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Make a do-it-yourself drywall closet. We make a dressing room from drywall with our own hands. We make a dressing room from drywall with our own hands

September 28, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing works and laying of floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you constantly have problems with storing seasonal items, and the hanger in the hallway or hallway almost falls apart from the load, then it makes sense to think about creating a special place to store clothes and other items. I will talk about how a drywall dressing room is built in the bedroom or any other room where at least a few square meters of space can be allocated. The technology of work is always the same, you just have to develop individual project for your house or apartment.

Things to consider before starting work

Before we begin to deal directly with the workflow, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you choose the optimal location and determine the size and configuration of the dressing room:

Layout features Recommendations
Thoughtful location You must think very carefully about the location of the clothing storage structure. If in private houses and apartments new layout it is not difficult to find a place for a dressing room, then in Khrushchev you will have to break your head. Ideal if you have a pantry or a niche, but if there is nothing detailed, then you will have to separate part of one of the rooms
Optimal area The generally accepted norm is 6-8 square meters, but not everyone can afford so much. The minimum allowable compartment size must be no less than 1x1.5 meters. In general, you should think about what will be stored in the room and, based on this, calculate the size, because you can take it out there and ironing board, and a mirror
Location and design of the door The entrance should be located so that it is convenient to enter and leave the premises. Wrong installed door not only creates a lot of inconvenience, but also reduces the usable area that can be used for storage
Smart interior layout We will consider this aspect in more detail below, here it is only worth noting the fact that you need to plan the design of cabinets or racks in advance. So you can make adjustments to the project if the storage system does not match the location of the door or the configuration of the dressing room
Rational costs If you are ready to spend money right and left, then it is easier to order a huge wardrobe for yourself or to involve specialists in the work. But I will tell you about the cheapest option, when you spend money only on materials, and do all the work yourself, this reduces the cost of the project by at least half.

The dressing room should harmoniously fit into the overall interior, the option when one corner is separated and a narrow passage to the next room is left on the side is not suitable - solving one problem, you create others.

Construction construction

So, you have thought over the location of the dressing room, determined how much area you are ready to allocate and know exactly the size and configuration of the future structure. This information is enough to start work. Perform them in the correct order, then you will not get miscalculations and flaws due to the fact that you did not do what you needed.


The most important stage, if you make a mistake here, you will get so many problems in the future that such a situation may turn out that it will be easier for you to demolish the structure and make a new one than to eliminate the shortcomings caused by ignoring the planning process.

Let's figure out what needs to be done:

  • First of all, you need to draw a sketch of the compartment in which the dressing room will be located. if this is a niche or an old pantry, then everything is simple: you need to measure the actual area and transfer the results to paper. If you will finish part of the room, then you need to carefully plan the size of the structure to a centimeter and determine its configuration, the example shows a complex, but practical option with bevelled corner;

  • Next, you need to define optimal dimensions racks, shelves and compartments for storing outerwear. The depth of the shelves should not be more than 50 cm, the distance between them is 30-40 cm, for bulky items the height should be 10 cm more than their size. Compartments for outerwear are calculated based on their number and length of clothing, usually their height is about one and a half meters. Minimum Width the passage should not be less than 80 cm;
  • Based on all the above information, you can create a rough sketch of the future storage system. If you can’t decide on its configuration, then look at ready-made solutions on the Internet and take a separate option as an example or assemble your project based on a few sketches you like, it can be difficult to find a ready-made solution for certain sizes;

  • Remember to take into account the position of the door and its size, it can be as normal swing version, and sliding structure like wardrobes. To implement it, you do not need to be a pro - there are ready-made kits with guides and rollers on sale that are suitable for ordinary door panels and are installed according to simple instructions. The price of such a set is around 2-3 thousand, depending on the quality;

  • In order for all your racks to be strong and reliable, they need to be very well fixed to the wall. Having a ready-made project will help you determine in which places the storage structure will be fixed, where it is worth laying additional elements frame, if needed. Thus, you will simplify your life and get rid of the headache of how to attach the rack and not break through the wall.

If you have two balconies, then one of them can be taken under the dressing room, so you can deal with the trash by placing it in the closets, and additionally get a full-fledged wardrobe without reducing the living space at all.

Necessary materials

Now let's figure out what is needed for the work, let's start with the materials for arranging the partition:

  • Rack profile PS-2 with a size of 50x50 mm, it is quite enough for the construction of a solid wall, and we do not need a large thickness, since a thick partition takes up extra space. We do not need special heat and sound insulation; in the dressing room, these indicators do not matter at all. In the kit, you also need to purchase a guide profile, it is attached around the perimeter and sets the position of the future wall;

  • For sheathing the structure, drywall with a thickness of 12 or 15 mm is required, choose for yourself. In fact, no load on the structure will be affected, and the humidity in the room should not rise above the norm. Therefore, it makes no sense to spend money on moisture-resistant drywall or gypsum fiber boards;
  • The internal cavity of the partition will be filled with mineral wool, this is necessary in order to create a minimum heat-insulating layer that will allow maintaining an optimal microclimate in the compartment. And the walls, when hit, will not ring like an empty bucket, which is also important;
  • To finish the surface, we need putty, a mesh for seams and a primer to strengthen the base after work. As a top coat, I recommend using washable paint, this is the easiest and most inexpensive option, which is both reliable and attractive, because you choose best color and you can change it from time to time;
  • Lighting is also a must, so be sure to purchase wires, a switch, and an outlet. It is best to use LED lights, they are economical, safe and very durable;

  • Do not forget about the door and a set of accessories for it, it all depends on what type of construction will be used. As for the door leaf, choose the option that suits the interior, no expensive products are needed, there will be no load on the structure.

As for shelving and shelves, it all depends on the project you have chosen. The cheapest and most popular option is chipboard, which is good because you can choose any color and texture. Another plus - if you have on hand finished project construction, then you will be cut the material into the required pieces, you do not need to suffer with sawing, you will get elements of the ideal shape.

Naturally, a set of accessories is also purchased, which can be picked up in the same place as chipboard.

I once assembled shelving from cut material, and I liked the process for its simplicity and high speed of work. The main thing is to have an assistant who will hold the elements during fastening.

Frame construction and wiring

Now we will figure out how to make a drywall dressing room, the work begins with the construction of the frame, and this process consists of the following steps:

  • First you need to use the level to mark the future position of the guide profile. You can mark with a construction pencil, and for better visibility in some places stick a masking tape along the line. For quick and accurate marking, you can use a chopping cord, it is very convenient to use;

  • Then you can start drilling holes for the dowels, it is best to attach a profile and make markings along its holes so as not to drill holes in it. Dowels are used for fastening quick installation 6x40 or 6x50 mm long. Accordingly, the diameter of the drill must be 6 mm, and the working length is at least 10 mm longer than the dowel;
  • The profile is fastened quickly and reliably: dowels are inserted into the holes, after which an impact screw is driven in, which bursts the structure in concrete, ensuring reliable fixation. If your floor is wooden, then you don’t need to drill anything, you can simply screw the guides using ordinary wood screws 25-30 mm long;

  • Then you need to install vertical racks, for this they are inserted into the guides in increments of 60 cm and fixed with special self-tapping screws which are called bedbugs. If you have a corner in your design, then you need to strengthen it by installing and connecting two profiles to each other, so the wall will be much stronger;

  • In the place of the doorway, the structure should be strengthened by additional jumpers. Also, jumpers are placed throughout the structure, do not forget about the location of the shelves and racks and place the horizontal elements at the right height so that you can later attach them to them.

