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How to make a canopy from corrugated board with your own hands. Do-it-yourself canopy from corrugated board: drawings of shed canopies attached to the house, photo, how to do it yourself - video Attach to the house from a metal profile

Over time, owners of private country houses and cottages with year-round living are faced with the need to increase the usable area of ​​their homes. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or simply the desire for space, since the available area is too small. The frame extension in this case is seen as one of the best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure, the procedure for its legalization will be discussed in this short article.

Extension Features

The big advantage of the frame extension is the possibility of its interface with a house built from any material, whether it be logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

The design features are generally presented in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

To build with your own hands, you will need some set of tools. The figure below shows a typical variant of such a set.

The presence of at least one assistant is also desirable, since a number of works cannot be done alone, and working with someone is always more fun.

Interfacing with the main house

Regardless of due to the difference in the magnitude of the load that the cottage and the extension exert on the ground, there is still the possibility that over time they will move relative to each other. For this reason, experts strongly do not recommend a rigid type of adjoining an extension to an old house; it is more expedient to use an adjunction similar in principle to a groove-comb connection. For its installation on the wall of a capital structure, you need to fix two beams, and install between them vertical beam, which is an element frame wall extensions. This type of junction will ensure the leveling of mutual movements. Of course, you can use a metal frame instead of wood, then all embedded elements will also be metal. Or you need to use a bolted swivel.

However, the connection of the extension is not limited to walls alone; it is also important to connect two roofs correctly. To do this, the rafters at one end must be docked with the upper trim of the frame, and at the other - fastened with the roof truss system of the old house. The crate under the roof is mounted in such a way that the junction of the old and new roof is between the elements of the crate.

As a roofing material, it is necessary to use only one that has some degree of flexibility, for example, soft tiles or corrugated board with a wave height of not more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tiles are no longer suitable for these purposes.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of the foundation

The first stage of construction is foundation work. Usually, a separate foundation is arranged for the extension, which must be connected to the base of the old house with the help of special embedded fittings.

Of course, the most preferred option is the common foundation laid back at the stage of construction of the first house, however, few of our compatriots look so far, which, however, is quite understandable and understandable in everyday life. When laying, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in shape, but also in depth of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve full solidity, then a so-called expansion joint must be left between the two foundations so that when the soil moves in the spring, cracks do not form on the walls of the extension and at the very base.

Strapping - the second stage of the construction of the extension. The thickness of the walls of skeletons is usually 20 cm. In extensions, they rarely place living rooms, which allows you to reduce the wall thickness to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the strapping beam and the cross section of the vertical racks will also be 10 cm.

The figure below shows a possible installation scheme for the lower trim of the extension:

When assembling the frame, the most attention should be paid to fastening the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The upper strapping is fastened according to the same principle as the lower one. The side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Sheathing and insulation of the ceiling

The ceiling, like the walls inside, is best sheathed with clapboard. This is the most favorable option from the price and aesthetic points of view. Pine lining will last at least 30 years, and even more with proper care. To insulate the ceiling in order to save money, you can use expanded clay, pouring it on top with a layer of 10–12 cm.

Possible variant installation of the truss system is shown in the figure below:

The process of fastening the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one: the upper part of the sheets should be under the roofing material of the main building. To do this, you may need to remove some of the fasteners. An approximate diagram of the roofing "pie" is shown in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work is the creation of a durable structure, in which it will be comfortable and cozy to live. The quality of the wall "cake" has the most direct and decisive influence on the achievement of this goal. When insulating the walls of a frame house or extension, you need to remember that properly installed steam and wind insulation is the key to a long service life without losing the performance of any type of insulation. If you forget about it, then the insulation will very quickly absorb moisture from environment and become unusable.

If we consider the layers of the wall "pie" from the inside of the frame extension, then they should go in this order:

1. Inner lining,

2. Air gap (10–20 mm),

3. Vapor barrier,

4. Insulation layer,

5. Wind insulation,

6. Exterior finish.

As wind protection, you can use traditional roofing material or glassine.

The second option is more preferable, since it does not deform when exposed to high temperature environment. When installing vapor barrier membrane materials, it is necessary to place them with a smooth surface towards the thermal insulation layer, and a fleecy one towards the room. The villi do not allow condensation to form on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Building insulation is one of the critical factors comfortable stay in it in the future. In fact, all the nuances regarding completely coincide with the features of the insulation of full-fledged houses built using frame technology. For insulation, you can use the most different materials both traditional and more modern: ecowool, sawdust, basalt mineral slabs, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. From the point of view of speed and ease of installation work, mineral plate insulation is still the best.
Such a heater must be tightly laid between the frame racks in several layers, but without kinks and pinches, which over time can lead to the formation of "cold bridges". An important feature in the course of work, it becomes necessary to shift the joints between the plates relative to each other in adjacent layers. This principle must be observed not only when insulating walls, but also the ceiling and floor.

Possible mistakes

To complete and re-plan an existing structure is always more difficult than building from scratch, so you should once again pay attention to in the process of building a frame extension.

First and foremost, many inexperienced builders rely on factory processing of all lumber. However, this is wrong, all elements of the frame must be well dried and treated with fire-retardant impregnations before assembly. window frames and the doors must be installed strictly according to the level and fixed to the already installed vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to the house?

When all construction works for the construction of the frame extension are completed, many of our compatriots are beginning to think about the need to legitimize the resulting masterpiece of architecture. However, it is better to think about this before starting work, since the process of legalizing an unauthorized structure is a little more complicated, you will have to go to court, moreover, the result may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the resulting beauty, and at your own expense. Of course, you can not go through the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but this will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, bequeathing or donating the whole house, and not just an extension.

When applying to the courts, you will need a whole set of various documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership for land plot;
  • Certificate of ownership of a residential building (cottage);
  • Help from BTI;
  • Permission from the housing and communal services organization;
  • An extract from the house book on the number of registered citizens in a residential building;
  • Frame extension plan;
  • House project;
  • Control survey of the extension on a scale of 1:500;
  • The consent of the neighbors, if the extension borders their site;
  • Act of the epidemiological service.

In some cases, you may need a photo of the site, living quarters and an extension to it.

To drafting statement of claim must be taken with all responsibility, since the process can be lost due to errors made in it. Most courts will provide an application form and help you fill it out.

After filing a claim, you need to wait for a response, which should be sent by mail. To make sure that the application is accepted, after 10 working days you can call back and clarify the information. It should be borne in mind that the judges have only 2 legitimate reasons for rejecting the acceptance of the claim: the presence judgment regarding the legalization of this building or an incorrectly drafted claim document. The second option is to reapply.

The municipality will become the defendant during the court session, and the owner of the house to which the annex is made, respectively, will be the plaintiff. When the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, he will need to obtain a payment receipt from the Federal Registration Service for paying the state duty and make a payment, after which the owner will be given all Required documents legalizing unauthorized construction.

As for other cash expenses, approximately 10,000 rubles will be spent on collecting the entire necessary information(consultations with lawyers, etc.), the price of the state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles is an entry in the Urban Planning Cadastre, about 60,000 more rubles will be required by specialists for judicial construction and technical expertise. Thus, in addition to direct construction costs, about 100,000 rubles will be needed for all bureaucratic delays.


Watch a video about how the construction work was carried out on the frame extension to the house.

Owners of country houses often have the idea of ​​arranging a plot with a canopy. Such a useful and multifunctional building is sometimes simply necessary. The canopy will cover from the scorching rays of the sun, protect from wind or rain. Or just hide from prying eyes. On a summer evening, this is a great place for a family dinner or a barbecue meeting. You can park a car under it, use it for household needs: fold garden tools or a woodpile.

