Toilet      04/22/2019

Attached to a wooden house from a bar. Rules for the construction of an extension to a house from a bar

Over time, owners of private country houses and cottages with year-round living are faced with the need to increase the usable area of ​​their homes. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or simply the desire for space, since the available area is too small. The frame extension in this case is seen as one of best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure, the procedure for its legalization will be discussed in this short article.

Extension Features

The big advantage of the frame extension is the possibility of its interface with a house built from any material, whether it be logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

Design features in general view presented in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances of building a full-fledged frame house.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

To build with your own hands, you will need some set of tools. The figure below shows a typical variant of such a set.

The presence of at least one assistant is also desirable, since a number of works cannot be done alone, and working with someone is always more fun.

Interfacing with the main house

Regardless of the quality of the foundation, due to the difference in the magnitude of the load that the cottage and the extension exert on the ground, there is still the possibility that over time they will move relative to each other. For this reason, experts strongly do not recommend a rigid type of adjoining an extension to an old house; it is more expedient to use an adjunction similar in principle to a groove-comb connection. For its installation on the wall of a capital structure, you need to fix two beams, and install between them vertical beam, which is an element of the frame wall of the extension. This type of junction will ensure the leveling of mutual movements. Of course, you can use instead of wood metal carcass, then all embedded elements will also be metal. Or you need to use a bolted swivel.

However, the connection of the extension is not limited to walls alone; it is also important to connect two roofs correctly. To do this, the rafters at one end must be docked with the upper trim of the frame, and at the other - fastened with the roof truss system of the old house. The crate under the roof is mounted in such a way that the junction of the old and new roof is between the elements of the crate.

As a roofing material, it is necessary to use only one that has some degree of flexibility, for example, soft tiles or corrugated board with a wave height of not more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tiles are no longer suitable for these purposes.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of the foundation

The first stage of construction is foundation work. Usually, a separate foundation is arranged for the extension, which must be connected to the base of the old house with the help of special embedded fittings.

Of course, the most preferred option is the common foundation laid back at the stage of construction of the first house, however, few of our compatriots look so far, which, however, is quite understandable and understandable in everyday life. When laying a new foundation, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in form, but also in depth of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve full solidity, then a so-called expansion joint must be left between the two foundations so that when the soil moves in the spring, cracks do not form on the walls of the extension and at the very base.

Strapping - the second stage of the construction of the extension. The thickness of the walls of skeletons is usually 20 cm. In extensions, they rarely place living rooms, which allows you to reduce the wall thickness to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the strapping beam and the cross section of the vertical racks will also be 10 cm.

The figure below shows a possible installation scheme bottom strapping extensions:

When assembling the frame, the most attention should be paid to fastening the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The upper strapping is fastened according to the same principle as the lower one. The side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Sheathing and insulation of the ceiling

The ceiling, like the walls inside, is best sheathed with clapboard. This is the most favorable option from the price and aesthetic points of view. Pine lining will last at least 30 years, and even more with proper care. To insulate the ceiling in order to save money, you can use expanded clay, pouring it on top with a layer of 10–12 cm.

Possible variant mounting truss system shown in the figure below:

The process of fixing the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one: the upper part of the sheets should be under roofing material main building. To do this, you may need to remove some of the fasteners. An approximate diagram of the roofing "pie" is shown in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work is the creation of a durable structure, in which it will be comfortable and cozy to live. The quality of the wall "cake" has the most direct and decisive influence on the achievement of this goal. During wall insulation frame house or extensions, you need to remember that properly laid steam and wind insulation is the key to a long service life without loss of performance of any type of insulation. If you forget about it, then the insulation will very quickly absorb moisture from environment and become unusable.

If we consider the layers of the wall "pie" from the inside of the frame extension, then they should go in this order:

1. Inner lining,

2. Air gap (10–20 mm),

3. Vapor barrier,

4. Insulation layer,

5. Wind insulation,

6. Exterior finish.

As wind protection, you can use traditional roofing material or glassine.