When the profile structure is ready, it's time to start laying the wiring, it can be laid right inside the frame in a special corrugated hose, and as for the walls, you need to make strobes in them. If you have good finish, and you don’t want to spoil it, you can put the wire in the box, it will still hide behind the shelves, and the dressing room will look neat and attractive. The wires are brought out to the locations, switches and sockets.

Structural sheathing and its putty

When the frame of the future wall is built, you can begin to sheath it, the do-it-yourself work guide is as follows:

  • Fastening drywall is quite simple: a sheet is placed in such a way that its edges are located on the profile. Next, you need to use self-tapping screws with a fine pitch of 3.5x25 mm to attach the material to the profile, the fastener pitch is 20 cm, you need to twist the hardware so that the cap does not stick out above the surface, but you should not drown it too much, as the sheet may crack or break ;
  • Where a whole sheet does not fit, it is necessary to cut pieces of the required size and fasten in the same way. Try to join the elements as well as possible so that there are no wide gaps between them, they will then have to be sealed;
  • When the structure is already sheathed on one side, you can start work on the other side. At the same time, before fixing the sheets, mineral wool is laid in the internal space of the frame, which is cut into pieces right size. Otherwise, the work is carried out according to the same algorithm as in the above paragraphs;

  • Puttying begins with gluing all seams with a self-adhesive sickle tape, which strengthens the joints and avoids cracks on the surface. Also, before starting work, check whether all the screws are recessed below the plane, to do this, simply run your hand over the surface, if there are no protrusions, then everything is fine;

  • The putty is first of all applied to all joints, and the caps of the self-tapping screws are also smeared. If you have corners in your design, then, in order for them to be perfectly even and durable, use a putty corner, which is placed and covered with the compound;
  • The second layer is applied to the entire surface with a thin layer, after which you need to wait for it to dry and wipe it with sandpaper. If there are still many flaws on the plane, then you will have to go through the putty again to get a smooth surface;
  • After sanding, the surface is covered with a strengthening primer, which will reduce the absorbency of the base and improve the adhesion of the paint. Coloring is done in two layers, the easiest way is to use a roller, it allows you to work quickly and efficiently.

Door and storage installation

After finishing, you can proceed to fastening. If you use ordinary hinges, then a box is placed in the opening and everything is done, as with ordinary canvases. But if you have a sliding design, then the work is done as prescribed by the instructions, which always come with the set. It has detailed diagrams so it won't be hard to get the job done.

As for the storage structure, the list of work depends on the system configuration, I will give some tips on assembling chipboard products:

  • Attach shelves to uprights it is possible either with the help of special furniture screws-confirmants, or using shelf-holder corners. The first option is more reliable, but requires drilling holes with a special drill, the second is simpler, but the connection strength is somewhat lower;

  • When you start assembling a cabinet from cut pieces, do not forget to glue the ends that are facing out. To do this, a special edge is used, which must be heated with an iron so that the adhesive composition melts and adheres firmly to the chipboard, the work is simple, but requires accuracy, for the first time I personally touched the iron several times and burned myself;

  • For the construction of rods for hangers, a furniture pipe is purchased desired length, which is attached with flanges, is a simple and reliable design option. The main thing is to use a pipe with a larger wall thickness so that it does not bend under the weight of heavy things;

  • If you choose to install and drawers, then they need to be collected according to the scheme shown below, it is best to use fiberboard as the bottom, and the side walls can also be made from uncoated chipboard, only the outer element that is attached to the front will be visible. On the sides it is necessary to install guides, the length of which depends on the depth of the boxes;

  • There is no point in putting doors in the dressing room, which simplifies the work, open system more convenient and allows you to quickly find the things you need.


A dressing room is not a luxury, but a very rational design for storing all things, you can do without wardrobes, which will make the rooms more stylish and modern. The video in this article will help you understand some of the nuances in more detail, and if you have questions on the topic, then write them in the comments under this review.

Dressing rooms are special rooms designed to store things, shoes and other items. small items. Usually they are represented by separate rooms, equipped with different systems for keeping things. Often they are formed independently in the hallway or converted from a small closet. They are considered multifunctional and comfortable to use, and a do-it-yourself dressing room can be made, for which they are used different materials and drawings.

If you plan to do the work yourself, it is recommended to watch the training video in advance in order to learn all the intricacies of the work, as well as take into account various errors and problems that arise in the process. The first stage of creating a dressing room is the formation of special drawings, according to which subsequent work will be implemented. When a sketch is formed, important points are taken into account:

  • initially, a drawing is made of a direct compartment designed to create a dressing room, and it can be represented by a small closet or even a small niche in the corridor, bedroom or other housing;
  • all results are transferred to paper, and it is quite difficult to do this work yourself without experience, special skills;
  • it is determined what dimensions the racks, shelves and other elements installed in the dressing room will have, taking into account that the shelves should not have a depth exceeding 50 cm, and there should be a distance between them within 35 cm;
  • if there are difficulties with determining the appearance of this compartment, then it is advisable to view the photo in the selection in order to take any finished drawing as a basis;
  • it is important to decide whether there will be a door in the structure, because if it is planned, then it is decided what size it will have, and whether it will be standard, hinged or sliding;
  • do-it-yourself wardrobe drawings and diagrams of which can be seen in the selection must be made of durable, high-quality, therefore, all the elements contained here must be securely fixed, therefore, the fasteners used for these purposes are thought out.

The finished project should contain numerous calculations and photos so that you can visualize how the dressing room will look like in the apartment, as well as what fasteners and materials you need to purchase to complete all the work.

Tools and materials

Making a dressing room on your own requires the advance preparation of various materials and tools used during this work. At this stage, you should use the information calculated, obtained as a result of the design.

Mandatory elements are prepared:

  • rack and guide profiles designed to create a frame for a future wall, and their thickness should not be significant, since partitions that are significant in thickness take up too much space, which is not suitable for a limited space;
  • drywall used in the process of sheathing partitions, and it is desirable that its thickness varies from 12 to 15 mm, and it is also recommended to use a moisture-resistant material;
  • to improve the soundproofing parameters, it is recommended to fill the space of the frame with some suitable material, and an excellent solution for these purposes is considered mineral wool;
  • materials for finishing work, and this includes putty and mesh to strengthen the putty layer, as well as finishing material, and paint, wallpaper, and various wall panels can be used;
  • to create high-quality, uniform lighting, lighting devices are purchased, as well as wires for wiring, sockets and a switch;
  • fittings for different systems storage, doors, other elements used indoors;
  • arranging a dressing room with your own hands necessarily involves the use of different shelves and racks, mirrors and other elements to fill it, and their choice depends entirely on the chosen layout, the preferences of the owners and their financial capabilities.