In a word, smart installed canopy is a functional element of the interior. Today there is a large number of materials from which the structure can be made, but corrugated board is in greatest demand. This durable and strong material is used when mounting a roof, fence or gate. All buildings and structures on the site, decorated in the same style using a profiled sheet and in one color scheme, will look profitable and presentable.

Types of canopies depending on the tasks

You can install the structure both free-standing and adjacent to the house. Depending on the assigned functions, there are several types of canopies:

  1. Shed. Installed above the terrace or porch. Installation is quite simple and does not require special skills. The structure is attached at an angle to one side. Therefore the snow rainwater won't linger on the roof. The main thing is not to increase the angle of inclination too much, otherwise such a canopy will not save you from the sun, and oblique rain will easily get inside.
  2. Gable. Such a canopy can exist as a separate building. Due to its slightly larger dimensions, it will take up more space. This design can be used as a summer kitchen, gazebo or parking space.
  3. Arched. The most difficult to perform. In order to bend the carrier profile into an arc of the desired diameter, you will need special equipment and certain skills. However, thanks to smooth bends, such a canopy looks more aesthetically pleasing.

What decking is suitable for a canopy?

In order for the canopy to serve for a long time and meet all the requirements, it is necessary to take seriously the selection of material. To do this, you need to pay attention to some characteristics of the profiled sheet:

To know what external criteria you need to pay attention to, you need to understand what a profiled sheet is and have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe technology of its production.

Decking is a galvanized steel sheet coated on both sides with polymeric materials. Zinc is applied hot and protects the product from rust and corrosion. The greater the expected load on it, the thicker the zinc layer. This is followed by passivation and priming. And only then a layer of polymers is applied, the highest quality of which are polyester and plastisol. They provide resistance to the sheet mechanical damage, ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.

Based on the above, when buying a material, first of all, you need to pay attention to the absence of cracks, chips, damage to the protective layer.

All sheets must be clearly correct lines without geometrical defects. The wave of the first sheet should overlap the wave of the last one.

When bent, the profiled sheet should immediately take its original shape.

For selection quality material pay attention to the markings. Give preference to products of category C or H, where C is wall, H is load-bearing. But for the installation of a canopy, it is better to choose a profile marked H, since it has greater rigidity.

Important! A product made in the factory must have a guarantee and a quality certificate.

Advantages of corrugated board

Decking has collected many advantages of various roofing materials:

  1. affordable price;
  2. strength and durability;
  3. light weight;
  4. rich color palette;
  5. fire safety;
  6. environmental Safety;
  7. does not require complex care.

In addition to these advantages, it should be noted resistance to ultraviolet rays, which means a structure made using a profiled sheet will not fade over time. Profiled sheet with a polymer coating will last at least 25-30 years.

Installation of a canopy, stages of work

Before proceeding with the installation of the canopy, make sure that you have the necessary tools and auxiliary materials. You will need:

  • profile pipes for racks;
  • metallic profile for crates;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdrivers;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • bolts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • level.

Important! For cutting a profiled sheet, it is better not to use a grinder, as the disk damages the polymer coating. As a result, the product will corrode.

Installation of a free-standing canopy can be divided into several stages:

  1. drawing;
  2. site preparation;
  3. installation of poles;
  4. crate;
  5. roof installation.

Now we proceed directly to the installation of our corrugated canopy:

  • In order for the structure to be reliable, durable and withstand its own weight, at the first stage it is necessary to draw a canopy. When calculating which, you need to take into account the load created by wind and snow.
  • The next step is to clear the area where the canopy will be installed. Remove the sod, level and compact the surface.
  • Dig holes for load-bearing poles at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Their depth will depend on the depth of freezing of the soil, it is better to dig a little deeper. Line the bottom of each hole with rubble. This is done so that during the spring thaw the pillars do not lead. When installing load-bearing poles, make sure that they are in a strictly vertical position. To avoid skew, check this important criterion with a level.
  • All racks must be concreted and allowed to dry from a few days to a week, depending on weather conditions. The height of the pillars will depend on the angle of inclination. The front struts need to be made shorter than the rear ones.

To avoid distortion of the structure, all welding work must be carried out in perfect flat surface.

  • All poles are welded along the perimeter with a profile pipe. The result is a square that will serve as the basis for the roof of the canopy. It is necessary to attach transverse wooden or metal beams to this square with a gap of no more than one and a half meters. To strengthen the structure, the pillars can be connected with an additional stiffening ring.
  • Welding areas must be cleaned. Wooden crate must be primed and painted in the desired color to prevent corrosion.
  • Profiled sheets are attached to the ceilings starting from the lowest. It is necessary to lay them overlapping on one wave, leaving a small allowance for drapery metal frame. Be careful not to damage the polymer layer covering the sheet, otherwise the coating will peel and peel.
  • For greater aesthetics, the canopy can be lined from below. In addition, electrical wires can be hidden under the lining.

Important! Roofing screws must be screwed in with little effort so as not to damage the rubber washer. Otherwise, it will leak water. On 1 sq.m, you will need an average of 6-8 self-tapping screws.

Canopy adjoining the house

Installation of a canopy adjacent to the house is carried out in two ways:

  1. with the help of braids.
  2. using metal racks.

The first option is suitable for installing a small visor over the porch or a canopy for woodpile. Stringers are triangular structures. Such a canopy is attached according to the principle of holding a bookshelf. The emphasis is on the walls of the building, and not on the ground. Due to the small length of the visor and subject to the rules of fastening, this design will not be afraid of the weight of snow or strong wind.

The second option is suitable for installing much larger structures, the dimensions of which can be determined based on the functionality. The assembly technology is quite simple and is similar to the installation of a free-standing canopy. The difference is that the side posts are attached to the wall with metal fasteners. Or their function will be performed by one beam, fixed directly on the wall of the house in a horizontal position. The front posts are installed below the crossbeam according to the angle of inclination. The crate is assembled and the profiled sheet is fixed.

It is quite possible to build a canopy in the yard of your house with your own hands. One has only to approach this issue deliberately and make some efforts. And then you will have a multifunctional building that will give you a reason to be proud!


The presence of even a small area can allow you to make a canopy from corrugated board with your own hands. The simplicity of the design, the availability of materials and the possibility of self-assembly allow us to talk not only about the functionality of such a design, but also about economic benefit.

Most often, a corrugated canopy is made in order to shelter the car from the scorching sun and rain, but such a canopy can serve as a secluded place for a gazebo.

The choice of canopy design

Before proceeding to the stage of direct construction of the frame and base, it is necessary to choose the location of the structure, its type and purpose.

Stationary canopies have a non-separable, durable structure and reliable supports. Mobile canopies are used in cases where protection from wind and sun is needed temporarily. This category includes greenhouses and summer sheds for summer cottages. The main requirement for mobile canopies is the presence of a strong frame that is resistant to strong gusts of wind.

Schemes for the device of canopies from corrugated board.

According to their functional purpose, hinged structures are divided into recreational and economic. Recreational canopies provide protection from wind, sun and rain, are built over pools, benches for recreation, playgrounds. Utility sheds are able to protect the car from direct sunlight or bad weather, serve as a summer kitchen, and are used to store inventory.

Sheds can be detached or attached. The latter form a single structure with the building. The canopy is attached on one side to the wall of the building, and on the other - to special supports. Separate canopies - separate buildings of various shapes, with arched and pyramidal, domed and arc, single-pitched and gable roofs.

For the construction of supports, bricks can be used and a natural stone, tree, forged metal and metal profile. For the manufacture of roofs, corrugated board or polycarbonate is most often used.

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Preparatory work

The frame for the canopy must be made of metal pipes and corners, they can withstand the heavy weight of corrugated sheets.

It is simple and cost-effective to use a metal profile for the construction of a canopy. In this case, the material is used for supporting structure in the form of metal pipes, and for the roof. The calculation of the overhang and the wall thickness of the pipes depends on the loads. You can use a metal profile made of aluminum, copper, galvanized steel.

