In a private house      03/31/2019

The division of the room into two zones by the ceiling. Dividing a Room into a Bedroom and a Living Room: Mission Possible

Today, the reality is that many face the problem of lack of square meters. Because of this, the living space has to be used for dual purposes. One solution is to divide the room into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room. There are many design techniques for one-room apartments, as well as for two-room apartments, if there are children. In the photo, the room is divided into 2 zones - a bedroom and a living room. As you can see, this is also true for large studio apartments.

The living room is a place for receiving guests and family pastime. The bedroom is an intimate area that requires tranquility and alienation from the outside world. It is difficult, but possible, to connect two such different territories in one room. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the bedroom should not be a passageway, so it is more logical to place it away from the entrance.

When zoning small spaces, do not overload the interior, it is better to stick to minimalism. However, not only small rooms, but also spacious one-room studio apartments need to be divided into zones. In this case, on the contrary, main task will create an atmosphere of comfort, so that there is no feeling of emptiness.

Having decided to divide the room into zones, it is worth considering what are you ready to decide on? Whether you are set up for certain repairs or you do not want to change something drastically.

Partitions for dividing a room

One of the ways of zoning space is the construction of a partition. It is possible to separate one territory from another permanently or mobilely. It all depends on the desire and financial capabilities.

capital structures

The capital method of dividing a room into two zones is the construction of a plasterboard partition. The design can be either "deaf" - from floor to ceiling, or translucent - not the entire height of the wall or with air "windows". Modern Decoration Materials allow to make such partitions of various configurations: straight, semicircular, V-shaped, stepped. Examples in the photo.

It is not necessary that the structure be built from the floor. Ceiling arches can serve as a kind of division of the territory.

Partitions made of wood, laminate, slats, bamboo, reed, branches, etc. are interesting. They are usually translucent. The use of natural, environmentally friendly, natural material add an element of freshness and special color to the interior.

Enclosing structures are made of plastic and glass. Such partitions look light, airy and do not clutter up the space. Usually frosted or stained glass is used, because the goal is to isolate the private area (bedroom) from the public area (living room). Although, in Lately it became fashionable to use glass transparent partitions in the interior. This option will not hide from prying eyes, but only emphasize zoning. But you will get a lot of light, space and novelty!

Sliding partition doors

A wonderful option for zoning a room is to use sliding doors(coupe). This version of the partition combines aesthetic beauty and practicality. If desired, the doors can be left open, half-closed, etc. Such structures are made of wood, glass, plastic. Filling options are endless: matte, transparent, patterned, etc.


A mobile alternative to a capital partition is a screen. This option of dividing a room into two zones is attractive because it does not require any repair work. The modern market offers a huge variety of models from various materials: wood, fabric, plastic. Screens original design, made in different styles, will fill the interior with special charm. A variety of models is shown in the photo.

Advice! On hot sunny days, it is convenient to use an opaque screen to further darken the room by simply moving it closer to the window.

Zoning with room decoration

You can effectively divide a room into two zones using different heights of the room. Multi-level ceilings perfectly emphasize the difference between the bedroom and the living room.

An important role in the zoning of the room is played by the color of the walls. You can use wallpaper in contrasting colors, but they must be combined with each other. Wall murals in the smallest part of the room will look good.

In the division of the territory, it is advisable to use both methods of polar decoration: both the ceiling and the walls. If this is not possible, then budget option will shade one zone from another by means of a color scheme.


Impressive expression is filled with a room in which there is a podium. The construction of this structure is quite laborious and costly, but the result is worth it. The podium perfectly separates the zones and has a practical function. The space below it can be used quite productively: from storing things to being located inside a pull-out bed.

Separation with curtains

The easiest way to divide a room into two zones is to use curtains. The use of textiles as a partition has several advantages:

  • Minimum financial investment;
  • The lowest labor costs;
  • Mobility of use.

Curtains can be thick, covering the entire passage, thereby hiding the sleeping area from prying eyes. In contrast, the curtain can be light, translucent and only slightly “hint” what is behind it. private area. Often used such types of curtains as rolled (Roman) or Japanese curtains. The variety of uses of textiles to divide space is amazing and encourages new ideas.