When buying lighting fixtures, it is recommended to give preference LED lamps And special tape, since these elements guarantee high-quality and uniform illumination, and are also considered economical to use.


Frame elements


Installation of drywall construction

At this stage, the direct creation of a drywall dressing room begins. For this, walls are created from pre-purchased metal profiles. The whole process is easily implemented independently at home, and it is recommended to watch the training video in advance to take into account the nuances of work. Consistent and correct actions are performed:

  • marking is applied to the walls in those places where it is planned to attach the structure to the walls, and for the correctness of this process it is necessary to use the building level;
  • holes for dowels are created, and it is important to know how to make them correctly, since they must be located where there is a markup for this;
  • the profile is fastened, and this process must be done quickly, reliably, for which dowels are inserted into the holes made in advance, where the screws are hammered, and then the profiles are attached;
  • we assemble the structure, for which the ventral racks are mounted, inserted into the already fixed guides, and the distance between them should be approximately 60 cm;
  • if it is planned to manufacture a dressing room with a door, then where there will be an opening, it is necessary to strengthen the structure, for which special jumpers are used.

Do dressing room with your own hands it is necessary in such a way that the resulting structure is not skewed in any way, and also it should not bend or stagger.


Profile fixing

Wardrobe rack

Such a special rack is considered the optimal solution for each dressing room. It fits perfectly even in a small room, and it is also easy to assemble it. It can even be made independently from chipboard or other affordable and easy-to-process materials. There are many photos with this design, so you can see the attractive appearance such dressing rooms.

Wardrobe rack can be purchased at ready-made or made by yourself. In the latter case, you can embody unique ideas, ideas, as well as arrange a dressing room that perfectly matches the needs of the owners of the premises.

A photo of ready-made such racks in large quantities is available below, so you can choose best option. With independent creation, successive stages are implemented:

  • initially, markings are applied that determine the dimensions and parameters of the future structure, and it should be located both on the walls and on the floor of the room where the work is planned to be performed;
  • guides are being installed, and they must be attached to the base base with a back so that a groove is formed for inserting racks;
  • the structure is sheathed with drywall or different slabs, and the choice depends on the preferences of the owners of the future dressing room, as well as on the chosen style.

Thus, the rack is ideal for dressing rooms. Wardrobe rooms with this design are distinguished by high capacity, attractiveness, and versatility.

Assembly of shelving elements

Painting of metal parts

Frame installation

Shelf fixing

Mounting the assembled rack

Finished construction

Pencil case

Often a special pencil case is arranged in this room. It is a narrow and long closet designed to store various clothes or other not too large things. Often it is additionally equipped with a special hanger in the form of a frame, which extends from the side. The number of shelves in such a pencil case can be different, and it is determined depending on the number of people living in residential real estate.

The process of creating such a design is divided into successive stages, which allows you to make a really high-quality and multifunctional pencil case in the apartment:

  • acquired necessary materials for work, and it is important to choose high-quality videos;
  • first, a hanger is assembled, and then special rollers are attached to the sidewalls;
  • the back and top wall is fixed;
  • hanger slides in;
  • then we make the remaining sidewall.

Thus, if you figure out how to build a dressing room pencil case, then this process will not cause any difficulties and problems.


When learning how to make dressing rooms in rooms, you need to decide on finishing materials. Drywall is most often chosen as the skin, and various objects and elements can be fixed on structures made from it. After creating the frame and fixing the skin, putty and wall decoration are carried out. To carry out the work correctly and competently, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • drywall sheets are fixed to the frames made;
  • if necessary, they are cut and bent in different ways;
  • the structure is puttyed using a self-adhesive tape, and it prevents the occurrence of cracks;
  • it is desirable to apply the material in two layers at once;
  • a special strengthening primer is applied, which reduces the absorbency of the base, and also increases the adhesion of the paint;
  • the surfaces of the resulting structure are painted, and it is also allowed to use other materials for sheathing, for example, wall panels.

Thus, if you carefully study the device of the dressing room with your own hands, then this process will not take much time and will not require a significant investment. Money. At independent work it is possible to get a truly unique design, ideal for a particular room and its style.

Lighting and ventilation

Other important point It is considered the creation of high-quality ventilation and lighting in the dressing room. Most often, it is a room without windows, so it is impossible to naturally renew the air and sunlight. Therefore, in the process of finishing this room features are taken into account:

  • under the dressing room door, a sufficiently large gap is certainly left through which fresh air will enter the room;
  • in the process of erecting partitions, special technological gaps are certainly left;
  • small holes in the walls can be created above the baseboards;
  • if the work is done in a private house, then it is recommended to do it on the floor at all air vent closed with a strong and fine mesh grating.

Lighting in dark room should be of high quality and optimal. Therefore, it is advisable to use not only a common lamp mounted on the ceiling, but also additional lighting. To increase the comfort and speed of finding different items on the shelves, it is recommended to attach to them LED backlight presented in the form of ribbons.

Drawings and diagrams

If you create a dressing room with your own hands, then you need drawings and diagrams, according to which the main work will be carried out. In these documents, the main points are certainly thought out:

  • room size;
  • the location of all elements contained here;
  • the need, dimensions and other parameters of the doors are taken into account;
  • calculation is made finishing materials and fasteners;
  • the use of various retractable structures is envisaged;
  • all costs necessary to obtain a full and comfortable room are calculated;
  • pre-planned.

The drawing will certainly be created first on paper, and when studying it, it will be schematically seen how the room will look after the work has been completed. If there is no experience with drawings, then you can use special programs.

Thus, the dressing room is a useful, multifunctional room designed to store various items, clothes. To understand how to make a dressing room with your own hands, it is recommended that you first carefully study the training video in order to take into account the numerous nuances and features of this work. It is important to use pre-made drawings during work, as well as to use only high-quality, reliable materials. With a competent approach, a high-quality, durable design is guaranteed that can withstand different loads and impact. We must not forget about optimal ventilation, uniform lighting. The comfort of using a self-made dressing room depends on all the above nuances.

Every girl, woman dreams of a fashionable dressing room in the apartment. This design is becoming popular. This is very convenient, even to some extent beneficial, because things will be in place, and the room will become more spacious, since additional cabinets and other pieces of furniture for things will no longer be needed.

There you can place the clothes that you use now, and those that the time has not yet come to wear. In addition to clothes, they store various accessories and shoes, as well as an iron and ironing board. All dresses, blouses and other things will be in one place, where you can change clothes. Dressing room does not take up much space

Dressing room can save space in the bedroom

How to build a dressing room from drywall with your own hands

If you are the owner small apartment no reason to give up the dressing room. It will help save a lot of space. Be sure to follow the rules, the result of the work done will please you. The dressing room is a small room that should fit into the overall environment, become integral part premises. Think carefully about where the door will be located to provide optimal access to things.