Required Tools:

  • welding machine;
  • metal m or tape measure;
  • hacksaw or grinder;
  • perforator;
  • drill.

Reliable installation of the canopy is carried out using special roofing screws with gaskets.

The frame for the canopy can also be made of wood, but you need to understand that the tree rots and deteriorates faster without the necessary processing.

The first stage of work is the preparation of the site for a canopy. It needs to be leveled and rammed. Then, along the perimeter, prepare recesses for supports (0.5 m deep). The pits are arranged so that a rectangle is formed, 2 or 3 in 2 rows. Then prepare supports for the canopy from pipes with a diameter of 80 mm and a length of not more than 3 m. The thickness of the pipe walls is determined by the expected load, depending on the size of the structure. In addition to these blanks, you will need to trim pipes with a diameter of 83 mm in the same amount. Insert the supports into these trimmings, make sure that the ends of the supports are not visible from the other side.

The choice of further actions will depend on the type of construction chosen. When choosing a stationary structure, trimmings are welded to the supports; when choosing a mobile one, they are connected with bolts. The received racks remain to be installed in the pits and poured concrete mix.

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Assembly of a canopy from a metal profile

The number of roof slopes and the type of corrugated canopy determine how difficult the work of installing the cross members will be. Several options are possible here. Weld short tube cylinders with a diameter of 83 mm to a square profile on one side and drill into them through holes. Position the cylinders so that they help to install the profile on the supports. There are two such structures for a canopy made of corrugated board - for two rows of racks. Then drill holes in the upper ends of the supports so that they correspond to the holes located in the fixing cylinders, connect both pipes with bolts. You can simplify the process by replacing the cylinders with welded plates with holes, in this case it is worth remembering that the connection will turn out to be less strong.

It will be simpler to construct a non-separable type of corrugated board with your own hands. Its assembly involves welding transversely to the uprights. To form the rafters, you can use an aluminum corner or T-shaped duralumin.

In most cases, do-it-yourself installation of a canopy from corrugated board does not involve arranging a gutter, so the installation is carried out in blocks of three sheets stacked in a certain way. From two sheets connected to each other, the first row is assembled from below. A sheet is attached to them, the first in the second row. The resulting block is fixed parallel to the eaves. Next, the next block is fixed, and so on until the entire roof is covered.

During the installation of the rafters, it is necessary to make them in such a way that the roof of the canopy is larger than the area between the supports. Further, peaks should form along the edges, from which rainwater will drain. To drain water, you can form a gutter around the canopy.

Remember that the profile iron used for metal roof, is a rather slippery material. When working with him, you must follow all safety precautions.

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We offer a number useful tips who will tell you how to build a canopy quickly and efficiently.

All sheets are attached to the cross beams using self-tapping screws with special rubber gaskets. Thanks to this design, it is possible to protect the material from damage. Places of corrugated board cuts must be treated with a primer and a special paint that will protect the metal from corrosion.

Lathing, profile pipes of racks, metal logs, attachment and welding points must also be primed with anti-corrosion compounds and painted with a special paint to protect against negative impact moisture.

Compliance with the technology involves laying sheets only with an overlap, and fastening with self-tapping screws is carried out exclusively “along the wave”.

If the structure is small in size, there is no need to reinforce it with additional stiffeners, since the battens in steps of 1 m are quite enough. Such a construction of a canopy can last for a long time.


Canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house, attached

Currently, polycarbonate sheets or metal profiles have become increasingly popular. It is simply impossible to determine which of them is better, because each of them has a large number of advantages and is great for building a canopy. The main advantages of such products include lightness, long term service, increased durability, a wide selection of shades, so you can choose an option that fits perfectly into a certain design area.


According to its design, the building has various ways of execution. It all depends on the purpose of the canopy, material and personal preferences of the owner. Today, you can build an extension in various ways, taking into account the selected material. For the construction of supports, metal or wood can be used. The roof frame is performed in the same way. And here is how the metal siding looks like a tree, you can see here.

The versatility of corrugated board is that it is not necessary to fit the ceiling under the fasteners. (It is also worth paying attention to how the pediment is sheathed with corrugated board). And this is due to the fact that the edges of the sheet are concentrated very close and this is quite enough to fix the iron sheet. The lining around the perimeter can also be different. The attached structure is open, finished with boards with windows, presented in the form of a terrace.

But what are the visors and canopies over the entrance, you can see here.

On the video canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house:

Canopies made of polycarbonate can have different design. The most common ones include:

  • arched;
  • lean-to;
  • gable.

The difference between them lies in the complexity of installation and the amount of material used.

But what are the carports made of polycarbonate, and how they can be made, this information will help to understand.


This variant of the polycarbonate canopy has a rather attractive appearance. To attach it to the house, you must have significant construction experience, because this design is distinguished by its complexity.

Canopy arch from corrugated board adjacent to the house

They arise for the reason that the shoulder straps of the roof, to which the corrugated board is to be fixed, must be presented in a curved shape. And to obtain such a bend, special equipment is used.

Shed canopy

This type of extension from corrugated board does not need special experience and the use of special equipment. But at the same time, increased attention will be required when choosing the right angle of inclination of the roof.

Shed canopy

Thanks to him, the canopy will not be subjected to constant accumulation of snow in winter, and the crate is freed from unnecessary pressure. Similarly, you can look like a canopy over a polycarbonate porch.

Double slope canopy

This design is a complete roof. To obtain such a canopy, one corrugated board will not be enough. A gable roof can be used when a spacious summer cuisine open type. There is also another version of the roof - it is multi-pitched. This kind of construction is the most difficult in terms of implementation. Only professional builders can make it.

Double slope canopy

If we talk about the dimensions of the canopy, then their choice should take into account the load and purpose of the structure. The canopy adjacent to the house should not be large, otherwise the wall will not be able to withstand the load being carried out. If this canopy is over the porch, then it should not be very small. But the carport is calculated taking into account its size. And here's what the texture of the wall looks like under the plaster, you can see here.

If the car is small, then it can fit under a structure of at least 2.3x5.5 m. For an SUV or truck, you will have to find a load with dimensions of 3.5 x 6.6 m. You should also consider the height of the canopy. The optimal parameter is 2.3 m. But this will not be enough for a gazelle. With an increase in the height of the canopy, the likelihood of rain and snow getting under the extension increases.

The crate of the canopy from corrugated board can be obtained from wood or metal. It all depends on the size, shape and location. The canopy that adjoins the house is often made using a wooden beam.

You might also be interested in learning more about what it looks like hinged facade from metal cassettes.

How to do

A canopy made of corrugated board is a simple design, so there should not be any difficulties in terms of installation. Here you just need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Installation of supporting pillars. First you need to dig holes for the posts. Their depth will be 50 cm. After the columns are poured with concrete. When implementing this point of the plan, it is necessary to take into account some points. The process of installing the posts should be carried out along a clear vertical line. The bonding of metal with concrete is achieved by means of corners, reinforcement welded to the bottom of the supports.
  2. Manufacturing of roof sheathing. When the concrete begins to harden, all the columns along the perimeter should be connected with a profile pipe. Thus, it is possible to obtain a structure that resembles a frame. It will become the basis for the roof. Focus it over the slope. Then the melt water will be able to flow freely from the roof. Now the resulting frame is strengthened by transverse beams. To give the structure increased strength, the pillars should be additionally tied with another stiffening ring. This will provide increased rigidity and strength. You can learn more about siding under the crate by clicking on the link.
  3. Roof framing installation. To do this, it is necessary to sheathe a metal crate wooden block. It should be located across the beams. Fixation takes place using self-tapping screws. Screw the sheets of corrugated board directly to the metal crate. But how to make a crate for siding with a heater with your own hands, you can see here.
  4. Fastening of corrugated board. Sheets are fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws. They must be equipped with rubber gaskets. Their installation is carried out in its lower part through the wave. You should also not forget about the overlap, otherwise the roof will leak.
  5. At the end of the work, sheathe the canopy from the profiled sheet from the bottom. At the same time, mask all electrical wires. It must be understood that sheds attached to a private house must be equipped with individual lighting. It is not only practical, but also convenient.

