Well      03/03/2020

Insulation types and characteristics application. Types of building insulation for the home and their characteristics. Foam sprayers and liquid insulators

Foundation thermal insulationthe most important stage in building a house. It is as important as wall insulation. Especially in harsh climatic conditions characterized by freezing of the soil to great depths.

An uninsulated foundation causes serious heat loss and is dangerous due to freezing and subsequent destruction of underground structures.

Thermal insulation of the foundation from the outside significantly reduces heat loss and serves reliable protection the foundations of the house from the influence of groundwater and negative temperatures.

Freezing is especially dangerous for building foundation structures, on which houses are usually built.

To avoid the negative impact of the external environment on the foundation, they resort to measures such as waterproofing the foundation and its insulation.

The largest volume of cold air enters the building through the foundation. And if the house has a basement used for any functional purposes (billiard room, laundry room), then it should be allocated Special attention.

An unheated basement does not need thermal insulation. But it is necessary to insulate the basement part of the foundation, especially in houses built on stilts, in order to reduce heat loss at the floor level of the residential floor. Insulation helps retain heat in the house by cutting off the path of cold air into the house.

In addition, the foundation insulation layer plays a partial role in its waterproofing.

This means the thermal insulation of the foundation:

  • reduces heat loss;
  • reduces costs for;
  • reduces the impact of soil heaving on the foundation;
  • stabilizes the temperature inside the building;
  • prevents the formation of condensation on the internal planes of the walls;
  • performs mechanical protection of waterproofing and foundation structures.

Which insulation is more effective?

There are two ways to insulate the foundation - insulation at the pouring stage and subsequent insulation performed after the concrete casting has hardened. The first one is the most preferable.

The most correct approach to insulating the foundation during the construction process is permanent formwork. It is a structure into which a solution is poured. At the stage of its hardening, it plays the role of ordinary formwork, but after that it is not removed, but remains as an insulation layer.

Execution technology:

  1. The first step is to prepare a pit from the outside of the perimeter.
  2. At the bottom of the pit they do: they lay geotextiles, cover it with crushed stone, on top of which they put a perforated pipe, and then again a layer of crushed stone. The pipes are tied and drained into the well.
  3. clean and dry, and then perform it.
  4. Fill the prepared trench with sand or compact it layer by layer.

Insulation with mastics

A certain amount of insulation can be achieved during waterproofing work. For example, it is recommended to cover vertical foundation walls with several layers of bitumen mastic. This insulates cracks and small holes at the joints of the slabs through which heat can escape.

After that on side surfaces apply roll hydro insulating material. It will be an additional layer of thermal insulation.

Insulation of the foundation using mineral wool

This method is used extremely rarely, because to perform it it is necessary to build a frame, provide good protection mats from getting wet, and also build a protective wall from any finishing materials.

Execution technology:

  1. The surface is cleaned and dried, defects are eliminated.
  2. It is used to make a frame for mineral mats made of metal profiles.
  3. Placed on the frame thermal insulation mats and are fixed. The surface of the insulation is protected from external moisture by a vapor-permeable wind-waterproof film.
  4. Protective walls or frames are erected.

Insulating the foundation with foam plastic

Modern and very effective method, high-quality thermal insulation of foundation walls. Its advantage lies in the high thermal insulation characteristics of the material, ease of work, and the material’s resistance to mechanical damage and stress.

The disadvantage is the need for surface preparation, protection of the foam from rodents, as well as suitable waterproofing.

Execution technology:

  1. The foundation is dug out, cleaned and dried. Remains of bitumen, fat, and oil are removed from its surface.
  2. They produce.
  3. The slabs are laid on glue, sold in the form of a dry mixture.
  4. The surface of the foundation is protected from rodents with reinforcement mesh, laid on the same glue. Then the lower part of the foundation is backfilled with sand, and the upper part is secured using dowels intended for this purpose.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

This modern material for thermal and waterproofing both outside and inside the room. To use it, you must have special equipment that is high pressure Sprays polyurethane foam layer by layer onto the required surface. The thickness of the polyurethane foam layer should be 5 cm. A similar insulating effect can be achieved using a layer of polystyrene foam 12 cm thick.

The advantages of polyurethane foam insulation are:

  • longevity;
  • high adhesive properties;
  • no need for additional vapor and waterproofing.
  • low vapor permeability;
  • seamless coating;
  • reliability;ne
  • low thermal permeability;

Disadvantages include the need to use special equipment and gradual destruction from solar exposure.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Extruded slabs almost do not absorb or allow water to pass through. Therefore, this material is during long term retains its thermal insulation characteristics.

Advantages of insulation with this material:

  • long service life;
  • strength;
  • constancy of thermal insulation properties;
  • "inedible" for rodents.

When insulating with expanded polystyrene, remember that:

  • the corners of the building need “reinforced” thermal insulation,
  • to insulate the soil around the perimeter of the building, a layer of expanded polystyrene should be placed under,
  • The width of the blind area must correspond to the depth of soil freezing in the given climatic conditions.
  • before insulating the foundation of the house, the surface of the walls must be leveled and waterproofed;
  • The slabs are fixed by applying glue to them or by “melting” the waterproofing, to which the slab is then pressed and held for the time necessary for hardening.

How to insulate a shallow strip foundation

The installation of the slabs should begin from the bottom, the rows should be joined end to end. The thickness of the plates must be the same. The vertical seams of adjacent rows should be staggered.

Seams between slabs more than 0.5 cm thick must be filled with polyurethane foam.

The adhesive must be selected based on the waterproofing material. When using rolled and mastic materials based on bitumen, bitumen mastics that do not contain aggressive ingredients for polystyrene foam are used as glue.

Before insulating the foundation from the outside, be sure to wait until the bitumen waterproofing has completely dried.

Glue is applied pointwise to slabs located below the soil level, which allows condensation between the insulation and the foundation wall to flow down.

The slabs located in the ground are attached only with glue and pressed with a layer of earth.

For slabs located above ground level, it is imperative to use fastening dowels.

How to insulate a monolithic foundation slab

For the most effective thermal insulation of the floor and basement, you need to take care of the insulation of the foundation slab.

To do this, the insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. Then, when used to fill a power floor, knitted reinforcement is used, and it is enough to cover the heat insulator plastic film with an overlap of 10 - 15 cm and sizing with double-sided tape.

When using a welded reinforcement structure, a protective screed will need to be made on top of the film from either cement-sand mortar, and perform welding work on top of this.

It should be noted that it is more correct to lay and insulate the foundation in the warm season, with a fairly high air temperature and not much humidity.

It is better and more comfortable to engage in the construction and insulation of the foundation in the spring-summer-autumn period, when the air temperature is quite high and the humidity “does not go off scale”... Let's figure out how to insulate the foundation from the outside correctly and effectively!

Why is it necessary to insulate the foundation?

Using insulation for the foundation is just as important as insulating the walls of the house! Especially in areas characterized by a harsh climate and freezing of the soil to great depths. The foundation of a building structure “gives” 10-20% of the total heat loss of the building to the environment.

A particular danger for building foundation structures is the freezing of so-called “heaving” soils. Such soils are capable of freezing during severe frosts and significantly increasing in volume, which leads to a rise in ground level.

Attention! At significant depths of soil freezing, a “movement” of its level by 35 cm is possible. This value corresponds to 15% of the soil freezing depth.

The rise in ground level leads to deformation of the building foundation. If the foundation is laid above the freezing level and foundation slab is not insulated, then during the period of freezing, frost heaving forces arise under this slab, directed normally (perpendicularly) to the surface of the slab. Therefore, in freezing zones, thermal insulation of the horizontal foundation slab is also carried out.

