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How to insulate a ceiling with a cold roof. How to insulate the ceiling from the side of the attic in a private house - detailed instructions. The use of slab and roll insulation

How to properly insulate the ceiling under a cold roof

Ceiling insulation is necessary not only for a simple increase in temperature in a residential area. It is much more important to exclude the possibility of condensation on a cold surface. Warm air saturated with water vapor rises. In contact with a cold ceiling plate, it actively condenses moisture.

As a result, the ceiling material is impregnated with water, the processes of decay, the formation of fungus and mold, and the destruction of the ceiling structure begin. All these phenomena can be avoided only by changing the physical conditions of air contact with the ceiling.

Important! Insulation is an important and responsible procedure that allows you to increase the life of the ceiling and save up to 40% of thermal energy spent on heating the ceiling.

Let's consider the question more carefully.

If the ceiling is concrete

Concrete has a high heat capacity. He actively absorbs thermal energy while staying cold. This causes condensation to form, which can lead to the destruction of concrete. In frosts, an unheated attic has a temperature close to the outside. Moisture in a wet ceiling slab can freeze and tear the concrete from the inside out. Several cycles of such freezing can crumble the slab, requiring expensive repairs.

Insulation of a concrete slab is best done from the side of the attic. At the same time, it is imperative to choose so as not to interfere with the removal of water vapor from the room.

If the installation of an insulator from the side of the attic is not possible, then it will be necessary to insulate from the inside, which is acceptable, but much worse. In this case, it is necessary to do the opposite - choose a vapor-tight insulation, pre-fix a vapor barrier layer on the ceiling surface in order to ensure that the plate and warm air do not come into contact.

If the ceiling is wooden

The wood floor is rotten, the appearance of mold, fungus and other biological manifestations. If temperature regime organized incorrectly, the overlap will become wet, which will cause the appearance of all undesirable consequences. The solution to the issue is insulation, which can be performed both from above and from below.

Installing an insulator from the attic side maintains the height of the ceiling in the room, cuts off the ceiling from contact with cold air. Unlike thermal insulation concrete ceilings, an impenetrable heat insulator is required for wooden structures.

For indoor (bottom) installations, an impervious type of insulation is also used to prevent water vapor from entering the wooden elements designs. In addition, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier film that cuts off the materials from each other and creates an additional barrier to steam.

Vapor barrier: barriers and membranes

The problem of moisture condensation is a key issue in the process of insulation. If this phenomenon is not taken into account, the whole procedure may be useless.

There is also the danger that after installation from the inside of the insulation, the state of the ceiling plate becomes unknown, all the processes occurring in it are hidden from the eye of the observer. The owner often finds out about the presence of destruction when the floor is completely damaged.

One of effective ways Elimination of moisture condensation is the installation of a vapor barrier film or membrane. Let's consider them in more detail:

Vapor barriers

A vapor barrier (or vapor barrier) is plain polyethylene film, forming a hermetic barrier to water vapor. You can use specialized types made for vapor barrier surfaces, but you can use a simple polyethylene sleeve - the result will be the same.

The vapor barrier is installed in strips, with an overlap of at least 15 cm and an overlap on the walls of about 10 cm (at the end of the work, the excess film is carefully cut off). Longitudinal joints are glued with special adhesive tape, which makes the insulation sheet airtight.

The vapor barrier is installed on top of the heat insulator when installed from the inside or between the wooden floor and the impermeable insulator when insulated from the attic side. On concrete floors vapor barrier is installed only when insulated from the inside, over an impenetrable heat insulator.


The membranes are films with one-sided permeability. They do not let moisture in, but they are not an obstacle to the removal of steam to the outside.

Membranes are installed to protect the insulation from getting wet.

For example, when insulating a concrete slab from the side of the attic mineral wool to prevent the insulator from getting wet, a vapor-waterproofing membrane sheet is installed. It allows water vapor to escape freely, but does not let external moisture into the insulation, allowing it to maintain its working qualities.

Types of insulation: characteristics and prices

Consider the most common materials for ceiling insulation:

Mineral wool

This is one of the most popular heaters. Minvata, or stone wool, has excellent heat-saving properties, is available in various options- rolls, plates, mats.

Prices for mineral wool have a wide range depending on the parameters of the material - density, thickness, country of origin and begin from 500 rub. per pack: 8 boards, 1.2 m*0.6 m*0.05 m.

Mineral wool has excellent vapor permeability, which makes it a good choice for external insulation of concrete or brick building envelopes. the only The disadvantage of the material is the ability to absorb water therefore, it is recommended to install a hydro-vapor barrier membrane over the mineral wool.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is a sealed granules with gas bubbles inside. It is made from clay shale by firing at a high temperature. The material is very light, completely impervious to water, fire, resistant to all biological manifestations.

Expanded clay cost relatively low and depends on the size (there are different groups, united by the size of the granules), starts from 100 rubles. for 10-20 mm (0.05 m 3).

The only drawback of expanded clay is its structure, bulk materials practically not used for insulation vertical planes which limits the demand for them.


Ecowool is a loose loose heat insulator, which is made from cellulose or paper production waste. The main advantage of ecowool is its environmental friendliness, although such an abundance of additives that prevent combustion and decay makes it close to synthetic materials.

Ecowool afraid of exposure to moisture and, special equipment is required for application. These qualities reduce the competitiveness of the material, although there are also adherents of environmentally friendly heaters.


There are two types of expanded polystyrene - polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Outwardly, they are very different from each other, due to the difference in production technology. Styrofoam consists of separate granules, hermetically closed and interconnected by the thermal effect of hot steam. Extruded polystyrene foam is a hardened foam, homogeneous and completely impervious to water.

Styrofoam cost low and makes it the most common insulation, although in most cases it is not suitable due to its vapor barrier. Price from 110 rubles. for 14.4 m², 50 mm thick.

Extruded polystyrene foam is much more expensive, stiffer and stronger. Both types are used on surfaces that do not need steam output.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is sold in special containers in liquid form. The installation resembles the application of ecowool - the material is sprayed using special equipment. In air, polyurethane foam turns into foam and hardens. The insulator does not let water or steam through at all. It is excellent for warming surfaces with complex terrain, in hard-to-reach places.

The cost of the material is high, which makes it inaccessible to many users - from 2000 rubles. for 1 kg.


Penoplex is a type of extruded polystyrene foam. It has all the qualities of EP, impervious to moisture, durable and resistant to biological manifestations. On sale there are different sizes of penoplex, allowing you to get a layer of insulation of any required thickness.

Its cost is from 1700 rubles. for 3.4 m², 100 mm thick.