But this article will help you understand what a carport for cars made of wood might look like, and how you can install them yourself.

On the video, how to make a canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house:

A polycarbonate canopy is a practical structure, thanks to which it is possible to protect a certain part of the territory from snow, rain and other bad weather influences. Under such a canopy they can store cars or equip summer terrace. The installation process is notable for its simplicity. Absolutely anyone who does not have the proper experience can make such a design. Despite this, the canopy has a rather attractive appearance. Due to the wide choice of shades, it is possible to create a canopy that perfectly complements overall design Houses.


Do-it-yourself canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house in the yard

Residents of country houses often need to build a canopy - in the summer it can act as outdoor terrace and protect them from the scorching sun, and in winter - from snow. In addition, it can be used as a place for short-term parking of the car, when it makes no sense to put it in the garage, but you don’t want to leave it under the sun, rain or snow.

Since the canopy is a small architectural object, with a successful design that fits the general concept of the house, it can become not only secure shelter from external natural influences, but also the decoration of the site and the yard. If such a desire arises, then it makes sense to contact a designer who will develop a construction project.

It is worth noting that it is quite possible to make a canopy with your own hands - its design is quite simple and does not have complex technological units, such as sliding gates, and also does not require specific skills, such as the ability to lay bricks when building a fence.

Most often, installation of shed canopies attached to the house is carried out, since this option requires less building material, has a simpler design compared to a gable structure and is excellent for most tasks that are assigned to this type of structure.


In order to successfully make a canopy with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare for the installation process: choose a place for the future structure, make a project, choose a material, choose a design, and also determine its purpose - for a terrace or for parking a car.

To make a correct project, the following factors must be considered:

  • The amount of precipitation in summer and winter;
  • Features of the construction of the house and its technical condition.

The project is created in several stages: first, an approximate sketch of the future structure is made, and then - detail drawing, including its individual elements. The choice of a place for a canopy directly depends on its intended purpose - if it is intended for recreation, it is better to place it on the side opposite the road with access to the courtyard, and if it is intended for a car, it makes sense to place it in such a way that it is easy to drive straight from the gate.

At the stage of selecting materials, the builder may have the illusion that the choice is wide enough - you can use wood, brick, concrete, stone and many other materials. However, practice shows that the most rational decision there will be a corrugated canopy with a metal frame - it has the best value for money, and, moreover, it is easy to assemble and does not require special skills such as, for example, the ability to process natural stone.

Cellular polycarbonate can be used as a replacement for corrugated board as a cover for a canopy, however, its margin of safety is not always enough, especially in winter, when a large amount of snow accumulates on the roof, and therefore it may collapse.

To attach a canopy to the house with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Screwdriver and screws;
  • Shovel or drill;
  • Construction level, tape measure, rope and chalk.

Of course, there is a possibility that something else may be needed, but the main tools will be just those listed above.

Work order

The construction of a canopy is a complex undertaking, and therefore the work must be carried out in a strictly specified order, otherwise the quality of the structure may be seriously affected. The assembly of the structure should be carried out in the following order:

  • Marking and arrangement of the foundation;
  • Assembly and painting of the frame;
  • Roof installation.

With the right work and the use of suitable materials, a do-it-yourself canopy adjoining the house will be reliable and durable.


When building a canopy adjacent to the house with your own hands, it is necessary to make markings in strict accordance with the project and drawings, and then start making the foundation. It is made of a metal profile measuring 20x20 cm. To install it, it is necessary to dig holes according to the profile size and 60 cm deep at the points where they will be load-bearing poles designs. For the simplest design you will need two pillars at the extreme points on the side of the structure farthest from the wall.

After that, the execution following works: removable upper layer soil, along the perimeter of the future canopy, a wooden formwork is made of corrugated board, then the site is covered with rubble and poured with concrete. After that, the pillars from the metal profile of the required height are installed in the holes and are also poured with concrete. It is important to remember that the position of the pillars must be strictly vertical, and therefore, when installing them, it is necessary to control it using the building level. To continue work, it is necessary to wait for the concrete to completely harden.


The frame of the corrugated canopy adjacent to the house, as a rule, is made of metal, or rather, of a metal profile. Along the edges of the structure, two metal racks are attached to the wall of the house, placed parallel to the metal profile pillars located at the opposite end of the site - the roof lathing will be installed on them. To ensure the slope of the canopy adjacent to the house, it must be taken into account that the metal racks attached to the wall of the house must be located higher than the poles.

The corner laths of the frame for the roof are made of metal pipes 40x60 mm in size, and the intermediate ones are made of metal pipes 30x50 mm in size. They must be welded in such a way that the pipe pitch matches the size of the corrugated sheet. After completion of these works, the frame should be painted, as this will prevent corrosion.

After that, the frame crate is mounted on the bearing racks and poles from the metal profile, and then the corrugated roof is installed on it.


The roof is most often made of corrugated board, since given material not only is it strong and durable, but also has a pleasant appearance and a wide choice of colors, allowing it to be used in almost any design. Polycarbonate is also sometimes used, but it is less durable and passes well enough sunlight.

Sheets of corrugated board are overlapped on the crate to prevent moisture from entering, and are fixed with metal screws with rubberized caps at the rate of 4-8 pieces per square meter of coverage. Care must be taken during installation, otherwise the protective layer on the sheets of corrugated board can be damaged, and thus significantly reduce its service life.


How to make a canopy adjacent to the house from corrugated board

Residents of the private sector sooner or later have the idea to make a canopy on the site. The building can act as a terrace for gatherings, a place to store something or parking a personal car. Often a canopy is adjacent to the house - it's more reliable and easier. As a material, corrugated board is usually used, which is not difficult to lay with my own hands. Expert advice, photos and videos with step-by-step recommendations will help you build a canopy on your own with the least effort. adjoining territory.

Canopy from a professional flooring. Features of design and materials

IN Lately owners of country houses are increasingly turning to the use of corrugated board. This material has the following advantages over polycarbonate, tiles or glass:

  • hard and durable;
  • has stiffeners;
  • opaque;
  • easy;
  • protected from corrosion;
  • does not burn;
  • it's cheap.

In appearance, a canopy made of corrugated board may be inferior to other structures. For example, it cannot be bent into a complex shape. But for minimal design decisions, it will fit perfectly. Sheets of this material have a lot of color and texture options.

Decking in different colors

Another minus of corrugated board as a material for a canopy is high level noise. Rain or wind will sound quite loud when in contact with the roof of the building. The most popular among residents of country houses is a shed canopy attached to the house. This option:

  • Requires relatively few building materials;
  • easier to build than gable, etc .;
  • universal.

Installation of a canopy-extension includes the following steps:

  1. Project development. Preparation of materials.
  2. Marking and construction of the foundation.
  3. Frame assembly and painting.
  4. Roof laying.

Preparatory work. How to make a project and choose material

The creation of a project for a future structure begins with its location. If we are talking about a veranda or a recreation area, it is reasonable to place a canopy in the courtyard, away from the roadway and the entrance gate. To shelter the car, on the contrary, it is better to mount a canopy closer to the point of entry into the yard. The next step is a sketch. Sketch on paper the key functional elements and components of the building. After that, you can proceed to a detailed calculation, which must be displayed in the drawing.