A peculiar variation of the use of curtains for zoning a room is the construction of a canopy. The use of such a canopy over the private zone will add a unique element of mystery, a fairy tale to the atmosphere of the home.

In addition to textiles, curtains made of other materials are suitable as a partition. Curtains made of beads look original and elegant; exotic room will add curtains made of shells or bamboo. Kisei is another interesting alternative to conventional curtains.

Zoning with furniture

The most common way to divide the territory is the use of furniture. This zoning option is quite mobile, since you can always rearrange if you wish. The photo shows that you can divide a room into two zones, a bedroom and a living room, with any kind of cabinet furniture: a closet, a wall in its entirety or parts of it, etc. And in this case, there is no limit to fantasy.

Attention! The rack perfectly combines all the qualities of a partition and furniture!

Used to divide space upholstered furniture. As a rule, the bed is simply fenced off with a sofa. This may not be the best effective method zoning, but it still applies today.

Extraordinary decisions and conclusions

It has become a trendy design technique to use an aquarium or a plasma panel to separate zones. Forged metal partitions are rarely used, but such an openwork can give a room a unique elegance.

So now you know how to share one-room apartment into two zones bedroom and living room. When choosing one or another option, you should take into account the scope of work and your financial capabilities.

It should be noted that these methods can be used both separately and in combination. For example, the podium can be decorated with curtains, and glass elements can be added to plasterboard partitions.

I would like to believe that the above examples of interior zoning helped you figure everything out and inspired you to design feats!

Many are familiar with such a problem when there is simply not enough free square meters in a dwelling, and therefore the question arises of what is needed divide the room into two zones. However, it is not premature to be sad because of such a problem. Any living space initially contains the potential for a cozy and comfortable arrangement in such a way that the lack of free space is not felt excessively.

To do this, you just need to divide the apartment into certain zones designed for your own purposes. Designers have long been using the principle of space zoning to make housing harmonious and as comfortable as possible for a person. There are many tricks to help expand initially small room and not only visually.

In any dwelling, the owner can find the so-called hidden zones, and then equip these meters correctly. If you are just moving into a new home, then perceive the empty space as an absolutely clean canvas. It is on it that you have to embody your personal ideas of fantasy. From practical experience it often follows that even a completely empty apartment has a lot of superfluous in it. An example of this is a capital partition separating a room from a balcony. If you thoroughly insulate the balcony, and then demolish such a partition, then the room will become an order of magnitude larger.

The balcony often serves as a place where people store things they don’t really need, clogging valuable space with all sorts of rubbish. Meanwhile, it can be turned into a mini-dining room or a small office, where you can work at the computer in complete peace of mind or let your child do their homework. The boundary between the balcony and the room after the demolition of the partition can be marked with a closet.

Or you can not fence off this area at all, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Quite a lot of free zones can appear if a small apartment is supplemented with all sorts of niches. Niches may well cope with the role of a full-fledged closet or dressing room. You will have the opportunity to save not only space, but also money, which you can then spend on purchasing the wardrobe you want for all small apartments. In general, do not be too afraid of the prospect of destruction of the walls.

But this, of course, does not apply to load-bearing structures. By breaking non-permanent walls in a number of places in the apartment, you can significantly increase the usable area. Having made one spacious room out of two small-sized rooms, you can then, skillfully using design techniques, competently equip the vacated space. Instead of a non-capital wall, you can make a decorative partition equipped with many shelves. Your apartment will immediately acquire a more modern look.

And any centimeter of free space will get a chance for competent practical use. Many do not dare to reorganize their apartment, believing that for such purposes it is necessary to first collect many different documents and obtain the appropriate permission. But it is possible to skillfully divide a dwelling into zones without coordination with the relevant authorities. How to divide a room into zones? Everyone can divide his apartment into sectors without vain and completely unnecessary hassle.