The second option is more preferable, since it does not deform when exposed to high temperature environment. When installing vapor barrier membrane materials, you need to place them smooth surface towards the layer of thermal insulation, and fleecy - towards the room. The villi do not allow condensation to form on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Building insulation is one of the critical factors comfortable stay in it in the future. In fact, all the nuances regarding the insulation of the frame extension completely coincide with the features of the insulation of full-fledged houses built using frame technology. For insulation, you can use the most different materials both traditional and more modern: ecowool, sawdust, basalt mineral slabs, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. In terms of speed and simplicity installation work nevertheless, perhaps, a mineral slab insulation is optimal.
Such a heater must be tightly laid between the frame racks in several layers, but without kinks and pinches, which over time can lead to the formation of "cold bridges". An important feature in the course of work, it becomes necessary to shift the joints between the plates relative to each other in adjacent layers. This principle must be observed not only when insulating walls, but also the ceiling and floor.

Possible mistakes

Finish and reschedule already existing structure it is always more difficult to build from scratch, so you should once again pay attention to possible errors in the process of building a frame extension.

First and foremost, many inexperienced builders rely on factory processing of all lumber. However, this is wrong, all elements of the frame must be well dried and treated with fire-retardant impregnations before assembly. window frames and the doors must be installed strictly according to the level and fixed to the already installed vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to the house?

When all construction works for the construction of the frame extension are completed, many of our compatriots are beginning to think about the need to legitimize the resulting masterpiece of architecture. However, it is better to think about this before starting work, since the process of legalizing an unauthorized structure is a little more complicated, you will have to go to court, moreover, the result may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the resulting beauty, and at your own expense. Of course, you can not go through the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but this will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, bequeathing or donating the whole house, and not just an extension.

When applying to the courts, you will need a whole set of various documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership of the land;
  • Certificate of ownership of a residential building (cottage);
  • Help from BTI;
  • Permission from the housing and communal services organization;
  • An extract from the house book on the number of registered citizens in a residential building;
  • Frame extension plan;
  • House project;
  • Control survey of the extension on a scale of 1:500;
  • The consent of the neighbors, if the extension borders their site;
  • Act of the epidemiological service.

In some cases, you may need a photo of the site, living quarters and an extension to it.

To drafting statement of claim must be taken with all responsibility, since the process can be lost due to errors made in it. Most courts will provide an application form and help you fill it out.

After filing a claim, you need to wait for a response, which should be sent by mail. To make sure that the application is accepted, after 10 working days you can call back and clarify the information. It should be borne in mind that the judges have only 2 legitimate reasons for rejecting the acceptance of the claim: the presence judgment regarding the legalization of this building or an incorrectly drafted claim document. The second option is to reapply.

The municipality will become the defendant during the court session, and the owner of the house to which the annex is made, respectively, will be the plaintiff. When the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, he will need to obtain a payment receipt from the Federal Registration Service for paying the state duty and make a payment, after which the owner will be given all Required documents legalizing unauthorized construction.

As for other cash expenses, approximately 10,000 rubles will be spent on collecting the entire necessary information(consultations with lawyers, etc.), the price of the state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles is an entry in the Urban Planning Cadastre, about 60,000 more rubles will be required by specialists for judicial construction and technical expertise. Thus, in addition to direct construction costs, about 100,000 rubles will be needed for all bureaucratic delays.


Watch a video about how the construction work was carried out on the frame extension to the house.

Not every family builds a house from scratch, more often they buy a ready-made one. It is also possible that the project of the house is ordered to architects, and they build standard buildings that are not always comfortable in everyday life. Therefore, situations arise when the existing living space is small and an extension to the house made of timber or other material is required.

Quality materials to get the job done

You will need:

  • piles;
  • staples;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • insulation;
  • fasteners;
  • beam;
  • decorative panels.

Whatever your house is built from, to make an extension optimal material will serve as a wooden beam. It is carried out in several stages: planning, making the foundation, erecting walls and installing the roof. Consider each item.