Project of a canopy from corrugated board

Consider these nuances:

  • the level and characteristics of precipitation in your area in summer and winter: the frequency of icing, heavy rains or heavy snowfalls;
  • average and maximum wind speeds in your area;
  • features of the architecture of the building to which the building will adjoin;
  • personal design solutions and wishes - color and other characteristics of metal sheets.

The main tool that will come in handy when self-assembly canopy:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • metal screws with rubberized caps;
  • screwdriver;
  • shovel;
  • marking devices: tape measure, twine, building level, chalk.

How to build a foundation for a canopy

Based on the drawings, mark up the foundation for the building. The material for the foundation is a metal profile. Pipes with parameters of 20x20 cm are often used. Wood and brick are also sometimes used for these purposes. However, this design is more expensive. In the case of wooden supports, their cross section should be larger, since the material is less durable.

Canopy from corrugated board

To secure the supports, dig holes of appropriate sizes. At the points where the supporting pillars of the canopy frame are located, the depth of the holes should be 60 cm. There should be at least two such pillars: at the two points most distant from the wall, at the corners of the structure. Although, of course, the design will stronger construction and with intermediate supports.

The further process looks like this:

  • along the perimeter of the structure, remove the top layer of soil;
  • make a wooden formwork;
  • if necessary, cover the site itself with screenings or crushed stone and concrete;
  • install metal profile posts in the prepared pits, in a strictly vertical position;
  • concrete them;
  • wait for the material to harden completely at the construction site (about 1-2 weeks) - the foundation is ready.

Attention! The concrete base should be located no higher than the level of winter freezing of the soil. Otherwise, after the first thaw, the frame may be deformed.

Installation of the frame for the adjoining canopy

In addition to two or more supports concreted into the ground, a wall support will bear the weight of the structure. As a rule, this is a bar fixed with anchors on bearing wall neighboring building. A shed canopy assumes that the height of the vertical pipes will be slightly lower than the wall beam. This is necessary so that the building has a slope.

Also, the frame of the canopy consists of:

  1. Mauerlat - a horizontal crossbar, which is located on the vertical supports of the structure, parallel to the wall beam.
  2. Rafters - transverse beams that are laid on one side of the wall support, on the other - on the Mauerlat.
  3. Lathing - thin slats, which are located on top of the rafters parallel to the Mauerlat and the wall beam. Sheets of corrugated board will be attached to them in the future. Therefore, it is desirable to weld the slats so that the cells correspond to the width of the sheet.

Advice. The crate is made on the ground, and then lifted and fixed at a height. For corner bars, a metal pipe 40x60 mm is usually used, for intermediate bars - 30x50 mm. Before lifting to a height, paint the mesh to prevent corrosion.

Proper laying of corrugated sheets and completion of work

The roof of the canopy must be securely fastened so as not to deform and fly away during the elements. This is the main memo to the master who will be engaged in its installation. The very same technique for fixing sheets is not complicated:

Follow all installation rules to make a reliable corrugated canopy

  • place them overlapping on the crate - this will protect against moisture seepage;
  • fix with self-tapping screws at the rate of 4-8 pcs. per 1 sq. m of corrugated board;
  • treat the canopy with fire-fighting and antiseptic agents.

Advice. Handle the roof carefully. Do not damage the protective layer of corrugated board with self-tapping screws and other tools, which provides durability to the material.

You can mount a drainage system from the roof. Usually such a need arises if the lower edge of the canopy is located above what is not desirable to water. A plastic pipe is suitable for drainage. After that, the canopy is completed. You can decorate it and use it for its intended purpose.

Carport from corrugated board: video


How to make a simple canopy from corrugated board

Canopy made of metal and corrugated board

Decking, or as it would be more correct - a professional sheet, is now a very popular material, which is used both as a roofing material and as a material that serves as a fence as a fence. Earlier we already wrote about how to make a fence from corrugated board. In this article we will tell you how to make a canopy from corrugated board.

Profiled for a canopy

Do-it-yourself canopy made of wood and corrugated board

Strictly speaking, there is nothing new here. As in the case of polycarbonate, a profiled metal canopy begins with the assembly of the frame. A feature of such a design will be only that a metal profiled sheet will be used as a roofing material.

Since the corrugated board is made from thin metal, it is necessary to prepare solid foundation, which will not allow him to bend under the weight of snow. A board usually serves as such a basis. If, as an example, we consider an ordinary roof, which is made under corrugated board, then the principle is no different.

So. As we said earlier, wood is not the most reliable material for damp climates. Therefore, we will consider the option of manufacturing a canopy from corrugated board on metal poles, but if you are interested in a drawing of a canopy made of wooden beams, you can familiarize yourself with it on our pages.

As racks, we take a metal pipe, either a profile or a round one. If the canopy is attached to the house, then we will put the poles on one side only. If the canopy is freestanding, then two more racks will be required.

To save money, you can make the roof frame of the canopy out of wood. Since the tree will be hidden under the metal, and just as you will learn later, we will use a vapor barrier under the profiled sheet, then the tree is quite suitable for us.

It is not necessary to use an expensive type of wood, it will be enough to use 150 mm pine timber as beams. by 50 mm.

When buying construction wood, pay attention to such important points as:

Where is the tree kept? The condition of the material depends on the storage location. If it is constantly raining on a tree with changes in the scorching sun, then it is best not to purchase such a building material. Wood rot can be difficult to get rid of, but it can be done with a wood preservative.

Is the beam even?

Improper storage and maintenance of wooden building material leads to its curvature, delamination, etc. Check each rail and beam for evenness. This is done simply. You are looking at one of the four edges of the beam along the entire length from the butt side. If the line is straight, then everything is OK.

Choose bars without knots.

The presence of a knot in the rail makes it unreliable. The fact is that in this place there is no necessary interlacing of wood fibers, and it becomes much weaker here.

The tree must be completely free of bark.

The presence of bark indicates poor processing in general. The bark must be completely removed as it promotes insect growth and leads to mold growth.

Are there any traces of insects.

Shashel is the most harmful insect that destroys wood. Its traces in the form of gnawed canals are very easy to find.

So, we bought pipes for racks and wood. Now we will begin the construction of a canopy from corrugated board. Since our canopy will be budgetary, we will not spend money on excesses and will not pour concrete screed, but will limit ourselves to only filling the area under the canopy with rubble. Pipes for racks will still have to be concreted. How to do it?

Concreting of racks under a canopy from a professional flooring.

Column concreting

As in other cases of concreting columns, we drill holes for pipes with a depth of 40 to 80 cm (depending on the height of the canopy).

At the ends of the pipes, we weld pieces of reinforcement for a stronger bond with concrete. We cut the pipes taking into account the height of the canopy and the length placed in the concrete. When concreting, we use a plumb line and a level to maintain the vertical. We are waiting for two or three essences for the concrete to dry completely.

It is advisable to fasten our racks along the upper part by welding coal or a channel to them. This will give the necessary rigidity to the entire structure.

Next, we install the beams, scrolling them to the already finished metal frame of the canopy. If the roof is single-pitched, then everything is very simple, but if the roof is gable, then you will have to make a truss system in two slopes.

The beams on the canopy must be laid out taking into account at least 80 cm. The beams serve as stiffeners, so they must be placed on the edge. Don't forget the overhang. The length of the beams must be greater than the length of the canopy to form an overhang.

When all the beams are fixed, we cover their upper part with a board. The board must be edged with a thickness of 20 mm. It is not necessary to lay the boards tightly to each other. You can leave a ten-centimeter gap.

We fasten the boards to the beams with screws.

Laying a vapor barrier for a profiled sheet

When the boards are fixed, you can spread the vapor barrier, which will prevent the corrugated board from condensing, thereby protecting the tree from moisture. You can install a vapor barrier under the battens and even under the rafters as shown in the figure.