The quality of work in this thermal insulation direction will determine the operating conditions of the building as a whole and the comfort of living in it. Planning of foundation insulation work is carried out at the stage of its construction.

Since a large “amount” of cold enters the house through the foundation, when building a house, floors raised above ground level are used. Cold air in large volumes it is located at the level of the foundation and floor, and the warm air rises up and, if the roof is poorly insulated, goes outside, making room for a new “portion” of cold air.

And if the basement is used for any functional purposes (not a cellar), then special attention should be paid to its insulation. Game room, gym, billiard room, laundry room - no matter what the purpose of the room is, a comfortable air temperature in it is important. And the presence of dampness without insulation of the foundation is guaranteed.

An unheated basement is “undemanding” in terms of thermal insulation. But the basement part of the foundation should be insulated. to reduce heat loss at the floor level of the first floor, which is heated.

Insulating the base of the foundation will allow you to save heat in the house by blocking the path of cold air into the house. Remember that high-quality insulation of a house, including the foundation, allows you to save from 30 to 50% Money allocated for heating.

In addition to thermal insulation functions, the foundation insulation layer plays an integral role in its waterproofing.

So, insulating the foundation:

  • reduces heat loss;
  • reduces heating costs;
  • reduces or completely eliminates the impact of frost heaving forces on the foundation;
  • stabilizes the temperature inside the building;
  • prevents the formation of condensation on the internal planes of the walls;
  • plays the role of mechanical protection of waterproofing;
  • has a beneficial effect on the longevity of waterproofing and the foundation structure as a whole.

Which foundation insulation to choose?

Planning insulation work includes the main step - choosing a thermal insulation material. So, what is the best way to insulate the foundation of a house?

Such materials for foundation insulation should:

  • do not deform under soil pressure;
  • do not absorb moisture.

Today it is easy to “get lost” in all the variety of heat-protective materials. It is clear that widespread insulation material- mineral wool is not suitable here because of its “softness” when backfilled with soil and high water absorption, which reduces its thermal insulation qualities.

To insulate the foundation today, experts recommend two main methods:

  • insulation with extruded polystyrene foam;
  • spraying polyurethane foam.

These insulation materials differ in different thermal insulation parameters and costs. To make the best choice, you need to study their advantages and disadvantages.

This is a modern thermal insulation material that combines the functions of heat, hydro and sound insulation. To use it, you need special equipment with which polyurethane foam is sprayed layer by layer onto the surface to be insulated. The thickness of the insulating layer is 50 mm and this is with a polyurethane foam density of 36 kg/m 3. A similar insulating effect can be achieved by using polystyrene foam with a thickness of at least 120 mm.

There are no gaps or seams in the polyurethane foam coating, which are cold bridges and a “path” for moisture to penetrate into the foundation. When insulating with foam plastic, it is necessary to seal and seal the joints, as well as use additional mounting fasteners, which increases the installation time and their cost.

Advantages of using polyurethane foam:

  • seamless coating;
  • high adhesive properties;
  • low thermal permeability;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • reliability;
  • "longevity";
  • no need for additional vapor and waterproofing.

The disadvantages of this material include the need for special equipment and the “fear” of UV radiation.

In its defense, extruded polystyrene foam can only “present” a lower cost, the significance of which is reduced by the complexity of installation and lower thermal insulation properties.

Plates made of extruded polystyrene foam, due to their closed cellular structure, practically do not absorb and, naturally, do not allow water to pass through. This means that the moisture in the slabs will not destroy them when they freeze. Therefore, extruded polystyrene foam is characterized by a long service life while maintaining its thermal insulation characteristics.

Note! To the question: “How to insulate a foundation with foam plastic?”, we offer the following answer...

Using ordinary foam plastic to insulate the foundation can lead to the fact that after several cycles of seasonal “freezing - warming up” of the foundation, the insulation layer will crumble into a pile of balls. This will happen due to moisture, which ordinary polystyrene foam easily absorbs.

Vertical thermal insulation of foundations of civil and industrial facilities is carried out with slabs of extruded polystyrene foam with a compressive strength of 250 kPa or more; private buildings allow the use of expanded polystyrene with a strength of up to 200 kPa. For flooring, it is necessary to choose slabs with a strength of 500 kPa or more.

Such “strength” characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam have a beneficial effect on maintaining the integrity of the foundation waterproofing and are its integral element, ensuring the normal long-term existence of the foundation.

Among the thermal insulation materials made from extruded polystyrene foam there are slabs with milled grooves. In collaboration with geotextile fabric this material perfectly performs the function of wall drainage, insulating the foundation, protecting waterproofing and diverting water from the foundation to the drainage system.

Advantages of insulation with extruded polystyrene foam:

  • long service life (at least 40 years);
  • high compressive strength;
  • constancy of thermal insulation properties during operation;
  • "inedible" for rodents.

Foundation insulation with expanded clay

Until recently, this was the most popular method of insulating the foundation from the outside. It has been supplanted by the relative “cheapness” and high efficiency of the methods discussed above on how to insulate the foundation from the outside.

How to insulate the foundation of a house with polystyrene foam from the outside

Correct and effective insulation of the foundation from the outside in zones of soil freezing involves installing heat-insulating slabs to the freezing depth. Insulation of the foundation (walls) below the soil freezing level is not as effective and is often not carried out.

The corner zones of the building require “reinforced” thermal insulation. Therefore, at a distance of 1.5 m from the corner, the thickness of the polystyrene foam slabs or polyurethane foam layer increases by 1.5 times.

It is also necessary to insulate the soil around the perimeter of the building. An insulating layer made of extruded polystyrene foam is located under the blind area structure. Its main purpose is to reduce the depth and degree of soil freezing along the walls, as well as to maintain the freezing limit in a layer of non-heaving soil (sand, gravel, etc.) buried along the walls.

The laying angle of extruded polystyrene foam slabs must be at least 2%, and the width of the blind area must correspond to the depth of soil freezing in the given region. Optimal thickness slabs corresponds to the thickness of the vertical layer of foundation insulation.

Before insulating the foundation of a house from the outside, the surface of the walls must be leveled and waterproofing must be done on it.

When installed, extruded polystyrene foam slabs create an airtight shell for the foundation. Therefore, the use of mechanical fasteners for their fixation is unacceptable due to point depressurization of the insulation layer.

Fixing the heat insulation slabs is carried out by applying an adhesive composition to them or by “melting” a layer of bitumen waterproofing at 5 or 6 points, to which the polystyrene foam slab is then pressed and held for some time until it hardens.

Installation of slabs begins from the bottom, the rows are connected end-to-end. The thickness of the plates must be the same. The vertical seams of adjacent ones should be offset relative to each other (checkerboard order).

Attention! The use of torn slabs for re-installation is not allowed, as is the displacement of slabs after the bitumen or adhesive solution has hardened.

The seams between slabs with a thickness of more than 5 mm are filled with polyurethane foam; it is more convenient to use slabs with a stepped edge. Its gluing will ensure the tightness of the heat-insulating layer and additional waterproofing of the foundation.

The adhesive is selected based on the material of the waterproofing layer. Using roll or mastic waterproofing materials bitumen-based determines use as an adhesive composition bitumen mastics, which do not contain aggressive ingredients for polystyrene foam.

Attention! Before insulating the foundation from the outside, you must wait until the bitumen waterproofing has completely dried (5-7 days). You cannot install slabs of extruded polystyrene foam on a wet base of bitumen waterproofing, as the slabs can “move apart” and damage the waterproofing. Also, the composition of bitumen waterproofing may contain solvent particles, which, in their “undried” form, can harm polystyrene foam boards.

