In a private house      04/14/2019

Houses with gable roofs. Gable roofs of private houses in the photo

Often when building a roof, people have to do quite Difficult choice- which option to prefer.

The fact is that modern technologies provide the possibility of such a choice, allowing you to mount a roof of any kind in a fairly short time. In Russia, gable roofs have always been more popular.

Thinking about which design is more suitable, the homeowner starts from many factors: its functionality, reliability and durability, the ability to prevent precipitation from entering the building.

Perhaps this was facilitated by the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of our fatherland.

According to the project, a gable roof can be made in two ways: with hanging rafters, or with inclined ones. This or that method is chosen based on the size of the structure itself or.

It is extremely important that the calculation of a gable roof (devices truss system) was produced correctly. This is best handled by a professional worker who is worth hiring.

The point is that in the case possible error in the calculations of the required rafter section, it is quite likely that the connection of individual nodes will be broken, or even the rafter system itself will be destroyed. One way or another, the further operation of the structure will be in question.

Mounting the support beam (aka Mauerlat)

It can be done in various ways:

  • The most reliable of them (it is also the most common) is as follows. When the walls are mounted, on which it is then planned to mount the support beam, a concrete belt (continuous) is created around the perimeter of the building. It can be replaced with a beam.

Between the runs and racks, to enhance the stability of the rafters, struts are made. The required parameters for struts and rafter legs are calculated by. The usual width of simple rafter boards is about five centimeters, while their height is up to 20.

To form an overhang that will become reliable protection the outer wall from precipitation, puffs or rafters lead at least half a meter beyond the plane of this very wall. It is required to lay a good layer under the Mauerlat, otherwise the service life of the structure will be greatly reduced. You can use the good old or other similar material.

Several layers are laid between the rafters, always with offset seams. As a heater, materials with low thermal conductivity are used, for example, ordinary. In addition to thermal insulation, it is necessary to equip and. To do this, a well-stretched polyethylene film is fixed on the inside of the insulation.

A special vapor barrier film is used. This is such a diffuse membrane with a special perforated structure. It is capable of releasing the steam that enters from the interior into the outside, but prevents moisture from entering it from the outside.

Crate: assembly order

After that, you can begin the direct installation of a gable roof according to the drawing. final (before roofing works) stage of construction completion

The gable roof structure is good example how the classics remain relevant for decades and centuries. This simplest design today looks new, it is supplemented modern elements, acquired a more spectacular appearance, thanks to new roofing materials. But, in fact, the principle and installation of a roof of two slopes remained the same as they were a hundred years ago.

The article will consider the varieties of two pitched roofs, presented photo modern houses with gable roofs, as well as the advantages and features of these types of roofs.

What is a good roof of two slopes

The roofs of private houses in one or two floors are very often made exactly gable. And the point here is not only in the low cost and simplicity of design, but also in its design and technical features.

The biggest plus of the roof of two inclined slopes, connected along the ridge line and based on the Mauerlat, is to compensate for multidirectional forces. The rafter system of pitched roofs is designed in such a way that the pressure from the weight of the roof itself, insulation, battens and roofing material evenly distributed over bearing walls(central and lateral).

The design of pitched roofs is carried out in such a way that the rafter legs are not connected to each other and to other structural units of the roof - they are not fixed to the ridge and Mauerlat, the strength of the structure is achieved due to the mutual compensation of pressures from the side of the two slopes and balancing the forces with expansion elements (stretch marks, crossbars, slopes, beds).

Attention! If a small country house, the gable roof can be assembled into a single structure - this allows its low weight. The convenience lies in the fact that you can assemble the truss system on the ground, and then together or in parts raise it to the top of the house.

You need to understand that the rafter legs of gable roofs are not fixed until the lathing is stuffed and insulation, waterproofing and roofing material are laid - they are held on their own, thanks to accurate resistance calculations.

The advantages of gable roofs over other structures are obvious:

  • the absence of problem nodes and complex connecting points;
  • light toe snow masses and precipitation;
  • the ability to control wind pressure by turning the ramp in the right direction;
  • simplicity of design, thanks to which a small country house, garage or outbuilding can be easily blocked with your own hands;
  • a spectacular view that can be supplemented with bay windows, dormer windows, an attic or a canopy;
  • some interesting architectural solutions based on a structure of two inclined slopes (houses with a sloping roof, hip and half-hip roofs, attic structures);
  • durability of the design, combined with its simplicity and accessibility;
  • versatility: they look equally organic simple houses timber, equipped gable roof, and two-story mansions in a classic or modern style;
  • the system of layered and hanging rafters, which became the basis of a gable roof, allows you to adjust the load on the roof depending on weather conditions and temperature fluctuations.