It should be noted that the so-called studio apartments are very popular today. The kitchen is separated from the room, which serves as a dining room at the same time, with the help of various options floor finishes. Of course, it is optimal to use tiling for the floor in the kitchen. But in the dining room you can lay linoleum. Keep in mind, if you are going to combine zones in an apartment that initially have different purposes, then you definitely need to think about a way high-quality sound insulation.

If you have children, they will bother you with their noise. Noise isolation can be ensured by using and properly placing the same closet, which will completely replace part of the wall. Or you can build a partition with many small cabinets and shelves. It is not at all necessary to make a partition or cabinets to order. You can think in detail future plan arrangement of furniture, accurately measure all parameters and send out the number of meters that you will not be sorry to take under the appropriate zone.

But even here there are certain recommendations. If you plan to combine areas for work and leisure, then working space in terms of footage, it is better to make it a little smaller. Division rooms in two zones is unthinkable without installing or moving switches and sockets. Zones in the room Ideally, they should have their own light source. When arranging the space, it is better to refrain from using such types of furniture that seem to support the walls.

In general, in conditions of limited space, various purely decorative attributes that serve exclusively aesthetic purposes should be kept to a minimum. Sofas, cabinets, shelves and, of course, cabinets, in the first place, must meet the functions of a competent division into zones. It is possible to single out zones in a limited area without setting clear boundaries.

The difference and contrast in color, texture, as well as the construction of a podium or different levels on the floor will perfectly cope with this task. Within the framework of one apartment, the division into zones should not be very assertive. In the area divided into zones, in the future, a harmonious interior should be provided for, if possible, of a single stylistic orientation. You can divide an apartment if you use the techniques described below and the appropriate tool. First, pay attention to the furniture.

Its individual components must cope with the divisor function. For example, you can select zones using several low shelves or racks. It is enough to fix them to the wall at a certain angle. By simply adding a tabletop to such a rack on one side, the child will get the perfect place to do homework.

The role of a conditional boundary between the working area of ​​the kitchen and the dining space can also be performed by a countertop, supported on one side by a metal "trunk". Perfectly delimits the necessary zones in the apartment corner sofa. Isolate sleeping area from the living room area, you can use the closet. Along with partitions, such an attribute as a screen will cope with the task of creating a conditional border.

Such a piece of furniture today again received a wide demand. The screen can be selected according to common criteria design of your apartment. But there are also so-called universal screens that harmoniously fit into absolutely any interior. Partitions, installed only on the sides of the main "entrance" to the selected area, are great for highlighting the bedroom. The partition is easy to build from gypsum board.

A partition based on plexiglass will look no less elegant. However, when choosing a material, take into account the fact that, for example, gypsum cardboard will inevitably hide light rays, making the space separated by such a darker one. In this regard, it is recommended to install a gypsum board partition near the window opening.

Organic frosted glass in this sense will be more preferable. In addition, any space with his participation acquires a certain zest. The role of a kind of non-capital partition can also be played by curtains or dense material of curtains.

If you remember, in Russian houses it was the curtains that were hung in the rooms and other rooms in order to hide the bed or other areas that did not need to be seen from prying eyes. Curtains and curtains, as an element of space decor, and not just windows, are becoming fashionable again today. Textiles in any case will make your apartment more comfortable and homely pleasant. If you decide to highlight certain zones, use sliding mechanism doors, the feeling that the apartment consists of only one room will disappear completely.

Sliding doors will help you decide on your own how much space to take under the bedroom or living room. Dividing a room into zones in a common space with the help of a podium, designers have proposed for a long time. The podium, as an element of decor, is a very functional solution. For example, with the help of a podium, it is easy to highlight a sleeping sector or a dining room. The podium can be supplemented with built-in lighting. Or provide niches in it where you can conveniently place bedding and other things. Dividing a room into two zones will help you make your home more comfortable, modern, beautiful and functional in practical terms.

The issue of zoning the premises is not only for the residents of lofts, but also for small apartments. When space is tight, dividing a room into 2 zones is not only a great design idea, but also an important decision from a practical point of view. To place in the same space a place of rest and a work area, for example, is not such a difficult process as it might seem. Today, there are many ways and tools to solve the problem.