A corrugated board is laid on top of the self-isolation. First lay the bottom row of sheets, then the top. This is done in order to get the roll of the top sheet onto the bottom. Then water will not get between the sheets. Nearby sheets of corrugated board should also overlap each other in one wave. The profiled sheet is fastened with special self-tapping screws with a rubber seal. It is advisable to buy self-tapping screws to match the color of the corrugated board.

The procedure for laying corrugated board

What are the features when working on the installation of a canopy from corrugated board.

    • Painted profiled sheets can be scratched very easily, so be careful.
    • Work in protective gloves, as the edges of the corrugated board are very sharp.
    • It is best to cut metal sheets with a small grinder, and cut small parts metal scissors.
    • Each sheet on one side has a kind of lock in the form of a non-standard wave. This lock is used for overlapping adjacent sheets. Keep this in mind and try not to confuse the sides.
    • Installing the first sheet of corrugated board is always very responsible, since from it right position the correctness of the rest of the roof will depend.


Canopy from corrugated board adjacent to the house: how to do it yourself?

When there is a need to build an additional room for specific purposes, the question arises: is it necessary to create a full-fledged extension with walls to the house, or is it enough to get by with a canopy? Of course, if you need to save specific items, it happens that you need walls and protection from the wind. But often enough and a canopy that will adjoin the house. Such a structure can be used both for organizing recreation and in order to protect something, for example, from rain or snow. Most popular on this moment a canopy made of corrugated board, therefore it will be discussed.

Advantages of corrugated board

The corrugated board is made of galvanized steel, which is coated with polymers. Canopies, visors, gazebos and other structures that require a reliable coating are made of corrugated board. It should also be noted that galvanized products are the best option, since, compared to polycarbonate corrugated board, they are more resistant to loads, which is especially required in a snowy winter.

The metal profile has so long and firmly entered our lives that without it it is impossible to imagine private courtyard: this is the roof of the house, and the fence, finally, this is a canopy made of corrugated board - a thing absolutely necessary in any private courtyard. What are the advantages of such a design, where will it show itself with better side finally, how to make such a canopy with your own hands - this article is about this.

Why is he better?

Today's most popular modern materials for the roof - these are polycarbonate sheets and metal profiles. Arguing about which is better is meaningless, both materials are suitable in their cases and have advantages. A canopy made of corrugated board has its own positive characteristics, including:

  • corrugated board sheets are as light as polycarbonate sheets;
  • unlike polycarbonate, it retains strength and reliability for many years;
  • varied in color palette, so it will fit into different designs adjoining territories;
  • the material is not combustible, which makes it applicable for almost any purpose;
  • the metal profile is affordable, while the polymer coating makes it both wear-resistant and attractive in appearance;
  • withstands heavy loads, he is not afraid of a layer of snow in winter;
  • unlike polycarbonate does not create a greenhouse effect.

Restrictions on the use of corrugated board

At the same time, a canopy made of corrugated board should preferably be installed on the bright side, so as not to obscure the already northern part of the house. But the shady parts of the site are suitable for polycarbonate - this material does not hide the sunlight at all, but only scatters it.
The second point to be taken into account is the somewhat “industrial” look of the metal profile roof. In this sense, a polycarbonate roof has more scope for fantasy.

Perhaps these are the only ambiguous points. Otherwise, this type of awnings are good, comfortable, and serve for a long time.

Where is corrugated board used?

A canopy made of corrugated board has practically unlimited application. It is used as a resting place as a lightweight gazebo, for organizing a storage place and other household needs. Finally, a metal profile - safe roof to create a territory for barbecue and barbecue. At the same time, it is important that this material is easy to process, it is easy to do it yourself, and construction will not take much time. And although, unlike polycarbonate, such a canopy is not so interesting in design, its “industrial” look can be leveled using a variety of additional details.

How to choose a shape?

This material is truly versatile, because it can be used to create structures of any shape. So, the most common canopy from a profiled sheet in the form flat roof. This is a convenient standard look, it's easy to do it yourself.

It is also easy to build gable roof on a canopy and even make a canopy in the form of a hipped roof. The only condition here is the correct calculation of materials and drawings. construction details.

The design will be more complicated if you decide to make an arched canopy with your own hands. In this case, the problem will not be in the metal profile, but in correctly calculating the arc of the roof frame. But such a form will significantly diversify and enrich the appearance of the house or site, in any case, no worse than if it were a polycarbonate building.

Adjoining or stand-alone building?

Usually they try to make a classic canopy with their own hands and closer to the house or even adjoining it. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the usable area adjacent to the house, and protect the entrance group from precipitation, wind and other weather conditions. Or they build a canopy near a stationary garage for summer parking or in the form of a separately located gazebo or hozblok. Consider the option when construction is carried out using one of the walls of a previously built structure. For example, the construction of a canopy to the house.

Canopy construction

The adjoining canopy is quite simple to make, including with your own hands. It can be either mounted on four supports or fixed to the wall. In this case, it is important to make a correct calculation of the additional load to the house.
Sheds are in the form of a visor, as well as shady. We will consider just shadow ones, they require a large area and material calculation.


As a rule, shade canopies are also used at home to protect the car from the sun. Based on the minimum parameters of the site required to accommodate the machine, we will plan the materials.

A small car will require a land area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 3.5 m by 2.5 m. Large cars need a larger area - it will be at least 6.6 m by 3.5 m. The height of the canopy should be laid based on the height of the car itself plus possible luggage. At the same time, it does not make sense to make a structure that is too high, since a canopy over 2.3 m will sweep up snow and overwhelm rain.

Important! When calculating the amount of metal profile, it should be borne in mind that the profile sheets should overlap the upper crossbars and hang down a little to ensure normal water flow. It is also recommended to install drainage grooves so that water does not flow from the roof to the house.

Having decided on the site, you should plan it to a horizontal level, compact it. Next, you need to build a frame. It is usually made by hand from a wooden beam or a metal pipe. The beam is pre-treated with a composition against fungal infections and decay, and steel profile thicker is selected, with a cross section of 4 cm by 6 cm or more, depending on the expected load. After assembling the frame, the roof is laid. The supporting pillars of the frame can also be made of asbestos concrete pipes.

Now step by step

  1. Installing a support beam to the house on a load-bearing wall. Important point, the support secures the structure to the house, so it must be firmly anchored to the wall.
  2. 2. Installation of vertical supports along the outer edge of the canopy. Supports are installed in prepared pits and poured with concrete. The laying of the foundation for the supporting pillars cannot be done below the freezing depths of the soil in order to avoid deformation of the entire canopy.
  3. External supports are connected by a transverse beam, on which the metal profile will then be attached. Rafters are attached along the beam with a connection to the support beam on the bearing wall.
  4. Installation of the crate across the rafters. It is usually made from wooden planks or rack.
  5. Laying the metal profile along the crate and fixing it with special screws or bolts.
  6. Drainage installation plastic pipe(optional).

Sometimes shade canopies are also made with a sewn end. To do this, two support beams are installed on the wall and rafters are attached to one, and a strapping of support tables made on all four sides of the frame is attached to the bottom one. Further, the resulting end sides are sewn up with a tree or a metal profile.

Important! It is necessary to correctly calculate the slope of the canopy. With a small slope, the snow will not fall naturally, and a large angle will not be able to provide the proper width of the canopy. In this, knowledge of the features of the metalloprofile itself may be of some help. So, for a small slope, you should look for a material with a large bearing capacity. And vice versa, a material such as, for example, a metal profile HC35, has a low bearing capacity, but it is strong and capable of withstanding heavy loads.

Sheds in front of the house are an additional, functional space that allows you to make the most of the site, and comfortably relax in the fresh air in the heat and in bad weather. The building should be ergonomic, reliable, aesthetic and should not clutter up the facade of the building.

Next, we will review the original and practical ideas, let's talk about design features extensions, what materials are better to use for their manufacture, and we will give detailed instructions how to make a canopy to the house with your own hands.

