Well      04/19/2019

What is cheaper to sheathe a frame house from the outside? Finishing a frame house: interior decoration. Possible options, their pros and cons

Facade frame house can be trimmed various materials- panels, wood, artificial or clinker stone. You can also use glass, metal, plastic. The facade can be sheathed with siding, block house and even overlaid with bricks.

The existing options for the facades of the house from the frame are divided into ventilated facades and non-ventilated ones, which include the so-called "wet" coatings and tight-fitting panels. These options are distinguished by the presence of a ventilation hollow gap between outer wall and a heater. They also differ in the method of fastening outer cladding– tight gluing or more movable fasteners on screws.

What are the benefits various options facades of houses from the frame? And what is better for a carcass - a ventilated facade or tightly glued, planted on cement mixture wall cladding?

Facade finishing options

Ventilated facade is one of the most popular types of exterior wall decoration. It is used for various buildings. They close the walls of old buildings that have lost their appearance. And also protect the insulation material from atmospheric influence. In frame houses, it performs the function of external cladding.

Ventilated facade.

The ventilated facade is a multi-layer hinged structure. It is "hung" on the frame, which is built on the surface outer wall. In frame buildings, the ventilation facade is attached to the frame wall.

The empty space between the surface of the wall, insulation and the outer facing material is called the ventilation gap. Its thickness can vary, more often it ranges from 20 to 50 mm. Through this air gap, moisture is vented from the wall and from the insulation.

Ventilated facade with OSB sheets.

The possibility of moisture weathering ensures the dryness of the facade coating and prevents premature destruction of the wall. Therefore, hollow gaps are necessarily equipped for those types of cladding that deteriorate from dampness (wood, metal panels). Moisture weathering is the main advantage of a ventilated facade structure.

What materials can be used as the outer cladding of a frame house in ventilated facades:

  • Decorative panels - metal and vinyl siding.
  • Wooden block house and facade board.
  • Composite, glass panels for facade decoration.
  • Solar panels.

On a note

IN frame structures the surface of the insulation is additionally covered with a windproof membrane, which prevents blowing through the insulation and allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house.

Exterior finish block house

This finishing material allows you to give the house a look of real wooden frame. In fact, no one will guess that the surface of the wall is wooden only on the outside, and inside there is an effective heat-insulating material, mineral wool insulation. Therefore, outside the block house is one of the most affordable and options for "wooden" construction.

External block house processing.

Block house is a type of wagon-type boards. Therefore, the exterior decoration of the frame house in the photo shows a real wooden house. The outer rounded surface of the blockhouse resembles a log, which makes it possible to imitate the material of a real log cabin at home.

Block house is not only decorative, but also technological material. Grooves and protrusions are made along the two long sides of each board - for ease of installation and tight connection of the boards to each other. With the help of grooves, the edges of adjacent boards or panels are tightly inserted into each other.

On a note

And it is also important to consider for durable construction. Since the block house is real wood, it must be protected from getting wet, damp and rotting. Namely - a sufficient overhang of the roof, impregnation of the surface with water-repellent components.

Facing the frame with PVC siding

Another option for finishing a frame house is siding panels. Most often they are made of metal or plastic.

Plastic or vinyl or PVC siding is the most inexpensive exterior wall siding option. It is simple, light, bright and decorative. However, it has one important drawback - low strength, which is especially reduced during severe frosts. plastic siding can be “inadvertently” broken by a careless kick, an accidental hit of the ball.

Vinyl siding frame technology.

Metal siding is a more durable and more expensive wall finish option. It is also bright and decorative, as it can be coated with a polymer and painted in any color. It is durable and strong. At the same time, it has two important drawbacks - it can rust and creates noise when raindrops hit. Therefore, metal siding almost always needs to be protected from water and moisture. Its surface is covered with a polymer. This coating also reduces noise from touching metal surfaces.

On a note

Both types of siding are called lightweight wall and roofing materials, so they are often used for frame construction.


Plastering is a traditional wall decoration of buildings. Plastering a home is used as an inexpensive way to protect outdoor slabs or insulation panels from weathering. More often than others, walls are plastered from plywood or OSB.

The facade of the house is covered with plaster.

Before applying a layer of plaster on the walls of a frame house as reinforcing mesh cut sheet is used. The production of PVL has a high-tech process, which creates a high-quality and wear-resistant material.

When applied to wood panels, the plaster protects their surface from possible wetting. The plaster itself is decorated on top - they paint or give the surface a certain relief, for example, a bark beetle.

The exterior finishing of the frame building by plastering uses various mixtures. Their choice is made taking into account the base material - wood, plywood, OSB, as well as the requirements of decorativeness. The list of materials that are suitable for applying the plaster composition is indicated on the packaging of the plaster mix.

Exterior finish with facade bricks

in ventilated facades frame houses do not use heavy wall materials- stone and concrete plates. Sometimes they use a facing facade brick, a lightweight artificial stone. They are distinguished by their average weight, which allows them to be mounted on a lightweight foundation.