Glue is applied to slabs located below ground level in several points. This will allow moisture that has condensed between the surface of the insulation and the foundation wall to flow down without hindrance.

The use of fastening dowels together with the adhesive composition of polymer-cement adhesives is necessarily applicable for polystyrene foam slabs located above ground level at a rate of at least 4 pieces. for one slab. Slabs located in the ground are attached only to adhesive composition and pressed down with a layer of soil.

Features of installation of thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam

Foundation insulation with polyurethane foam is performed in this way. Let's watch the video...

How to insulate a foundation slab?

When deciding how to insulate the foundation from the outside, for more effective insulation floor or basement, care should be taken to insulate the foundation slab.

In this case, the insulation boards are laid on a layer of waterproofing.

Further, if knitted reinforcement is used to fill the power floor, it will be enough to cover the layer of heat insulation with polyethylene film with an overlap of 100-150 mm and gluing with double-sided tape.

When using a welded reinforcement structure, it is necessary to make a protective screed of concrete or cement-sand mortar on top of the film, and then carry out welding work on top of it.

Foundation insulation

Nowadays, the issue of insulation of residential buildings is becoming increasingly relevant. The requirements of building codes in this regard are increasing, and the developers themselves want to reduce heat loss and heating costs. To create effective insulation that is safe for the health of residents, you should study different kinds insulation materials for the home and then use them for their intended purpose.

  • reduce the cooling of buildings in winter and their heating in summer;
  • protect supporting structures from aggressive atmospheric influences;
  • minimize thermal deformation of power elements and extend their service life.

Properties of different types of insulation

High-quality material is selected after a comprehensive assessment of various parameters:

1. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the lower it is, the thinner the insulation layer will be. For example, the following types provide the same level of insulation:

  • mineral wool – 14;
  • basalt wool, ecowool – 8.7;
  • foamed polystyrene foam (foam) – 8.3;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex) – 6.5 cm.

2. Moisture resistant. If the insulation does not absorb water, it is not prone to shrinkage and retains its insulating properties longer. The most moisture-resistant is Penoplex, and the most hygroscopic is mineral wool. To make mineral wool insulation more water-resistant, manufacturers impregnate them with special compounds.

3. Fire resistance. Inorganic fiber insulation materials are completely non-flammable. Polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are easily flammable, releasing toxic substances. Low-flammable penoizol (urea foam) only chars at a temperature of 200 ° C, but it is non-toxic. To prevent polystyrene foam and ecowool from supporting fire, fire retardants are added to them, changing the flammability group from G4 to G1 (from high to low).

4. Vapor permeability. When insulating the roof internally, the material must remove wet vapors from the premises and building structures. Mineral, basalt and ecowool, penoizol allow steam to pass through well (they have a capillary structure). They are suitable for installation on all types of surfaces and do not allow them to rot. Expanded polystyrene boards do not have these qualities and are recommended for outdoor use.

Thermal insulation overview

Based on the type of raw material, there are three types of insulation materials:

1. Inorganic (natural). This includes materials made from molten glass or quartz sand (glass wool); rocks (basalt). The first variety is light yellow, weighs slightly less and is elastic. Stone wool is more fire resistant. The best brands of insulation have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.032 W/m°C (maximum 0.045 W/m°C). The price of mineral wool, depending on thickness and density, ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles/m3.

2. Organic (synthetic).

  • Foam plastic and Penoplex. They are made of polystyrene and have low thermal conductivity (0.035-0.045 W/m°C). The average price of foamed polystyrene foam is from 1,000, extruded - from 3,500 rubles/m3.
  • Polyurethane foam has better properties than expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Spraying 1 m2 of a five-centimeter layer of foam costs 500 rubles.
  • Penoizol – liquid foam, produced directly on the construction site and pumped into the space between the structural elements of buildings. This type of thermal insulation is superior to traditional insulation in many respects: it is resistant to moisture and at the same time “breathes”, it is low-flammable and does not emit toxic smoke. Its thermal conductivity is 1.5 times lower than that of expanded polystyrene. The average cost of a cubic meter of insulation is 1,500 rubles/m3.

3. Mixed.

  • Ecowool. It consists of 80% waste paper, the remaining 20% ​​is fire retardants. The material is presented in the form of loose fiber blown into insulated cavities. Thermal conductivity indicators are the same as those of expanded polystyrene. The price of insulation together with work is from 1,500 (dry method) to 4,500 rubles/m3 (wet blowing).
  • Foam glass is highly hard and non-flammable. It sticks well and cuts well. Its disadvantages are poor vapor permeability and cost - from 14,000 rubles/m3.

Sometimes exotic “ ecological insulation» based on clay, straw, reeds. They, like inorganic backfills (expanded perlite, vermiculite and expanded clay), are characterized by high thermal conductivity and are ineffective.

Types of insulation depending on purpose

To properly select insulation, you need a comprehensive assessment of it. Applicability depends not only on the properties of insulating materials, but also on structural elements and the expected location of cold bridges (this is determined, among other things, by architectural features).

Different units of the same building are insulated in different ways.

  • Cellars, ground floors, balconies and loggias. Penoplex is used for external insulation. It is stronger than foam plastic, can withstand loads of up to 0.5 MPa, and is not afraid of water. When in the ground, the likelihood of it catching fire is low.
  • External wall insulation. For wooden house blowing with penoizol is acceptable. The properties and characteristics of the insulation make it possible to fill all the cavities between the beams, and also allow the wood to “breathe”. For insulation of brick, foam and gas block houses, glass wool and Penoplex are used.
  • Roof. If there are enough funds, polyurethane foam is sprayed onto it. Traditional roof insulation is mineral wool, protected by a layer of waterproofing. Manufacturers produce it, varying not only the size, but also the density. good roll options– they do not weigh down the structure.
  • Walls, ceiling and floor. When choosing insulation for walls, people often give preference to more environmentally friendly and low-flammability inorganic materials. Mineral wool insulation is placed in a frame onto which drywall is attached. The ceiling is treated in the same way: the slabs are covered with a vapor barrier - this protects them from moisture, and the residents of the house from the penetration of fibers into the respiratory system. If there are logs, you can cover the ceiling with ecowool. The floor in the house is insulated by filling with expanded clay (at least 100 mm) or by laying Penoplex sheets on the base. It is then filled with a finishing screed, laying a reinforcing mesh. Concrete prevents the synthetic material from burning.

Knowledge of the features of various thermal insulators and the use of practical experience of professional builders allows you to create optimal living conditions in your home.

This article discusses the main characteristics of insulation materials that are most often used in individual construction. Information about insulation materials will be needed for planning any modern construction or major repairs.

The given data on heat insulators are taken from open sources provided by manufacturers and are approximate, averaged for each type of material. In practice, you can find insulation with slightly different qualities, which should be declared by the manufacturers.