Capacity and versatility are important components when planning a dressing room. In it, if the apartment is small, you can store an ironing board, dryer, vacuum cleaner. The question of the cost of construction is very relevant. Everyone has different opportunities, and expenses should not undermine the family budget.

When creating a dressing room, follow the rules for organizing such a design.

The subtleties of wardrobe design: requirements for the space under the wardrobe

The minimum size of the dressing room should be 1x1.5 meters, but not less, with such a size it is quite possible to place the necessary. Ideally, if the area is larger so that there is enough space for changing clothes, but if the room does not allow you to arrange a large dressing room, this is also a good option.

So that things do not absorb unpleasant odors, it is desirable to equip ventilation. The area where they will be located outerwear and dresses, should be 50 cm deep and 1.5 m high, for short items: depth 50 cm, height 1 m. An auxiliary storage area can be equipped on top.

It is desirable to make ventilation in the dressing room

Interior furnishing options

When all the construction work is completed, you need to think about the internal content of the dressing room, how to place shelves, racks, brackets, additional drawers. The area for everyday clothes should be in an easily accessible place. The upper part of the dressing room is used for compartments for clothes on hangers. You can use a device that allows you to lower the sections.

If you want to store shoes in the same room, you will need lockers, preferably lockable. At the very top, you can place departments for things that you hardly use. If the area of ​​​​the dressing room allows, install large mirror.

Shoes can be stored in the dressing room

It is important to think over everything correctly when organizing a dressing room in advance to determine the sectors for clothes, shoes, things and accessories, their location. This makes it easy to find what you need and increases the life of the items stored there.

A properly organized dressing room includes several compartments.

You can not do in the dressing room without all kinds of holders and drawers for clothes and accessories, bags and much more.

The issue of organizing space in the dressing room must be approached correctly

Things to consider before starting work

Before you start equipping the dressing room with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. First, think about where the building will be located. It is easy to find in a private house appropriate place. In an apartment, this will be a little problematic. Well, if there is a pantry or a niche. Otherwise, you need to select part of the room.
  2. Secondly, decide on the area. The best option is 6-8 square meters. m, minimum 1x1.5 m. It all depends on what, besides things, you are going to store there.
  3. Thirdly, how to place the door correctly, whether it will be a compartment or a simple one. And you need to install it with your own hands correctly, otherwise problems will arise.
  4. Fourth, proper organization wardrobe interior space. Everything needs to be thought out in advance in order to make changes later.
  5. Fifth, optimal costs. If financial possibilities allow, you can purchase a wardrobe bigger size or hire craftsmen. If you want to save money and also have certain skills, you can do all the work yourself, spend only on materials and accessories.

The organization of space in the dressing room must be thought out in advance

How to make it cheap and easy

Here are a few options for how to save money and simplify work when arranging a dressing room.

  • If you decide to design it in the corner of the room, you should choose a spiral hanger. Its cost is lower, and you can place a lot of things.
  • Another best option is a half-deep cabinet with conventional rods. Shelves are shortened, easy to keep things in order.
  • When arranging a dressing room, you can save money by using plastic or wire baskets, open shelves instead of drawers. For bed linen, use drawers without dividers. For ties and belts, a regular kitchen railing is suitable. For clothes, purchase universal coat hangers. In order to save money, backlighting is not needed.

We hope that these tips will help you properly distribute the family budget.

To properly organize the space in the dressing room, you can use the advice of experts

Drywall installation

How to make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands? If you wish, you can make a dressing room yourself, if you are familiar with the construction business, it will not be difficult for you, and for beginners it may not seem so tricky business. Not everyone in the apartment has an extra room for dressing room equipment, but you can build it from drywall in any part of the room.

Having prepared everything you need, get to work. First you need to make a drawing, then transfer the dimensions to the walls. Those places where there will be guides are best marked with masking tape.

If you are familiar with the construction business, it will not be difficult to make a dressing room yourself.

The markup is done, start mounting the frame. We fix the support bar with dowels to the wall, so that it is even, we use building level. We place vertical profiles in the recesses, they must be with brackets for hooks and shelves, and fix them. The distance between the profiles should be 60 cm. We mount guides on the ceiling and on the floor. In the grooves we place vertical racks. We fix the crossbar and hooks on self-tapping screws.

After the markup is applied, you can cut drywall

The next stage of work is cutting drywall sheets of the desired size. Then we fasten it to the screws inside the structure. We sheathe the GKL on the outside. We use mineral wool as insulation and place it inside the skin. A lamp is suitable as a backlight inside the dressing room, but if there is no socket inside, then use led strip or spotlights. For this design, the most ideal option there will be a mirrored sliding door. This will visually expand the room, it will be brighter.

Now we process plasterboard sheets and seams with putty. Then we prime the surface. Let's dry well. We turn to the finishing of the wallpaper sticker, painting, can be sheathed with wood or other material. It all depends on your taste and, of course, financial capabilities. The main thing is that the finish is in harmony with the overall interior. Inside the dressing room, it is better to use calm tones.

After installing the structure, it is necessary to putty the joints

Tools and materials

Of the tools you will definitely need: a building level, a spatula, self-tapping screws, dowels (6x50 mm), a special knife for cutting plasterboard, a screwdriver with nozzles, a puncher.

What materials are needed for work:

  • drywall (permissible thickness is 15 mm, since the structure will not be subjected to loads, and the humidity is within the normal range, it does not make sense to spend money on the auxiliary properties of the material),
  • profile PS-2 5x5 cm, guide profile, mineral wool (for room insulation),
  • putty,
  • primer,
  • Chipboard + fittings for drawers and shelves,
  • seam mesh,
  • door + accessories necessary for it,
  • everything you need for finishing,
  • wires,
  • lamps,
  • socket.

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools

Finishing a new dressing room

What style, what color scheme will be in the dressing room is up to you, show your design skills. Here you need to take into account the type of dressing room, whether it is a separate room or it is located inside the room.

For finishing inside, choose materials that are suitable for style and suitable for wet cleaning. Do not use fabric as a finish because of its ability to absorb moisture and attract dust. Also, do not lay carpet. Materials suitable for interior decoration dressing room, this is a PVC film, plastic panels, wooden or MDF, washable paint. So rely on your taste and financial capabilities, do not be afraid to experiment.

To finish the dressing room, use materials that do not absorb moisture and dust.

Flooring may be the same as in the room where the dressing room is located. You can use laminate, linoleum, parquet, it is better to refuse carpeting. Ceiling decoration is not so important, leave it unchanged or use wallpaper, panels, stretch ceiling or just paint it.

Any flooring can be used

Convenient dressing room in a niche: are the efforts justified?

Often in old houses, or rather, in apartments, the layout has such a design as a niche. How can it be used? One of the options is to equip the dressing room with your own hands. It will fit perfectly into the interior and you won’t have to reserve a place for it in another room, especially if the area does not allow it. A wardrobe in a niche will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses for its arrangement, and there is no need to buy a wardrobe that will take up this entire small area. It is better to spend money on the "loft" and "bowsery" - these special designs have mobile cabinets, which will simplify the work. When selecting wardrobe doors, be guided by where the niche is located so that they match the interior.