Facing brickwork in a frame

On a note

Facing the frame with brick increases the weight of its walls by 2 times. However, often the construction of a foundation for a frame structure is carried out with a large margin of safety, which is sufficient for brick finishing.

Facing a frame house with bricks is rarely used. It requires flexible binding of the outer masonry to the house. In addition, it does not comply with the rules of insulation, according to which it is recommended to place wall materials according to the killing characteristic of thermal insulation. - less heat-insulating materials (brick, wood), on top of them materials with best thermal insulation(wadded, polystyrene or other insulation).

Facade decoration with thermal panels

Thermal panels - facing material with insulating layer. They are used in various construction for wall decoration and for insulation. The inner layer of the thermal panel is made of foam. Outer - from facing tiles. Clinker coating is often used as the outer layer.

External imitation of masonry.

The clinker panel is similar to traditional tiles, but differs from it in improved performance. Clinker has increased frost resistance, durability, strength. Due to this, the clinker tile has a smaller thickness, which makes it possible to reduce the weight of the cladding, and to use clinker for cladding the frame.

The use of facade thermal panels in a frame structure enhances the thermal insulation of the wall. This must be taken into account when choosing the thickness of the main insulation located between the racks of the frame. It can be reduced if insulated thermal panels are used as wall cladding.

On a note

Installation of thermal panels is carried out using screws, self-tapping screws. They can be placed close to the insulation, to the OSB sheathing sheets or at some distance from it (used in ventilated facades).

And one more advantage - thermal panels are very decorative. After grouting the gaps between adjacent panels, the coating gives the impression of solid brickwork.

Exterior frame finish

In frame construction, artificial stone can be used. It is different from natural affordable price and, most importantly, weight. Fake diamond made of natural stone chips and polymer resin. This material imitates natural masonry, creates the impression of material wealth, image, prestige.

Facade masonry made of artificial stone is often used for finishing brick and monolithic concrete houses. In frame construction, this material is rarely used. Sweat for the reason that it is much more expensive than any other type of wall decoration, and in frame construction, one of the main selection criteria is the affordability of the material.

Frame building with stone.

Finishing frame structure from the outside in the photo shows how the facade of the frame building looks like with this facing material.

Finishing a frame house

For heat-insulating materials based on mineral wool, ventilation facades are used. Cotton insulation easily gets wet and loses its heat-saving properties. Therefore, even under the vapor barrier membrane, it can “absorb” moisture and require ventilation. To do this, when insulating with a mineral wool heat insulator, ventilation gaps or a ventilated facade are equipped.

For plate heaters expanded polystyrene type can be used both for ventilated façades and for “wet” cladding. Often, when insulating walls with polystyrene, they turn to the second technology and hang the outer walls without a ventilation gap. Without "wet" processes, the foam can be hung on hooks, dowels, self-tapping screws.

The facade of a frame house needs to be finished outside, not only in order to give it an attractive appearance, but also to create additional protection walls from the penetration of moisture and cold air, because by its design frame house heterogeneous. The exterior decoration of the facade of a frame house, due to the peculiarities of its design, can be varied.

Work on facing a frame house

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of finishing materials for exterior facade cladding. Choosing suitable option exterior finish, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the insulation, which fills the spaces between the vertical bearing racks, as well as the features of the frame. But the main thing is to decide - will the facade cladding be done immediately and for a long time, or is the owner ready to update the house from the outside every three to four years?

Choosing a natural material for the exterior of the house, you need to be ready to care for it. Exterior decoration of the house with the use of natural wood provides for regular coating of the surface of the facade protective materials in order to avoid their damage and loss of external attractiveness.

Facade cladding "under the tree"

To give the frame house a wooden look, you can use different finishes - from ordinary sheathing boards and lining to their modern counterparts - block house, planken or wooden panels polymer-based.

The block house will help to give the frame house the look of a traditional log building, and the planken has successfully replaced the cladding board in the exterior decoration of the facades.

House lined with wooden planks with tinting

Planken frame house facade

In appearance, the planken is similar to a regular planed board with one significant difference - the planken has rounded edges, and not rectangular, like a board, which gives this material a number of advantages. The main one is the installation of the cladding not end-to-end, but with a two-millimeter gap, which, by creating free air circulation, helps to avoid deformation of the wood during prolonged exposure to moisture.

Planken cladding option

The most common raw material for the manufacture of planken is larch. Its wood is extremely highly valued because of its strength, hardness (it is second only to oak in hardness), and resistance to decay. Larch wood is widely used for the production building materials, despite the complexity of its processing due to its high density and resinousness. But larch planken, thanks to the same qualities, will be an excellent choice for the exterior of a frame house.

Planken is attached to a crate of wooden bars treated with an antiseptic, or a metal frame horizontally. A planken that has a vertical mount or laid at an angle will not look so traditional.