List of insulation characteristics

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - , W/(m K)
    The main characteristic of any insulation. The lower this number, the less energy the insulation transmits through itself and the better its thermal insulation. The less insulation layer will be needed. For most insulation materials it is in the range = 0.025 - 0.18 W/(m K). As you can see, the spread is very large - 10 times. This means that the insulation materials themselves are very diverse.
  • Volumetric weight - kg/m3. An important indicator when determining the load of structures. It can vary within very large ranges of 20 - 300 kg/m3. Insulation materials sometimes include foam concrete and expanded clay, with a volumetric weight of 600 kg/m3.
  • Flammability - you can focus on the descriptive characteristic Flammability class - determined by the assigned index G1-G4.
  • Water absorption is determined as a percentage of the mass or volume of dry insulation. An important indicator, since water absorption significantly reduces the thermal insulation properties of the insulation itself.
  • Sorptive humidity determines the ability to absorb moisture from the air. An important indicator that determines how much the characteristics can change when air is humidified.
  • Vapor barrier properties are also an important indicator. Hydro-steam insulators retain moisture in the room, but, at the same time, can isolate the room from the source of humidity.
  • Sound insulation - often given in a descriptive form - a good sound insulator or a mediocre one.
  • Environmental friendliness is a conditional indicator; a description of possible environmental threats is usually given.
  • Durability, years. For many insulation materials, the durability has not been precisely established, since their use period has not expired.
  • Air permeability plays a role only for cotton wool and bulk insulation. Convection heat leaks directly depend on it when air moves through the insulation. Cotton insulation with high air permeability (density up to 80 kg/m3) requires the use of a windproof membrane under the ventilation gap.

Other characteristics may be used to describe insulation materials, depending on the physical characteristics of the material itself. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the most popular insulation materials, as well as the features of their application.


  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.036 - 0.04 W/(m K).
  • Density - 15 - 35 kg/m3.
  • Water absorption is low, 1% wt.
  • Ultimate compressive strength - 0.07 - 0.23 MPa.
  • Sorption humidity - 1.0% wt.
  • Flammability – with fire retardant additives, it maintains combustion for no more than 3 seconds and releases deadly poisons.
  • Durability - 5 - 15 years.
  • Price - low

Polystyrene foam is the cheapest and most popular material for insulating houses and apartments. Most often, external walls are insulated with polystyrene foam using technology wet facade. But it can be used in other most different places, for example, for roof insulation. It cannot be in direct contact with water, as it gradually absorbs it and loses its properties. It is always preferable to use denser versions of foam plastic 25 -35 kg/m3, as they are more durable and more resistant to external influences.

Extruded polystyrene foam

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.03 - 0.035 W/(m K).
  • Density - 35 - 52 kg/m3.
  • Water absorption is the lowest, no more than 0.4% of the volume.
  • Compressive strength - 0.15 - 0.20 or more MPa.
  • Sorption humidity - 0.1 - 0.3% wt.
  • Flammability - burns only when exposed to flame, releases deadly poisons.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient - 0.005 mg/(mchPa).
  • Sound insulation is average.
  • Durability - 15 - 35 years.
  • The price is average.

Minimal water absorption and vapor permeability makes it possible to use the material in contact with water and soil, without changing its properties over time. Also, extruded polystyrene foam has increased areal compressive strength. This makes it possible to use it directly under screeds and other coverings, and denser versions also where a car may be hit. It is used under screeds, in underfloor heating systems, for insulating foundations, pipelines, cellars, and roofs.

Spray polyurethane foam

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.02 - 0.032 W/(m K).
  • Density - 20 - 200 kg/m3.
  • Water absorption is the lowest, 1.0 - 2.0% of the volume.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient - 0.05 mg/(mchPa).
  • Compressive strength - 0.15 - 1.0 MPa.
  • Flammability - with additives it burns only when exposed to flame, releasing deadly poisons.
  • Sound insulation is mediocre.
  • Environmental friendliness is questionable, satisfactory.
  • Durability - 15 - 50 years.
  • The price is average.

Durability depends on insulation from ultraviolet rays (daylight). Water resistance qualities similar to polystyrene foam make the scope of application similar. But polyurethane foam can also be used in places with difficult access, in enclosed spaces, for thermal insulation of structures of complex shape. The material is made from components at the work site and bonds well to any surface. Options with high density have greater mechanical strength.

Foam glass

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.048 - 0.059 W/(m K).
  • Vapor permeability coefficient — —— mg/(mchPa).
  • Density - 15 - 32 kg/m3.
  • Ultimate compressive strength - 0.7 - 1.3 MPa.
  • Sorption humidity - 0.2 - 0.5% wt.
  • Water absorption is the lowest.
  • Vapor transmission capacity is the lowest, 0.001 - 0.006 mg/(mchPa)
  • Sound insulation is good.
  • Environmental friendliness – satisfactory, good.
  • Durability – 30 years or more.
  • The price is high.

The most resistant and durable material. Originally developed for military purposes and for nuclear power. Can replace any vapor barrier insulation and be used in any conditions.

Mineral wool

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.040 - 0.048 W/(m K).
  • Density - 50 - 300 kg/m3.
  • Compressibility - 20 - 50%
  • Water absorption is high, absolute. For high density mat -16-20%.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient - 0.3-0.6 mg/(mhPa).
  • The compressive strength of high-density mats is 0.1 mPa or more.
  • Sound insulation is excellent.
  • Environmental friendliness is in doubt.
  • Durability - 15 - 30 years.
  • Price – average
  • Air permeability is high at low densities of insulation (up to 80 kg/m3). Protection against heat transfer by air in the form of a membrane is required.

The antipode of vapor barriers - it perfectly absorbs water and allows steam to pass through, so it is not permissible to use it in contact with water or at high humidity. The main area of ​​application is internal insulation of floors on joists above concrete base. Insulation of walls from the outside, using the “ventilated facade” technology with mandatory full waterproofing. Insulation of roofs (“ventilated roofing”) with the creation of a ventilation counter-lattice. Inside interior partitions, By interfloor ceilings as a sound insulator, but only on condition that it is reliably hermetically sealed from the living space, into which microparticles of mineral wool (glass wool) are not allowed to enter.


  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.04 - 0.1 W/(m K).
  • Density - 10 - 30 kg/m3.
  • Compressibility – up to 90%.
  • Water absorption is high, absolute.
  • Vapor permeability is high.
  • Sound insulation is excellent.
  • Environmental friendliness - use outside a sealed volume is not allowed.
  • Durability - up to 30 years.
  • Air permeability - high
  • The price is low.

Pure fiberglass is highly compressible, so its performance will depend on how it is installed. Complete waterproofing is required, as well as fiber insulation from environment, since harmful microdust comes from it.

Expanded clay

  • Bulk density - 250 - 800 kg/m3
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.07 - 0.15 W/(m K).
  • Compressive strength - 1.0 - 5.5 MPa.
  • Flammability - absolutely non-flammable, does not emit toxic gases.
  • Water absorption is high.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient - 0.3 mg/(mchPa).
  • Sound insulation is good.
  • Environmental friendliness is excellent.
  • Durability - 30 or more.
  • The price is low.

Expanded clay with a density of 350 - 600 with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.1-0.14 is more often used. Used for backfilling underground spaces, attics, pipelines in boxes, etc. layer 30 - 40 cm and for making light, warm screeds.

Cork sheet

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient =0.04 – 0.06 W/(m K))
  • Density - 200 kg/m3.
  • Deformation modulus of elasticity 2000 – 2500 kgf/cm2.
  • Flammability - flammable, does not emit toxic gases.
  • Water absorption is high.
  • Sound insulation is good.
  • Durability - 30 or more.
  • The price is high.

Cork can be used to insulate floors, or a floor covering can be made from sheets of processed cork. The material can withstand enormous compressive loads without permanent deformation. It can also be used anywhere inside the building, without contact with water.

Cellulose cotton wool

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.035 – 0.045 W/(m K).
  • Compressibility – up to 90%.
  • Water absorption is high.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient - 0.5 mg/(mchPa).
  • Sound insulation is good.
  • Environmental friendliness is satisfactory.
  • The price is low.