Penofol is foam polyethylene, covered aluminum foil. There are three types of material:

  • A - foil layer installed on one side
  • B - foil available on both sides
  • C - foil on one side, self-adhesive layer on the other to facilitate installation

The cost of 1 m penofol, depending on the type and thickness, ranges from 38 to 345 rubles.

When installing, the foil layer should be turned towards the room.


Seaweed insulation commonly referred to as kamka. There are three types of kamka:

  • by weight. These are rolls or bales made from compressed dried seaweed.
  • mats in the net. They are canvases about 10 cm thick, placed in a grid for strength.
  • plates. Algae make up about 85%, the rest is a binder, most often silicone

The material is quite exotic, common only near the places of production. The algae insulator has not received wide popularity, except for the coastal regions of the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimea, where damask is used everywhere.

marsh moss

Swamp moss (sphagnum) has been used for insulation for a very long time. In the middle of the last century, it was practically not used, preferring more modern materials, but in Lately it's up for sale again.

The main value of moss is its juice, which has antiseptic properties.

In the old days, it was used to seal the joints between the crowns of log cabins, to insulate baths and other buildings. sphagnum juice kills bacteria, preventing decay. Currently, the material refers, rather, to exotic types of insulation. It does not have wide distribution, being an attractive material for adherents of natural and environmentally friendly materials.

sawdust, shavings

Sawdust and shavings can be used in their pure form, but it is better to mix them with other materials. The fact is that wood is prone to decay, swelling with water, fire hazard, and extremely unstable biologically. Therefore, sawdust or shavings it is customary to knead with diluted lime or with sand-cement mortar . They are laid either in one mass, which dries in place, or slabs are made.

Arbolit, commercially available, consists of sawdust and cement mortar as a binder. The material has not received popularity among users, since its properties are doubtful, other materials have a higher efficiency.


The use of cork as a heater is very limited. It is used as a substrate, as an intermediate elastic layer, but for insulation it is better to choose materials that are more suitable for this. Cork has many advantages, but most of them are more decorative than functional.

The thickness of cork in rolls is about 3 mm, which is too small for insulation, and installing a multi-layer pack is irrational, laborious and too expensive.

Therefore, cork layers are installed only as a substrate for laminate, linoleum or parquet, as a sound insulator and an elastic durable coating.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

Attention! Calculating the thickness of the insulation is an extremely difficult task that requires certain knowledge, the use of the requirements and tables of SNiP, the use of formulas and other data. Searches for information are difficult, and the result may be erroneous. It is recommended to use the services or use online calculators; for clarification, you can duplicate the calculation on another resource.

Insulation of the ceiling from the side of the room

Internal insulation is performed when it is impossible to carry out work from the attic. It reduces the height of the ceiling, requires a series of operations, complicates the installation of fixtures or other equipment mounted on the ceiling.

The installation of insulation will require careful vapor barrier, the choice of material should take into account the need for impermeability of the insulator. Suitable, for example, foam, a cheap and effective material for internal insulation. The procedure consists of several stages, which should be considered in more detail.

Ceiling preparation

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the chandelier or fixtures, disconnect all curtains, brackets and other foreign objects that can be attached to the ceiling plate. The surface of the ceiling plate must be clean and dry. If there are any delaminations or shedding, they must be removed. Found cracks or other flaws should be puttied, large potholes should be plastered.

Mounting with glue

The adhesive composition for the installation of insulation is sold in stores. Usually it is a dry mix, which must be diluted with water according to the instructions on the package. The finished solution is similar to ceramic tile adhesive.

Glue is applied to the insulation boards in the same way as on tiles - an approximate amount is applied using a straight trowel, then the layer is calibrated with a notched trowel. After that, the insulator plate is pressed tightly against the ceiling plate and additionally fixed with special dowels with wide caps. The next plate is installed in a similar way. There should not be any gaps between the plates; the sides must be covered with a layer of glue for a tight connection.

Important! You can’t miss the moment and bring the wire from the chandelier out in time, otherwise it will be too late later and you will have to pick out the laid insulation.

After completion of work, some time is allotted for the glue to dry (according to the instructions on the package), after which a layer of vapor barrier is installed.

The best option for finishing is a stretch ceiling, for amateurs - continuous plastering of the ceiling surface with subsequent painting.

Installation of insulation between the rails of the crate

This way good for warming wooden ceiling . The crate and insulation should have the same thickness, or the crate should be slightly larger. The distance between the laths of the crate is chosen so that the insulation panels are tightly inserted between them. This will help the most economical use of the insulator.

Installation of insulation between the slats made without glue, but if necessary, the plates are fixed with thick threads or twine. When installing, it is necessary to monitor the density, the absence of cracks and gaps. If they appear, the detected flaws are immediately filled mounting foam.

After installing the heater installation of a vapor barrier film. As a cladding, you can use sheets of drywall, which are fastened with screws to the battens of the crate.

Ceiling insulation from the attic

Insulation from the attic most The right way , providing a high-quality result and not reducing the height of the ceiling. In addition, all work is carried out outside the residential area, which contributes to maintaining cleanliness and does not interfere with the use of the premises for its intended purpose. If the ceiling slab is concrete, then it is necessary to ensure the correct removal of water vapor, for which you will need a permeable insulator and a vapor barrier membrane.

Installation of slabs or insulation mats

Slabs or mats fit between the battens or just on the floor surface. The material is tightly packed without gaps and gaps. In hard-to-reach places, leaks or cracks may appear, so you need to keep several bottles of mounting foam on hand and immediately fill the cavities.

If the design of the ceiling allows, it is possible to install plank flooring over the insulation and membrane so that you can move freely along the ceiling.

Spraying insulation material

Sprayed materials are polyurethane foam or ecowool. The first can only be used on wooden floors, the second - on concrete. This is due to the vapor permeability of the material; it is not required for wooden floors, but it is necessary for concrete floors.

The insulator is applied to the prescribed thickness, after which the protective flooring is installed. For ecowool, you will need to install a layer of a vapor-hydroprotective membrane on top.

The method gives a qualitative result, but requires the use of appropriate equipment, which will have to be dragged to the attic, which is not easy to do.

Bulk insulation

Attic backfill loose insulation - one of the most simple ways performing insulation. Optimal material - expanded clay, it is resistant to any influences and is almost eternal. Backfilling is carried out to a certain thickness, which can be found in the SNiP tables.

The material is poured in an even layer and leveled with a special tool. The work is done quickly enough, the result is always quite positive.

Preferred Materials - Expert Conclusion

The most preferred material for ceiling insulation is determined by the type of ceiling and the installation site.

For concrete slabs and attic side installation best choice- mineral wool, and for internal installation - penoplex.

If the ceiling is wooden, then penoplex can be placed both inside and outside. Styrofoam is somewhat worse than foam plastic, but it is much cheaper, which is also an important factor.