Scheme of finishing the facade with planken

A distance must be left between the crate and the wall of the house so that the air circulates freely in order to avoid the appearance of water drops on the crate and walls.

The methods of fastening to the crate are distinguished by a straight planken and options with beveled corners. Planken with bevelled corners is mounted with an overlap, then the gaps between the boards are hidden.

An alternative to larch planken is an equally attractive wood-polymer composite planken.

Among the undoubted advantages of composite planken is its price, as well as its resistance to natural influences (it does not warp from high and low temperatures and does not fade in the sun). In addition, the facade of composite materials does not require special care after installation.

Facade decoration with clinker tiles

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles imitating brick gives the house solidity and solidity, but does not create additional load on its foundation, often made in a lightweight version on screw piles.

Production of clinker tiles from highly plastic clays subjected to pressing and heat treatment at super high temperatures ah, make it an extremely durable material, totally suitable for outdoor use.

To the undoubted advantages of clinker tiles - decorative material new generation - refers to the fact that it withstands significant temperature changes, is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences and almost does not absorb moisture, so tiling will provide the walls of the frame house with additional protection.

The combination of two types of tiles in the decoration of a frame house

Clinker tiles are available in a wide range of colors and have a variety of textures - from smooth and glossy to rough, imitating raw stone.

It is more convenient to carry out the exterior decoration of a frame house with clinker tiles using the ventilated facade technology, which provides for the lathing of the walls with a frame made of galvanized profiles or wooden beams treated with antiseptics. A wall screen is attached to the crate. Screen options are fiber cement slabs or hydropanels, since the exterior of the house is finished with clinker tiles only on a flat surface.

Scheme of finishing the facade with clinker tiles

If a brick was used as a heater in a frame house or foam concrete blocks, they must be plastered before finishing the facade with clinker tiles.

It is allowed to use heat-insulating blocks pre-coated with reinforcing plaster as a basis for tiling. The first layer of plaster is laid with fiberglass mesh fixed on the wall surface, then the second plaster layer is applied, on which, after drying, clinker tiles are laid.

Laying during the external finishing of the facade is carried out on special adhesive compositions for clinker. The glue is diluted, guided by the manufacturer's instructions on the package, in small portions in order to have time to use it for half an hour, while it retains its properties. The width of the joint when laying should be approximately 12 mm. This is necessary not only for decorative purposes, but also to create bridges for removing condensate, since the clinker slab, as noted, almost does not absorb moisture at all.

Proper grouting of joints is of great importance when laying clinker.

The simplest and cheapest option, but not the best in the long run, is to use a sand-cement mixture as a grout. Since cement is significantly inferior to clinker tiles in terms of resistance to influences of any kind, over time it can crumble, and then the lining will lose its accuracy.

More suitable methods for processing joints are using a semi-dry mixture for facade clinker tiles or grouting with a plasticizer using a special gun.

Wide seams are rubbed with a narrow spatula. The semi-dry mixture has a rather dense consistency, the spatula seals it in the seams and smoothes it on the surface, but it does not always fill the seam completely. The grout applied to the seams with a gun fills them evenly. Smooth out the grout with a damp sponge.

Facade thermal panels in the exterior

Gaining popularity for the exterior of a frame house is quite new material- facade thermal panels. The basis of the thermal panel is a slab of polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene, clinker tiles are glued on it. This finishing material received its name "thermal panels" for its excellent thermal insulation properties. They are not afraid of either frost or intense heat, they are resistant to mechanical damage and fire, and are not affected by fungus and mold.

It looks like facing the house with thermal panels with ceramic tiles

Thermal panels are light in weight, which, coupled with a significant size, significantly speeds up outer lining frame house, providing a fairly large wall coverage area. Thermal panels are mounted on a flat surface, so that the crate with wall screens will serve as an optimal basis for mounting the thermal panel.

Thermal panels are laid starting from the bottom of the left corner of the house, attaching them to the frame with self-tapping screws. Small gaps that have arisen during the docking of the thermal panel are removed using polyurethane foam. The last step the joints are grouted with frost-resistant grout to give the cladding a natural look.

Exterior finish of a frame house with decorative plaster or wet facade

Use of decorative plaster - not less than interesting way exterior finish of a frame house. There are decorative plasters on the market in a variety of colors and textures, so there is a chance to make your home unique using this exterior finish option.

Finishing the facade with plaster consists of three stages:

  • the walls of the house are covered with polystyrene foam plates, which are attached to the sheathing with glue and self-tapping screws;
  • a reinforcing layer of plaster is applied to the plates;
  • the facade prepared in this way is covered with a layer of decorative plaster.

Scheme of finishing the facade with plaster. Types of plaster

It is better to glue the plates in a checkerboard pattern, avoiding their joining in places of window and doorways, their corners are best cut in solid slabs. This will further save the facade from the appearance of cracks at the joints. Then, for reliability, the plates are fixed with self-tapping screws. Small gaps between the plates are foamed, polished and leveled with sandpaper.