If cotton wool is made from wood (recycled paper) without adding any binders, then it is also called eco-wool. Typically, ceilings or undergrounds are insulated with a layer of 15–20 cm with preliminary complete waterproofing.

Straw bales

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.05 – 0.075 W/(m K).
  • Density 100 – 150 kg/m3.
  • Flammability - flammable, does not emit toxic gases, treatment with fire retardants is desirable.
  • Water absorption is high.
  • Vapor permeability is high.
  • Sound insulation is good.
  • Environmental friendliness is satisfactory.
  • The price is low.

Wheat, rye, barley, oats... - everything can be used to make excellent insulation. All that is needed is treatment against decomposition and fire retardants. A layer of such insulation of 30 - 40 cm is classic insulation proven over centuries... it will make the house very warm. Water ingress is not allowed. But plastering is possible.

Warm plaster, warm paint

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient = 0.07 W/(m K) or more.
  • Environmental friendliness is in doubt;
  • Price – medium to high.

The most various compositions based on cement or resins, with the inclusion of particles of heat insulators, substances that reflect IR radiation, or form a porous heat-insulating surface.
Designed for slight under-insulation of a variety of surfaces.
They are applied in a thin layer - up to 3 cm, even with layer reinforcement.
Such compositions are often credited with “miraculous” qualities that mislead consumers.

Specifications for specific products may differ from those shown above. Information for calculations must be taken from Technical Conditions manufacturer of a specific material.

The characteristics of materials and insulation materials may change over time (usually they do). More often this occurs due to changes in the properties of the substance itself during the evaporation of components, changes in chemical formulas (decomposition of substances)…

In order to prevent rapid changes in the properties of heat insulators under the influence of external factors, materials in structures must be protected accordingly.

Creates protection against direct sunlight, exposure to steam and precipitation, mechanical loads, protected from rodents...

The issue of building insulation is particularly relevant today. On the one side, big problems There is no problem with purchasing thermal insulation material - the construction market offers many options. On the other hand, it is this diversity that gives rise to the problem - which insulation to choose?

What it is?

The problem of thermal insulation of modern buildings (especially urban new buildings) is especially acute today. Thermal insulation is a design element that allows you to reduce the heat transfer rates of materials and the structure (unit) as a whole.

Thermal insulation also refers to a process that prevents the thermal energy of a structure from mixing ( refrigeration equipment, heating mains, etc.) and buildings with the external environment. In other words, the thermal insulation layer has the effect of a thermos.

Thermal insulation ensures a comfortable indoor climate, keeping it warm during the cold season and protecting it from excessive heating on hot days.

Using insulation, you can reduce electricity costs by up to 30-40%. In addition, most modern thermal insulation materials have soundproofing properties. A fairly common practice in the construction of a private house is the use of materials that are both insulating and structural elements of walls and ceilings.

Depending on thermal conductivity, the following classes of thermal insulation materials are distinguished:

  • class A– materials with low thermal conductivity within 0.06 W/m kV. and below;
  • class B– materials with average thermal conductivity, the values ​​of which are 0.06 – 0.115 W/m kV;
  • class C– materials with high thermal conductivity equal to 0.115 -0.175 W/m kV.

There are many ways to install insulation, but they all belong to one of these technologies:

  • Monolithic wall– is a brick or wooden partition, the thickness of which for thermal efficiency must be at least 40 cm (depending on the region).
  • Multilayer “pie”- a method in which the insulation is located inside the wall, between the external and external partitions. The implementation of this method is possible only at the construction stage or when facing the facade with brickwork (if the strength of the foundation allows or there is a separate foundation for the masonry).

  • External insulation- one of the most popular methods due to its effectiveness, which involves covering external walls with insulation, after which they are closed facade materials. The organization of a ventilated façade, when between a wall with insulation and facade finishing an air gap is maintained. The method necessarily involves the use of vapor-permeable and waterproof coatings and films.
  • Internal insulation- one of the most complex and less effective methods of insulation compared to external ones. It involves insulating surfaces from inside the building.


All types of insulation are characterized by certain properties. The common ones are the following:

  • Low thermal conductivity. Thermal efficiency indicators are the main ones when choosing insulation. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient (measured in W/ (m×K) shows the amount of thermal energy passing through 1 m3 of dry insulation at a temperature difference of 10C), the less heat loss the material has. Polyurethane foam is considered the warmest, having a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03. The average indicators are about 0.047 (thermal conductivity index of polystyrene foam, P-75 mineral wool).
  • Hygroscopicity. That is, the ability of insulation to absorb moisture. High-quality insulation does not absorb moisture or absorbs a minimal amount of it. Otherwise, wetting of the material cannot be avoided, which means loss of the main property (thermal efficiency).
  • Vapor barrier. The ability to transmit water vapor, thereby ensuring an optimal level of humidity in the room and keeping walls or other work surfaces dry.

  • Fire resistance. Another important characteristic of thermal insulation material is resistance to fire. Some materials have a high fire hazard, their combustion temperature can reach 1000 degrees (for example, basalt wool), while others are extremely unstable. high temperatures(expanded polystyrene). Modern insulation materials are mostly self-extinguishing materials. The appearance of open fire on their surface is almost impossible, and if it does occur, the burning time does not exceed 10 seconds. During combustion, no toxins are released; the mass of the material during combustion is reduced by at least 50%.

When talking about fire resistance, combustion toxicity is usually mentioned. The optimal material is one that, even when heated, does not emit dangerous toxic compounds.

  • Environmental friendliness. Environmental Safety is especially important for materials used indoors. The key to environmental friendliness is usually the naturalness of the composition. For example, basalt insulation, which is considered safe from an environmental point of view, is made from processed rocks, expanded clay is made from sintered clay.
  • Soundproofing characteristics. Not all thermal insulation materials can be used for sound insulation. However, most of them have both of these properties, for example, mineral wool insulation, polyurethane foam. But the widely used polystyrene foam does not provide sound insulation.
  • Biostability. Another criterion important for the buyer is biostability, that is, the material’s resistance to mold, mildew, and the appearance of other microorganisms and rodents. The strength and integrity of the material, and therefore its durability, directly depends on biostability.

  • Resistant to deformation. The insulation must withstand loads, since it can be located on the surface of the floor, loaded structural elements, between partitions. All this dictates the requirements for its resistance to loads and deformations. Durability largely depends on the density and thickness of the material.
  • Durability. The service life largely depends on the thermal efficiency, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and biostability of the material. Quality products (for example, polyurethane foam, basalt wool) are given a fairly long guarantee, up to 50 years. Another factor of durability is compliance with installation technology and operating conditions.

  • Easy to lay and install. Most insulation materials have a convenient release form - in mats, rolls, sheets. Some of them are easily fixed on the insulated surface, without requiring special skills and equipment (foam sheets), while others require compliance with certain installation conditions (for example, when working with mineral wool insulation, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system and hands).

There are also types of insulation, the installation of which is possible only by specialists who have special equipment (for example, polyurethane foam is sprayed with a special unit, the employee must use a protective suit, goggles and a respirator).

Types of jobs

Thermal insulation refers to the process of reducing heat loss to calculated values ​​(individual for each region and objects). This term is similar to the concept of “thermal insulation,” which means protecting an object from the negative exchange of thermal energy with the air. In other words, task thermal insulation works is to save the specified temperature indicators of the object.

The object can be understood as residential and administrative buildings, industrial and engineering structures, medical and refrigeration equipment.

If we talk about thermal insulation of residential and production premises, then it can be external (another name is facade insulation) and internal.

Insulation of the external walls of residential buildings is always preferable to thermal insulation of the internal parts. This is due to the fact that external thermal insulation It turns out to be more effective, with internal heat loss always remaining 8-15%.