    Attention! It is also worth noting that gentle slopes are not prone to the accumulation of debris, they do not need to be cleaned, unlike complex ones. broken roofs with valleys and elevation changes.

The gable roof has no disadvantages, otherwise it would have been supplanted by modern complex structures.

Varieties of gable roofs

At first glance, it may seem that the design of the roof of two inclined planes is too ordinary and simple. But this is far from the case - today there are several standard options. interesting design such structures, and also, there are a lot of copyright solutions developed by professional architects for a specific house.

Several simple roof structures of two slopes can be noted.

Traditional gable roof

It is a triangle with two identical sides, which are slopes. The slopes are inclined at one angle, have equal length and the same area. Most often, such roofs are located over country houses, garden buildings, garages and baths. The design is the simplest, you can build it yourself, without outside help and professionals.

It must be remembered that the greater the angle of inclination of the slope, the more building materials the owner will need. But it will be better to protect a high triangular roof from rain and snow, but in regions with strong winds it is better not to make a slope of more than 15-20 degrees.

Gable roof with terrace

This perfect solution For country houses and small cottages. It is possible to build such a roof over already existing house, and over housing, which is only being designed.

The embodiment of such an idea practically does not differ from the construction of a conventional roof of two slopes - a fence must be installed from the pediment of the house and the floor boards of the second floor should be extended to the terrace, and part of the slope should be sewn up with clapboard or other sheathing material to the depth of the slope.

Asymmetric roof with two slopes

This design combines different in size and angle of inclination of the plane of the slopes. The reason for installing this type of roof lies not only in the aesthetic component. The main "highlight" of the design is that the slopes different area, tilted under different angles, resist the wind load in different ways.

It is known that a slope inclined at an angle of 20 degrees takes half the load than a 40-45 degree roof, and, accordingly, the wind presses twice as hard on it than on a roof with a slope of 11 or less degrees.

It becomes clear that it is necessary to use asymmetric roofs in areas with a constant and strong wind, the direction of which is known in advance. An example would be a house located between a forest and a field: on the side of the open space (field), a gentle slope is mounted, and on the side of natural protection from the wind (forest), the house is covered with a sheer roof, the slope of which has a slope of more than 40 degrees.

Multi-level gable roofs

You can also find a more interesting design of an asymmetric roof - when the slopes are not only different, they are also located at different heights. This option also has a practical justification - a multi-level design allows you to ease the pressure of the roof on the floors and load-bearing walls, sharing the load.

As a rule, such structures have one slope, which is significantly larger in area than the second. It is this part that is supported on the protruding load-bearing wall, transferring the skate to its top. The fulcrum for the second, smaller slope, becomes a beam, reinforced at the level of the ceiling of the first part of the house.

We can say that a multi-level gable roof is, in fact, two pitched roofs combined into a single structure. It is justified to build such a roof over large houses, where the length of solid rafter legs would be too large, which would significantly increase the cost of construction.

Different levels of the roof allow you to arrange overhangs, awnings, extend the roof for extensions (garages, terraces, summer kitchens).

Gable roofs with mezzanines, bay windows and dormer windows

This design certainly will not seem boring, because additional elements only enhance its aesthetics and beauty. Bay windows - protruding from the roof of the turret with own roof, reminiscent of the architecture of past centuries, look great on houses in a classic or Gothic style. Inside the bay windows, you can place a dining room or a guest room, so this add-on also has a practical purpose.

For those who dream of a living room in the attic, great option there will be a roof with a mezzanine and dormer windows. Houses with such equipment look very picturesque, it is especially pleasant to be under the very roof in a house surrounded by a forest or mountain landscape.

With broken slopes

This design also applies to gable roofs, it looks like a pentagon. The effect is that the upper part of the roof is made at one angle, and the lower part is completely at a different angle.

This option is considered the most acceptable for arranging a residential attic under the roof. Resistance snow load good, the broken structure also resists the wind normally. Of course, the cost increases. building materials what needs to be taken into account.