Expanded polystyrene plates perform not only the function of preparing the surface for applying plaster, but also serve as an additional insulating layer for the walls.

Then proceed to applying a reinforcing layer to the walls. First, a layer of glue 2 mm thick is applied to the wall covered with a polystyrene foam plate, a reinforcing mesh is pressed into it, excess glue is removed with a spatula. Pieces of mesh are overlapped to each other to avoid cracks in the finish. The outer corners are reinforced with perforated corners, on which the mesh is glued, or with a double layer of mesh.

Before applying a decorative layer of plaster to the walls, they must be dried well and then primed.

Finishing a frame house with siding

The cheapest option for finishing a frame house is siding. This type of finish does not age over time, looks great and has good performance. Belongs to the category of "unattended facades".

light gray siding

Using different types siding, you can imitate any exterior finish - from stone and wood to plaster.

Siding is always mounted in the same way - on a crate made of wooden beams or metal frame, starting from the bottom. For fastening siding, self-tapping screws or galvanized nails are usually used. Exterior siding usually comes with pre-drilled mounting holes.

The scheme of finishing the facade with siding

Among modern materials used for finishing cottages, wood is not the only option. The market offers many effective ways. Check out the information below, and you will competently equip your home!

A modern cottage is a wooden structure built on the principle of a skeleton, on which walls, ceiling, roof and floor are attached. Its versatile design allows for a wide range of cladding choices. The tree itself is not ideal: in order for the heat not to escape through such walls, it is necessary to bring their thickness to 6 centimeters. If metal is used for the base, then the problem of heat loss is even more aggravated. Properly choosing the material for decoration, you will provide yourself and your loved ones with comfort and health. The house will be reliably protected from wind, frost, precipitation and high temperatures.

It is better to choose a material for cladding that is able to take on part of the load.

When choosing an option, pay attention to the following information:

  • Modern frame houses are lined with materials that can take on part of the load. They give the structure additional rigidity. The main criterion for selection is the mechanical strength in compression and bending, the absence of shrinkage.
  • The exterior finish must repel moisture, be resistant to temperature extremes and the effects of microorganisms - fungus and mold.
  • The pliability of the material during processing and the ease of its installation are important. Especially if you decide to do everything yourself. The total repair time depends on how easy the installation will be. The selected building material should be amenable to drilling, cutting, while maintaining the cut density, should not crack, crumble.
  • The material must be durable. This includes saving money, time and effort. You will not have problems with the lining if it lasts for several decades and does not lose its original appearance.

If the frame house is in middle lane, where there are severe frosts in winter and heat in summer, it needs to be sheathed from the outside very high quality.

Oriented strand boards (OSB or OSB) consist of layers of glued wood chips and wood chips. In the layers outside, the fibers are arranged longitudinally, and inside - transversely. Wax and resin are used for gluing wood chips. They give the material water-repellent properties. Let's pay attention to the marking OSB-3. This is a moisture-resistant slab of increased rigidity, mounted both inside and outside the building. The material is easy to grind, drill, cut, hold nails. The disadvantages of the plates include low vapor permeability and flammability.

OSB boards can be used for both interior and exterior decoration

Cement-bonded particle board (CSP) is a compressed mass consisting of softwood shavings and M500 grade cement. The composition of the plate includes hydration additives. Its advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • not damaged by rodents and insects;
  • retains heat well.


  • difficult to process;
  • big weight;
  • when drilling or cutting, it forms fine dust - it is necessary to work in a respirator.

The material is ideal as a base for finishing cladding - paint, plaster and other compounds, the application of which requires a perfectly even and smooth surface. Estimated service life without loss of performance - 50 freezing cycles.

Cement-bonded particle boards are great for finishing cladding that requires perfectly even walls.

Fibreboard consists of pressed shavings of coniferous wood. Fiberboard is an environmentally friendly material, because. made without the use of glue. The maximum density is achieved due to the pressing method under high heat. The natural resin contained inside is a natural antiseptic and protects against mold. In terms of strength, the plates are inferior to OSB, but surpass them in sound and heat insulation properties. If the house is frame, then this finishing option is one of the best.

Isoplat or Beltermo brands, having a thickness of 25 mm or more, are suitable for you. The plates are easy to install, lightweight, do not crumble or delaminate, resistant to moisture. Fiberboards are mounted on a rigid sheathing, spacers will be needed in the frame.

Represents the pressed plaster reinforced with cellulose fibers. It is suitable for both exterior decoration and for the role of the bearing surface. It is attached to the bearing racks with self-tapping screws, easy to drill, easy to install, despite the heavy weight. It is convenient to apply decorative plaster or lay tiles on GVL. Its disadvantages are a lot of weight and lack of plasticity, brittleness in bending. And the advantages of sheets are that they:

  • durable;
  • vapor-permeable and waterproof;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • fireproof;
  • isolate from noise and retain heat;
  • inexpensive.

