color walls, they will visually reduce the space. You can opt for the high-tech style, which includes metal shelves.

For a very small dressing room excellent option can become a shabby chic style. If you arrange it skillfully, it will fit perfectly and create coziness.

When choosing the right furniture, you should focus on the finished complex. This will help you not miss a single detail when arranging your dressing room.

Convenient dressing room 3x2 (video)

Any girl wants to have a place at her disposal where she can try on clothes and enjoy being alone while choosing shoes for tomorrow. Some people buy large wardrobes measuring 2200x1200, others build their own dressing room. Their size can be absolutely any: from 1.5x1.5 square meters. m up to 6x1 sq. m, their shape and location are also chosen at will. The main thing is that they help make life easier.

Wardrobe rooms are comfortable rooms designed to create optimal space for storing various things, and how outerwear, and things used every day. Many owners of apartments and houses prefer to create such a room, and it is often possible to make it only too small. If you put in a little effort, a dressing room photo of 2 sq. m can be beautiful and comfortable.

Many people simply cannot imagine residential real estate without this room. It performs many functions, so it is necessary for:

  • the optimal arrangement of all things on shelves or in closets, so they are kept in order, and people know exactly where this or that clothing is located;
  • ensures the creation of a large amount of space intended for storing things;
  • most often used in small rooms are spacious shelves that are not hidden behind doors, so all clothes are within sight, which reduces the time spent searching for the right thing;
  • all wardrobe items are hidden, so they do not spoil the appearance of other rooms in the home;
  • to create a dressing room, spaces that most often remain unused are used, for example, the area under the stairs;
  • Numerous unevenness on the walls or other problems on them are easily masked by different shelves or cabinets.

If you additionally install a full-length mirror in the room, then the mini dressing room will become convenient place for changing clothes.

Thus, even a 2 by 2 m dressing room is considered an excellent solution for storing numerous clothes. If you approach its layout and design wisely, it will be comfortable, attractive and multifunctional.

Before directly arranging this room, you should decide what free space will be used for these purposes. To do this, you can use a pantry or use different niches. Often a certain part of the room is simply fenced off with special panels or a screen.

Features of a small dressing room

IN one-room apartments or Khrushchev-era buildings do not have enough space to organize a wide and long dressing room, so a mini room is created. At competent organization here you can store not only outerwear or casual clothing, but also shoes, as well as various household products to take care of things. Often there is a shelf for suitcases or bags.

Features of a dressing room of 2 or 3 sq. m include:

  • It is impossible to install a full-fledged and large cabinet here, so the optimal solution is to attach numerous shelves or small cabinets to the walls;
  • to quickly find items, it is advisable to use cabinets equipped with transparent doors;
  • it is possible to make such a room with or without a door, and in the first case it is definitely desirable that the doors be hinged or sliding;
  • For visual increase space is certainly used in a mini dressing room large mirror, and it is desirable that it be the height of an adult;
  • the layout is done in such a way that a person has free access to any part of the room, so that there are no problems in the process of choosing clothes;
  • A lot of attention is paid to lighting, because if it is of poor quality and insufficient, then the wardrobe will be dark, so there will be difficulties in finding the right clothes;
  • It is not allowed to clutter such a room with numerous shelves to avoid clutter.

Thus, small sizes premises require a careful approach to organizing the dressing room, so its features should be taken into account.

Selecting a layout

For a small dressing room can be chosen different ways layouts. Before using any type, it is important to evaluate its features. You need to choose from several types:

  • corner layout - it is considered optimal for small room Therefore, it is possible to make a dressing room even using a small space in the bedroom. This method of arranging objects is divided into several subtypes. The triangular arrangement of furniture is the most optimal and compact. If you choose a trapezoidal layout, then it is advisable to make niches for it in the room using plasterboard. The most popular solution for a corner layout is considered to be L-shaped, and here all cabinets or shelves are installed and fastened along the walls, and in a certain corner they are connected;
  • n-shaped - this design of a dressing room is considered quite successful for a room not exceeding two meters in size. It is suitable for a rectangular room. Racks, cabinets and shelves are mounted on three sides of the dressing room, and to increase the usability of the room it is recommended to allocate space along end wall. In this case, you can easily change clothes in the dressing room, and also look for necessary items. The mirror can be easily placed in any part of the room;
  • linear - this method of arranging furniture involves installing a cabinet along one long wall, and if you correctly arrange all the necessary things and objects in it, then it will be convenient to use.