Advice! Using a tree for the truss system, you can significantly lighten the weight of the entire structure. While modern metal rafters and beams make the roof several times heavier, which requires a stronger foundation and reinforcement of load-bearing walls.

Gable roof houses are a classic, and, as you know, they never go out of style. Moreover, such structures are whole line advantage over more complex options, roofs of two slopes are more durable and practical.

And with the right approach, the house will look very impressive - you just need to choose an outstanding gable roof project and competently bring it to life.

Roof installation is a complex multi-stage process. In order to independently assemble and install the truss system, it is necessary to carefully study the methods of connecting the elements, calculate the length of the rafters and the slope angle, and select the appropriate materials. If you do not have the necessary experience, you should not take on complex designs. The best option for a residential building small size- do-it-yourself gable roof.

A standard roof of this type consists of the following elements:

Mauerlat is a beam laid on top of the walls along the perimeter of the building. It is fixed with threaded steel rods immured into the wall or anchor bolts. The beam must be made from softwood and have a square section of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. Mauerlat takes on the load from the rafters and transfers it to the outer walls.

rafter legs- these are long boards with a section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm. They are attached to each other at an angle and give the roof a triangular shape. The design of their two rafter legs is called a truss. The number of farms depends on the length of the house and the type of roofing. The minimum distance between them is 60 cm, the maximum is 120 cm. When calculating the pitch of the rafter legs, one should take into account not only the weight of the coating, but also the wind load, as well as the amount of snow in the winter.

It is located at the highest point of the roof and most often represents a longitudinal beam connecting both slopes. From below the beam is supported vertical racks, and the ends of the rafters are attached to the sides. Sometimes the ridge consists of two boards, which are nailed to the top of the rafters on both sides and connected at a certain angle.

Racks - vertical bars with a section of 100x100 mm, located inside each truss and serving to transfer the load from the ridge run to the load-bearing walls inside the house.

The struts are made from timber scraps and set at an angle between the uprights and the rafters. The side faces of the truss are strengthened with struts, the bearing capacity of the structure is increased.

Puff - a beam connecting the lower parts of the rafters, the base of the truss triangle. Together with struts, such a beam serves to strengthen the truss, increases its resistance to loads.

Lying is a long bar with a section of 100x100 mm, laid along the central load-bearing wall, on which vertical racks rest. Lying is used when installing layered rafters, when the run between the outer walls is more than 10 m.

The crate is a board or timber stuffed on the rafters. The crate is solid and with gaps, depending on the type of roof. It is always attached perpendicular to the direction of the rafters, most often horizontally.

If there is no more than 10 m between the outer walls and there is no load-bearing wall in the middle, arrange hanging rafter system. With such a system, the upper ends of adjacent rafters are sawn at an angle and connected to each other with nails, excluding the installation of racks and ridge timber. The lower ends of the rafter legs rest on the outer walls. Due to the lack of racks, the attic space can be used to equip the attic. Very often, floor beams perform the function of puffs. To strengthen the structure, it is recommended to install the upper puff at a distance of 50 cm from the ridge.

In the presence of a central supporting wall, the arrangement is more justified layered truss system. A bed is laid on the wall, support posts are attached to it, and a ridge beam is nailed to the posts. This installation method is quite economical and easier to perform. If the ceilings indoor areas are designed at different levels, racks replace brick wall dividing the attic into two halves.

The installation process of the roof includes several stages: fastening the Mauerlat to the walls, assembling the truss trusses, installing the rafters on the floors, installing the ridge, fastening the batten. All wooden elements before starting the assembly, they are carefully treated with any antiseptic composition and air-dried.

For work you will need:

  • timber 100x10 mm and 150x150 mm;
  • boards 50x150 mm;
  • boards 30 mm thick for lathing;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal studs;
  • jigsaw and hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • nails and screws;
  • square and building level.

IN wooden houses Mauerlat functions are performed by logs of the last row, which greatly simplifies the workflow. To install the rafters, it is enough to cut on inside logs grooves of the appropriate size.

IN brick houses or buildings from blocks, the installation of the Mauerlat is as follows:

Mauerlat bars should form a regular rectangle and be in the same horizontal plane. This will facilitate further installation of the roof and provide the structure with the necessary stability. In conclusion, markings are made on the bars for the rafters and grooves are cut along the thickness of the bar.