When installed from the attic side bulk materials can be used, valuable in that they can be used repeatedly, removed and reinstalled. The main condition for obtaining the correct result is not the choice of material, but the creation of an effective cut-off of condensate; when insulating, this must be constantly borne in mind.

According to researchers of the thermal conductivity of materials and structures, from 25 to 40% of the heat carried by air escapes through the ceiling in the house. Naturally, this figure varies depending on the specific conditions - the type of ceiling, the location of the floors in the house, etc. But be that as it may, the ceiling is the most vulnerable place for heat loss after windows and doors, where direct heat leakage occurs. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the insulation of the ceiling. Saving materials in this part of the construction inevitably leads to further financial costs for heating during the operation of the building.

Do I need to insulate the ceiling with a cold roof

In order to understand whether it is worth it at all to insulate the ceiling in a house with a cold roof, you need to get to know the structure of the roof as a whole.

The roof protects living quarters from all types of precipitation.

The roof (or roof) is the upper part of the building that covers the entire structure.

Its main purpose is to protect the building from rain and snow, as well as the removal of melt water.

As can be seen from the definition, the function of the roof does not include the task of maintaining heat in the house. Therefore, it is often designed based on the tasks of drainage, without any insulation.

If insulation is not laid in the roofing pie, a classic cold roof construction is obtained.

Roof shapes are very diverse. Differ in a variety and materials of which the roofing cloth is made. But be that as it may, roofers are only responsible for the waterproofing of the roof, but in no case for thermal insulation. Moreover, in order to avoid damage to materials, the occurrence of stagnant and putrefactive processes in the rafters and logs, it is customary to build an attic in such a way that it is well ventilated. In this case, moisture harmful to wood and metal does not accumulate under the coating. It is important that there is no difference in air temperature between the outdoor space and the indoor one. Then the moisture does not condense on load-bearing elements and the roof will last as long as possible.

But at the same time, the problem of heat preservation inside the building arises, which is especially relevant in the northern regions. It is solved in two ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Heated roof device. Such roofs have appeared quite recently, with the advent of insulating materials produced on a synthetic basis. The insulation layer is placed on the inside of the roof, completely isolating the attic space from the external environment. Today, builders have learned how to insulate the entire roof plane with high quality and at the same time prevent the occurrence of a dew point inside the insulation. The lion's share of merit in this belongs to the chemical industry, which produces polymer (rolled and sprayed) insulation. The big disadvantage of such technologies is the high cost of installation and materials. But as a result, an additional room appears in the building, suitable for housing or other domestic needs - clubs, gyms and even saunas are located in the attics.

    The classic scheme for constructing a roofing pie for an insulated roof involves laying insulation and a layer of vapor barrier

  2. The device of a cold roof with insulation of the attic floor. This method is more traditional, used for more than one generation. In this case, there is no need to insulate the roof slopes, all attention is paid directly to the overlap between the residential and attic spaces. The space under the roof remains an auxiliary place for storing things, drying fruits, mushrooms, etc. Sometimes the attic is equipped for life in the warm season, turning it into a summer attic. Compared to a warm roof, this method of thermal insulation is much cheaper. In addition, the big advantage of a cold roof is its simplicity, reliability and accessibility during repairs.

    When installing a cold roof, the floors of the first floor are insulated, laying between ceiling beams insulation boards

The choice of the type of roof in the house depends on various circumstances. Below we consider the second, more common option.

How best to insulate the ceiling

First of all, it is necessary to figure out exactly how to insulate the ceiling: from the outside or from the inside.

From the side of the attic, it is much more comfortable to insulate the ceiling. This work is, frankly, dusty. And if people live in a house or apartment during work, then all household utensils and the owners themselves will experience discomfort, albeit temporary. The external method of insulation has a number of advantages.

  1. You can use synthetic materials that inside the dwelling will harm human health. For example, polyurethane coating, one of the most effective thermal insulation coatings, you should not apply to the ceiling from the inside of the house in the same way as polystyrene, mineral or basalt wool. All these materials retain heat well, but emit harmful gases and caustic dust into the atmosphere.
  2. If the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slabs, then it accumulates excess heat. When the air inside the housing cools, the stove gives off heat back. But for this it is necessary that the thermal insulation is on the outside.
  3. If the floor is wooden (logs or timber), then attic insulation doubly beneficial. The load-bearing parts of the ceiling, which themselves are an excellent thermal insulator, together with an additional layer on top, give a very good cumulative result.
  4. The degree of fire danger during insulation from the attic is much lower. Even if non-combustible insulation is used inside the housing, there is always a threat of collapse of suspended, glued or stretch ceilings.

The operational reports of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations describe real incidents when people receive severe burns and respiratory tract poisoning during fires in houses with stretch ceilings installed. The material of such ceilings is combustible, and when heated, it is strongly deformed, stretches and falls, covering all living things with a suffocating sheet.

Ceiling insulation technologies with a cold roof

For insulation, a variety of materials are used - natural or synthetic. Depending on this, apply various technologies insulation installation.

The main principle of attic floor insulation is the creation of the most hermetic layer that prevents heat leakage. This problem is solved by eliminating air leaks and eliminating cold bridges in the elements of the roof structure.

Natural materials for insulation of the ceiling outside

They were used even when there was no chemical industry. But many people today are returning to these means of keeping the heat in the house. Distinctive properties such materials are cheap and environmentally friendly.

Sawdust and shavings

When erecting wooden houses a lot of waste is generated, including sawdust and shavings. But this is not enough for a full-fledged insulation of floors. Therefore, they have to be bought. Fortunately, the price of such material, as a rule, is junk. On furniture factories and sawmills accumulates a large number of sawdust, you can always agree on delivery. When choosing this heater, you need to consider three important features.

Clay itself is an excellent thermal insulator. Its only downside is its weight. Therefore, various lightweight options are often used. Straw or wood shavings are added to the clay slurry. The proportion is selected in such a way that the coating does not lose its plasticity and easily fills any gaps. The advantage of such insulation is that clay is almost everywhere, it does not need to be further processed - just diluted in water. Usually, a construction trough is used, from which it is then convenient to transfer the resulting mixture to an insulated area. After drying, the resulting cracks are treated with a liquid solution with the addition of sand. The coating layer is adjusted taking into account climatic conditions. It can be from 15–20 to 30 cm. The main advantage of clay insulation is high fire safety. In addition to using clay as the main insulation, it is often used as an additional coating on top of combustible materials.