The first stage is planning. To draw up a project, you will need to determine the purpose of the annex. In other words, what will be located there: a bathroom, living rooms, a workshop, a pantry, etc. Depending on the purpose, the quantity and size are selected window openings. In advance, it is necessary to consider the location of the extension so that it does not block free access to communication systems (water supply, sewerage, and so on).

Next, you complete the foundation - you can’t do without it when building an extension to a log house or any other. The foundation for the extension is carried out in the same way as the one on which the main house stands. That is, the laying depth, material (foam block, concrete, reinforced concrete) and design (prefabricated or monolithic) match. The main thing in this case is to carefully perform a bunch of two foundations. This option is possible if the house was built by the same person who makes the extension. If you got the house ready and you know practically nothing about the foundation, then you will have to find out all of the above by digging out the foundation from the side of the future extension. If the purpose of the extension allows, then you can make a foundation of piles (pillars). Upon completion of the work, the foundation must be settled for 30 days so that it dries out, grabs and withstands the load of the timber laid on top.

If an extension from a bar is being built to a bar house, then there will be no difficulties with joining the wall of the main house and the extension. You can fasten them with staples and let them stand, since the timber for a residential outbuilding is not an easy material, it shrinks significantly. The shrinkage period is from 12 months.

After shrinkage, it may be necessary to replace the warped brackets between the old and new walls, replacing them with new ones. You can fasten the rows of bars together with staples, self-tapping screws, metal plates and other fastening materials. Slots are laid with any insulation.

The roof is being created. The process of its construction is no different from the standard. Erect the rafters, carry out the sheathing and cladding of the gables, sew up the cornices, lay and fasten the roofing material.

After completing the main steps, it remains only to install the windows.

In addition, the ceiling, floor, and finishing works are being carried out.

When building an extension to a house from a bar, you should pay attention to some points:

  1. If the house and the annex are made of timber, then the insulation is laid from the inside so as not to spoil appearance buildings.
  2. It is better to choose a beam with antiseptic and fire-fighting impregnation, or to process it yourself. So you protect the walls from the negative effects of moisture, fungi, insects.
  3. Fasteners choose those that have an anti-corrosion coating.
  4. If you put an extension in the cold season, this will reduce the time for shrinkage. The beam will stand in the cold, gradually warm up, that is, it will withstand a change in temperature.
  5. To perform the work, choose a high-quality, well-dried timber.

From the timber, extensions are obtained for both brick and stone houses. This material is loved by builders because it is easy to work with in terms of laying and does not need to be covered with decorative panels.

It happens that the house becomes small for the family. This may be due to the arrival of relatives or the birth of a baby. And not everyone wants to move their loved ones to other housing. It is also possible that the family is initially used to living together and does not want to be separated.

In such a situation, the only way out is to expand the existing living space. In this article, we will talk about how to make an extension to the house from a bar.

The initial stage of construction - drawing up a project plan

In fact, for the owners of private houses, if they have a plot of the appropriate size, it will be completely unproblematic to build an extension. It is worth saying that you can carry out this process on your own, especially since your family members will probably gladly agree to help you.

In order to determine the size of the future extension, it is first necessary to plan the premises.

What you need to know about the design of additional structures?

  1. What will the extension be used for? Perhaps it will be a toilet room or you plan to place a workshop there. The choice depends on what purpose the room will have. building materials and all construction in general.
  2. Are there any engineering Communication(e.g. plumbing)? Of course, in no case should such objects be closed, because at any time, they may need to be repaired and operated.
  3. What material will you be building with? This question needs to be asked beforehand. After all, the cost of the entire project, as well as the construction technology, depends on the material you choose.
  4. What will be the format of the future design? For example, you may prefer timber frame walls or solid wood walls.

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An extension from a bar to a house made of wood or stone

It does not matter at all what material you plan to make an extension to the house from. In any case, you need to start with laying the foundation.

If you decide to build an extension to wooden house, then the foundation under it should be the same as under the main structure.