When choosing a hanging truss system, it is necessary to assemble the trusses on the ground, and then install them above the floors. First you need to draw up a drawing and calculate the length of the rafter legs and the angle of their connection. Typically, the roof slope is 35-40 degrees, but in open, heavily ventilated areas, it is reduced to 15-20 degrees. To find out at what angle to connect the rafters, you should multiply the angle of the roof by 2.

Knowing the length of the run between outer walls and the angle of connection of the rafters, you can calculate the length of the rafter legs. Most often, it is 4-6 m, taking into account the cornice overhang 50-60 cm wide.

The upper ends of the rafters can be fastened in several ways: overlap, butt and "in the paw", that is, with cut grooves. For fixing use metal pads or bolts. Next, the lower and upper puffs are mounted, and then the finished trusses are lifted up and installed above the ceilings.

The extreme trusses are attached first: with the help of a plumb line, the rafters are set vertically, the length of the overhang is adjusted and attached to the Mauerlat with bolts or steel plates. So that during the installation process the farm does not move, it is strengthened with temporary jibs from a bar. After installing the extreme rafters, the rest are exposed, keeping the same distance between them. When all the trusses are fixed, they take a board with a section of 50x150 mm, the length of which is 20-30 cm longer than the length of the eaves, and nail it along the upper edge of the slope. Do the same on the other side of the roof.

The first option: on the rafter leg, at the place of contact with the Mauerlat, a rectangular groove is cut out 1/3 of the beam width. Stepping back from the top of the box 15 cm, a steel crutch is driven into the wall. The rafter is leveled, the grooves are aligned, then a wire clamp is thrown on top and the beam is pulled close to the wall. The ends of the wire are securely fixed on the crutch. The lower edges of the rafters are carefully cut off circular saw leaving an overhang of 50 cm.

The second option: the upper rows of walls are laid out with a stepped brick cornice, and the Mauerlat is placed flush with inner surface walls and cut a groove in it for the rafters. edge rafter leg cut at the level of the upper corner of the eaves. This method is simpler than the others, but the overhang is too narrow.

Third option: ceiling beams are released over the edge outer wall by 40-50 cm, and roof trusses installed on beams. The ends of the rafter legs are cut at an angle and rest against the beams, fixing with metal plates and bolts. This method allows you to slightly increase the width of the attic.

The device of layered rafters

1 shows the cutting of the struts of the rafters into a bed laid on intermediate supports, and in Fig. 2 - supporting the rafter leg on the Mauerlat

The procedure for installing a layered truss system:

When the main elements are fixed, the surface of the rafters is treated with flame retardants. Now you can start making the crate.

A beam of 50x50 mm is suitable for the crate, as well as boards with a thickness of 3-4 cm and a width of 12 cm or more. Waterproofing material is usually laid under the crate to protect the truss system from getting wet. The waterproofing film is laid in horizontal stripes from the eaves to the roof ridge. The material spreads with an overlap of 10-15 cm, after which the joints are fastened with adhesive tape. The bottom edges of the film must completely cover the ends of the rafters.

Between the boards and the film, it is necessary to leave a ventilation gap, so first they fill the film wooden slats 3-4 cm thick, placing them along the rafters.

The next stage is the sheathing of the truss system with boards; they are stuffed perpendicular to the rails, starting from the roof eaves. The step of the lathing is affected not only by the type of roofing, but also by the angle of inclination of the slopes: the larger the angle, the greater the distance between the boards.

After the installation of the battens is completed, they begin to sheath the gables and overhangs. You can close the gables with boards, plastic panels, clapboard, waterproof plywood or corrugated board - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences. Sheathing is attached to the side of the rafters, nails or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Overhangs are also hemmed various materials from wood to siding.

Video - Do-it-yourself gable roof

When choosing a project for a future home, much attention is paid to appearance and structures of the upper part of the building. Since, in addition to the aesthetic, the roof of the house carries a large functional load, many factors must be taken into account. In this article, we will analyze with examples what roofs are. one-story houses.

All roofs in appearance can be divided into flat and pitched.