Dividing a room into two zones: what not to do

If you take a radical approach on the issue of zoning, then this is the installation of a real wall. This can be made of brick to provide good sound insulation, or it can also be made of drywall. Drywall is the cheapest and easiest way to divide a room. But such a division plan is not suitable for small apartments or studio lofts. Since in the latter case, the charm, the airiness of space will disappear. And with small squares, the room just turns into utility room for technical personnel. Thus, this solution is erroneous and will not work in solving the problem.

The main ways to divide a room into two zones

If your choice fell on installation of a solid partition, then it will be rational to do this if both zones are sufficiently illuminated. That is, the presence of windows on each side is mandatory. If there is no second window, then the partition should be chosen light, made of frosted glass. Then the light to another part without a window will come. Why is it important? The fact is that if one zone is deprived of lighting in a room, then visually it will become even smaller, which would not be desirable at all.

Divide the room into 2 parts Can different ways. Partitions or semi-partitions will serve as the most convenient solution for this task. They can be from various materials:

  • drywall;
  • plastic;
  • tinted glass;
  • stained glass windows.

Partition serves for creating two small rooms in one room. Such structures do not have to be solid. And it is not at all necessary to think about them at the stage of repair work. Plasterboard partitions are used in rooms with large footage, and for a small room, it is desirable to stop your choice on other options. You should not install completely transparent glass, this will create a feeling of "aquarium" part of the room.

Glasses have a wide range for interior tasks:

  • stained glass;
  • with acrylic coating;
  • with sandblasting.

Some designers resort to the method of dividing the living space by installing sliding doors. It’s not so easy to buy them on your own; you need to contact specialists to create an individual order.

Such doors are most often used from materials:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • glass.

Advantage glass door in that there is no feeling of piling up, there remains light and airiness of space.

To divide the living room can be resorted to in a simpler and less time-consuming and costly way. Designers suggest using items such as:

  • aquarium;
  • sliding plasma panel;
  • showcases;
  • high headboards.

In fact, there is no limit to the ways of zoning a room, everything just depends on the boundaries of fantasy and possibility.

Movable partitions for zoning a room

The advantage of a movable partition is the ability to change the layout of the room at any time at your request. They have different lengths, colors and can be made from any material. Even on your own, having certain skills and abilities, it will not be difficult to do this.

Partitions on an aluminum frame can completely separate the living room from floor to ceiling. They can be transparent, plastic or even laminated. A great option would be photographs or any other print, harmoniously matched to the interior of the room. This solution will give a certain uniqueness to the living space.

Even more mobile and simple options is a screen, it, unlike the partition on the frame, does not stretch from floor to ceiling. This is a plus for her. After all, space is saved above the screen for the second zone. Typically, a screen is used to distinguish between recreation and sleep areas. This will also allow the room to maintain integrity, the division will be into 2 zones, but easy and relaxed.


This is a favorite way of dividing a living room among European designers. Surely more than once in glossy magazines you have come across a similar plan for solving the interior. Visually, shelving does not look like a zoning item, but only adds an element of functionality to the room. Photos, books, flowers or souvenirs can be placed on the rack. The more unusual its shape, the less sharpness between the areas of the living room.

Color scheme in the zoning of the room

At the stage of repair work, it is necessary to think about How will the room be divided? and what colors to paint the walls. This approach requires knowledge colors by the combination of shades and the ability to combine them. It is not necessary that shades of warm color be combined with warm, and a cold shade with cold. Possible option and combinations. For example, one part has a warm beige hue, and the other is a cold chocolate. But keep in mind if you take the color dark for this part, but the presence of a window on this side is mandatory.

Then, to "link" these 2 parts one living room, you can arrange items in each color zone from another zone. How will it look like? In zone 1 (warm beige) objects of chocolate color are placed, and in zone 2 (cold chocolate) - objects of warm beige.

Accessories also play essential role in solving interior ideas in the division of zones. This and chocolate-colored pillows in a beige area, a fluffy carpet beige colour in the chocolate space, paintings, flowers, dishes and much more. Thus, it is possible to achieve harmony between the two seemingly contrasting areas of the living room.