Options for adjoining the foundations of the extension according to the scheme of open (a, b, c, d) and closed (e) contours: 1 - existing house; 2 - extension.

Of course, for those who built the house on their own, it will not be difficult to do this, because. the owner probably knows all the nuances associated with the foundation.

If you have decided on the type of foundation, then you will only have to connect it with an existing one. After that, you can safely proceed to the construction of walls.

Let's now talk about the situation where there is no information about the foundation. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a number of research works:

  1. Dig a little foundation on the side where you plan to install an extension.
  2. Explore the foundation.

After you have installed the foundation, you need to give it time to settle. This takes at least one month. Pay Special attention at the junction of the new foundation and the old one.

After your foundation is completely ready, you can safely proceed to the construction of walls. In fact, joining old timber walls with new ones is quite simple.

Special attention deserves the fact that the timber for residential buildings is distinguished by its rather large weight. And, of course, he will subsequently shrink. It is for this reason that after the fastenings between the new and old walls are installed, the extension must be given time for the final shrinkage. This process takes approximately one year.

In order to prevent a strong draft inside the building during shrinkage, insulate the vertical slots.

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Roof device features

After the walls and foundation you have erected shrink, you can start building the roof. In fact, this process is carried out according to the usual technology:

  1. Install the rafter system. In this case, we must not forget about the maximum load on the structure.
  2. Make a crate, which can be made of timber or solid boards.
  3. Take care of the facing of the gables.
  4. Hem the cornices.
  5. Install wind elements.
  6. Cover the roof with one of your chosen materials.

After all the above work, you will have to arrange the floor, hem the ceilings and complete the internal repair work. Well, actually the extension from the timber to the house made of wood is completely ready.

Extensions are built for 2-3 years after the end of the main construction. There are two reasons for such an addition to the main house: either there was not enough money during the main construction for a larger area, or the main structure does not provide for a veranda or terrace.

Among construction companies, this is a popular service, but in order to save money, most often the work is done by hand. Moreover, ready-made options can be seen a lot on the video and photo on the Internet. About how to mount an extension to a house from a bar, what it should be will be described below.

What you need to start building

Outline of the project of an extension to a wooden house

Any extension to a wooden house is independent construction houses from a bar, requiring its own project and calculations. Moreover, docking with a bar must be done so that subsequently no cracks appear. At the same time, one should not forget about architectural solutions. The extension must harmoniously fit into the entire structure.

For the construction of an extension in a residential building, the permission of the architectural committee of the city and the support of all documentation are required. You can properly plan the extension yourself, but this requires skills.

House planning companies offer a service for drafting an extension to a wooden house from 25,000 rubles, depending on the region. This solution is convenient because ready-made version You can look at the proposed photos from the manager of the company. Moreover, it is difficult to use a typical one in such a situation, since the annex is located individually in each individual case.

What are the extensions

The construction of the adjoining wooden structure can be framed and frameless. You need to choose a design based on: the number of storeys, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe annex, the availability of free land, the types and features of the house. by the most in a simple way the construction of an extension of the same material as the main house is considered. So the construction of a house from glued laminated timber involves the same extension .

So if the main structure is made of glued laminated timber, then it is better to make an extension from it. Otherwise, shrinkage occurs in different ways, and gaps appear in the joint. At the same time, the technical and operational characteristics of the material are also taken into account.

The annex is mainly mounted to the wall of the facade, there are many similar photos on the network on construction sites. According to the number of floors, it can be one and two-story building. According to the roof structure: pitched one-sided, under a common roof.

Attachment from a bar at proper planning suitable for houses made of brick, wood, blocks, etc. Structures not related to the main structure with a common foundation and load-bearing parts can be assembled by hand. But if a timber extension to a brick or cinder block house, then construction can cause a number of difficulties. It is better to entrust such work to professionals.

Features of the installation of a timber extension

Installation features largely depend on whether the structure will be residential or not. During the construction of a residential wooden extension, it is necessary to mount a separate foundation, a connecting wall, and provide for a communications system.