Flat roof

The name speaks for itself. This is a flat upper structure of the house, which has a slope of no more than 3%. It happens attic and non-attic. Withstands large wind loads, however, it is demanding on snow loads. Gutters are usually internal, the perimeter is protected by a parapet. For one-story houses in cottage construction, it is not often used, although in modern design, cubic shapes of houses with flat roofs look very stylish. Suitable for use as recreational terraces, green areas and other functional areas. We recommend using this type of roofing for reinforced concrete buildings.

pitched roof

This type of roof involves a slope - the slope of one or more surfaces. They can be attic or non-attic. The slope simplifies the removal of melt and storm water. There are several types of such a roof according to the number of slopes and the way they are paired:

  • Shed;
  • gable;
  • Hip, semi-hip;
  • Tent;
  • Attic.

Also, in the construction of private houses, although infrequently, combinations of the main types are used, and a large field for imagination opens up here. After all, a roof for a house, like a headdress for a person, not only protects from bad weather, but also gives character, creates a mood.

shed roof

This is a roof with a surface slope of more than 12 degrees. It is usually used in houses with a laconic rectangular design with a small porch. Can be ventilated and non-ventilated. It is not often possible to meet a house with pitched roof, although, in our opinion, with proper design, it looks original and is very functional for the northern latitudes. The shed roof structure is simple and economical in execution, easy to maintain and allows you to catch more light. A one-story house with a shed roof is suitable for a small family both for living in a metropolis and for a country holiday.

Advantages one-story house with pitched roof:

  1. Simplicity installation work, the absence of complex truss systems.
  2. Possibility to cover large area houses.
  3. Simplified drainage due to the slope of the roof.
  4. High wind resistance, which is important for windy regions.
  5. Possibility of creating beautiful facade stained-glass windows oriented to landscape areas.
  6. The low side of the house can be oriented towards a fence, a wall of a neighboring building, or an undesirable view.
  7. The attic space can be successfully designed as an attic with good lighting.
  8. Profitability. This point is influenced by several components at once:
  • the consumption of roofing material is lower than for a house with a gable roof;
  • there are no costs for materials for roof structures;
  • the possibility of using relatively simple and inexpensive materials;
  • construction costs due to ease of installation.

This makes one-story houses with a shed roof very attractive. However, there are other features to consider:

  • The need for accurate calculations of the cross section of all structural elements during design, especially for snowy regions;
  • Hydro and thermal insulation will require special attention if a roof with a small angle of inclination is chosen;
  • Roofing can look rustic, and if you pay attention Special attention elegance, you will have to go to additional costs both for materials and for installation work.

Projects of one-story houses with a shed roof are suitable for those who are ready to move away from tradition. Create original design taking into account all the features of the landscape, an experienced architect will help you. It doesn't matter if you build small house or big house, it will definitely stand out among other cottages.

TIP: Regularly monitor the condition of structures in order to eliminate them in a timely manner possible breakdowns. To avoid seasonal damage, clear heavy snow.

Gable roof

The most popular and familiar type of roof for private houses. It is a structure of two inclined planes (slopes), converging under the ridge in the upper part of the building and resting at the other end on the bearing walls of the building. The plane between the slopes is called the gable. Gable roofs consist of rafters, beams and roofing. The angle of inclination of the slopes can be uniform and uneven. Structures with uneven angles of inclination of slopes (that is, the location of the ridge is not through the center of the building) and various lengths of cornice overhangs are used if the customer wishes to express architectural feature his housing. It should be noted that when implementing a project with an uneven angle, the attic space has an asymmetrical shape, which can complicate its arrangement. A gable symmetrical roof has an isosceles triangle at its base.

When building a gable roof with straight rafters, the windows are placed in the gables, and the low parts of the room along the side overhangs can be used as pantries. Windows are used to illuminate and ventilate the attic space. Beautiful attic windows give the whole building a light and aerial view. gable roof attractive and practical. The traditional nature of this form and unpretentiousness during construction make projects of houses with a gable roof the most popular among architects and customers.

Consider the main advantages of a gable roof for private houses:

  1. Functional additional space makes it possible to equip the attic area for residential or other functions;
  2. The ability to evenly distribute the load on the walls and foundation;
  3. Uniform heating of the internal space;
  4. Good ventilation of the attic space;
  5. Big choice roofing for the implementation of the project for every taste and budget;
  6. Minimal risk of debris and precipitation accumulation, which is especially important for private houses in the northern regions in winter.