Altitude division of the room into two zones

This zoning is available also at the stage of construction or repair work of a dwelling. The height of the room can be zoned from the top, bottom and side. The height separation assistant, most often, is drywall. This design will help transform your room beyond recognition and give some uniqueness to the interior.

The ceiling can be made two-level, thereby visually dividing the space into 2 zones. One of the ceiling zones can be painted in any color you like (according to the interior) or you can create a visualization of the night sky with illumination from small “stars”.

It is important to do here division of territory by sex. This is easy to do, with the help of different floor coverings (laminate and tiles, etc.). You can leave one flooring. Then the creation of a podium can come to the rescue. This solution is the most advantageous and in demand among designers. Although a more expensive way of zoning a room, this design decision will not leave anyone indifferent. The only thing you should not forget is that the podiums in the rooms with low ceilings, risk "eating" high-rise space. Making the room even lower than it really is.

From the side of one of the walls you can do small extra wall, with a width of 30 cm, depending on the footage of the room. This ledge can be given a beautiful smoothly curved shape. There are options for transforming the wall by changing color palette, creating a picture, you can stick objects or accessories on an additional wall. And, perhaps, turn a small rack from a newly made wall.


Changing the interior of your room- this is a very exciting process that allows you to change the room beyond recognition. How to make two from one room? Turning one ordinary room into two stylish living spaces is a real and exciting undertaking. Don't be afraid to experiment with the colors, materials, accessories and finishes of the room and you will definitely succeed. original solution to create a functional and beautiful apartment.

There are many ways to divide a room into two zones, and each of them differs in cost, ease of implementation, practicality for different rooms. But each of the methods perfect solution for both large and small rooms. There are several tricks that should help a person without design education choose a competent, convenient option to divide the space into 2 zones or 2 rooms.

There are ways to zoning an apartment with different elements: screens and sliding partitions, furniture, stationary partitions that divide the room into two rooms. You can use arches and podiums, as well as decorative elements and other non-standard solutions.

With the help of abstract or modular paintings, for example, you can divide the space into zones: separate the dining room from the kitchen or the play area from the place in the nursery where the child does his homework.

A non-standard solution can be all the partitions in the room made of shelving. Dividers such as household and digital appliances (flat TV on a stand) look interesting. Zoning can be done with additional lighting. But the easiest way to divide the space in a room is to use finishing materials.

Separation by fixed partitions

Stationary structures - the best option to separate big room into two zones. In order not to take up a lot of space and not waste resources, separate zones are created inside each resulting room with the help of additional elements.

Important! Practical stationary partitions are made of foam concrete and brick. Shelves and other heavy structures can be hung on such walls. .

If nothing heavier than hooks or paintings is provided on the wall of the room, then drywall options will do. Beautiful design solutions from carved wood or metal, glass is also used to divide a room into two zones. However, thin structures do not have insulating properties.

Before dividing a room into 2 zones, it is necessary to consider how much space can be spent, whether there will be additional accessories for partitions, whether one of the rooms needs to be made more comfortable and private.

Partitions made of glass, for example, look nice and airy, fill the room with light, but are hardly suitable for separating the sleeping area from the living room. However, they are used inside the work area and dining room or bedroom and bathroom.

With the help of metal structures, you can separate the living room and come, the work area and the dining room, but it is better not to use them in the kitchen (increased heat transfer properties).

Separation by a sliding partition

Sliding doors are made of glass (with or without decor, with matte finish or mirror), wood, plastic and drywall. The principle of compartment doors is used, when guides are installed on the floor and ceiling.

Designs have features:

  1. Advantages. They take up little space, are mobile, very light.
  2. Flaws. Poor visual and sound insulation, require space for the structure to enter so that it is impossible to hang any decorative elements on the partition from one side.

Sliding partitions are often used for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room. With the help of a clear distinction, you can divide the loggia and the bedroom or the balcony and the living room.

The sliding structure occupies the entire part of the erected wall, which it “enters”, but does not make the room bulky or uncomfortable.

At the same time, it is easy to choose a design for the design of any apartment.