The cheapest way to finish the facade plywood sheets besides, they are easy to install

Plywood is the cheapest option for finishing the facade, so it is common in. These are thin sheets of veneer glued together. Raw material - birch or conifers. The material does not have outstanding strength characteristics. To increase the resistance to deformation, it is laid relative to the location of the fibers perpendicular to each other. For outer skin the FSF brand is used, the sheet thickness is 10 mm. With appropriate processing, plywood can be non-combustible and frost-resistant, it is easy to install. In the process of improper transportation, chips or cracks may form - carefully check the brought material.

Fine cladding - vinyl and metal siding

This material consists of 80% polyvinyl chloride. When choosing vinyl, pay attention to this component. If there is less PVC in the composition, this will negatively affect its performance. The panels are widely used for finishing cottages, garages, office buildings. They do not burn, do not rot, have an aesthetic appearance. PVC has its own color, so it does not need to be painted periodically. The siding is easily mounted on a frame house, serves for a long time, is presented in a variety of colors. The only negative is that the panels are deformed under the influence of high temperatures, therefore, when fastening them, it is necessary to leave minor gaps. Sheathing is attached to a special crate.

The metal version is cheaper than vinyl. It is stronger, does not give in to deformation when changing temperatures. When installing metal siding, it is necessary to make a ventilation gap, because this material heats up easily in the sun and does not let air through. When working with it, you need to be careful to avoid scratches on the painted surface. choose quality material otherwise it will quickly rust.

The modern version of siding material is fiber cement. Its price is higher than the price of the two previous options, but it is more reliable and durable. It resembles ceramics to the touch, the painted layer does not scratch and does not come off with time, because. well fixed on the surface. Almost does not fade. The high price is perhaps the only disadvantage of fiber cement siding. Mounted on special fittings. The house, sheathed with this material, looks very beautiful and stylish. In addition to a wide range of colors, there are imitations of different types of wood.

Brick and facade board - a classic for all time

Natural brick block is a material that is traditional in the field of sheathing frame houses. The brick is durable, perfectly retains heat and does not let the cold through, durable. Given that competent masonry the finish looks attractive, it does not need to be painted or treated with special compounds against moisture, fire or mold. During work, it is necessary to leave a gap between the surface of the building and the brickwork. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate inside.

In order to lay a brick beautifully and correctly, skill is needed. This finish option has an average cost. Another disadvantage is that it is not possible to choose an interesting color or texture, as is the case with siding, clinker tiles or artificial stone. If you love eco-friendly, natural materials and want to save money at the same time, choose a facade board that imitates timber. The material has two sides. With the planed part, it is attached to the wall, and the polished part is outside. The board is sanded so that the paint is better absorbed into it. There is already painted material on the market - you just have to choose the right color.

Before decorating a house, read carefully the descriptions of today's popular materials, take the time to visit the store, which has a large selection for builders. "Live" acquaintance with different options help you choose what's best for you!

A huge selection of finishing materials can confuse rather than really help an inexperienced developer solve the problem with exterior decoration. In this article, we will figure out what important parameters the finishing of a frame house on the outside should correspond to, and we will analyze the materials.

General requirements - determine the main

The main task of the outer skin of a frame house is to protect the entire structure from getting wet and other atmospheric phenomena. The sheathing takes on light mechanical damage, and also protects the insulation layer from moisture and direct sunlight, which is especially important for foam. Therefore, the material for exterior decoration must meet a number of mandatory requirements:

  • resistance to atmospheric and weather phenomena (wetting, heating, freezing, icing, hail);
  • increased strength - the finish should easily withstand mechanical damage that hail, wind, tree branches can cause;
  • ability to resist ultraviolet radiation.

When constructing a frame house, the customer can choose almost any method of exterior decoration of the building and basement. This choice depends on several factors:

  1. budget;
  2. the climate of the region;
  3. the material chosen for the insulation of the frame.

Everything is clear with the budget - the more money, the more opportunities. However, expensive exterior decoration of a frame house is not a panacea for problems. On the contrary, sometimes there are even more worries. For example, finishing (imitation of a log house) promises a beautiful appearance, but once every few years the material must be processed paints and varnishes and antiseptics so that the tree retains its strength and beauty. At the same time, a block house costs more than lining or vinyl siding.

The climate of the region depends primarily on what type of finish you choose. For example, if you live in a damp and rainy area, choosing wooden materials- not the best, because you will constantly fight rot. In extremely cold climates, it is best to avoid metal siding - metal conducts heat too well, while wood has a fairly low thermal conductivity.