A one-story house with a gable roof is very practical, looks cozy and organic, despite the simplicity and architectural unpretentiousness.

Projects of houses with a gable roof have their own nuances:

  1. The angle of inclination of the slopes depends on the size of the house and affects the height of the structure.
  2. Arrangement of the attic space under functional area affects the height of the structure, which entails the need to strengthen the rafters as load-bearing elements and, consequently, the rise in price.
  3. The presence of windows on the gable complicates the design and increases the cost.
  4. Special care is required when calculating roofing units, such as ventilation shafts and chimneys.

Gable roofing is most often used in frame and low-rise construction, shield cottage also prefers this type of design.

hip roof

This type of roof consists of two triangular-shaped slopes (hips) and two trapezoidal slopes. The hip roof is called a hip roof. If the shape of the house is more complicated than a rectangle, there may be more slopes. All slopes are lowered to the eaves. There are no gables, attic windows, if necessary, are mounted directly on the slopes. The design can be either straight or broken.

Variety hip roof is semi-hip. This is a hybrid of hip and gable structures. Gables are located at the top of the short slopes, which allows you to make a house project with full-fledged gable windows. hip design, of course, more difficult to perform than a gable. Its manufacture and installation is very costly.

Benefits of using a hip roof:

  1. The originality of the design gives the house an unusual and character;
  2. With the right materials, the design is highly durable;
  3. Uniform heating of the attic space;
  4. The possibility of increasing residential or technical space due to the arrangement of the attic area.

Disadvantages of projects using a hip roof:

  • The complexity of calculations and installation of structures;
  • The need to attract qualified specialists for the manufacture and installation of structures;
  • High cost, which includes high material consumption and payment for qualified installation.

Tip: For the implementation of the project of a one-story house with a hip-type roof, involve professionals at all stages of design and construction in order to avoid disappointment and unnecessary costs.

hipped roof

It is used in the design of one-story private houses, close in shape to a square. These are four-slope structures without a horizontal ridge, since the slopes in the form of isosceles triangles converge sharp corners at the top center point and are supported by the base on the load-bearing walls. The arrangement of gables is not required, which saves on building materials. Nevertheless, a house with such a roof can be admired, as its design is quite attractive and aesthetic.

mansard roof

It is named after the French architect Francois Mansart. The attic is called the roof, the space under which is used for living quarters. Most often it is equipped under the gable top of the house. The attic space can be increased through the use of broken structures.

In modern housing construction, the arrangement of the attic space for the living area is widely and eagerly used by architects and designers. mansard roof- beautiful and functional idea for a one-story private house. And at the end of the review - a few photos that capture beautiful roofs one-story houses.

The most popular type of roof is the classic roof with two slopes. It is common in construction due to its practicality, durability and ease of installation. A gable roof is an engineering solution in which the rafters are installed in separate pairs and are joined to each other, and the walls at the ends are triangular in shape and are called tongs. Hence the second name gable roof. An attic or attic is arranged under the roof. Our catalog contains a variety of houses with a gable roof, choose projects using sorting by parameters.

What you should pay attention to when choosing houses with a gable roof

This type of roof frame is not only quickly installed, but also allows you to effectively use the under-roof area for placement living rooms or other household premises. Absence a large number joints eliminates the additional cost of more thorough insulation and simplifies assembly.

The choice of the shape of the roof is primarily influenced by the purpose of the attic area, whether it will be residential or utility. Depending on the budget, mode of operation, building materials, the slope of the slopes is selected. Projects of houses with a high gable roof shape are designed to organize living areas and recreation areas for owners and guests. Cottages with a small inclination of slopes - for storage rooms. Attic floor- the optimal solution for the construction of a family cottage, in which each tenant will have their own space for rest and work.

Benefits of a gable design

The advantage of this type of roof is its organic combination with any rectangular building. Other advantages of gable frames are:

  • good ventilation of the attic or attic space;
  • simplicity and ease of assembly of the truss system;
  • increased endurance, so that any roof can be used;
  • the slope of the slopes, which prevents the accumulation of precipitation;
  • availability of manufacturing in comparison with complex roofs.

If you are constrained by the budget or construction time, but want to build a warm and cozy family cottage, look at the projects of houses with a gable roof