With this installation, the main house and the extension are not connected by fasteners, and are separated by an expansion joint. This seam is needed to shrink the extension. It is movable and breathable, which makes it possible not to damage the extension walls.

To a wooden house, a frame-beam extension is most often made. The extension is being insulated, and I am doing the finishing under the main house. Also used internally finishing material. So, additional walls are attached to the main structure using metal brackets, plates, brackets, etc.

Main stages of construction

The main parts of the extension installation:

  1. Calculation and purchase of material
  2. Foundation installation
  3. Roof
  4. Finishing

We will talk about each of the stages in more detail below and look at the proposed video:

Calculation and purchase of materials

Before construction, they think over the location of the extension from the timber and its number of storeys. The amount of purchased material will depend on this.

For calculations, you need a project for the future extension. It is budgeted for. You can calculate the amount of material using the same calculator that is found on many construction sites.

You need to decide what shape the roof will be. The easiest way is to perform a one-sided pitched. The roof is the same as on the main house.

Foundation installation

The foundation is selected depending on what the building will be. A separate foundation is made for a residential wooden annex. Its depth should be the same as that of the main structure. The connections of the main foundation with the extension are carried out using reinforcement. If this part is missed, then over the years the two foundations may diverge.

The main stages of foundation installation include:

  1. Markup is being done.
  2. A ditch is dug to the depth of the main foundation.
  3. Mounted formwork from wide boards.
  4. A reinforced bond is made, including with the main foundation.
  5. Filled with concrete.

At the stage of installation of the foundation, it is important to perform waterproofing. To do this, use roofing material, which is placed on top of the foundation. For a more hermetic design, you can coat the foundation with a bitumen solution.

For a veranda or a track, a lightweight type of foundation on piles is suitable. Do-it-yourself installation is easier and more economical.

The walls are erected in the same way as for the usual construction of a house from profiled timber or other lumber. But, do not forget about the deformation seam. It is subsequently filled with mounting foam.

If the main house and the annex are of the same material, then the walls can be connected using fasteners. So dowels are made in a beam of 5 cm. Using screws and plates, they connect the main wall and the extension. For the same purpose, metal staples are used. They are fixed every 2-3 links.

If the building is lower than the main wooden house, then the roof must be made with a large slope so that water and snow do not accumulate at the junction. Additionally, it is not necessary to connect it to the main structure. For greater strength, it is possible to drive an additional beam in increments of 15 cm.

If the annex is two-story warm, then the roof can be connected to the main one. To do this, part of the main roof is dismantled, the ceilings are connected using iron corners. Then waterproofing and roofing is done.

When installing the roof of a two-story outbuilding, do not forget about the drainage system. It is necessary that the design of the drainage system was integral.

The price of an addition to the house

The main price of an extension from a bar consists of several factors:

  1. Method of construction and type of construction.
  2. One or two floors has an annex.
  3. The complexity of the foundation design.
  4. Beam type.
  5. The complexity of the architectural solution.

Average price for an outbuilding:

To these works you need to add delivery, finishing, insulation, drawing up a plan, estimates, windows and doors, grinding and coating, etc.

In addition, do not forget that the annex must be warm. It needs to be insulated both inside and out. What materials are suitable for insulation wooden walls, we have already discussed in

You can calculate on your own how much an extension to the house will cost on your own. On average, the construction of a turnkey extension from profiled timber comes out from 15,000 m 2, from ordinary from 7,000 m 2, from glued from 25,000 m 2.

How to cut costs

  1. You can save money by purchasing winter time. bar natural humidity will correspond to chamber drying, and the price will be lower.
  2. You can pour the foundation yourself, this will reduce costs by 20%.
  3. Hire a construction team in the winter, when the construction season is off and the price is lower.
  4. Purchase used material or leftovers from ads.
  5. Make the extension frame and finish with an imitation of timber.

How to mount the extension, with your own hands, or invite specialists, the owner decides. But by doing the work yourself, you can make mistakes that are difficult to fix after construction.