Clay diluted with fillers is poured between the lags and leveled with the rule

This type of natural insulation is rarely used today. Mainly because it burns very well. But mixed with clay or pressed straw is practically devoid of this drawback. If there is a collective farm near the building that cultivates wheat or rye (and rye is preferable), you can order straw pressed into bales of the desired shape. Installation work takes a little time and does not require any special tools. At the same time, the heat-saving effect is very high. An insulation layer of 25–30 cm is considered optimal. Treatment with fire retardants is desirable. The price is very affordable.

Straw, pressed into bales, practically does not support combustion

Reed as a heater

Reeds grow around many bodies of water. Its preparation is a rather painstaking process. To insulate the house, they use reeds tied into mats (preferably with metal wire). They are laid between the lags in several layers, while filling the seams and cracks. A distinctive feature of the reed is its resistance to rodents and long service life. Even if moisture gets on the mat, it does not lose its properties and does not rot. The ignition temperature of reeds is much higher than that of straw or sawdust.

Tied mats of reed stalks are laid between the bearing lags of the floor

Leaves, dried grass, moss

Today it is a rather exotic and rare way of warming. However, it is still used in rural areas, as well as in the construction of hunting huts and forest cordons. Preference is given to the leaves of oak, hornbeam and needles (from mosses - reindeer moss). A necessary condition for the use of such a material is dryness and top coating with a reliable non-combustible material, for example, the same clay or slag. Over time, the grass and leaves are compressed into a solid layer that cannot be set on fire. The initial thickness of the embankment is from 20 cm.

Moss is a universal insulation that is used not only inside, but also outside the building.


Since tons of algae are washed ashore by the surf every year, coastal residents have learned to use this natural material to insulate their homes. As a rule, this is damask - a type of long, branched algae with a strong structure. Dried and collected in large armfuls, they are evenly distributed over the entire plane of the attic floor. They can be laid even when not completely dry - over time, the plants fill the smallest holes and acquire a hard texture. They are not afraid of changes in air humidity, mold and rodents. For a long time, the kamka releases the iodine accumulated in sea water into the atmosphere, purifying the air from bacteria.

Algae are mainly used in coastal areas where they are usually available in large quantities.

Artificial insulation for outdoor installation on the ceiling

If working with natural materials does not raise big questions from the user, then synthetic heaters require strict adherence to technological conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of operation sometimes leads to the opposite result. Before performing the insulation yourself, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the properties, conditions of use and laying technology. This group of materials includes the following heaters.

Expanded clay

A very common insulation, which is used both in private and industrial construction. Compliant fire safety does not support combustion at all. It is made from clay by foaming and firing. Has a small specific gravity, convenient to transport and operate. There are several fractions of expanded clay, depending on the size of the granules. For the insulation of private houses, expanded clay with a grain size of 4 to 10 mm is most often used. When backfilling the expanded clay mixture, a waterproofing or vapor barrier layer is necessarily preliminarily laid. This type of thermal insulation is applicable to all types of buildings. positive qualities environmental friendliness and unlimited service life are considered. Since expanded clay consists of natural clay, it does not cause any allergic reaction in people with hypersensitivity. Most often, the space between the lags is filled with insulation, which is then covered with boards. But this is not a prerequisite. It is permissible to use it without additional plating. The height of the embankment is adjusted according to local weather conditions.

A layer of expanded clay is poured into the space between the lags and covered with a layer of vapor barrier

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is made from a vitreous material based on silicon. Release form - rolls and mats of different sizes. For private construction, this insulation is recommended only on condition that it does not openly come into contact with the living space. This is due to the adverse effects of fine dust, which the material emits during installation, on the human mucosa. Can be used in enclosed structures such as plasterboard partitions, ceilings or walls. When using mineral wool, it is imperative to use a membrane film as a barrier to fine airborne particles.

Mineral wool must be laid in rows close to each other to prevent the formation of cold bridges.

Filling with cotton wool is carried out only in a respirator and gloves. Once in the lungs, fine dust can cause illness. For achievement best result it is necessary to carefully fill the slots, the gap between the mats should not exceed 2 mm. The cutting of the carpet covering is carried out with a sharp long knife.

Video: how to properly insulate a mineral wool ceiling in a private house

As the name implies, this material is made from solid basalt rocks. As a result - high strength, ductility and moisture resistance. Basalt wool mats and rolls are produced, covered with metal foil - this increases the thermal insulation properties of the insulation. The range of application is very wide - from blast furnaces to ordinary baths. Can be used wherever there is a need to save high temperatures inside closed space. Of all types of building wool, basalt insulation is best suited for private construction. However, it should not be forgotten that the general weak link such materials are phenol-formaldehyde resins, which are part of the adhesive components. Over time, the substance goes through a half-life stage and harmful gases are released into the surrounding space. Formaldehyde resins belong to a group of carcinogens that increase the risk of cancer.

When laying foil basalt wool, the metal film is directed down

Laying mats does not require special training. However, do not forget about the rules of personal safety. You need to cut the roll on a solid support, placing a board under the cut, or with large scissors. The best result is achieved if the cotton does not crumple.

It is not recommended to insulate residential buildings with slag. It is produced from the waste of metallurgical production, in particular, slag from blast furnaces. It has a low cost, but at the same time it absorbs moisture very well, after which it releases acid, which negatively affects other structural elements (especially metals).

The use of slag wool is allowed only for draft installation work outdoors


Ecowool appeared on the insulation market relatively recently; it was launched into mass production 5-7 years ago, after it was recognized as one of the the best materials in your industry. It is made from natural cellulose by recycling paper and wood waste with the addition of natural dyes and binders. Ecowool gained popularity thanks to technological features and the possibility of mechanical laying. Application of insulation is carried out both manually and with the help of special equipment. The liquid mixture, ready for use, is supplied to the insulated surface by a compressor unit with high performance. As a result, a seamless layer of a given thickness is created, which, when solidified, forms a solid crust. From the point of view of fire safety, ecowool belongs to the category of self-extinguishing materials. Hand laying is also carried out quite quickly, because the mixture is light in weight and easy to process. Experts believe that ecological wool has a great construction future.

Mechanized application of ecowool significantly increases labor productivity

There are two ways to insulate with ecowool:

  1. Wet. The preparation of the working mixture is carried out in a special installation for spraying. The binder is lignite, which has excellent adhesion. Insulation can be applied to both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is rarely used for warming private houses, as it involves the use of expensive equipment.

    Before applying ecowool, a metal or wooden crate is mounted on the surface to be insulated

  2. Dry. This method is much more affordable, because the only tools you need are an electric drill with a mixer and a large bucket. The calculation of the batch is made according to the formula m \u003d S * L * p, where m is the mass of the solution, S is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface to be covered, L is the thickness of the insulation layer, p is the specific gravity of the insulation (ranges from 45 to 65 kg / m 3 depending on the compaction ).