Design and functionality

The canopy in front of the house should delicately fit into the overall architectural ensemble, emphasize the merits of the exterior and hide its shortcomings, be in harmony with landscape design site, be convenient, practical during operation, fully meet the needs of the owners.

Functional Features

Canopies attached to the house, see photo examples in the gallery, can be attached for various household needs, we highlight the common ones from the main functions:

  • Extensions above the entrance group serve as protection for the porch and the front door from precipitation.
  • Terraces and verandas are a place for outdoor recreation.
  • Covered galleries, often made of metal and polycarbonate, provide a comfortable entrance to the house, at the same time they are a parking lot for a car.

Large canopies attached to the house, photo of a practical, arched design

  • Canopies over the windows, usually awnings, protect from the bright sun.
  • Outbuildings for storing firewood and other household utensils are attached to the back of the house, sometimes, with due imagination, these are original, exclusive designs that adorn the facade of the building.

Sheds attached to the house from corrugated board, photo of a farm building for firewood

Types of awnings for the house

Sheds near the house are divided according to the method of support to the main building:

  • Cantilever - small visors on mensols or embedded elements.
  • Suspended - roofs on metal cables.
  • Supporting - on vertical poles around the entire perimeter;
  • Support-beam - the edge located closer to the house rests on a beam tied to the wall, which helps to distribute the load over the entire surface of the supporting structure, and the opposite one - on the pillars.

Design features

Sheds for a private house and public buildings are usually:

  • Open - a roof that protects from rain: entry group, terrace, parking for cars, outbuildings.
  • Semi-closed - a blind parapet is provided from below by 900-1200 mm, and the openings are closed thick curtains, soft glass, lattice, weaving plants, grapes: terraces, gazebos.
  • Covered - glazed buildings different types, usually verandas, attached corridors, greenhouses.
Good to know: To preserve heat, it is better to glaze the canopy with plastic or wooden windows with a double-triple double-glazed window, with a tilt-and-turn opening mechanism. If the room is for a warm period, then ideal option– sliding aluminum systems, easy to open, do not clutter up the view, if necessary, transoms can be removed or moved to one side. Light canopies galleries can be sheathed with polycarbonate.

Sheds attached to the house made of polycarbonate, photo original design, echoing in shape with the steps


Buildings adjacent to the house may have a different truss system. The easiest thing to do shed roof, at an angle of 15-25 o, protects from precipitation, but does not save from gusts of wind and dust. A gable roof is more practical, although it looks more cumbersome. Often it is arranged if the main building has a roof of the same shape.

Polycarbonate canopy attached to the house, photo of an open terrace for relaxing

Recently, arched structures have been relevant, usually this is a polycarbonate canopy attached to the house, on a metal frame. The buildings gained popularity due to the low price, ease of installation and some elegance, thanks to the materials. They do not clutter up the architectural ensemble and are practical, reliable protection from atmospheric surprises.


Before you make a canopy to the house, you should carefully select the materials for construction. In fact, this is a frame and a roof, we will analyze what is better to make each structural element from.


The basis for a canopy to the house is traditionally made of wood, metal, stone, concrete, brick. The choice depends on the design of the main structure, financial capabilities and preferences of the owners.

The easiest to manufacture - wooden canopies, the material is easily processed household tools, work with it does not require professional skills. For supports, a rounded log or timber 100 * 100, 150 * 150 mm is used; for decoration, you can buy finished carvings, figured columns and balusters, and an openwork lattice. Wooden buildings look beautiful and noble, but they do not tolerate moisture and biological influences well, they are afraid of fire. To preserve the aesthetics of the canopy to the house, ensure fire safety and avoid damage to the supporting structures by insects, rodents, fungi, all elements must be thoroughly impregnated protective compounds.

Corner awnings for the house, a functional extension project with an additional balcony area

Metal canopies to the house - the most popular and diverse type of structures:

  • prefabricated, prefabricated aluminum products, often under an awning roof;
  • welded structures made of metal profiles or round pipes;
  • welded stainless steel extensions;
  • forged awnings to the house.

Working with metal requires equipment and the ability to work on it, but such buildings are the most durable and durable relative to wood, the cost of products is approximately equal. A serious enemy of the metal frame is rust, all parts must be cleaned, primed and painted. Another disadvantage is that the material quickly heats up and cools down, so if a parapet is provided for the canopy, then it is better to make the railing wooden.

An example of how to make beautiful canopy to the house from a metal profile with your own hands, you can arrange an extension with ready-made forged elements

Helpful advice: To decorate a welded canopy to the house, use the finished stamped forging.

Concrete, stone and brick sheds to the house look massive and solid. As a rule, they are planned at the stage of project development and are built together with the house, under a single roof. If the extension is made later, here you should consider the foundation and the connection to the house, professionals do not recommend making a rigid coupling of the two buildings, because cracks, breaks, and destruction can occur due to the difference in the weight of the buildings and heaving of the soil.

In order to properly make a canopy to the house, it is better to take projects on the net and adjust them to your own dimensions.

roofing material

Designers advise covering the roof of the canopy with the same roofing material as the main house, but this is not always advisable, especially if the extension is small and is done later. Today, the best solution is cellular polycarbonate 6-8 mm thick - fast, practical, inexpensive, you can choose a color, it looks easy, it is suitable for frames made of any materials and for all truss systems, it is indispensable for arched structures.

For one- and two-pitched roofs, profiled sheets, metal tiles, ondulin, roofing felt, and slate are often used. For soft roof a continuous crate of moisture-resistant plywood, OSB, bars, slats or edged boards is required.

Canopy to the house made of polycarbonate, in the photo is a beam-support structure

How to make a canopy to the house with your own hands

We will make a wooden canopy to the house with our own hands, we will place it along the wall, the roof is shed, the foundation is tape.

Site preparation and foundation pouring

We clear the area near the house, remove the fertile layer of soil, drive in pegs, around the perimeter and at locations load-bearing elements, pull the rope, check the geometry. According to the marking, we dig trenches, 700 mm deep, pour 100 mm crushed stone, 100 mm sand, ram the pillow to the bottom.

The height of the foundation tape for the canopy must necessarily be greater than the width

On the pillow we knit a reinforcing frame made of corrugated rods with a section of 8-10 mm. In the corners, we drive 3-4 rods directly into the ground, we fasten horizontal reinforcement with it, we use a knitting wire for fixation.

The reinforcing frame for the canopy can be made of polypropylene reinforcement and tied with bundles

We make a crate from an edged board or plywood soaked in machine oil, strengthen it with slopes, and check the level. We fill the foundation of the canopy to the house with concrete.

The tape should be poured at the same time so that no seams form

After 28 days, after the complete formation of concrete, we remove the crate and cover the bottom with geotextiles, which can be replaced with roofing material. Joints with an overlap of 100-250 mm.

Geotextile will protect the tree from the accumulation of dampness from the ground

Important: The canopy to the house should have its own independent foundation. It is not recommended to tie 2 bases to a rigid hitch.


On the tape where they will pass wooden beams, lay sheets of roofing material. We treat a beam of 150 * 150 mm with antiseptics, a refractory compound, lay it on the foundation, fasten the logs to each other on galvanized corners.

We cover the outer, visible part of the foundation with an artificial stone, spread roofing felt over the logs from above.

To finish the plinth, you can use any natural material or decorative plaster

We lay the floor from a cut board, 50 * 150 mm, chamfer 2-3 mm along the edges, fasten it to special studs, the gap between the sheets is 2 mm. Near the wall of the house and on the outside of the canopy, we install vertical poles, a timber 150 * 150 mm, fix it with anchor bolts.

Natural board floor can be replaced with decking

We make the strapping with the same beam along the upper heads of the supports. We attach to the house on anchors, a horizontal beam will help distribute the load across the entire load-bearing wall.