In addition, the “dew point” during internal insulation shifts inside the insulation, which is fraught with dampness, an increase in the level of humidity in the room, the appearance of mold on the walls, destruction of the wall surface, finishing. In other words, the room is still cold (since damp insulation cannot prevent heat loss), but damp.

Finally, installing insulation from the inside takes up space, reducing the usable area of ​​the room.

At the same time, there are situations when internal thermal insulation the only thing left is possible way out normalize the temperature. Strict adherence to installation technologies allows you to avoid the unpleasant consequences of thermal insulation. Be sure to take care of vapor and waterproofing of surfaces, as well as high-quality ventilation. A standard supply system is usually not enough; it is necessary to install a forced air circulation system or use windows with special valves, providing air exchange.

To increase the efficiency of external insulation, they resort to organizing a ventilated facade system or a three-layer system. In the first case, between the insulation and the one mounted on special frame facing material an air gap is maintained. The three-layer system consists of wall coverings constructed using the well method, between which insulation (expanded clay, perlite, ecowool) is poured.

As for finishing, both a “wet” (building mixtures are used) and a “dry” facade (fastening elements are used) facade can be insulated.

Often a room requires not only insulation, but also sound insulation. In this case, it is more convenient to use materials that have both heat and sound insulation properties.

When talking about insulating a house inside or outside, it is important to understand that walls are far from the only source of heat loss. In this regard, it is necessary to insulate unheated attics and basements. When using an attic, you should consider a multi-layer insulated roofing system.

When carrying out internal thermal insulation work, great attention should be paid to the joints between the floor and wall, wall and ceiling, wall and partitions. It is in these places that “cold bridges” most often form.

In other words, regardless of the type of work performed, it is important to remember that thermal insulation requires an integrated approach.

Variety of materials

All insulation materials, depending on the raw materials used, are divided into:

  • organic(have an environmentally friendly composition - waste from agricultural and woodworking industries, the presence of cement and some types of polymers is acceptable);
  • inorganic.

There are also products of mixed type.

Depending on the principle of operation, insulation materials are:

  • reflective type– reduces heat consumption by directing thermal energy back into the room (for this, the insulation is equipped with a metallized or foil element);
  • warning type– characterized by low thermal conductivity, preventing a large amount of thermal energy from escaping beyond the insulated surface.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types of organic insulation:


Considered cellulose insulation, it consists of 80% recycled cellulose. It is an environmentally friendly material with low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability and sound insulation.

The flammability of the material can be reduced and its biostability increased by adding fire retardants and antiseptics to the raw materials.

The material is poured into the spaces between the walls, spraying onto flat surfaces dry or wet method.


A modern substitute for tow, traditionally used to reduce heat loss from inter-crown cracks in timber buildings. Available in the form of tapes or ropes, in addition to high thermal efficiency, it does not require replacement even after the walls shrink.


Insulation, 80-90% consisting of small chips. The remaining components are resins, fire retardants, water repellents. It has not only good heat but also sound insulation properties, is environmentally friendly, and durable.

Despite treatment with water repellents, it still does not have high wet strength.


Thermal insulator based on cork oak bark, produced in the form of rolls or sheets. It is used only as internal insulation. Serves as a base for wallpaper, laminate and other floor coverings. Can be used as a standalone finishing coating thanks to the unusual but noble appearance. They are often insulated with it panel houses from the inside.

In addition to thermal efficiency, it provides sound insulation and decorative effect. The material is hygroscopic, so it can only be mounted on dry surfaces.


It is made of wood-chip concrete blocks. Thanks to the wood in the composition, it has heat and sound insulating abilities, while the presence of concrete ensures moisture resistance, damage resistance and strength of the material. It is used both as insulation and as independent building blocks. It is widely used as a material for frame-panel buildings.

The modern market of inorganic thermal insulation materials is somewhat wider:

Expanded polystyrene

There are 2 known modifications of it: foamed (otherwise known as polystyrene foam) and extruded. It is a set of united bubbles filled with air. The material undergoing extrusion is distinguished by the fact that each air cavity is isolated from the neighboring one.

Polystyrene foam is suitable for outdoor and internal insulation, characterized by high thermal insulation performance. It is not vapor permeable, so it requires reliable vapor barrier. It is worth noting the low moisture resistance of polystyrene foam, which makes the installation of waterproofing mandatory.

In general, the material is affordable, lightweight, easy to cut and install (glue). To suit the needs of the buyer, plates of material are produced in various sizes and thicknesses. The latter directly affects thermal conductivity.

At first glance, polystyrene foam is a worthy insulation option. However, it should be remembered that during operation it releases toxic styrene. The most dangerous thing is that the material is subject to combustion. Moreover, the fire quickly engulfs the foam, and as temperatures rise, compounds hazardous to human health are released. This became the reason for the ban on the use of polystyrene foam for finishing residential premises in some European countries.

Polystyrene foam is not durable. Already 5-7 years after its use, destructive changes in the structure are detected - cracks and cavities appear. Naturally, even minor damage causes significant heat loss.

Finally, this material is quite loved by mice - they chew it, which is also not conducive to long-term use.

Extruded polystyrene foam is an improved version of polystyrene foam. And, although its thermal conductivity is slightly higher, the material demonstrates better indicators of moisture strength and fire resistance.

Polyurethane foam

Thermal insulating material sprayed on the surface. It has the best thermal efficiency indicators, thanks to the installation method it forms a homogeneous sealed layer on the surface, filling all cracks and seams. This becomes a guarantee of the absence of “cold bridges”.

During the spraying process, the material releases toxic components, so it is applied only in a protective suit and a respirator. As it hardens, toxins evaporate, so during operation the material demonstrates complete environmental safety.

Another advantage is non-flammability; even when exposed to high temperatures, the material does not emit hazardous compounds.

Disadvantages include low vapor permeability values, which is why the material is not even recommended for use on wooden bases.

This method of application does not allow achieving a perfectly flat surface, so the use of contact finishing (painting, plastering) is almost always excluded. Leveling (as well as removing a layer of polyurethane foam) is a rather complex and time-consuming process. The solution would be to use hanging structures.


Universal insulation based on foamed polyethylene. The air chambers from which the material is formed provide low thermal conductivity. The main difference between penofol is the presence of a foil layer on one side, which reflects up to 97% of thermal energy without heating up.

In addition to high thermal insulation values, it demonstrates sound insulation properties. Finally, it does not require the use of vapor barrier or waterproof coatings and is easy to install.

The disadvantage is the higher cost, but this is offset by the impressive heat resistance of the product. Its use allows you to reduce heating costs by a third.

Despite the strength of the material, it is not intended for wallpapering or applying plaster over it. Penofol will not withstand the load and will collapse, so the walls treated with it are covered with plasterboard. The final finishing is carried out already on it. It can act as insulation not only for walls, but also for ceilings and floors.

Penofol is an excellent substrate for most floor coverings, as well as a heated floor system.


It is a wood-based board bonded with a cement composition. Usually used for exterior decoration, they can act as an independent building material.

They are characterized by heat and sound insulation properties, but have considerable weight (strengthening the foundation and supporting structures is necessary), as well as low moisture resistance.

Liquid ceramic insulation

Relatively new insulating material. Outwardly, it resembles acrylic paint (it is applied in the same way, by the way), which contains vacuumized bubbles. Thanks to them, a thermal insulation effect becomes possible (according to manufacturers, a layer of 1 mm replaces brickwork one and a half bricks thick).