    Ecowool insulation is prepared in a construction bucket using a mixer

Video: ecowool ceiling insulation


Polystyrene has excellent thermal insulation properties, the composition contains 90–95% air. It is produced in the form of plates and mats of various densities and purposes. However, for all its practicality and affordable price for insulation it is used in a limited range, due to the fact that when heated and burned, it emits toxic carbon monoxide. The disadvantages also include the inability to pass air, which leads to moisture condensation. The laying technology in wooden floors is simple. Polystyrene sheets cut out right size and laid in the same plane between the supporting beams. Fastening is carried out special adhesives and additional fixation with mushroom-shaped plastic dowels. The seams are filling up construction foam, and a cement screed of small thickness (but not less than 5 cm) is poured on top.

If you manage to pick up polystyrene sheets strictly for the size of the span between the beams, the insulation will be much more effective.

Polyurethane insulation

Two-component polyurethane foam is designed for industrial facilities in areas with low temperature indicators. The coating is usually two-layer and requires the use of special equipment. The application of the working composition is carried out under pressure, at least two people are required for work.

Advantages of polyurethane foam:

  • high performance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and changes in humidity;
  • good sealing properties. The material covers the entire area with a solid foamed layer of polymer;
  • simple processing after hardening - with a knife or saw.

However, it should be said that polyurethane foam spraying is a rather expensive technology, which is used mainly for service premises: hangars, warehouses, garages.

The application of the polyurethane layer is carried out by a qualified operator in a protective suit using special equipment

Video: how to choose a heater

Ways of internal insulation of the ceiling

Sometimes, however, there are cases when insulation has to be done inside the living quarters. For example, if the attic is not available. Then apply internal heaters, which are classified as follows.

  1. Frame structures are a type of suspended ceiling that use raster elements to secure the finishing material to right level. Suspended ceilings are used for insulation both independently and in combination with other heaters:
    • stretch ceiling. They consist of a single piece of fabric, stretched over the entire plane of the room and fixed around the perimeter with metal profiles. The installation of such ceilings is carried out by specialized organizations. It is impossible to make and install the canvas on your own, as this requires a cutting workshop and heat guns. But it is possible to insulate an existing ceiling with foam mats without outside help. At the same time, they use the same techniques as when laying mats in the attic: glue and plastic dowels-fungi. To level the harmful effects of polymers, the insulation is covered on both sides with membrane moisture-proof films. You can fix them with a stapler or double-sided tape. When the installation is completed, you can invite a team of installers stretch ceiling;

      Installation of a stretch ceiling can be carried out immediately after the insulation of the ceiling

    • rack ceilings consist of a supporting frame firmly attached to the ceiling, and metal (or plastic) rails that form one or more planes. The algorithm for preparing for installation is similar to stretch ceilings, only at the beginning the frame fasteners are mounted (usually wire hangers), and then the insulation is already attached. On my own rack ceiling cannot interfere with heat transfer, it plays the role of a cosmetic cladding. Therefore, it is necessary to install the insulation carefully, having previously puttied all the holes and cracks in the ceiling;

      The rack ceiling does not have an additional heat-insulating effect, so the insulation under it must be laid in a dense and even layer.

    • plasterboard ceilings are a separate item, as they are recognized as the best solution to the issue of finishing floors. Certified materials and technologies (for example, Knauf systems) guarantee the desired result. Qualified engineers work on the development of systems, all materials are tested. Since leading developers are conducting research within the framework of maximum consumer safety, foam insulation is not considered in principle. The danger and risks for a person are too great. Ceilings are insulated only with mineral wool, such as Ursa, Rockwool and others, recognized as minimally hazardous. Rolls or mats are placed in a pre-assembled frame and closed polyethylene film. Then the GKL plates are installed. All joints between the plates are carefully puttied twice with a gypsum composition, the gaps between the suspended ceiling and walls are treated with acrylic sealant. If there are fixtures in the ceiling, they are installed last. Moreover, it is allowed to use only factory models of lamps in which the rated voltage does not cause a risk of fire.

      The insulation is installed after the installation of the raster structure

  2. Bonding insulation to a load-bearing ceiling. There is a group of materials designed to insulate the ceiling without subsequent cladding. It includes:
    • foam panels. They differ from the usual insulation on the outside. Usually this decorative surface with repeating patterns. The thickness of such plates is about 1.5–3 cm. They are light and well attached to the adhesive to a flat ceiling. Sometimes there are such products with locks on the edges. This increases the tightness of the coating as a whole. At the same time, do not forget to lubricate the edges with sealant during installation;

      Installation foam panels in addition to insulation, it well masks defects in concrete floor slabs

    • cork lining. It is used in areas with high security requirements. For example, in children's rooms. It has a pleasant natural texture and does not emit toxic substances. Fixed with adhesive sealant directly to the main ceiling. The only drawback is the high price.

      Cork can be used to insulate not only ceilings, but also walls inside the building

  3. Special plasters. Such insulation materials arose just a few years ago and came into free sale from innovative industries (aerospace, military and space technology). For example, heat-insulating putty of the Akterm series with a layer of 1 mm is equivalent in terms of its thermal characteristics to 5 cm of foam. Inside the composition are ceramic hollow balls a few microns in size. Working with this coating requires special skills. It is important to scrupulously maintain the ratio of all components in the preparation of the composition. Today, the mass use of such high-tech materials is limited by the price of the product and is rarely used in everyday life.

    Water pipes coated with "Akterm" are not afraid of frost

Video: ceiling insulation under drywall

In conclusion, I would like to note that the insulation of the ceiling is a simple matter. However, it requires accuracy and accurate knowledge of the properties of materials. Over time, some of the heaters shrink or become saturated with moisture. If you do not respond in time, the level of protection against temperature fluctuations will decrease. Therefore, once a year you need to do an audit and check the condition of the insulation.

Heating of modern buildings is carried out by gas or electric equipment. Buildings with periodic residence (cottage, garden house, country cottage). Insulation of the ceiling in a house with a cold roof allows you to reduce heat loss and create an optimal microclimate in the premises.

The choice of materials for thermal insulation of a cold roof

The construction market offers an extensive selection of materials for thermal insulation. However, not every insulation is designed for laying in the attic space with a cold roof. In order to profitability of the planned insulation, you should choose the right heat insulator. First of all, such materials are selected with resistance to moisture, low thermal conductivity and compliance with SNiP.

Often for thermal insulation works choose materials such as:

This insulation refers to bulk-type heat insulators obtained by firing shale. Advantages - light weight, porous structure, high thermal insulation and resistance to water.