Video: Do-it-yourself dressing room from drywall

Video: How to make a drywall cabinet

Construction Materials

Petr Kravets

Reading time: 3 minutes


If it becomes too difficult to store seasonal items in the apartment, and there are not enough hangers at the entrance for all the clothes, then you need to make a pantry. This special storage provides for the placement of various items and equipment.

In most cases, the structure can be made of drywall, using part of the bedroom or corridor for this. Any square meters, which can be separated by a partition, are converted into storage. Consider how a do-it-yourself drywall pantry is made in an apartment or house and what needs to be prepared to start work.

After determining the place where the pantry room will be made, you need to figure out what area can be allocated for the structure and what configuration it will be. This information is enough to start the refurbishment. It is important to follow a certain sequence of work in order to prevent flaws or miscalculations.

How to make a project?

Designing a project is one of milestones pantry arrangement. At the slightest mistake, you can get backfire leading to the demolition of the building.

First of all, you need to sketch a compartment with a pantry. If there was already a storage at this place, then it is enough to measure the area and draw a diagram on paper. When decorating a room, the design is calculated to the nearest millimeter, and the optimal configuration is selected.

There should be about 80 cm left in the aisles for the movement of a person. Based on these data, a sketch is drawn up. If you have difficulty choosing a configuration, you need to study standard projects or assemble your project from a few of your favorite design details.

Accounting for doorways

The presence of a door and the type of its arrangement significantly affect the entrance to the pantry, as well as the size of the opening. The door can be made as swing doors or as sliding canvases like wardrobes.

For the installation of such systems, you do not need to hire specialists, since you can buy ready-made systems with rollers and guides for them. These components are installed in any door leafs and done very quickly. In terms of cost, they differ in availability - only a few thousand rubles.

Increasing the reliability and durability of the rack is achieved by its careful fastening to the walls. If there is a finished project, then there are fixation points on it. Experts recommend making additional frame elements so as not to be afraid to spoil the wall or damage the rack.

You also need to pay attention to the loggia or balcony - in the case when there are two such rooms, one of them is usually given as a pantry. In this case, you can get additional usable space in the apartment for a comfortable stay without trash and unnecessary things.

Material selection

To install a structure made of plasterboard profile, you need to purchase a rack profile PS2 (50 * 50mm). This material is enough to equip a wall strong enough for a pantry.

The design of such a profile will not be very thick in width and will not take up much space. From the point of view of sound insulation and heat conductors, the dressing room does not need such parameters. The profile is attached around the entire perimeter and determines the location of the vault walls.

The structure is sheathed with drywall (GKL profile 12-15mm). There will be no loads on the partition, the humidity inside does not exceed the permissible values. It is pointless to choose a profile with increased resistance to water or moisture, as well as profiled gypsum fiber boards.

Mineral wool is stuffed inside the structure, which is necessary to ensure minimal thermal insulation. The microclimate inside the pantry, even in the absence of food, must be maintained in order so that things do not deteriorate. In this case, there will be additional soundproofing of the structure. The surface is finished with putty. For seams you need to use a grid. The base is reinforced with a primer.

top coat may be washable type paint. This option will be quite reliable and inexpensive, if necessary, the color can change. They make lighting, for this you need to buy a socket, wires, a switch in advance. To save energy, you need to choose LED-type light sources. Lighting will be reliable, durable and safe.

Shelving selection

Racks and shelves are selected from materials according to the project. Chipboard boards that fit any design will cost the cheapest. Color and texture, inexpensive price make the plates the best option.

The advantage is the ability to simply cut the material into pieces desired shape, which frees the owner from buying or renting expensive sawing equipment. Accessories are purchased, selected for a set of chipboard. Racks need to be assembled from already cut pieces, in which case the work will be of high quality, simple and fast. Assistance may be required to support parts during installation.

How to make a frame and wiring?

Consider the sequence of arranging a pantry from a drywall profile. First of all, you need a frame, which is quite simple to make. A partition is being constructed, markings are applied on the wall, floor and ceiling, holes are drilled for the guide profiles, the elements are fixed, racks are placed and the door with lintels is installed.


Using the building level, markings are applied under the guide profile. Marks are made with a pencil, masking tape can be glued in dark areas. In order for the marking to be accurate, they take chopping cords that are easy to use.

Holes are drilled to install dowels, while the profile is applied to the wall and marks are made in the holes. To fix, you need to take a dowel 6 * 40 ... 50 mm, then the installation will be quick. The drill should be 6.0 mm in diameter with a length greater than that of the dowel.

Profile fixing

You can fix a profile very quickly. A dowel is inserted in each of the holes, a screw is driven in, bursting the entire structure to be mounted inside concrete surface. This mount is very secure. They do not drill in floors, especially wooden ones, since the guides are simply screwed with 30 mm self-tapping screws.

Vertical racks

Vertical racks are installed, which are inserted in increments of 0.6 m into the grooves (guides) and fixed with self-tapping screws. Experts call them bedbugs. In cases where the design has an angle, it is strengthened by connecting two profiles. A wall with such a mount will be more reliable.

At the door, the structure must be reinforced with additionally mounted jumpers. They are also made throughout the rest of the structure, especially in the places where shelving and shelves are attached. Horizontal jumpers are fixed on right level by connecting other parts to them during the installation process.

After the construction of the frame, wiring is made from the profile. It is laid inside the structure in corrugated type hoses. Strobes are made on the walls. To avoid damage to the finish, the wires can be laid in a box that is hidden behind the shelves. In this case, the pantry looks neat, since all communications are led to sockets and switches.

Structural sheathing

As soon as the wall frame is made, its sheathing begins. The sequence of actions is also not recommended to be violated. Drywall is fixed simply - the sheets are placed on the profile with edges and fastened with self-tapping screws with a fastening step of 20cm.

Hats should not protrude above the surface of the structure, but also not go deep into it so that the sheets do not burst or crack. In places where the sheet cannot completely fit, it is cut into parts of the required size and installed in the same way.

All elements must be joined so that there are no gaps, but even the smallest must be sealed. Sheathing work is repeated on both sides, but mineral wool, cut into pieces of a suitable size, must first be laid inside the structure. The rest of the work is repeated.


First of all, you need to glue all the seams. To do this, you need a sickle - a self-adhesive tape that allows you to strengthen all joints and prevent cracks on flat surface. All caps of self-tapping screws are checked, which should not protrude above the surface or sink too much into it. It is enough to run your fingers to feel where there are violations.

Putty is applied to the places of all joints, glossing over the caps of self-tapping screws. IN corner places for evenness you need a special putty corner. It is placed and carefully covered with the same composition as the rest of the surface. The second layer should be thin, and after applying it, wait until it dries completely.

With help sandpaper the surface is rubbed off. In the case of multiple flaws, it is necessary to reapply putty until the surface acquires a smooth state. After that, a strengthening primer is applied, which will allow the base to absorb paint less and increase the adhesion of the layer. Finishing painting is carried out with a roller in two layers, so the work will be carried out quickly and with sufficient quality.

How to put doors and shelves?