Ceramic insulation does not require a subsequent layer of finishing and copes well with the function of also a finishing material. It is used mainly indoors, since it does not take up useful space.

The moisture-resistant layer extends the service life of the coating and makes it possible to clean it wet. The material is fire-resistant, non-flammable, and moreover, it prevents the spread of flame.

Mineral wool insulation

This type of insulation is distinguished by a fibrous structure - the material consists of fibers arranged in a chaotic manner. Air bubbles accumulate between the latter, the presence of which provides a heat-insulating effect.

Available in the form of mats, rolls, sheets. Thanks to the ability to easily restore and retain its shape, the material is easy to transport and store– it is rolled up and packed into compact boxes, and then easily takes on the desired shape and size. Sheet material usually thinner than other options.

Tile is usually used as a façade covering. Wall panels, siding, corrugated sheeting for external cladding and lining or drywall (as cladding) for the interior.

When working, you must ensure that you have a respirator. During installation, particles of material are released into the air. Once in the lungs, they irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Depending on the raw materials used, there are 3 types of mineral wool - based on slag, glass and basalt fibers.

The first type of insulation has high thermal conductivity and the ability to absorb moisture, it is flammable and short-lived, and therefore is rarely used for insulation.

Fiberglass demonstrates the best thermal insulation characteristics; the combustion temperature is 500 degrees. The material does not burn, but decreases in volume under the influence of temperatures above those specified.

The material described by users is bioresistant, has affordable price. Due to its elasticity, it is suitable for finishing buildings and structures of complex shapes and configurations. Among the disadvantages are low water resistance (high-quality waterproofing is required), the ability to release toxic compounds (because of this, it is used mainly for external insulation or requires reliable protection).

Thin and long fibers of glass wool dig under the skin, causing irritation. Finally, having an amorphous component (glass), glass wool shrinks, gradually thinning during use, which causes a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Basalt wool is obtained by melting rocks (basalt, dolomite). Fibers are drawn from semi-liquid raw materials, which are then pressed and briefly heated. The result is a durable, vapor-permeable insulation with low thermal conductivity.

Stone wool is treated with special impregnations, making it resistant to moisture. This is an environmentally friendly, non-flammable material with a wide range of applications.

Warm plaster

A plaster and finishing mixture containing particles of heat-insulating materials such as perlite and vermiculite.

It has good adhesion, fills cracks and joints, and takes the desired shape. Performs 2 functions at once - thermal insulation and decorative. Depending on the place of use, it can be on cement (for exterior decoration) or gypsum (for interior decoration) basics.

Foam glass

The material is based on recycled glass, which is fired in high-temperature furnaces to a sintering state. The result is insulation characterized by moisture resistance, high fire safety and biostability.

Possessing record strength indicators among other insulation materials, the material is easy to cut, install, and plaster. Release form: blocks.


It is a loose insulation material natural basis(processed rocks - mica). They are distinguished by fire resistance (melting point - at least 1000 degrees), vapor permeability and moisture resistance, do not deform and do not settle during operation. Even when wet up to 15% it is able to maintain its thermal insulation properties.

Filled into spaces between walls or on smooth surfaces(for example, attic) for thermal insulation. Considering the high cost of vermiculite, such a method of insulation will not be cheap, so it can often be found as part of warm plasters. This way it is possible to reduce the cost of raw materials for thermal insulation, but not to lose shiny technical properties material.

Expanded clay

Bulk insulation, known since ancient times. It is based on special clay, which is sintered during high-temperature firing. The result is extremely light “pebbles” (as well as crushed stone and sand) with high thermal insulation qualities. The material does not deform, is bioresistant, but is extremely hygroscopic.

Expanded polystyrene granules

The same air capsules that form the basis of polystyrene foam boards. True, here they are not fastened together and are supplied in bags. Have the same characteristics as polystyrene foam boards– low thermal conductivity, low weight, high fire hazard, lack of vapor permeability.

To insulate, the material should not be poured into voids, but sprayed using a compressor. This is the only way to increase the density of the material, and therefore increase its insulating ability.


Outwardly it looks like small flakes (the material has a finer fraction compared to polystyrene foam granules, it is softer). The basis is natural resins. The main advantages are low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and vapor permeability, fire resistance. Usually used for walls and ceilings, which are sprayed using special equipment.


Today on the market there is a large number of thermal insulation materials. Choosing the best products is not easy, especially if you are not at all familiar with the brands offered.

However, there are manufacturers whose products are a priori of high quality. Among these is the Danish stone wool manufacturer Rockwool. The product line is quite wide - many materials of different release forms, dimensions and densities. The most popular is 10 cm cotton wool for exterior finishing.

Among the most famous lines:

  • "Light Batts"– material for insulation of private wooden houses;
  • "Light Batts Scandik"– material for insulation of private houses made of stone, concrete, brick;
  • "Acustik Batts"– a material with improved sound insulation properties, used for insulation of administrative buildings, shopping and entertainment establishments, and industrial facilities.

The rating of manufacturers of mineral wool materials is also invariably topped by the French company Isover. In the product line you can find a fairly rigid material that is laid on flat horizontal surfaces and does not require fasteners, as well as two-layer façade analogues. Universal insulation materials are in demand, options for pitched roof, as well as mats with improved sound insulation characteristics.

Most of The products are supplied in 7 and 14 meter rolls, the thickness of which is 5-10 cm.

High-quality heat- and, at the same time, sound-proofing materials are produced under the brand name Ursa. The following types of insulation can be found on sale:

  • "Ursa Geo" a series of mats and rolls of varying hardness for thermal insulation of all areas of the house, including basements and attics;
  • "Ursa Tetra"– slabs characterized by high strength and the presence of additional hydrophobic impregnation;
  • "Ursa Pure One"– soft fiberglass, the binding component of which is acrylic. Due to the environmental friendliness of the material, it is suitable for use in hospitals and children's institutions;
  • "Ursa XPS" is a polystyrene foam board of increased rigidity.

The well-known German quality is demonstrated by German-made Knauf products. The entire variety of manufactured products can be attributed to one of the series - “Knauf Insulation” (materials for professional insulation of multi-storey residential buildings, hospitals, administrative institutions) or “Knauf Heat” (materials for insulation of private houses).

Brand insulation products are considered an excellent solution for organizing a ventilated façade. Izovol. The plates have sufficient rigidity to withstand loads, have a moisture-resistant impregnation, and are additionally reinforced with fiberglass. The most popular product lines are:

  • general technical thermal insulation (universal insulation for the attic and roof, walls, floor);
  • technological cylinders and mats with a moisture-resistant foil layer for pipeline insulation;
  • slab insulation for the manufacture of sandwich panels;
  • heat-insulating mats with improved sound insulation properties.

The leading domestic manufacturer of insulation materials is the TechnoNIKOL company. The main direction of production is the production of basalt wool and polystyrene foam insulation. The material does not deform, can withstand heavy loads, and has increased sound insulation properties.

Depending on the type of product, the density and thermal conductivity of the material changes. The following types of TechnoNIKOL products are distinguished:

  • "Rocklight"– slabs that have increased strength characteristics and are intended for insulation of a private home;
  • "Technoblock"– a material suitable for installing facades also acts as structural element and insulation;

  • "Heat roll"– elongated rectangular mats with a reduced content of phenol in the composition;
  • "Technoacoustic"– a heat insulator with improved sound insulation performance (reduces noise by up to 60 dB), used for sound insulation of offices and entertainment venues.

A worthy place in the ranking of manufacturers of insulation materials is occupied by the Belarusian company Beltep. The products are only slightly inferior in quality to their European counterparts, but have a more affordable price. Among the advantages are special hydrophobic impregnation and increased sound insulation qualities.