The material is sold in the form of a fibrous type of mineral-based insulation. Standard release form - mats, plates, rolls. This material is recognized as best option for ceiling insulation. However, the price tag for a heat insulator starts at 950 rubles. per roll. Advantages - excellent heat retention, sound insulation. The only negative is heavy weight, so when choosing this material, you should take into account the load on truss system.

It is made from expanded polystyrene foam, but in the final version of this substance no more than 2-3% remains in the composition. Thus, more than 95% of the foam are air cells. Due to this, light weight and excellent thermal insulation performance are achieved. Additional advantages include - resistance to moisture and preservation of properties in contact with water. Installation of polystyrene foam slabs lightweight, i.e. you can do it by hand. To do this, the plates are cut to the required width, laid on the floor of the attic between the lags and fixed.

Builders pay attention to the importance of insulating the floor located in the attic space under a cold roof. Also important is the laying of steam and waterproofing.

The specifics of the roof with a cold "pie"

The structure of the attic floor cake has classical scheme, consisting of layer-by-layer mounting of materials in the following order:

  • waterproofing film;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • roofing materials.

This type of construction is relevant for households, where the space under the attic is non-residential, respectively, it is not heated in winter. The essence of a cold roof is a rafter system, on top of which a PVC film for waterproofing and roof materials are laid.

The expediency of this type of roof is due to its light weight, low construction costs and easy installation than in the construction of a warm type of roof. In view of this, a cold roof is a practical and a budget option construction country house or cottages.

If there are no radiators in the attic, then the air will act as a buffer to reduce heat loss. According to the principle of convection, in which warm air rises, below it will be subject to cooling. The result of this process is the internal heating of the slopes, which excludes the formation of ice.

In order to preserve heat, as well as to reduce the financial costs of heating, work is underway to lay ceiling insulation for a cold attic.

Heat insulators are chosen, as a rule, of two types - fibrous or backfill. Installation of such materials is simple, efficient and effective. Since the flow of hot air always tends to rise, and the insulated attic will not cool it, thus creating an almost identical temperature throughout the house.

The technological process of laying insulation

Carrying out work on the insulation of the house from the side of the second floor with a cold roof is carried out with expanded clay or mineral wool. Only in some cases (dacha, garden house) use inexpensive foam.

Installation of expanded clay heat insulator

For thermal insulation of the ceiling from the side of the cold attic with expanded clay, a PVC film for vapor barrier is laid on the floors. It is fixed with a construction stapler.

PVC film is laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm on the wall and adjacent areas of waterproofing. As a warning of gaps, the sections are fixed with adhesive tape.

The next step - expanded clay is poured on top of the vapor barrier material. The thickness of the insulation varies from 15 to 30 cm. When planning the arrangement of a finishing screed, the entire space between the lags must be filled with expanded clay heat insulator.

The final stage is the arrangement of a screed from a sand-cement mixture. The thickness of the consistency should be from 50 mm. The advantage of this method of insulation is fire and injury safety during further operation, as well as environmental friendliness.

The procedure for laying mineral wool from the side of a cold attic

When using mineral wool, vapor barrier and waterproofing should be laid first. In this version of insulation, you can not save on the quality of materials, because. if mineral wool is not properly protected, water can get on it, as a result of which it will lose more than 60% of its qualities.

Installation of mineral wool is carried out between the logs on the floor of the attic. Subsequently, the heat insulator is closed fine finish. If the floors are made of concrete, then the first step is to level the plane. Then the floor is covered with a film and the installation of plates is carried out. Finishing is done with plywood or wooden board. Next, the screed of the plates is equipped.

To insulate the attic wooden house, it is necessary to fill the cells between the beams with an insulator. Then the film is overlapped with an overlap on the wall up to 250 mm. The joints are reinforced with construction tape.


The types of heaters and installation methods discussed in the article are common. However, the list of heat insulators for cold roofs is much wider. Also in construction hypermarkets you can find special materials for country houses High Quality.

When choosing a material for attic thermal insulation, experts recommend paying attention to the nuances of construction. It should also be remembered that in a wooden house you should not use hermetic heaters, such as Penofol or Penoplex, because. they are designed for use in concrete houses.

Builders often charge a lot of money for work on roof insulation. This is motivated by the fact that these are labor-intensive works that are carried out on weight. To save money,wooden house you can do it yourself. Special qualifications are not needed here, special equipment is not required. And it doesn’t matter if your roof is made of ondulin, metal tile or slate, gable or broken structure. However, modern insulating materials and the proven cold roof insulation technology has many nuances that you need to know.

It is not difficult to make the roof warm, and the premises of a private wooden house suitable for year-round use. The main thing is to create good conditions to keep the heat inside the attic. How to insulate the roof, what materials to use, we will consider in this article. Insulation issues can be addressed both during the construction of the house, and after, by reconstructing the upper floor.

Features of a cold roof

In accordance with the laws of physics and convection processes, warm air masses rise to the top. In the presence of a cold roof of a wooden house, all the heat will go outside. Such heat losses make it necessary to additionally heat the premises in the house, spending electricity or fuel. Therefore, high-quality insulation of ceiling slabs is the most important task for preserving heat, rational use coolants and creating a microclimate in the house.

Attic roof insulation

Cold is called the construction of a gable or broken roof, which does not have a multilayer structure. In such inexpensive and simple roofs, there is no waterproofing, vapor barrier and thermal insulation.

cold roof insulation

The design scheme of a gable cold roof is very simple - on beams hardwood floor, as a rule, the floor is laid from boards, and the roof is made of slate or metal tiles, without any insulators. In order to properly insulate a cold roof, you need to know what requirements apply to the design of the ceiling of the upper floor and attic floors. And also you should choose the right insulation material.

Rafter scheme gable roof

Requirements for roofing

When starting to insulate a roof made of ondulin, slate or metal tiles, broken or hip, you should know what building codes and rules exist for the floors of a private wooden house. In order not to violate the basic parameters that must be met by the design of the attic, the thermal insulation of the ceiling andwarming mansard roof from withinshould be carried out taking into account the basic requirements. For attic floors and ceilings, this is strength and compliance with fire safety standards.

roofing cake

The strength of the attic floors must correspond to the nature of the under-roof space. If an attic is arranged in the attic, then the ceilings must withstand the weight of the floors, furniture and people in it. Floor beams should not sag, and permissible load cannot exceed 100 kg per square meter.

Load on the gable roof truss system

The second basic requirement - fire safety is especially important for a wooden house. All structural elements must be treated with special flame retardants.

Types of heat-insulating materials

In order to qualitatively insulate the construction of a wooden ceiling and the entire roof made of metal tiles, a variety of heat insulators are used.