Wooden extension - the most convenient way to increase the area country house without extra costs. If the size of the site allows, you can additionally build another room using any finishing options. An extension made of wood will look harmoniously with both log and log house, and if desired, you can use any cladding options. It is quite possible to build an extension on your own, but in any case, this work requires careful planning.

Extension design

The first question that the owner must answer is: why is the extension needed, how is it supposed to be used? If it is planned to turn it into a heated dwelling, it will be necessary to resolve the issue with additional insulation and laying of communications. This issue must be considered in advance, otherwise many problems may arise later.

If it is planned to build a terrace, gazebo or, for example, unheated garage, work will be easier. It will be enough to calculate the dimensions and decide on the type of future extension, decoration and other issues. Lighting issues should be considered: even for a terrace, it is better to consider additional electrical wiring.

An extension from a bar to log house can be done in several ways:

  • Three walls of the extension can be made in the form of a log house fastened to the wall of the building. For this, various devices are used: corners, metal staples, dowels, etc.

In this case, it is important to provide for the possibility of timber shrinkage, which will differ from the log shrinkage rate: for an extension, it is better to purchase an already dried timber, the shrinkage of which will be minimal. The log extension looks harmoniously with any wooden house, outer lining not always required.

  • Another solution is a frame extension. In this case, only wooden frame buildings, and for wall cladding, you can use OSB-plates with insulation.

In this case, there are no shrinkage problems, but the particle boards will need to be faced using any modern materials. Frame structure it is more difficult to build on your own, you will need to attract assistants.

A kind of frame extension can be called covered terrace, for which it is not required to build capital walls. The fence can be folded from timber, the roof is installed on supporting pillars.

The terrace will become like a continuation of the house and great place for outdoor recreation. You can separate it as you like: as floor covering can be used terrace board or special moisture resistant laminate, fencing and supporting posts can be painted any color.

Attaching an extension to a log house

How to tie a timber extension to a log house? This is the most difficult stage, since it is necessary to actually connect the two buildings together. In construction, two main options for such a connection are used:

  • A common solution is to mount on metal brackets. It is used if the annex is being built in an old house, where shrinkage has already been completed in the main building. Timber walls are attached to log brackets, the joints must be caulked and covered with a flashing - regular board so that it is not visible.

During the first six months, the timber extension shrinks, and as a result, the brackets may turn out to be skewed. They are taken out, and then installed in a new place so that they again provide a secure fit. Usually, this procedure does not have to be repeated again, the building will already be ready for finishing and operation.

  • Another option is to fasten the timber with the help of corners, which can be purchased at hardware store. The extension to the log house is attached with galvanized corners with a shelf length of at least 63 mm using self-tapping screws. It is important not to tighten the screws tightly: they should have a slight backlash, which will compensate for the movement of the beam during shrinkage.

It is important to ensure not only the connection of the walls to each other, but also the foundation. For an extension, it is recommended to build the same foundation that was used for the main house.

If tape is used concrete base, the new foundation is attached to the old one with the help of reinforcement. Correct connection will compensate for ground movements, and the extension will be securely tied to the main building.

The nuances of the construction of a frame extension

The arrangement of the frame extension, as a rule, takes much less time, while giving a very good result. An extension to a log house made of timber will weigh a lot, since for a heated room the minimum thickness of a timber in a log house is 150x150 mm. The frame structure can be made multi-layered: external and inner lining walls are made of chipboard or OSB boards, and the space between them is filled with any modern insulation.

Frame technology allows you to make an easy and inexpensive extension, which will be well protected from the cold. An additional plus - you do not have to wait for the completion of shrinkage, you can immediately proceed to finishing.

Timber extension requires additional external or internal insulation, therefore, without additional costs, it will still not be possible to manage. Frame walls can be lined with anything: for exterior finish a block house is suitable, you can use a regular lining or any type of siding.

An important issue is the cost of an extension to a wooden house. It is necessary to consider not only the cost of wall material.