Screen separation

A screen is a method of zoning a room that can be used in any interior.

These are the most mobile structures for the temporary division of space, for example:

  • cot compartment;
  • allocation of a place for changing clothes;
  • temporary limitation of the working area.

The screen can be made with your own hands from wooden planks, metal, and between them you can stretch fabric or rice paper. There are also folding screens made of various materials, which require hinges.

The structures weigh little, and if you put them along the wall, they merge beautifully with it, acting as a spectacular piece of decor.

Reference! Mobile folding partitions came to the European interior from the East.

A screen is the easiest way to divide the area of ​​​​a room, it acts as a visual boundary, but is not suitable when sound insulation is needed.

Zoning with curtains

With the help of curtains it is easy to achieve a comfortable, cozy and pleasant zoning. If you use blackouts, they will smooth out a small amount of noise - rustles, squeaks.

The use of curtains to separate part of the room does not require expensive materials and complete repairs - just hang the curtain. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the use of curtains:

  • the fabric absorbs odors and is not suitable for separating the kitchen;
  • in children's curtains should also not be installed due to the fact that a child can ruin the structure;
  • curtains are not suitable for people prone to allergies - you will have to vacuum and wash them too often to prevent dust accumulation.

There are many ideas from designers: someone uses tiebacks when you need to open the curtain, others prefer the option of extending the structure to the wall itself. blackout curtains combined with tulle and other lightweight fabrics that create several layers of room insulation.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

For the first time, threads for dividing into two zones began to be used as a partition in the East. Beads and other decorative elements were strung on threads, ropes made of silk and other materials were also used.

Advice! Do not hang strings if there are cats or other pets in the room who are prone to playing with ropes.

You can make threads from improvised means with your own hands. Beaded items look very beautiful and unusual, but remember that they turn out to be heavy. If the rope curtain is too long, it can be easily cut to size.

Kisei are often used for zoning decor, which are attached to the cornices. They are made of wooden or plastic beads, glass, ordinary threads. There are wide and thin muslin that create a blackout in the room.

Furniture as a means of space zoning

One of the most popular ways to divide the space in a room is to use furniture. Often use furniture in studios, apartments to separate the hall and dining room or bedroom. If you put a sofa in the middle of the room, it will divide it into 2 or even 3 functional areas.

Separation with cabinets and shelving is a practical option. But this method is difficult to use in very small rooms. Books, plants, and other important things are stored inside the rack.
A popular solution is the separation of furniture - racks - from the living room to the bedroom. But, if there are children in the house, it is better to use dense partitions.

Advice! If you fill the rack that reaches the ceiling, only half from the bottom, then it will divide the space visually. But this option will retain the feeling of a single room.

Use low shelving that easily slides back against the wall and transforms the room into a coherent whole.

Do you want to separate the zone in a non-standard way? Do it with a bar counter. It is easiest to separate the living room from the kitchen or dining room with it. You can combine the rack with different items, for example, build a TV into it on the other side.

Often for zoning use a bed with high back or with built-in shelving. Among unusual decisions the zoning of the room stands out with large aquariums: thin and wide, low and high.

Dividing a room into zones using an arch

Divide the room with an arch, while the room can be small or large. Arches do not occupy walls and floors, they exist practical options- wide, but with built-in wardrobes or in the form of mezzanines.

The “inverted” arch-partition is made in the form of small steps, on which various things are located.

Combination of materials and colors

Finishing materials, a combination of their colors and textures help to visually zone the space.

This is the easiest way to divide a room that does not require major redevelopment:

  • use photo wallpapers in combination with a plain finish;
  • combine vertically different colors of paint (zoning looks beautiful in one color with a different shade);
  • combine opposite materials - plaster, paint, linoleum and tiles, fake diamond and laminate.

Zoning different color solutions in your house or apartment - a popular option.

Difficulties of color zoning

It is easy to divide the space with color from the point of view of technology, but it is difficult not to “smart” with the selected shades and combinations. They should be well combined with each other, but be quite contrasting.

Important! The greatest danger is represented by cold and warm colors in the same interior.