Types of heaters

Main types:

  • polystyrene and foam plastic;
  • mineral wool;
  • ecowool;
  • glass wool;
  • fiberboard;
  • foamed polyurethane;

Each of the listed heaters has its pros and cons. The choice of insulation for the ceiling and for metal tiles depends on various factors. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with each type of heat insulator in more detail in order to understand the better it is to insulate the ceiling floors and the entire upper floor.

Insulation of a mansard roof made of metal tiles

In the cold season, any house loses heat due to leaks at the joints of building structures, cracks in windows and doors, and also due to thermal radiation of walls, floors and ceilings into the surrounding space. At the same time, ceilings and roofs account for 15 to 45% of all heat losses. Therefore, the ceiling must be insulated, excluding heat loss due to the release of heated air and due to heat transfer. Most of methods of insulation does not require expensive equipment and special qualifications of workers. They are quite capable of doing the work of warming the house with their own hands.

In addition to the most important task - keeping warm - work on thermal insulation solves one more thing - maintaining optimal humidity. For this, in addition to insulation materials, vapor barrier and waterproofing membranes are used to prevent the accumulation of condensate on ceilings and walls. Semi-permeable membrane films pass through themselves into one of the water vapor and do not pass moisture in the opposite direction.

General scheme of ceiling and roof insulation

Ceiling and roof insulation schemes

In terms of insulation, all roofs are divided into two types:

  • Warm. Under roofing material several layers are located: vapor barrier, insulation for the ceiling and waterproofing. They are held by crates - spatial structures attached to the rafters. Ceiling attic rooms insulated in exactly the same way.
  • Cold. They have a layer of roofing material and a load-bearing structure and a layer of vapor barrier placed under them. The air gap in the attic is an additional barrier to heat loss. The ceiling, located under the so-called cold roof, must be insulated and waterproofed.

Features of ceiling insulation

The main feature of flat ceiling insulation is the inability to arrange a condensate drain, as is done for sloping roofs. Therefore, almost all insulation solutions are aimed at diverting water vapor upwards, ensuring that it passes unhindered through all layers.

cold overlap

How to properly insulate the ceiling under a cold attic? Air gaps are left above a cold or heat-conducting floor (for example, concrete). The first, auxiliary between the vapor barrier film and the insulation, comes into action with large temperature drops and abundant condensation. It must be well ventilated. The main gap between the insulation and the waterproofing layer is easier to make ventilated - just leave a small gap around the perimeter. Cold overlap is preferably insulated both from above and from below. The insulation used for the ceiling under the cold attic must be moisture resistant.

Warm overlay

A warm floor is a floor made of materials with low thermal conductivity, such as wood. Such ceilings, which in themselves serve as a heat insulator, it is enough to insulate only from above. Even if condensate is formed during large temperature changes, it will be absorbed into wooden structures without changing their properties, and subsequently evaporate. As a rule, this process is invisible to the inhabitants.

The vapor barrier is laid on the ceiling without a gap, then the insulation is laid. An air gap between the thermal insulation layer and the hydro-barrier membrane should also be left to ensure its ventilation.

Materials for insulation

There is no single answer to the question of which insulation is better. The choice is determined by several factors, such as:

Materials for insulation are divided into basic and auxiliary. Auxiliary include barrier and membrane.

Barriers and membranes

Vapor barriers

Vapor barriers are needed so that water vapor does not pass through them. For their manufacture, polypropylene films with a thickness of over 55 microns are used.

Polyethylene is unsuitable as a vapor barrier - over time, it cracks due to temperature fluctuations and begins to let vapors through. However, if you solder a layer of polyethylene and a layer of foil, you get a high-quality vapor barrier.

Foil isols are also provided with a layer of fibrous non-woven material such as synthetic winterizer. This layer collects moisture from the insulation and takes it to the side through the capillaries. If it is available, an additional air gap above the cold ceiling can be omitted.


Multilayer reinforced membrane materials allow vapor to pass in one direction and retain moisture in the opposite direction. The reinforcing mesh layer provides the strength of the film, does not allow it to sag and guarantees the constancy of the value of the main air gap.

Reinforcing membranes

Read also - with your own hands.

Membranes for laying under the roof have a metallized outer side. It increases resistance to weather conditions - high humidity, wind loads and temperature extremes.


What is the best way to insulate cold ceiling? The main thermal insulation materials used for ceiling insulation can be divided into the following categories:

  • Solid. Such materials consist of foamed plastics, are little affected by moisture, and are conveniently mounted.
  • Fibrous. Mats or rolls are formed from compressed fibers. Inexpensive, have good thermal insulation. Sensitive to moisture, when wet, lose thermal insulation properties.
  • Bulk. Traditional bulk materials - expanded clay, etc. The cheapest, have the weakest thermal insulation. Ecowool stands out separately - an expensive, but extremely effective material.
  • Sprayable. Modern coatings from foamed plastics. Sprayed in place, do not form joints and seams. Best thermal insulation very expensive equipment.

How to insulate the ceiling, everyone decides for himself, based on his needs and capabilities.

Mineral wool

Rolled mineral wool

The most popular type of fibrous materials. It is made from several types of raw materials:

  • Basalt wool from volcanic rocks. High strength and density, short hard fibers. High moisture resistance.
  • Glass wool from recycled glass. Low strength, light and elastic, long elastic fibers.
  • Slag wool from blast-furnace production waste. Low thermal insulation properties, low cost. Not applicable to residential buildings.

Mineral wool insulation does not require special equipment, the laying process is simple and fast enough. It is produced both in rolls and in plates with a thickness of insulation up to 150 mm.

Mineral wool is harmful to health, during installation it is necessary to use a respirator, protective gloves and goggles.

Attention! If the fibers get on the mucous membranes, in the respiratory, digestive organs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After laying during operation, mineral wool is completely harmless to those living in the house.

An important feature of mineral wool, which must be taken into account when designing and laying, is a large number of joints and junctions. They need to be done so that the gap is minimal, I lay the plates against the guides and against each other. Half a centimeter gap between the plates can reduce the effectiveness of the coating by a third.

Correct and incorrect installation of insulation

The heat-insulating properties of mineral wool are reduced up to their loss when the material gets wet. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the removal of vapors and condensate.


The most suitable and popular material for thermal insulation of ceilings is expanded polystyrene. It is produced in the form of panels 1200 * 600mm, equipped with a tongue and groove. This allows you to make high-quality joints during installation. In addition, cracks and gaps are sealed with mounting foam. The material is resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Perfectly manifests itself in the insulation of the ceiling, both outside and inside

Its disadvantage is its low resistance to fire. When burned, it releases hazardous substances.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Styrofoam, or foamed polyurethane, is significantly cheaper than expanded polystyrene, but has low strength and is prone to chipping. Suitable for ceiling insulation from the inside.