As soon as finished Finishing work, doors are placed. When installed on ordinary hinges, the box enters the opening, then all work is carried out as when installing a conventional door. For sliding structures, you need to use the instructions in ready-made kits with guides. Manufacturers provide detailed information and diagrams to help you get the job done quickly.

Shelf installation

Storage systems are easy to install, but the detailed sequence depends on the configuration. Let's consider how to fix chipboard racks. Shelves are attached to vertical racks with screws and corners. Such options are reliable, but require special drills. When installing with screws, the durability of the fastening is much higher. When assembling from cut pieces, all ends must be glued from the outside.

Experts recommend using edges heated with an iron. Adhesives melt and stick to chipboard. It is important to avoid burns during the heating process. For hangers, rods are installed from metal pipes especially for furniture. They are fastened with flanges, since only this method is considered the most reliable fastening in the structure. It is important to monitor the wall thickness in the pipes - when loading with heavy things, there should be no deflections.

niche is great place for the location of the dressing room, since it does not take up free space in the room. Dressing rooms located in a niche are very popular. Walk-in closet - comfortable spot to store things. All shoes and clothes will fit in it, and you will get rid of the mess in the apartment. Each item will have its own shelf or hanger. And you will always know where and what lies. You won't have to spend a lot of time looking for what you need. You can make a dressing room in a niche with your own hands from drywall.

Design: dressing room in the niche of a one-room apartment

There is not enough space in a one-room apartment. Therefore, putting ordinary cabinets in this case is not an option. They take up a lot of space in the apartment. Especially on open shelves dust accumulates quickly. Durable and high-quality cabinets are expensive and not everyone can afford. And you can make a dressing room in a niche with your own hands from drywall. It is an excellent material, withstands heavy loads and mechanical damage. A dressing room in a niche in one-room apartments is located in the corridor or in the room itself. One-room apartments in new buildings have more living space than Khrushchev apartments. Therefore, starting to develop a plan according to which you will make a dressing room, consider the size of the room where it will be located in the future.

Even in a small apartment, you can make a small but roomy dressing room in a niche. If you choose the right location for her.

A dressing room in a niche made of drywall can be of the following plan:

  • open;
  • With hinged sash;
  • Have sliding doors
  • Close with curtains;

Dressing rooms can be closed plan. Sliding doors are decorated with trim or mirrors. Mirrors are able to visually make one-room apartment more.

The easiest way to divide the space between the room and the dressing room is to hang curtains with beautiful design. You will spend less money and achieve the desired result. But, curtains are not suitable for every interior of the apartment. Therefore, this element of decor should be treated carefully and seriously.

Dressing room in the bedroom - 40 photos in a beautiful arrangement

HUMIDIFIER + FRAGRANCE http://got.by/3nuq89 Clothes and shoes are constantly accumulating in the home, even when ...

Installation: plasterboard dressing room

Any woman will be glad to have a dressing room in her apartment. You can make it with your own hands. You don't need any special education for this. You must be able to apply your skills and abilities, following the developed plan. You can make a dressing room from drywall in a niche in any living space. The main thing is that it should be the right size and fit into the interior of the apartment.

Drywall is a modern and suitable material for making a dressing room. The sheets have a strong structure and are not whimsical in care. They are not expensive. It is possible to buy given material in a hardware store.

First you need to develop a dressing room project, then draw a drawing with dimensions. To do this, you must decide on the location of the room for things and take measurements.

Buy all the necessary materials and tools for work.

Drywall is great for a niche because it has long term service and attractive appearance

At the first stage, transfer the markings to the floor, walls and ceiling. This is necessary so that the dressing room is installed as accurately, correctly and evenly as possible.

To make a dressing room in a niche, you will need materials and tools:

  • Drywall sheets;
  • Metal profiles;
  • Roulette;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Magnetic level;
  • Perforator;
  • Self-tapping screws.

You can connect the profile with self-tapping screws or a cutter. With the help of a cutter, you can build a structure faster.

After we have taken measurements and put marks, we begin the main work. We attach metal profiles to the wall and to each other. We create a reliable frame from profiles, based on the developed project.

At the second stage, we cut drywall sheets of the desired size. We attach them to the frame with self-tapping screws.

If there is a door in the design of the dressing room in the niche, then we make it separately and fasten it to the hinges. If you have sliding doors, then install the profile from above and below. We insert two doors into it, which will move with the help of wheels.

Finishing: dressing room in the niche of the room

You installed the frame and covered it with drywall. When everything is ready, we start finishing. Finishing the dressing room in the niche of the room may be different. First you need to seal the seams between the sheets and the attachment points. You will need to putty them. After the putty dries, sand the surface to get rid of excess putty. When everything is ready, we apply a layer of soil with a roller on the drywall structure.

If the room is made in high-tech style, then great option to separate the dressing room and the room is to use sliding doors

The final step is to become decorative trim dressing room in a niche.

As a finish, you can use:

  • Paint;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Mirror coating;
  • Drywall sheets with printed image.

Finishing is easy and fast with your own hands. The main thing is that the design of the dressing room fits into the interior of the room and is in harmony with it.

How to make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands

You can design and make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands according to an individual design. First you need to fix the profiles in the desired position.

Racks are installed vertically relative to the floor and ceiling. Their thickness in cross section should be 5x5 cm or 5x10 cm. Racks are fixed at a distance of 0.6 m or more from the walls. A horizontal bar is installed between them. Its location should be at the level of the part where the door will be installed.

For plating, many use GKL. Drywall sheets are resistant to moisture.

Before starting the manufacture of a dressing room in a niche, you should draw up a drawing on paper, indicating the dimensions and location of the shelves.

Sheathing takes place in two stages:

  • We mount drywall sheets with inside dressing room;
  • We make installation of sheets from the outside.

Drywall sheets should be cut correctly so that cracks and kinks do not appear on their surface. We cut the sheets on both sides with a construction cutter.

On this stage You make shelves, drawers, hangers. Fix them inside the dressing room. Wardrobe may include filling from a large number element data. You can always redo it if you do not have enough shelves for storing clothes and shoes.

The exterior finish of the dressing room in the niche can be made from any material: wood, mirrors, tiles, mosaics or painted with special paint.

Do-it-yourself drywall dressing room (video)

The dressing room is a comfortable and practical room in which everything is stored. Starting from clothes and shoes, ending with tools and small appliances. In the apartment, everything will be stored in one place without creating chaos in other rooms. You can make it quickly and efficiently with your own hands, based on the design of the apartment, its area and your preferences, following the instructions for manufacturing and installation.

An integral attribute of the bedroom (if, of course, its dimensions allow it), has always been a wardrobe. At all times he looked different and had different sizes- from the most compact to the huge wall-to-wall coupe. Not so long ago became common with us different types redevelopment of houses and apartments, and the bedroom was no exception.

Why do you need a dressing room in the bedroom

By replacing the closet in the bedroom with a full-fledged dressing room, you can significantly save space not only in the bedroom, but also from part of the hallway and other rooms. The dressing room is a multifunctional room, a kind of pantry in which you can store a lot of things.