If you chose to insulate the frame mineral wool, you will no longer be able to use plaster for finishing, unless you stuff plywood over the insulation or OSB boards which will increase the cost. In the case of mineral wool, it is much easier to use lining, siding, block house. But if you chose expanded polystyrene (polystyrene), then you can fully plaster the walls, because plaster can be applied directly to the foam sheets.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials - an overview of the best options

Having decided on the budget, climate and material for insulation, it's time to move on to choosing the finish itself. Most people associate frame houses with wood, hence the frequent choice of wood for decoration. In addition, one of the main arguments in favor of wood is the lightness of the material. However, it is not necessary to emphasize this - if the house is built on a good strip foundation, you can use a heavier finish.

Wooden materials suitable for exterior decoration - lining and block house. Block house, in turn, can imitate both timber and rounded logs. By the way, he does it very well - to understand what kind of material is in front of you, you can only approach directly to the facade. Lining is more affordable, since the production of this material produces much less sawdust and shavings. Block house cannot boast of this quality.

To wood trim the facade of the frame house has served for many years, choose a material that is not too thin, which is sold after a good drying. Another important point– Finishing panels should be laid in a horizontal position, since they can deform over time in a vertical position.

Do not forget to renew the paint layer at least once every five years, and then this finish will serve you for many decades.

It is possible to mount metal siding both vertically and horizontally; special knowledge and training are not needed to work with it. Installation is carried out immediately after laying thermal insulation materials, on metal or wooden crate. The undoubted advantage of the material is a huge selection of colors, patterns and combinations, as well as high strength. It also has disadvantages - high thermal conductivity and low sound insulation.

Vinyl siding or PVC panels are a popular and sought-after finishing material, which is characterized by low cost and long term operation. PVC siding from a reliable manufacturer will surely serve you for 50 years, it is not afraid of corrosion, it is not afraid of aggressive substances. The huge color scale will satisfy the most exacting buyer.

A big plus of vinyl is its lightness, which makes it possible to use the material for finishing buildings, the foundation of which is not designed for heavy loads. In addition, you get a ventilated facade, which eliminates the appearance of condensation on the thermal insulation and wooden elements frame. This material does not interest insect pests at all. As for fire safety - polyvinyl chloride does not support combustion. If there is no open source of fire nearby, the melted panels quickly die out.

Builders love it for its simplicity and ease of installation, customers give preference to panels, because this deprives themselves of the extra hassle of caring for the facade. It can be washed with plain water from a hose or used soap solutions. What can be blamed for PVC siding is its unnaturalness - supporters of environmentally friendly materials often and unreasonably accuse the material of releasing toxic substances into the air when heated and burned.

However, this statement is quite far from the truth - only panels made from recycled materials can be harmful. They are cheap and have a short lifespan. Outwardly, low-quality panels can be distinguished by the yellow color of the draft side. Polyvinyl chloride, made from virgin raw materials, has exclusively White color.

Heavy but durable – alternative finishes

Builders and customers much less often give preference to these finishing materials, which to some extent becomes their advantage - frame houses look more original, become like heavy structures made of stone and brick. First place on the list alternative options we deservedly give the finishes to natural stone - this finishing material was used in the era of the construction of aristocratic castles.

The stone is highly durable, but it’s not worth talking about durability. Of course, the facing stone has a lot of weight and thickness, it is not as convenient to use as a fitted and identical siding, it has a high cost and a rather limited color scheme. However, it is not at all necessary to use it to finish the whole house - often natural stone serves as an addition to plastering, they decorate the plinth or near-window space.

Artificial stone - the material is more affordable and easy to use. Differs from the previous version in a large selection color solutions and also less weight. Artificial stone improves the thermal insulation of the house, even a novice builder can work with it. However, exterior finish frame house with a stone, albeit artificial, creates too much load on the foundation and walls, so you should carefully calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation.

Decorative plasters are more popular - this type of finish has many application technologies and a wide range of colors. Plaster is often used when foam is used as a heater - it can be applied directly to polystyrene foam. With their help, you can hide small irregularities or defects, at a price they are quite affordable for every construction budget.

Marble chips - modern version plasters. The crumb is mixed with silicone and acrylic, due to which the finish acquires excellent protective qualities, is not afraid of frost and moisture. Marble chips create a unique texture of the facade, in addition, it allows the walls to "breathe". The material is fire resistant and retains heat well. Its main drawback is its high cost.

Facade tiles and bricks are elite materials for finishing frame houses. They are distinguished by an aesthetic appearance, create additional heat and sound insulation and serve for an unusually long time - with correct styling the repair of the facade will be needed not earlier than in a good hundred years. Working with them is quite simple, but such a finish is very expensive.

The good thing is that it leaves a huge scope for choosing a facade finish. The house can be given the appearance of a stone castle, a wooden frame or a half-timbered building ... Choose any finish to your taste, and we will tell you what options are available.

What do we take as a basis?

What is a frame house without finishing? In the most economical way wooden racks covered on the outside with a supediffusion membrane. This is a film with micropores that does not get wet from the outside, but allows water vapor to escape from the inside (therefore, it is important not to confuse which side to fix it on the wall). The membrane protects the insulation from getting wet and from blowing by the wind.