If you are looking for high-quality and relatively environmentally friendly polystyrene foam, then you should pay attention to the brand’s products "Europlex". The manufacturer's product line includes both foamed and extruded polystyrene foam. The density of the material ranges from 30 to 45 kg/m³ depending on the type of product.

There are several size options for the buyer to choose from. Thus, the length of the products can be 240, 180 and 120 cm, width - 50 or 60 cm, thickness - 3-5 cm.

Extruded polystyrene foam is also distinguished by its high strength and increased wet strength. "Penoplex". The experiments carried out demonstrate the frost resistance of the material. Even after 1000 freezing/defrosting cycles, the thermal efficiency of the material decreases by no more than 5%.

As you know, foam styrene is the cheapest insulation, and since both companies are domestic, we can talk about significant savings.

How to choose?

When choosing a thermal insulation material, it is important to focus on the material from which the walls or other surfaces to be insulated are made.

  • For wooden walls similar cellulose insulation, fiberglass or stone wool. True, it is necessary to carefully consider the waterproofing system. Jute will help close the crown gaps. For frame-panel buildings, you can use fiber cement slabs or wood concrete blocks, which will act as structural elements of the walls. You can fall asleep between them bulk insulation materials(expanded clay, ecowool).
  • Foam insulation and mineral wool insulation are well suited for external insulation. When facing such buildings with brick, it is permissible to pour expanded clay, perlite, and ecowool into the space formed between the facade and the main wall. Polyurethane foam has proven itself well.

  • For internal insulation of brick buildings, mineral wool insulation is traditionally used, which is covered with plasterboard sheets.
  • Concrete surfaces, which have the worst thermal insulation properties, are recommended to be insulated on both sides - external and internal. For external insulation, it is better to choose a ventilated facade system. Suitable as finishing materials warm plaster or hanging panels, siding. For interior decoration, you can use cork insulation, a thin layer of polystyrene foam or mineral wool, decorated with plasterboard.

How to calculate?

Different insulation materials have different thicknesses, and it is very important to calculate the required insulation parameters before making a purchase. A layer of insulation that is too thin will not cope with heat loss and will also cause the “dew point” to shift inside the room.

An excess layer will not only lead to an unjustified load on the load-bearing structures and an unreasonable financial expense, but will also cause a violation of the air humidity in the room and a temperature imbalance between different rooms.

To calculate required thickness material, it is necessary to establish the resistance coefficient of all materials used (insulation, waterproofing, facing layer, etc.).

Another important point is determining the material from which the wall is made, since this also directly affects the thickness of the insulation.

Considering the type of wall material, conclusions can be drawn about its thermal conductivity and thermal properties. These characteristics can be found in SNiP 2-3-79.

The density of thermal insulation material can be different, but most often products with a density in the range of 0.6-1000 kg/m3 are used.

Most modern high-rise buildings are built from concrete blocks, which have the following (important for calculating the thickness of insulation) indicators:

  • GSOP (calculated in degrees-days during the heating season) – 6000.
  • Heat transfer resistance – from 3.5 S/m kV. /W (walls), from 6 S/m kV. /W (ceiling).

To bring the heat transfer resistance indicators for walls and ceilings to the appropriate parameters (3.5 and 6 S/m kV./W), you need to use the formulas:

  • walls: R=3.5-R walls;
  • ceiling: R=6-R ceiling.

Once the difference is found, the required insulation thickness can be calculated. The formula p = R*k will help with this, in which p will be the desired thickness indicator, k is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation used. If the result is not a round (integer) number, then it should be rounded up.

If independent calculations using formulas seem quite complicated to you, you can use special calculators. They take into account all important counting criteria. The user only needs to fill in the required fields.

It is best to use those calculators that are created by reputable manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. Thus, the calculator developed by the Rockwool brand is considered one of the most accurate.

  • Modern mineral wool insulation is supplied in rolls, mats and sheets. The last 2 delivery options are preferable because they are easier to join without forming gaps and cracks.
  • When installing slab insulation, make sure that their width is 1.5-2 cm greater than the distance between the subsystem profiles. Otherwise, there will be a gap between the heat insulator and the profile, which risks turning into a “cold bridge”.
  • Insulation, which will be preceded by diagnostics, will be much more effective and efficient. To carry this out, use a thermal imager to identify the main areas of heat leakage. This recommendation becomes relevant especially when insulating the internal parts of a building.

  • Having identified the main points of heat loss (usually the corners of buildings, the floor or ceiling on the first and last floors, end walls), sometimes it is enough to insulate only them to achieve optimal temperature in room.
  • Regardless of the insulation method and the material used, the surface should be carefully prepared - it should be smooth and clean. All existing joints and cracks should be repaired cement mortar, remove irregularities, remove communication elements.
  • The final stage of the preparatory work will be applying a primer in 2-3 layers. It will provide an antiseptic effect and also improve surface adhesion.

  • When using lathing made of metal profiles, make sure that they have an anti-corrosion coating. Wooden logs for the frame are also subject to treatment with fire retardants and water repellents.
  • Mineral wool and felt insulation is laid in several layers. The coincidence of joints between layers of different layers is unacceptable.
  • Most glued insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool) require additional fixation with dowels. The latter are attached in the center of the insulating sheet, as well as at 2-3 points along the edges.

  • Despite the similarity of liquid ceramics to paint, it cannot be applied with a spray gun or similar devices. In this way, you can damage the ceramic shell, which means depriving the composition of its heat-insulating properties. It is more correct to apply the mixture with a brush or roller.
  • If necessary, give the treated surface a certain shade ceramic insulation can be divorced acrylic paint. The composition must be applied in 4-5 layers, waiting for each coating to dry.
  • Fixing the cork covering can only be done on perfectly flat surfaces, otherwise a “cold bridge” will form in the space between the covering and the wall and condensation will begin to accumulate. If it is impossible to level the walls by plastering, install a solid plasterboard frame onto which a “cork” is glued. To attach it, you need special glue.

When using polystyrene foam, it is important to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from traces old paint, solvents. It is important to avoid contact of the insulation with gasoline and acetone, since they dissolve polystyrene foam.

Each part of the building needs its own insulation.

  • For sloping roof High density basalt slabs are recommended. You can also use polystyrene foam boards, but in this case it is important to ensure high-quality ventilation. If installation speed is important, spray polyurethane foam; a cheaper option is ecowool. The layer thickness is usually 100 mm.
  • For an unheated attic you can use expanded clay or other bulk materials. A more affordable option is dry sawdust mixed with slaked lime in a ratio of 8: 2. Perlite granules, ecowool or slab insulation are also suitable. The layer thickness when using bulk materials must be at least 200 mm; for slab insulation, 100 mm is sufficient.

  • Wall insulation More often it is produced using polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam spraying or ecowool. You should choose them based on the structural features and your own financial capabilities. The most affordable will be polystyrene foam, more expensive options are mineral wool and polyurethane foam.
  • Floor insulation– the question is ambiguous. In a house with a low underground floor, it is more logical to carry out thermal insulation along the ground using bulk materials. For concrete screed Expanded polystyrene is suitable, if the height of the ceilings allows - you can fill in expanded clay (for insulation with expanded polystyrene, a layer thickness of 50 mm is sufficient, while when using expanded clay - at least 200 mm). Any material is suitable as insulation between the joists. The technology is similar to attic insulation.
  • For foundation and plinth Polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam are applicable. Important nuance– both materials are destroyed under the influence sun rays, which must be taken into account when insulating the base.