  • clothes;
  • linen;
  • Toilet accessories;
  • cosmetics;
  • Shoes;
  • outerwear;
  • Bags;
  • Cosmetics, etc.

In many apartments, there is not enough space to store the same supplies. household chemicals and other household items, so often this is all placed in the dressing room.

Many dream of such a small room, but not everyone can build it. With drywall, it is quite possible to do it yourself, investing a minimum of costs.

So, where do you start building a drywall walk-in closet in your bedroom?

Drafting a dressing room made of drywall

First of all, it is important to determine for yourself the dimensions of the future dressing room, its shape and occupancy. The choice of location and subsequent steps will depend on this. At the same time, one should not forget about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom itself, so that in the end the dressing room does not take most premises. The shape of the dressing room can be square, triangular or rectangular, in the form of a huge wardrobe in the entire wall.

When drawing up a design project for a bedroom, it is important to choose the right place for a future dressing room.

To correctly choose the dimensions of the dressing room, it is important to determine its purpose. It can be used simply for storage, as a closet, or as a dressing room.

How to choose the size of the dressing room:

A drawing of all shelves, brackets and drawers for storage must be drawn up in advance so that you can save on shelving and attach it all directly to the wall frame.

There is no specific algorithm for drawing up a wardrobe room plan: everyone plans the room in accordance with their needs and preferences. But before purchasing materials and starting installation, it is desirable to have detailed drawing with dimensions and settings. It will help save on finances and avoid mistakes during construction.

Do-it-yourself drywall dressing room: tools and materials

To build a dressing room, you will need a set of tools for working with drywall, as well as spatulas, a puncher, a drill, metal shears, a grinder, etc. Depending on the size of the dressing room, different materials may be needed. If all sections are made to order, accordingly, you only need to equip a room for them.

To build a room you will need:

  • Drywall;
  • Profiles made of wood or metal;
  • Fastener elements (self-tapping screws, dowels, etc.);
  • Flooring;
  • plinth;
  • Aluminum wire for electrical wiring;
  • Switches, socket boxes and cartridges (in accordance with the project);
  • Wallpaper (it is better to take a more durable look);
  • Putty (universal or start and finish);
  • Primer.

If the filling of the dressing room is planned to be made from improvised materials (OSB residues after floor insulation, old furniture etc.), the missing materials are determined on an individual basis.

How to make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands: steps

To begin with, markings are made on the wall, in accordance with the drawing: a profile will be mounted on it. Next, the carrier bar is fastened with dowels. It must be installed strictly according to the level, since the quality of the entire structure will depend on this. A rack-mount profile is inserted into the grooves of the carrier profile - later shelves, crossbars, boxes and other storage systems (using self-tapping screws) will be attached to it.

Sheets of drywall must be cut in accordance with the drawing so that they have the correct size and shape.

GKL is attached inside the frame with self-tapping screws. This must be done with care so as not to push through the material. All communications should be thought out in advance (heating pipes, electrical wiring, etc. can pass through the dressing room).

  1. In the case of a soundproofing device in the dressing room, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other insulating material is laid on the outside of the frame.
  2. Also, the dressing room needs an electrical wiring device. A couple of sockets and a few eyes for lighting in the room are a must. Wiring is laid under drywall, lamps and sockets are easy to mount in the material.
  3. The next stage is the sheathing of the frame on the outside with drywall. When sheathing the frame, it is immediately worth considering the location of doors, decorative elements and other details on the gypsum board wall.
  4. Next is the installation of the door. For a dressing room of a rectangular or triangular shape, a compartment door would be the best option, and a square room can also be separated with a swing door. To save on the installation of the door, the width of the opening can be fixed plastic cornice and hang it with textiles.
  5. The last step involves sealing the drywall joints and preparing the surface for finishing.

In terms of design good option will not distinguish the dressing room from the general background of the bedroom, and decorate its walls in the same way as the room. This method will organically fit the dressing room into the overall interior and visually increase the space (if necessary).

How to assemble a dressing room in a drywall bedroom (video)

By designing and assembling a drywall wardrobe yourself, you can save a significant amount of money. Storage sections can be made to order according to a special project, but it is more profitable to assemble the structure with your own hands using materials from an old cabinet. Design, experiment, use your knowledge and imagination, as well as information from the Internet. The main thing - do not be afraid and you will succeed!

How to make a dressing room from drywall in the bedroom

The minimum size of the dressing room should be 1x1.5 meters, but not less, with such a size it is quite possible to place the necessary. Ideally, if the area is larger so that there is enough space for changing clothes, but if the room does not allow you to arrange a large dressing room, this is also a good option. How to make a dressing room from drywall with your own hands? If you wish, you can make a dressing room yourself, if you are familiar with the construction business, it will not be difficult for you, and for beginners this may not seem so difficult.

Not everyone in the apartment has an extra room for equipping a dressing room, but you can build it from drywall in any part of the room. There you can place the clothes that you use now and those that the time has not yet come to wear. In addition to clothes, they store various accessories and shoes, as well as an iron and ironing board.

All dresses, blouses and other things will be in one place, where you can change clothes. The dressing room will not take up much space. What style, what colors the dressing room will have is up to you, show your design abilities. Here you need to take into account the type of dressing room, whether it is a separate room or it is located inside the room.

When all the construction work is completed, you need to think about the internal content of the dressing room, how to place shelves, racks, brackets, additional drawers. The area for everyday clothes should be in an easily accessible place. The upper part of the dressing room is used for compartments for clothes on hangers.

You can use a device that allows you to lower the sections.

Plasterboard dressing room

    "Corridor". With this option, the new room is extended along one of the free walls. Racks with shelves and bars are built on the fenced off area.
    Although such a design allows you to remove all things from the bedroom, it is considered not very convenient - in a cramped aisle, you will most likely be uncomfortable dealing with your wardrobe.

Important! If the storage room will be tightly closed, it should be additionally provided with ventilation by making gaps at the top or installing gratings in the walls. Without these measures, textiles can start to smell bad.

Creating a drywall dressing room will take you no more than 2-3 days, but before installing the structure, you should carefully consider everything important aspects: convenient location, dimensions of the structure and its functional content. All these factors must be taken into account at the design stage in order to avoid mistakes. In addition, when planning space, it is necessary to allocate one of the walls for a large mirror and organize optimal lighting in the created room, since there will be no natural light in it. Corner.

Another option for creating a spacious room for storing things, while not so clearly standing out in the interior and not taking up useful space from the bedroom.