Some facade materials can be attached directly to the membrane. For example, vinyl siding. However, in practice, only self-builders, who are very limited in funds, do this. Construction companies, as a rule, rent a house with a ventilated OSB facade to the customer. To do this, they nail to the racks of the frame over the membrane wooden slats, and OSB sheets are attached to the rails (OSB or OSB is a board made from wood chips and adhesive resin).

What gives such a lining?
- increases the rigidity and strength of the wall;
- Increased wind protection
- a ventilated gap is created in which the membrane works better in the steam release mode. The secret is that between the membrane and the OSB sheathing there is a constant draft of air from the bottom up. Hence the name - ventilated facade.
- increased vandal resistance of the building under construction. Like it or not, but OSB is no longer a film that can be cut with a knife.

In this regard, an unwritten standard has developed: the facade of a frame house without finishing is OSB sheathing. How long can the house stand like this? If the roof overhangs are wide and the OSB does not get wet, then the sheathing lives for several years without visible changes. If the plate is regularly moistened, then after a year you can notice that its structure becomes more loose. Moreover, OSB of different manufacturers differs in water resistance.

The developer should also pay attention to the labeling of the plates. OSP-1 and OSP-2 are intended for use in dry rooms. OSB-3 are the most popular in frame housing construction. OSB-4 is the most water-resistant slab, they are used as a formwork for concrete. OSB boards usually have markings that indicate which side should be the bottom (reverse).

So, within a few months, the ventilated OSB facade should be closed finishing. If this cannot be done, then the OSB must be protected from atmospheric phenomena. To do this, we buy the most inexpensive construction waterproofing film and cover the walls with it. The film is easily attached with a stapler. We make overlaps between the panels so that rainwater did not leak under the film. Such temporary protection will allow you to wait a year. Enough time to decide on the choice of finishing material.

What does the market offer?

Vinyl siding

Many developers say that siding is already boring and immediately dismiss this option. But then some still come back to him. Because other materials are far from siding in terms of performance.

Strengths of Vinyl:
Durability. modern siding easily tolerates heat and cold. This is an almost indestructible facade material.
Ease of maintenance. The siding is easy to clean with a mini sink or just a jet of water from a garden hose. Only in the most severe cases will a brush be needed. Drops of roofing mastic or fresh paint can be removed from the siding without consequences.
Easy installation. Vinyl lamellas are attached to the OSB sheathing with self-tapping screws. It is not necessary to install a supporting frame, as on stone buildings. That's why installation work will go faster and will cost significantly less.
A complete set of all elements for wall decoration: internal and external, drainage strips, filing of gables, window slopes, etc.
There are also weak sides but they can be worked on.
- Siding is a very popular material, and the house looks unoriginal. You can use it in combination with other options. Buy rare species finishes to order, and not the most popular in the construction market. Try combining horizontal siding with vertical siding.
— Siding dark colors Sometimes burns out in the sun. Use light and pastel colors.
— Vinyl is destroyed under the influence of exhaust gases. Do not trim actively used garages and facades of houses on busy streets with it.
“The siding looks great from a distance, but upon contact it feels flimsy to the touch. You should not trim the wall area with siding in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front door, porch or veranda. Here it is better to use wood or clinker tiles.

You can read more about the types of vinyl siding and installation features.

wood paneling

For wood paneling Three types of lumber are used:
lining board;
block house that imitates a log house;
beam imitation.

The price depends on the massiveness of the material. A block house can have a thickness of 20 to 60 mm, an imitation of a bar - from 15 to 45. Standard Thickness eurolining - 12.5 mm.

The price is also affected by the type and type of wood. Larch costs several cuts more than pine. But with the variety there are the biggest misunderstandings. For the facade it is better to use a variety A. In wood grade B too many knots and other vices. It is suitable only for finishing utility rooms. But manufacturers came up with a tricky trick - to sell grade AB material. This means that in a pack of 10 blanks, three or four will have a frightening appearance. So for a high-quality finish at home, you will have to buy 30-40 percent more material, and use the rejected blanks in some shed.

You can read about the installation of a wooden facade with your own hands in ours.

Appearance and the durability of wood paneling depend not only on the quality of the wood, but also on the construction chemicals used. Colorless saline antiseptics are used to protect against fungi and insects. They contain boron salts, a common preservative. Borates at the same time reduce the combustibility of wood.

Water-based "breathable" compositions are used to protect it from rain and sun.

It can be acrylic paints or glazing impregnations. The paint completely hides the texture of the wood, and the impregnation, on the contrary, highlights and emphasizes it.

Environmental advocates use wood façade treatment linseed oil. On sale there are preparations made on the basis of natural oil with various improving additives, however, their use greatly increases the cost of finishing.

The use of imitation timber and impregnations of different colors gives great freedom for creativity. Sheathing elements can be placed horizontally and vertically. Several shades of impregnation will allow you to create a picturesque color scheme.