Accessories are used to harmoniously connect zones. For example, in a light green kitchen, dark yellow accessories are installed to match the shade of the living room.

Here are some details that will help:

  • fluffy carpets;
  • paintings with a predominance of color from the neighboring zone;
  • pillows;
  • lamps;
  • vases and other decorative items.

A similar echo of colors can be found in furniture: backs of chairs, sets of dishes, sofa covers.

Among the methods color zoning allocate:

  • painting the left and right parts of the room in different shades;
  • highlighting one of the walls.

Color is used not only in the form of plain paint, but also in the form of wallpapers that are identical in texture, but different in shade. The solution looks interesting when the ceiling and one wall are painted in different colors, and the walls located opposite each other are finished with the same wallpaper.

Zoning with light

It is possible to separate the functional areas of the room with the help of light if there is no need for a clear delineation of space. Apply different light sources, lighting intensity.

Spot lighting is often installed along the perimeter, and above dining table or a sofa in the center of the room they put a large floor lamp, hang a chandelier with an openwork lampshade.

If you place soft lighting in the area where the materials zone the space, you will get a clear division of the room. Working area or the sleep area will be highlighted by sconces, table lamps.

Height zoning

A similar method is used in rooms where ceilings are higher than 270 cm. Zoning can only be implemented during repairs, since it is necessary to provide protrusions in the floor or ceiling. The podium is suitable for installation in any room. The separation of the sleeping area in the bedroom looks beautiful when a bed is placed on the podium.

To divide a room into two zones, different methods are used. There are interesting solutions for both spacious and small rooms: partitions, furniture, finishing materials and even curtains!

Most apartments and houses consist of several cramped rooms, which is why some residents decide to combine. As a result, one large room becomes multifunctional: there can be a kitchen, a dining room, an office, a bedroom, a living room at the same time. Such planning must be properly executed, while Special attention given to zoning. Most often, the zoning of the room is carried out by partitions, which can be represented by the most different types structures.

Space division

In most cases, zoning is carried out in the living room, where it is necessary to visually divide the room into two zones, one of which will be allocated for relaxation and receiving guests, and the second is provided for organizing a bedroom or workplace. In addition, it is in this way that zoning is carried out in children's rooms, where there should be a place for games, recreation and study. Zoning is also popular in the kitchen, where there should be areas for cooking and eating.

There are only four main reasons for zoning:

  1. The division of one room into several zones with different functional loads. For example, a combination of a living room and a nursery.
  2. Separation of the personal area from the work area.
  3. Change of space depending on the time of day. This includes the proportional allocation of individual zones. For example, in the evening, an ordinary closet can be transformed into a folding bed.
  4. Creating an optical illusion to visually play up the interior. For example, if necessary, a small room can be visually expanded, and a large one can be made smaller.

In modern studio apartments, using a variety of methods and methods, one large area is divided into several functional zones.

Partitions in the interior

To solve a number of the above problems, many decide to radically change the room, but the construction of new walls requires a lot of money, as well as global repairs, and not too capital walls are practical. There is another way out - this is a quick, simple and at the same time original transformation of space with the help of partitions. This is a Swedish idea that allows you to effectively manage the entire area in a house or apartment.

Thus, you can solve all the problems associated with dividing a room into several zones. At the same time, every centimeter will be useful and will be actively used. You can zoning the space in the room with the most different ways, but the most popular types are:

  • arch partitions;
  • furniture;
  • decorative designs;
  • textile;
  • lighting.

If we talk about some clear proportions and indications, then there are none. But when planning to conduct zoning, you should consider several important points:

  1. If it is necessary to allocate a children's corner in the living room, a study or a greenhouse, a proportion of 1:2 or 1:3 will suffice.
  2. Most of the room should be planned where there is a window.
  3. To carry out the separation in the living room of the bedroom, the partition is installed in the middle. It can be made to 2/3 of the height or to the full height, and can also cover only half of the passage.
  4. The arched ceiling will be able to accentuate the boundaries of the zones.

No less popular are false walls, which can be made in the most different options. At the same time, they will be functional and decorative.