The truss system made of wood can be replaced with metal truss from metal profile 40*40 mm

We lay the rafter beam, connecting the outer and inner pillars in pairs, we strengthen the joints with slopes. inner edge rafter leg we rely on the beam, the outer one should go beyond the strapping by 300 mm. We fasten on a sled or corners.

For the strength of the canopy to the house, double fastening should be performed

For the manufacture of the truss system, you can take edged board 150*40 mm. After assembly, be sure to check the level and plumb vertical and horizontal frame.

The optimal distance between the lags is 1000-1500 mm

From a bar with an edge of 50 * 50, 60 * 60 mm we make a transverse crate. We fix with nails or screws. We prime the frame, cover it with varnish or colored oil.

The frequency of lathing depends on the roofing material and on snow and wind loads in the region.

We lay polycarbonate on top, join the sheets through special strips, and draw them onto the thermal washers to the timber.

A polycarbonate canopy attached to the house, in the photo is a glazed veranda

If necessary, we sheathe openings with monolithically cast polycarbonate or glass. You can decorate a canopy to the house with decorative openwork lattices or carvings.

The theme of building a canopy is always relevant for the owners of private households, summer cottages, garage buildings. The most suitable material for them is profile pipe products. Installation of such a design is simple and you can build it yourself.

canopy from profile pipe erected in the yard or on personal plot, looks modern and is able to give the territory adjacent to the house originality. Such structures must have the required strength and rigidity in order to be able to withstand different types of loads. There are a number of things that need to be done before starting the installation.

Preparing to build a structure

Before proceeding with the installation work, you should:

  • calculate the expected loads - if necessary;
  • draw up detailed drawings of the canopy frame from a profile pipe - the dimensions on them must also be indicated;
  • prepare a set of tools;
  • select and purchase building materials.

independently from profile products You can build several options for canopies, namely:

  • arched;
  • single slope;
  • gable.

The appearance and shape of the future structure largely depend on the personal preferences of the owner of the cottage or house and the size of the unoccupied space on the land. The most pre-fabricated and most compact in relation to the occupied area is considered to be a canopy from a professional pipe single-pitched.

Approximate calculation of a canopy from a profile pipe

As a result, the area of ​​​​the canopy is 6x9 meters. At the same time, the height of the edge that will be raised is 3.5 or 3.6 meters, and the low one is 2.4 meters. As a result of the difference between the heights, the angle of inclination will be 12-13 degrees.

To determine the degree of probable loads, wind and snow maps of the specific area where the land is located are used. Based on the above data, do-it-yourself drawings of a canopy from a profile pipe are made.

In addition to the fact that they can be drawn with your own hands, there are special computer programs. In order to achieve maximum accuracy when making calculations, it is advisable to be at the place where the structure will be placed at this time.

Canopy elements from profile products

The design has several main elements, including:

  • racks;
  • mortgages;
  • base plates;
  • arches;
  • guides;
  • roof;
  • others - they can be, for example, lighting and a drainage system.

For the manufacture of racks and poles, both profile pipes and products with a round section are suitable. The latter option has a significant drawback, which consists in a more complex configuration of the support and fastening elements.

To ensure the mating of frame parts located at an angle of 90 degrees, the ideal solution is the square shape of the tubular products. This type of section provides an equal degree of rigidity in both directions - in the longitudinal and in the transverse.

To build a canopy from a profile pipe of any shape based on the drawing, welding is used, as well as threaded or bolted types of connections. When creating trusses or girders, experts recommend taking rectangular products, since they are subjected to a significant load in the transverse direction, namely from top to bottom. In this case, there are practically no forces along the axis.

Characteristics of profile tubular products

In order to build a canopy frame from a profile pipe, and make all the necessary calculations, you should determine the characteristics of the manufactured pipe products. For products with a square section, the required values ​​\u200b\u200bare given in special tables.

For rectangular pipes maximum size loads are calculated on the larger side. The result can also be seen in a specially compiled table, where, in addition to the desired value, the span length and pipe dimensions are indicated.

Calculation of values ​​for canopy posts

Making the selection of the parameters of the racks, they first perform the calculation of the exerted loads and draw detailed drawing. The rigidity of the product is affected by the width and thickness of its walls, which in turn depend on the length of the product.

For example, when choosing which profile pipe to use for a canopy, you can use both a thick-walled product with a small cross section and thin walls, but with a large shelf width.

It should be borne in mind that the vertically directed load exerted on the rack by the canopy ceilings is insignificant and therefore a thin corrugated pipe will withstand it without the slightest deformation. The scheme of a canopy from a profile pipe must contain the exact dimensions of each element. Quite often, a frame for a garage from a profile pipe is made using the same method.

For construction with average parameters, the best option would be products with a cross section in the range from 50 to 100 millimeters. If the racks are often located, it is acceptable to reduce the size of the pipes used. In the case when the shed canopy will have four supports, then large-section pipe products will be used.

Trusses as frame elements

Farms perform the function of an additional connecting part when arranging a canopy. They give the frame greater stability and strength (read: ""). For them, a drawing should be specially drawn. According to the norms, calculations are required for pipe trusses with an inclination angle of more than 6 degrees. But experts believe that you need to start from 8 degrees.

The fact is that in winter, fallen snow will accumulate on the roof surface at a slight angle of inclination. The optimal value is taken to be 15 - 20 degrees. Such a slope of the roof slope is suitable for coverings made of corrugated board, slate, plastic, polycarbonate and other modern materials.

Farms can take the following form:

  • triangular;
  • arched;
  • rectangular;
  • broken line;
  • trapezoidal.

Racks, girders, braces, struts are additionally mounted inside the trusses. The drawing should indicate both the dimensions and the list and quantity of materials that will be required.

Next, a crate is mounted from a beam 50 millimeters high. It is needed to fix the roof covering. wooden beam should be pre-treated with an antiseptic, or painted with paint to prevent damage to the wood.

Construction erection

Installation work is carried out in stages:

  1. Before making a canopy of pipes, the foundation is first prepared.
  2. Then measure and cut the materials listed in the drawing.
  3. Farms are made.
  4. The side walls are assembled from the structure.
  5. Connect roof trusses and finished sections.
  6. They check the correct assembly of the elements using a level and a tape measure.
  7. Mount and securely fasten the frame to a previously prepared area.
  8. Treat metal surfaces with protective compounds.
  9. Prepare materials for arranging the roof, install them and fix them.
  10. Cut off excess roofing.
  11. Restore order in the surrounding area.

A cement mortar is poured into the free space. Side walls they are assembled in one of the selected ways, connecting trusses and poles that serve as a support. If a shed canopy is being built, then the side sections are mounted on the base until the roof trusses are installed.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to control the compliance with the dimensions of the design of the drawing documentation and the vertical arrangement of the elements at all stages of the construction of the canopy. Sheathing sheets should be cut with a small margin, which will correct errors made during measurements.

Selection of materials and preparation of tools

The main requirement for the quality of profile pipe products is strength. To ensure the stability of the bearing parts of the structure of them, it is necessary to choose pipes with minimum parameters equal to 80x80 millimeters. For additional items optimal size section will be 40x20 millimeters.

To determine the amount of roofing material, first calculate the area of ​​the covered surface, and then increase the result by 5%. Fastening is carried out with roofing bolts and special gaskets.

The structure is assembled in one of the following ways:

  1. Welding. But for this it is necessary not only to have a welding machine with electrodes available, but also to know how to properly weld a canopy from a profile pipe. It is impossible to do such work without skills.
  2. Applying threaded connections . This requires metal corners and mounting bolts.
  3. Using special clamps.

A do-it-yourself canopy is much cheaper than a store-bought one. It will meet the requirements subject to strict adherence to the technology of its construction.