Sprayed and bulk materials

The sprayed materials are very effective, have no joints and seams, almost do not burn. They can be effectively sprayed into hard-to-reach places and cavities, providing thermal insulation where other materials can only be placed with partial dismantling of building structures.

The main disadvantage is the extremely high cost of equipment and the high qualification of the operator. This hinders the widespread use of the promising method.


A very promising both bulk and sprayed insulation for roofs and ceilings. Occupies an intermediate position between sprayed and bulk materials. It is made from recycled paper, in terms of thermal conductivity it coincides with mineral wool. Fibers with the addition of glue are fed to the surface or into the cavity under slight pressure and solidify there. When wet, it partially loses its properties, but after drying, they return.

Additives in ecowool make it less flammable, environmentally friendly and unattractive to rodents and mold. The material does not cause allergies and does not contribute to the development of cancer.

Ecowool laying methods

Applying ecowool does not require special qualifications, and installation is a little more complicated than a vacuum cleaner. One of the few drawbacks is the requirement for application temperature: not lower than +23 ° C

Expanded clay and foam glass crumb (foam crumb)

When backfilling with expanded clay or foam crumbs, it must be taken into account that its thermal insulation properties are small compared to more modern materials. Therefore, the layer will need to be much thicker.

Expanded clay - traditional bulk insulation

A few advantages of the material are its cheapness, moisture resistance and incombustibility.

Expanded clay is used in budget solutions, as an outer layer, while internal thermal insulation is performed with mineral wool

Scheme of two-layer insulation with expanded clay and mineral wool

Sawdust and shavings

These materials can attract with their cheapness, sawdust and shavings in woodworking industries can be obtained free of charge. Shavings have a high fire hazard, sawdust burns much worse.

Ceiling insulation

Consider the process of insulating the attic ceiling with mineral wool. The technology differs based on specific designs and selected schemes.


The easiest and fastest way of thermal insulation is inter-beam. If the ceiling is made of massive boards, the vapor barrier must be wrapped around the beams or film wraps must be made on them. If the ceiling is made of thin lining or planks, the foil vapor barrier film is fixed below the beams, along the ceiling.

Methods for insulating a wooden ceiling from an attic

A complete insulation scheme requires significantly more labor, materials and time, but it is also much more efficient. An over-beam double layer of slabs is added to the inter-beam layer of rolls or mats. You need to lay layers with overlap.

How to insulate a cold ceiling from the inside

choosing a method of thermal insulation of the ceiling from the inside, you need to understand that any of them will reduce the height of the room. Minimum loss heights will be in the case of installation of a stretch ceiling or plasterboard false ceiling. In this case, thermal insulation plates can be laid between the metal profile guides.

Fastening basalt wool on dish-shaped dowels

If a false ceiling is not planned, then the insulation boards can be fixed in various ways:

  • Still make guides out of wooden slats or metal profile.
  • Fasten the panels with special dish-shaped dowels. For one mat with a size of 1200 * 600 mm, at least 4-5 dowels are needed
  • Glue to the overlap with mastic.

A reinforced mesh is glued to the lower part of the insulation, and a leveling primer and layers of paint are already applied to it.

No attic

When insulating buildings without an attic, in addition to solving the problem of heat conservation itself, it is necessary to ensure the removal of excess moisture, both contained in the air in the form of vapors and condensing on cold surfaces.

Scheme for buildings without an attic

Under light ceiling a vapor barrier is laid, a layer of thermal insulation of the material is laid on it. It is necessary to provide two ventilated gaps - between thermal insulation and waterproofing and between waterproofing and roofing material. Along the ridge, you need to arrange air ducts or simply raise the ridge pad so that the air can escape freely.

Special cases

Consider a few special cases

In an apartment building

Apartments on the top floors apartment buildings known as cold. Especially if the builders completed the thermal insulation of the floor in violation of the technology. Any independent work in the attic apartment building illegal, it is better to spend time on claims against the construction or operating organization and force them to fulfill their obligations to ensure normal temperature. But the claim process is not a quick matter, but it is already cold in the rooms today.

However, you can quickly and inexpensively insulate the ceiling from the inside and cope with it on your own. You will have to "please" the neighbors by drilling numerous holes in the ceiling for dowels, but the result is worth it.

Ceiling insulation in apartment building

Another disadvantage will be a decrease in the height of the rooms by 4-5 cm, and along the perimeter of the ceiling - up to 40 cm. But heat is more expensive.

A system of guides made of wooden slats or a metal profile 4 cm high is installed on the warm ceiling. Between them, foam sheets 30 mm thick are laid and fastened to the ceiling with dish-shaped dowels.

After that, a foil vapor barrier is attached along the lower edges of the guides. Along the perimeter, slopes with a radius of 40-40 cm are made, providing a smooth pairing of the planes of the false ceiling lines and walls. At the last stage, sheets of moisture-resistant drywall are attached. Curvilinear slopes are covered with foam crumbs, starting from the short sides of the room. Suitable for this and ecowool.


The residential attic must be insulated. Does not interfere with insulation and non-residential attic- this will be an additional barrier to the cold in residential floors. How to reliably insulate the ceiling in a residential attic? The most common scheme is insulation with mineral wool or polyurethane foam plates with laying between the rafters. For vertical walls, you will need to take a special cotton wool with a low shrinkage coefficient.

Attic thermal insulation scheme

Particular attention will need to be paid to vapor barrier. In an already built house, the ridge space is not always available. In this case, ecowool can help out - it can be blown through temporary technological holes, which are then sealed with mounting foam.

Garage and bath

The roof of the garage is often supported by metal beams double profile. When installing guides for insulation, it is inconvenient to drill holes from bottom to top in a steel beam, so the method shown in the figure is used. Thermal insulation boards are laid in two overlapping layers. Instead of fibrous materials, you can try ecowool. In this case, you can do without foil isol, and instead lay kraft paper on the false ceiling.

Installation schemes for a bath and a garage

For the bath, a standard thermal insulation scheme is used. high humidity the premises require the use of basalt wool - insulation of the ceiling of a glass wool building is not recommended. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of ventilation gaps. Ecowool must be moistened with glue. If the bath ceiling is insulated, working from the side of the attic, bulk materials, such as sawdust and shavings, are often used.

Worker skills and tools

Popular methods of insulation do not require expensive equipment and high qualifications. For warming home master general construction skills and conventional tools will be enough:

  • hammer
  • screwdriver
  • hacksaw
  • ladders
  • roulette

When installing guides, it is best to call an assistant. Help will not hurt when cutting and laying rolled materials.

Before starting work and purchasing materials, it is necessary to make a sketch drawing. This will help not to be mistaken with the dimensions and correctly calculate the amount of purchased materials.