Partitions made of drywall or plywood

The most laborious, but at the same time original version is the installation of a partition made of drywall or plywood. Gypsum board construction erected on the basis of metal or wooden frame, attached to the floor, wall, ceiling. The partition does not have to be smooth and even. With a little imagination, you can plan in it:

  1. Niches for storage.
  2. Niche for aquarium
  3. Place for a fake fireplace.

The built-in wardrobe will also look good. It is necessary to choose a design depending on the tasks and the general style of the room.


  • the ability to create a curly partition;
  • high stability with reliable fastening;
  • unlimited number of finishes;
  • supply of electricity inside.

By choosing to drywall partitions, remember that they will be static. The overall design can significantly reduce space and natural light.

The original addition to any design will be the backlight, which is mounted in the frame - it can be spotlights or LED strip.


This method was also used by our grandmothers, who separated a secluded place or bedroom with curtains. little house. In a modern interior, zoning with curtains is used, with their help you can quickly and cheaply separate one zone from another. Behind a dense or light canvas, a boudoir, a dressing room or a bed can hide.

Curtains can be fixed with a cornice, along which it will move easily. Also, portable screens, which are a canvas attached to a frame, should also be included in this category. If necessary, this design is easy to assemble and hide, as it is mobile. When choosing a material, you should consider the style and basic colors of the interior of the room. If we are talking about a light and transparent partition, then you need to choose from:

  • organza;
  • veils;
  • tulle.

The classic style involves the use of draperies; in this case, the curtains are picked up with tassels.

decorative designs

Such partitions will divide the rooms, rather, conditionally, since their main task is to mark the boundaries of both zones, and not to hide the contents behind them. The design of decorative partitions may include the most different elements, which will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Moreover, such partitions can be not only decorative, but also functional. For example, a tabletop is sometimes cut into the partition, which can be used for eating, working or creating.

It should be noted that the design should be airy, light and transparent, so that the room will not visually decrease, but, on the contrary, expand. It would be appropriate to use:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • mirrors;
  • plywood;
  • drywall;
  • textiles.

Glass can be frosted, completely transparent, patterned, colored and even corrugated. It will be interesting to look at interior lighting, glass beads and beads. Rack, for example, you can decorate any room without making fundamental changes. Mounting is selected individually depending on the design.

false walls

This is not quite the usual way of dividing a room, which is very often used by designers in modern interior. In such an extraordinary way, the bedroom and the living room, the kitchen and the dining room, the zones of two children in the common nursery can be separated. The main material for creating false walls is drywall. Since this material is practical and plastic, a variety of partitions can be made from it:

  • curly;
  • openwork;
  • with niches for an aquarium, fireplace, TV or storage;
  • equipped with shelves;
  • in the form of a ladder;
  • supplemented with inserts of other materials.

Also, false walls are divided into mobile and fixed (stationary). When planning the interior of a studio apartment, it is precisely such a division into zones that will be more appropriate.

Other types of partitions

  1. A variety of objects, such as furniture, can serve as a partition. If there are no free funds, then you can separate it with ordinary furniture: a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a bookcase and even a sofa with a high back. In this case, the objects will perform several functions at the same time, but the main purpose remains the direct purpose.
  2. sliding doors and arched ceilings, can also solve the problem with zoning. At the same time, it is enough to choose the right material and shape of the structure so that the partition not only harmoniously fits into existing interior but also performed other functions.
  3. It will give originality and lighting, which can act individually, and complement almost every design. For lighting, a wide variety of lamps, LEDs, lanterns and spotlights can be selected.
  4. Popular eco-design involves the use natural materials, therefore, in such apartments, "living walls" can act as a partition. Here it would be appropriate to use high indoor plants or a rack on which flowers are placed.

Particular attention should be paid to the double-sided cabinet. This design can be ordered individually. In the kitchen, unfortunately, it will be completely inappropriate.

So, with the help of partitions, you can big room divided into several zones, each of which will have its own purpose. You can use both simple and easy options, and complex structures. If you want to redevelop, you should take into account the preferences of all residents.