If you choose a linear planning method, then it is not recommended to make the room excessively long, as this will lead to difficulties in the process of finding the necessary things.



If you plan to make a dressing room with your own hands, it is important to decide not only on its layout, but also on its contents. It is additionally important to think over the design of the room, since it should not only be comfortable, but also attractive, so that it is pleasant to use it constantly for its intended purpose. Since the size does not exceed two meters, difficulties arise with the selection of high-quality furniture.

The main purpose of the dressing room is to store things and shoes, so its contents should be appropriate.

It is necessary to select ergonomic and compact interior items for this room. Manufacturers offer a huge number of different elements that fit even in 1 square meter, so there are usually no difficulties with selecting furniture.

The following items are selected for small rooms:

  • guides designed for the efficient movement of boxes and other elements;
  • rods, and it is considered optimal to mount such an element in the center of the dressing room;
  • hangers used for outerwear, dresses, shirts and other things that must be kept in such a way that they do not wrinkle;
  • shelves provide storage for numerous things, not only clothes, but also shoes, bags or other items;
  • a mirror is an indispensable item in any dressing room, and it does not matter whether the room is large or small;
  • special storage systems are considered optimal for this room, although they have a fairly significant cost, and at the same time they can be moved to different directions and accommodate a large number of of things;
  • an ottoman or a small sofa are items that increase the comfort of using a room, but they do not always fit into small rooms.

Usually a small dressing room cannot accommodate all the necessary items, so it is advisable to store seasonal items in the most visible place, and hide other clothes in distant cabinets and drawers. Things that are used extremely rarely are placed on the upper shelves. Wardrobe elements that are used daily or frequently should be located at eye level.


Much attention should be paid to the proper design of the room. With your own hands you can get a truly attractive and interesting dressing room that fully corresponds to the wishes and tastes of the immediate users. It is advisable to stick to one style during the design process in order to achieve a harmonious finish. You can use it while working different materials, however, they must fit well together.

The dressing room itself is fenced off from other rooms most often with a plasterboard partition or various screens. For interior decoration different materials can be used:

  • plastic is an inexpensive and durable material, produced in special panels that are easily connected to each other, and their colors can be different;
  • glass wallpaper provides a truly bright and unique finish, but has a high cost;
  • Ceramic tiles create an attractive finish, but it is important to understand the intricacies correct installation for perfect results.

It is allowed to use paint for finishing, which is easy to apply with your own hands, and also produces a coating that is resistant to various negative factors. The design of the dressing room should be suitable for the style of the entire home. If you use wallpaper, it is advisable to choose washable wallpaper. All wooden shelves or it is recommended to coat the boxes with a special protective varnish to ensure they long term service, and also guarantee an attractive appearance.

In the process of arranging and decorating a dressing room, you should pay a lot of attention quality lighting. Firstly, this will ensure the convenience of finding any objects in the room, and secondly, it will guarantee a beautiful view of the room.

Small dressing rooms usually do not have windows, so it is important to plan lighting wisely, even at the stage of creating a future renovation project. It is important to provide not only the main lighting, represented by a central chandelier, but also to use lighting that illuminates the contents of different shelves or drawers. Most often used for this LED Strip Light, and you can also use autonomous small lamps installed in drawers.

It is also allowed to use LED lamps that are built-in or embedded in ceiling structures. They are not only economical, but also convenient, since the owner of the room can adjust the lighting of the room. When creating lighting, it is important to create it in such a way that it is as close to natural light as possible.

Also, finishing and repairing a dressing room involves creating optimal ventilation to ensure constant air renewal. Otherwise, the humidity level in the room will rise high, which will negatively affect the condition of the things stored in it.

Thus, a small dressing room can be quite comfortable, multifunctional and attractive. For this it is important to pay attention competent planning, finishing and arrangement. It is necessary to choose the optimal interior items, and also make optimal lighting and create a ventilation system.