Vertical cladding and colors from the gray range are suitable for high-tech style.

Dark paneling with bright contrasting elements are hallmarks of a traditional home.

By the way, keep in mind that wooden facade stainless steel fasteners must be used.

Finishing with decorative plaster

With the help of plaster, the frame can be stylized as or give it the appearance of a heavy mansion in a classic style.

Half-timbered finish is also one of the most budget options. At the same time, boards are attached to the facade, which imitate the elements of a half-timbered frame. And the area between the boards is covered with decorative plaster, we talked about it recently.

Please note that there are seams on the OSB sheathing: all of them must be covered with wooden linings. decorative plaster can not be applied to the seams, otherwise it will crack in this place. Acrylic pebble plaster is well suited for exterior OSB.

To get a monolithic layer of plaster on the frame, you need to use the technology.

In short, you will have to build such a “pie”:
1. A layer of foam is attached to the OSB sheathing, it plays the role of an elastic damper.
2. A base layer of special glue and reinforcing mesh is created on the foam.
3. Decorative plaster is applied to the base layer.

Peculiarity " wet facade» that from polystyrene you can make a variety of decorative elements, unthinkable on a frame house.

The disadvantages of the "wet facade" include high cost and a number of technological limitations. It is impossible to perform work at temperatures above 30 degrees and below 12 degrees, under direct sun, in strong winds, experienced workers and proven materials are needed.


To finish a frame house, you can use clinker tiles imitating brick, or lightweight concrete tiles similar to a natural stone. How to fix them on particle boards? Some adhesive manufacturers claim that their products will do the job. It is pointless to deny scientific progress, perhaps, indeed, such super-glues have appeared.

But here we will describe the time-tested technology.

A facade foam is attached to the OSB base and a base layer is created on it, as for a “wet facade”. On such a base, tiles can be glued using ordinary facade tile adhesive. It is important that the tile is not too heavy - no more than 45 kg / m2.

It is hardly worth it to finish the entire facade in this way. But this great option for registration window slopes and areas around the front door. Styrofoam will serve as additional insulation.

Wall panels and fiber cement siding

On sale you can find several types of wall panels that are attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Such panels usually imitate stone or brickwork.

One option - plastic panels, the so-called basement siding. They are lightweight and securely attached to the OSB. But their design was developed primarily for the design of the basement. Houses completely sheathed with such panels do not always look harmonious.

More "heavy" option - fiber cement siding. The slats are made of lightweight concrete with organic filler and measure approximately 20x300 centimeters. The drawing usually imitates wood. This is a strong and durable material. Each siding board is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws overlapping the bottom one according to the tile principle. But unlike tiles, adjacent lamellas in a horizontal row do not have a lock, a seam remains. It is sealed with special mastic. The places where the lamellas are cut are tinted with paint. Working with mastic and paint requires great care, so it is better to calculate the location of the lamellas on the facade in such a way as to reduce the number of cuts and seams to a minimum.

Major manufacturers of fiber cement siding offer all the necessary accessories and accessories. Supplies: starting and corner profiles, mastic, paint.

Fiber cement panels differ from siding in size and proportions. These are no longer elongated "boards", but sheets like drywall or OSB. And they are attached to the facade not overlapping, but in the same plane, with a gap between the edges. Large sheets can change linear dimensions due to changes in temperature and humidity. To compensate for them, manufacturers have developed special fastening procedures, detailed in the instructions. From ourselves, we note that it is more practical for a private developer to use panels with dimensions of no more than 1200 mm on the larger side. They do not “walk” so much, so they can simply be screwed to the base with screws.

What to pay attention to?
Some panels have a glossy surface that gives the home a high-tech style. It is necessary that other facade elements harmonized with them. For example, an ordinary metal front door is unlikely to be appropriate. You need glass.
In the visual perception of the facade, an important role is played by seams between the panels: they must be even, and their color must be carefully selected.
Should buy special self-tapping screws with hats in the color of the panel.
Be prepared for passers-by to mistake your home for an office or library .

Concrete Wall panels - these are concrete tiles with steel brackets for self-tapping screws. Usually they imitate stone, sometimes brick. There is no single technology here. Each manufacturer boasts of their know-how. Some use a metal mesh to reinforce the structure, others use fiberglass. Some offer a set of colors, others offer to use facade paint to your taste.
What to consider when choosing?
- The panel should be as large as possible light And durable.
- The kit should contain a variety of elements For design external and internal (if necessary) corners, window slopes, etc.
- If the panel imitates natural stone, then it will take as much as possible more texture types. If there are only 1-2 types of texture, then on a large facade the panels will often be repeated, creating inappropriate symmetry. When you look at the house, it will seem that you are playing computer game with bad graphics.
- Very good, if the front length is a multiple of the panel dimensions(including corner elements). If the panels have to be cut frequently, it is very difficult to get a neat facade as a result.

Many of the materials listed above can be combined. We will talk about this next time!
I wish you success!