Plasterboard dressing room installation

  • the apartment has a guest bathroom, it can be converted into a dressing room;
  • niche in the room will become ideal solution for this piece of furniture;
  • in the children's room there are high ceilings, then you can equip a dressing room and put a bed on it, and attach a small plasterboard staircase;
  • if a separate place is not provided in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, then you can slightly reduce the corridor or room, but at the same time all things will be in in perfect order in the dressing room;

Sliding door options for dressing room

  • also, for the aesthetics of the design, it is worth gluing all the ends of the shelves with an edge tape. The work is simple, it is enough to attach the edge to the edge of the shelf and heat it with an iron;
  • the rods are constructed from a furniture pipe, which can be bought at the store of the desired length. Drill a small recess, insert the flanges into them and hang the pipe.
  • First of all, according to the sketch, the installation site of the guide profile is marked. Usually the lines are applied with a pencil and a level. If the pencil is hard to see, then you can stick masking tape on the markings. You can use chopping lacing, it is very easy to use, and you do not need to draw lines with a pencil;
  • After that, you need to put marks in those places where the rack profiles will be installed;
  • Draw straight lines along the walls on which the profile will be installed using a corner and a level.
  • A do-it-yourself drywall dressing room is a convenient, practical, ergonomic structure that can fit the things of all family members. This piece of furniture can be arranged in any room, while it will fit into any interior. In addition, you can determine the number of shelves yourself, and make the desired number of cabinets.

    A plasterboard dressing room in the bedroom can be located on the loggia, then you do not have to reduce the area of ​​​​the room. Be sure this room will have to be carefully insulated, since drywall can warp with temperature changes.

    DIY wardrobe room

    Wardrobe closet - convenient option For self-arrangement. You don't have to do a lot of finishing work. It is enough just to remove everything superfluous from the pantry, to carry out cosmetic or full repairs.

    It remains only to plan the zones and purchase everything necessary details dressing room. Then install them and enjoy your work. Dressing room lighting. lighting fixture optimally positioned directly inside the resulting room. One spotlight will be enough.

    Additional lighting can be thought out next to the mirror. Gluing seams, puttying and priming. There will be seams between the laid plates.

    They must be glued with a bandage tape, and then puttied. The resulting joints are primed. With the right approach and following the instructions (which we give in our article), there are two ways to make a dressing room with your own hands: First is the long vertical area.

    Here things will be stored on hangers. In the lower part there are places for storing shoes.

    We make a dressing room from drywall with our own hands

    As an example, a room of about 20 square meters is considered. m., which is a walkway. When conducting overhaul it was decided to isolate it (make it not a walk-through, with its own door) and separate a part for the dressing area. The size of the dressing room was 3 square meters. m., the remaining residential part - 15 sq. m, while 2 sq. m. became a corridor. Initial ceiling height - 2.5 m, after installation false ceiling from plasterboard, the height decreased to 2.4 m. The photo shows that, along with the structure for the dressing room, decorative element the ceiling for the room, but it is not considered in this article. The frame of the future walls and ceiling is ready, you can proceed to fixing the drywall sheets.

    In this example, sheets of size 150 by 60 cm, 12.5 mm thick are used. They are no different from the usual large sheets, but they can be brought from the store to any passenger car are placed in a small elevator. In addition, they are convenient to attach to one person.

    Thinking about how to make a dressing room in the room, but do not know what material to choose for the walls? To build a dressing room in an apartment, light drywall partitions are suitable, which you can build with your own hands. The article shows photos of the process of building the walls and ceiling of a dressing room about 3 square meters in size. meters.

    The width of the PN and PS profiles is selected depending on the desired thickness of future partitions and can be 4.2, 5, 6.6, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 cm.

    Dressing room in a plasterboard bedroom: how to make it cheap and easy

    The most convenient option is a square-shaped dressing room. In it, everything is in quick access, and there is space for movement. Such a dressing room can be equipped with a mirror and a dressing table.

    To build a dressing room, you will need a set of tools for working with drywall, as well as spatulas, a puncher, a drill, metal shears, a grinder, etc. Depending on the size of the dressing room, different materials may be needed. If all sections are made to order, respectively, you only need to equip a room for them. For the beginning is made markings on the wall, in accordance with the drawing: the profile will be mounted on it.

    Next, the carrier bar is fastened with dowels. It must be installed strictly according to the level, since the quality of the entire structure will depend on this. A rack-mount profile is inserted into the grooves of the carrier profile - later shelves, crossbars, boxes and other storage systems (using self-tapping screws) will be attached to it.

    • If the dressing room is planned only for storing things, the distance from the facade to the wall can vary from 0.5 to 1.2 m;
    • In the case of a dressing room, its width should not be less than 1.5 m.

    First of all, it is important to determine for yourself the dimensions of the future dressing room, its shape and occupancy. The choice of location and subsequent steps will depend on this. At the same time, one should not forget about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom itself, so that in the end the dressing room does not take up most of the room.

    The shape of the dressing room can be square, triangular or rectangular, in the form of a huge wardrobe in the entire wall.

    Drywall dressing room - how to cope with the work without outside help

    As for shelving and shelves, it all depends on the project you have chosen. The cheapest and most popular option is chipboard, which is good because you can choose any color and texture. Another plus is that if you have a ready-made design project in your hands, then you will be cut the material into the required pieces, you don’t have to suffer with sawing, you will get elements of an ideal shape.

    When the profile structure is ready, it's time to start laying the wiring, it can be laid right inside the frame in a special corrugated hose, and as for the walls, you need to make strobes in them. If you have a good finish and you don’t want to spoil it, you can put the wire in the box, it will still hide behind the shelves, and the dressing room will look neat and attractive. The wires are led out to the locations of the lamps, switches and sockets. After finishing, you can proceed to fixing the door. If you use ordinary hinges, then a box is placed in the opening and everything is done, as with ordinary canvases.

    But if you have a sliding design, then the work is done as prescribed by the instructions, which always come with the set. It has detailed diagrams, so it will not be difficult to cope with the work. If you have two loggias, then one of them can be taken under the dressing room, so you can deal with the rubbish by placing it in the cabinets and additionally get a full wardrobe, not at all reducing living space. The most important stage, if you make a mistake here, you will get so many problems in the future that it may turn out to be such a situation that it will be easier for you to demolish the structure and make a new one than to eliminate the shortcomings caused by ignoring the planning process.

    Having fixed the first sheet, close the space remaining above it with a piece. To cut off a piece, you will need a knife with a sharp tip, such as a wallpaper or stationery. Cut the paper in a straight line (use a rule or rack profile as a ruler).

    Break the drywall at the notch, then cut the paper with reverse side. For fastening to wood, use black self-tapping screws with a large thread pitch. The profile can also not be drilled, but pierced with a self-tapping screw. You can attach to a drywall wall with drywall screws, but you need to make sure that all the screws fall into the metal profile.

    Otherwise, take a longer dowel-nail so that it goes through the drywall and gets into the concrete. Or there are other options to fix it in the drywall sheet. When all sheets of drywall are fixed, you need to putty all the joints and screw heads. The joints are additionally reinforced with reinforcing tape so that they do not cause cracks in the future.

    It is also necessary to putty all the corners. Edged seams must be primed before puttying so that the mortar does not fall off. After puttying, the surface of the dressing room will become homogeneous and ready for finishing.

    • knife for cutting drywall sheets;
    • metal scissors for cutting profiles;
    • a cutter for fastening profiles to each other (you can use small screws for metal);
    • screwdriver and drill for screwing screws and creating holes for dowels;
    • roller with a spatula for primer and putty;
    • level.